In this thread we propose ideas on how to get whites (and in particular Europeans) to start breeding again
>Mothers are heralded in the media for bringing children into this world
>Financial incentive to have children for indigenous people (i.e. actual Euro whites)
>Commercials promoting reproduction as something highly erotic/ sexy like the Danes did
>Payed leave for all mothers
>Huge bonuses for fathers with a bonus for every child
>Infiltrate feminist media and turn them towards the empowerment of motherhood
>Stop promoting fathers as being dopey losers like in family guy/ simpsons. Produce a fuckton of media making fathers into heros/ sexy hunks
>Educate women on how their body works and that they're lucky if they even this out a retard in their 30s
How to get white people breeding again
you have autism
Institute a bachelor tax on single men and women
economic security
Why do we want to subject them to the world thats coming?
I'd rather not bring children into this world just to support the mudskin swarms. let things go to shit, so they turn on their handlers, and we'll build something new, hopefully wiser for it.
/innawoods/ for me I guess then
>you have autism
You're part of the problem (if you're white and not fucking)
> and we'll build something new, hopefully wiser for it.
How can 'we' build something new if their are none of us left. If we become a minority in our own countries, we're a lost cause. The only way to prevent the mudskin swarms is to become a swarm ourselves. Hard to argue that we need to import more 3rd world people if their are enough white people to go around.
>Educate women on how their body works and that they're lucky if they even this out a retard in their 30s
The Soviet Union did this. And it lingers to this day. I met a late 20-something Ukranian woman and we got to talking and she mentioned how her only regret was that she'd never become a mother. I pried a little and apparently any pregnancy in the FSU after 25 is considered extremely high-risk and many "accidents" over there are simply aborted by older women without a second thought due to the fear of popping out a retard or whatever. We all know that isn't completely true, but still not the worst of ideas to brainwash a population with.
Just kill all of the mudslimes, all of the Africants, and all of their supporters. This includes new age femanist, sjws, and (((the common enemy))). The last one is really important.
After the war we would have no choice but to breed like a motherfucker.
So your proposal is
>get control of the media from the kikes
>force businesses to pay mothers and fathers more for nothing
Sounds easy bro!
I'll breed with my gf
I'm black and only fuck white women
You must raise billions and use that to buyout the media. You need to create teams of assassins loyal enough to kill the jews subverting society, without them falling for the bribes of their wealth. You need teams of lawyers, financiers, engineers and military experts to lead a movement from the underground. You need teams of scientists working to find ways to sterilize non whites, and exterminate jews.
It's a difficult task, the jews won the battle (ww2) but we shall win the war. We hopelessly outnumber them, and the jew likes to race mix (at a 59% rate) so we can defeat them within the next 50 years.
Pretty much this. People aren't having kids cause the economy is so utterly fucked.
>He posted his gf
Okay now post her ass
Restrict any man over the age of 18 from indulging in anime or video games
Pick up a hobby.
Rock climbing
Literally anything
Do it with groups
Poach the single women
Is it that hard?
Paid maternal leave
Or actually, mandatory conscription should do the trick to de-pussify them
What's the point?
Build it up just for future generations to combat it with the idea's not being diverse enough
Who cares
That doesnt work at all
See: Europe
Id get dozens of white girls pregnant but they wont leave you alone after that. Theyd have you on child support before the baby came out.
>Sounds easy bro!
How about you propose an idea. None of my ideas are entirely probable but they are neither impossible
>I'm black and only fuck white women
Hopefully your cumdumpsters will find nice, beta, nu-males that won't care about her past and will raise their illegitimate children and you will find a quality black woman
is the white race really rapidly shrinking? looks like blacks and muslims (all around the world) are expanding rapidly. heh.
scary things:
>child support
>losing kids
make it so your money doesn't go to pay for retarded single mothers.
and so marriage is equal, and you'll get more kids
post more
Have them grow penises like men allegedly grow baginas
Its pretty fucking easy you dumb krout.
Do you know what the apartheid government did to encourage childbirth among whites?
Subsidized housing for young married couples.
Apprenticeships with promise for work afterwards for you men.
Permanent jobs with long term job security, non of this month to month contract work shit.
Its a pitty your government is working to provide all of this to immigrants by taxing the native german. You cant do shit until you get rid of your corrupt goverment.
Some of these, like paid leave for mothers, fall within the competence of most governments, since the state generally has some regulatory power over labor and the economy. As points out, fostering economic security for the youth seems an excellent path to take. Other of your points, however, involving control of or infiltration of the media, aren't within government purview (except in totalitarian states). What kind of private structures would you propose to advance the agenda in the media? How will you keep those structures from exerting authority in ways that might be detrimental to freedom?
>On an anime focused message board site
>Hates anime
When will these normies fucking leave already?
To top it off you totaliterian shitheads want to enforce how we live our lives all for your eygenics bullshit. Honestly I hope your gf makes you prep the bull.
This is easy, just stop taxing them, and stop giving out welfare.
The first part returns money to the high value generating whites so they can have kids (who will also generally be intelligent because their parents are on the upper half of the bell urge to afford kids).
