Where were you when Horsey singularly destroyed the Republitards?

Where were you when Horsey singularly destroyed the Republitards?

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at the gym.

pleasuring your mother orally

>being white is bad
>being in shape is bad
>testosterone has got to go

Jerking off probably

>PC Principal is voting Trump
Nigger, please.

Did you just write a slur used to oppress African Americans?!

Fucking his wife.

>Being a man Is bad
>Being fit is bad
>Being tough is bad

Horsey is a sissy cosmo with no balls. He can make fun of Trump people all he wants: here's his "man" Obama.

What is wrong with this picture? Nothing in this picture is bad at all. Fuck this is probably the best light Horseface has every put Trump supporters in.

I know this is a slide thread to prevent anons from seeing this but is this supposed to be offensive?

Giving Horsey's wife the LEAF

This dumb mother fucker is getting sick gains and basically you're a fucking DYEL, find out how now

This looks like more of a pro-trump comic

Horsey thinks testosterone is shameful which is why he employs a negroid bull to give his wife the pleasure that he can't.

>big, strong, testosterone, conservative, white men are evil
Just like the good little liberal he is




The guy from the comic is actually real, and he is a Mexican

>Where was I when an event that hasn't happened and won't happen occurred

The event you are referring to is impossible in this reality, however I will entertain the idea that you intended to say where was I when this event occurred in a theoretical alternate reality.

So the obvious answer is that I was in this reality, since it is the one I inhabit. However, perhaps you meant to ask what physical location I was in when the event occurred in an alternate reality. Assuming that these two realities in question are temporally parallel, I was located in the midwest united states.

But perhaps they were not temporally parallel? What if, in this alternate reality, they experienced 2016 while we were experiencing 1950. In that case, I wasn't anywhere and I was in many places. My matter had not colluded into a human form yet, and so it was necessarily scattered into many places. If we experienced 2016 first and i am dead by the time 2016 rolls around in the alternate universe, then my matter is probably located in the dirt in the midwest us. Is such a thing even possible?


So what? We're all supposed to look like Carl the cuck instead? That's an improvement?


>16 year old more jacked than you will ever be


This is true. It's just like that "Triumphant Trump" image. It might seem like it's bad but it's an inadvertently comfy future.

See, now that's a bad image. Trump is more like Julius Caesar instead of being Alaric.

New Goal Body

why weren't there 17 people running for the dnc?

Can someone explain to me how this paints republican voters as bad? When did being a joocy kunt become an undesirable trait?

Hillary had 15 of them murdered.

>Bringing in looters and pillagers to vote for a candidate
>Not Hillary

lmao'ing hard @ that comic rn

describes DRUMPF perfectly


that's sexist


Well, I think having "testosterone" on your shirt is kinda silly, but I've seen much cringier shirts. Also, this guy has a bad haircut, if he is balding he should just shave instead.
Everything else looks fine.

t. shill


You must be Jew here, nigger

Honestly the man on the right is what women prefer these days

They don't want some roid-raging meathead
They want an intellectual man who works with his mind, not with his hands
A man who disarms his opponents with snark and a sharp wit

This isn't 5000 B.C.E. there is simply no use for muscle freaks anymore

>98% of our human history is meaningless

Damn, good b8 man, you kinda got me.

We'll see how well "snark and sharp wit" work in a physical fight with somebody who's probably too dumb to understand it.
Save that for arguing over some trivial bullshit online.
I'm pretty sure women would want to feel protected and not have to give herself a false sense of security hiding behind her partner's "wit." But that's just my two cents.

Damn based spics. WTF I love hispanics now.

Nothing gets vaginas wet like John "Current Year" Oliver.

It's called progress

There's simply no need to be strong anymore
We have machines now to do heavy lifting, chop down trees, move heavy objects, etc

The ones getting ahead now are the programmers like me who write code for the machines while the ones getting left behind are the manual laborers

I don't live around people who would physically attack me

99% of the time women would choose brains over brawn and that 1% is just weird fetishists who get off on big muscles and the tiny dicks that come along with them

Thats who they want to pay the bills. They will still be giving their wet throbbing puss to a well hung JACKED BULL. And I'm quite sure that's a copypasta.

I can't help but think that horsey is either a closet trump supporter or is insanely out of touch with reality

Exactly, he would probably try to actually "disarm" somebody with wit and end up getting the shit beat out of him in a fight.