And the second makes it so less intelligent and less productive members cannot afford kids. You just have to let the weakest member of society fail, you don't need to push them down or even lift the smart whites up; just let people suffer life and death consequences for their mistakes again.
Make that , not 2305.
This is also a good point, get rid of all the fucking bias marriage laws so men dont feel like they have anything to gain but everything to loose from marriage.
The person who chooses to divorce should be the person forced to carry the burden in its entirety of their decision barring any sort of sexual or physical abuse.
do what uncle adolf did and succeded:
build them houses and tell them they get them for free if they have 4 children
>Is it that hard?
This isn't a >tfw no gf thread. This his how to get white people to start having children above replacement rate thread
>Build it up just for future generations to combat it with the idea's not being diverse enough
Why don't you want to challenge the status quo? What is happening now was unthinkable a few generations ago. Help propose ideas on how to move away from that. Why do you want to just bend over and take the bbc?
>Hopefully your cumdumpsters will find nice, beta, nu-males that won't care about her past and will raise their illegitimate children and you will find a quality black woman
That's what I will do
Leave the white women to parent my illegitimate mongrel children while I marry a strong black woman and create masterrace children
These days that could only backfire on white people. You know white people would end up paying for said houses and they would be filled with 99% blacks and Muslims.
Why are you idiots want people to have kids so much even with the coming automation.
But then you will have stupid whites breeding, while that is better than mud people it still isn't good. We need to promote a culture and society that prioritizes intellect, just like (((they))) did all those centuries ago.
Great webm
>anime focused
Yeah, this isn't Sup Forums, you autist
more feet please
the american continent is fucked.
you need to balkanize and form new nations.
>end welfare state
>redefine divorce proceedings so it doesn't favor the woman
>try to influence culture at the community level to champion strong societal bonds between ethnic groups
Unlike these others here that disagree, preserving the white race is preferred. Also Asians are the only other race that are smarter than whites, so they should be included as well.
Sup Forums has and always will be an anime site as a whole. Not just Sup Forums faggot.
2d will also always beat 3d.
how do you know who gets born dumb or smart?
>while that is better than mud people it still isn't good
it's all you need.
>trying to out-breed vermin
When there are more rats than people the solution isn't making more people. You start killing the rats.
Not ham radio
If anything this decreases breeding because it incentivizes the woman to not need a man to care for her and the child.
Nah. This isn't 2005 anymore. Less people on this site like anime than ever. You'll grow up one day, user
rats have guns now and set gas stations on fire.
rats also target people for no reason.
If men had the resources to attract women, the problem would sort itself out.
>What kind of private structures would you propose to advance the agenda in the media? How will you keep those structures from exerting authority in ways that might be detrimental to freedom?
Obviously you will have to pump money into producing pro-white baby making media. How you can come by that financial backing can be any number of ways. And most of this feminist media I was mentioning is privately owned as it is. A privately owned media outlet chooses to run/ push whatever agenda they want. For example Carlos Slim Helú owns the New York times and pushes illegal immigration. If you have the financial backing you can push anything and people will gobble it up. I'm not promoting censorship of media. I'm promoting the steering of media in a new direction.
>We need to promote a culture and society that prioritizes intellect
Intellect isn't enough, I don't want a bunch of low test, weak bodied "men" walking around. The mormons and other religious whites that breed are all like that, they are supposed to be men but they are a bunch of genetic trash that I could perma HEEM in 1 hit.
Don't think that would work though. The nations that formed would be too imbalanced. I think the end result will most likely look somethings like if the modern welfare state continues on its current course.
Pretty much /thread right here
The Social contract for the average man is shit.
Women no longer need men for protection security and finances.
Feminism has taught women that
>Focusing on family is bad
>Being a stay at home mom is bad
>Focus on your career and be happy!!
What happens:
>Oh fuck stacy I forgot to have kids and I'm 29 and might actually have to consider what men want for the first time in my life but all the men are going after the younger, hotter 24 year olds.
Feminism has destroyed women, the family unit and birthrates of whites.
Make it like the 50s again and encourage motherhood and correct the size of the workforce so that men can work 40hrs a week and provide for a large family
You'd have to assign me a gf before you got me breeding. Seriously, I'm fucking hopeless.
>When will these normies fucking leave already?
This hasn't been solely a chinese cartoon website is a long time
>To top it off you totaliterian shitheads want to enforce how we live our lives all for your eygenics bullshit. Honestly I hope your gf makes you prep the bull.
What's wrong/ totalitarian with wanting to preserve a certain strand of people. Do you also hate panda bear breeding programs?
You don't but you are subsidizing just based on skin color, you should be subsidizing based on intelligence, and you do that by offing no government hand outs; smart people will make more money, they can the afford to have more children.
Dumb people will not make a lot of money on average, so they can afford fewer children; if they have too many, without the government gibs either they or their children will die of starvation unless they can convenience a charity that they are deserving of aid (they most likely will not).
We don't need more whites, we just need less dumb people of all shades. it is just that most of the dumb people are non-whites, but not all of them are.
there are 100 million non whites in america
say goodbye to a white usa in its current borders.
canada is under populated.
you need more migrants.
Let us lay it down on your women and then when she's wet and almost there you give us a reason to not nut inside her? Preferably money, lmao.
Everyone wins, she gets off. You get her ready for impregnation. and fuck and get pay. LETS DO IT. HANS.
I'm white as fuck and will probably never have kids.
I have 0 desire to be a parent. I don't like kids. The world is a shit hole. I have a whole life ahead of me, why would I want to sacrifice that freedom just to raise some shitty kids.
Only parasitic trash like you doesn't like anime. Your no better than Sup Forums faggots.
Choke on nigger dick faggot.
Get solid growth in the economy and whites will pump kids out.
There are going to be tens of millions of spinsters in the next 20 years. Invest in cat food now.
the smart whites are gay sjws.
the rednecks going to church are your only salvation.
elites are always a very small percentage in a country.
you can't build a country only of elites.
So humans are comparable to pandas now? Nobody, man or women, wants to be treated that way.
Really, Ahmed, not everyone wants an Islamic Caliphate like Germanistan.
You can get fit at need, anyone can eat right and work out.
The grey matter between your ears is fixed by the time you learn how to Spell intelligence; you can't change it.
Rather have a bunch of weak smart guys who can improve their bodies at need; than a bunch of String neckless retards who couldn't keep the lights on if they tried.
lower the AOC
do it
fuck off. If that happens I'll lead the beta uprising. I'm a virgin so what do I have to lose?
Economy is great in Europe, still no white breeding because women are colossal coal burning bitches.
Learn more freak
Only trash like anime
Everyone in this thread but me is an idiot
How about we just grow people in labs instead of all the wierd and disgusting shit you said like, "promote reproduction as erotic", you fucking animal.
Why don't white girls have as much sex or as many kids as non-white women do?
>smart people
Pick one, a requirement of being an sjw is that you cannot reason or logic your way out of a paper bag.
Figure out how to hatch children in boipucci
If anyone here understands German please translate.
It is always the leaves
what the fuck are you talking about Europe has virtually stagnant growth and structural unemployment.
Get rid of the welfare state.
Stop importing people.
>canada is under populated.
No. We are over capacity as it is. We do not have the infrastructure to handle the endless flood of new people. It's not like when people show up they give them a plot of land to develop. They show up and put more pressure on an already overloaded system. It also forces housing prices up that are already too high. If you want people to settle down and start making families then you need the cost of living to come down.
I'm 29 years old, I live with my girlfriend of 2 years. We've known each other for 11 years. We're both conservative gun owners. We are both college educated (engineering degrees) and have no intention of having kids.
The reason? The cost. We both are debt free, but still can't afford to buy a home. Kids cost way too much money. We would much rather spend what little money the government doesn't take from us on ourselves.
There is nothing you can do to convince me to breed. I fucking hate kids and always have. I give exactly zero shits about what happens to the US after I die.
>hurr durr no one will take care of you when you're old
Luckily, by then robots will do 90% of nursing and it won't matter. We'd end up in a home eventually anyway.
>how do we get white people to sign up for 18+ years of misery and poverty
No idea comes to mind.
Take away safety nets for personal failure and give every benefit you can to stable families.
That's it.
No more alimony, no more divorce industry, no more child support, no abortion, nothing. If you fuck up and choose an idiot to be your partner then it's up to you and your family to deal with the consequences.
Those who are married and stay married receive benefits when the wife does not work, and the benefits increase incrementally for each child they have.
Less women in the workforce drives wages up enabling men to be sole breadwinners again.
Literally just do what hitler did, he reversed the most perverted and decadent society in the world at the time to the most socially conservative and traditional western, while also creating a booming economy and eliminating unemployment during the great depression.
I'm not even Sup Forums memeing either, you could just undo what we've done in the past 60 years and in a decade a huge chunk of your problems will evaporate
>no money
What kind pf shit engineers are you ? You suck dick
Make it affordable.
White people limit our procreation because we have to pay for it. Immigrants and groids do not...ergo they have more kids.
your living in a fantasy land, Europe population isn't shrinking and you fucks are just as in debt as we are.
Our economic systems are practically Identical.
You don't need economic growth in a shrinking population. That may be hard to understand coming from a country where credit cards are considered money and which is ruled by (((Goldman))) Sachs :^)
Who said no money?
We live in Denver, the housing market is in the middle of a horrible bubble.
Ohne Gummi ficken wäre mal was.
I'm sorry but you're not white enough. I was about to take you up on your offer but sadly you're not qualified.
>I have 0 desire to be a parent.
Why do you want to be a manchild forever? What do you think your 40s will be like? Your 60s, your 70s? Enjoy dying alone in a hospital where everyone around you is speaking spanish
Just imagine writing a job application and getting hired immediately. It's how it is here.
It's cause you always hang around that fat fuck smough, he's like a woman deterent
All great ideas. Bump.