Ahahahah the programmer meme. Programmers are a dime a dozen. I know lots of them unable to find work in their field... cuz they're a dime a dozen these days.

>They want an intellectual man who works with his mind, not with his hands

Mmmm guys like pic related make me so wet.

>99% of the time women would choose brains over brawn
Try .01% nerd

>we wuz white


The CTR Shills



>I don't live around people who would physically attack me
White privilege all up in dis bitch

>Implying Trump is barbarian
>Impying Trump isn't Emperor wanting to build the wall to keep barbarians out of Rome

And like rome, America is becoming degenerate as fuck. society always embrace degeneracy and apathy right before the collapse. america is circling the drain people!

You're so delusional it's unreal.

Your brand of "progress" is why culture is in the shitter to begin with.

Look at that lady she knows those guys cowering are cucks. She ain't even mad.

>I don't live around people who would physically attack me
literally what they want you to think

That fat fuck in the picture is filled with estrogen like most christcucks, not testosterone.

I hate men so much...

trips witnessed

>or is insanely out of touch with reality
he's a democrat isn't he?

Lol does it make you nerd virgins feel better about yourself to imagine your superiors all have tiny penises? Girls like to fuck studs you loser. Highschool never ends.

>The ones getting ahead now are the programmers like me who write code for the machines

Jesus fuck stop. It's clear you aren't an actual software engineer and are bating as hard as you can


Fuck off nigger

Is this supposed to be an insult?

We already know white liberal men are effeminate sissies with no self-respect and look something like pic related.

That was my first thought. She's down to pound.

Jokes on you, faggot. Being big and smart is the fucking way to do it.

She recognizes real men.

>Haha look at republicans, they have such huge cocks, isn't that stupid?? Their cocks are literally twice as big as mine, can you believe that? Don't you think they look stupid with their large dicks and their huge balls?

this is factually correct

>"anything I don't like is edgy"

When will this meme die?

Nice trips, Greater Australia



it makes me upset, i cant stand testosterone or strength, it makes us look too male and we all know males are just wrong, and we shouldn't be seen as wrong as republicans, i mean come on, males? k, like, just don't.

Wish I had that much testerone

youtube.com/watch?v=OqbDBRWb63s - The Truth About Hillary Clinton's Mental Illness

youtube.com/watch?v=FmIRYvJQeHM - "We came, we saw, he died! LAUGHS" (Gaddafi)

youtube.com/watch?v=O894bXmqqGU - Did Hillary Clinton really say she wants war with Iran

youtube.com/watch?v=xvhBoF_pCHo - Hillary laughs maniacally about war with Iran

Not a copypaste go ahead and search any archive for it you wont find it because I just wrote it

Also you seem pretty obsessed with penises
You're probably a latent homosexual

maximum cringe

Women are still attracted to the exact same characteristics. If you are going to be a skinhead Nazi, do it with confidence and rationality, and they will still become aroused whether they want to or not.

Its no different than a liberal bitch with big tits looking attractive to us.

>Unironically using B.C.E
Okay shillfaggot

>tfw high T
>tfw large frame and wide face
>tfw women are only sexually and not romantically interested in me
>tfw think clearer under-stress
>tfw women seek me to cuck their boyfriends during ovulation

masculinity is toxic

That's proper academic form

healthy mind in a healthy body

feeling great and confident is priceless

but yeah you also have to prove youre intelligent and so far your posts are absolute garbage tough luck you're worthless

It's not healthy AT ALL just be overly muscular

In fact it's very bad for your heart

cant be worse than barebone skinny

That projection...


OP doesn't understand the comic.

Working class has always voted republican.

BCE is the most cucked thing ever. It doesn't actually change the dates at all, it simply adds an extra letter as a fedora tip. If dating history according to the hypothetical life of a Levantine Jew triggers you, come up with a better system. Its the historical equivalent of writing "s/he" or "she or he" instead of the assumed gender.

> tips fedora

Even if this is b8, maintaining proper health and staying in shape is important. You don't have to be ripped to enjoy going to the gym.

There's that typical black-white alt rightist thinking

There is such a thing as being not bone skinny without looking like the Hulk you fucking reprobate

This. Healthy mind and body is what we should all strive for.

Get off Sup Forums if you want a healthy mind

This place is very toxic and will ruin your mind

Jerking off till I almost peak then think about Hillary's tongue hole to bring me down so I can keep going!

How so?