Tfw even trump girls are degenerate

>tfw even trump girls are degenerate

nothing wrong with a sexually liberated woman, bigot.

Pick both.

women aren't human

Loving this thread.

When I was at Marine OCS we had a guy lose his shit because his long term girlfriend sent him a letter that flat out said she wanted to fuck other people over the summer. He gets that probably going through the most stressful shit he had ever been through at that point.

Women are thoughtless and heartless.

My gf loves trump and monogamy

said the cuck

Mine too.

What a whore

>at Jason Aldean (country) concert
>play rap in between sets
>"country" white girls twerking in their whorish outfits

>he thinks cuck is an insult
if my wife being happy makes me the biggest cuck ever, than I will die a happy man

Everyone knows the biggest degenerates are on the left, further left you go worse off their behavior is.



Why would anyone in the military get a gf? They;re guaranteed to cheat.

man we have to go back
men want to be treated like women now

And the ones that are thoughtful and caring tend to be kind of not so hot. It's been the story of my life, hot, crazy messes or nice plain janes.

Giving them rights was a mistake

So you're cool with your wife marrying you only for your income, and fucking someone else?

You're pathetic

If 5 people star this post I will post her nudes

>He thinks making somebody else happy will give him happiness

This is how western society falls


fake n gay

Women are children

We all know that already


That's exactly what your gf told me after I fucked her butthole and came on her back


Blondie McStumpAKike

he leaf, i can be considered a newfag but what is that (you) what does it mean?

pls how to i upvot?

nice plain janes are the best girls

I'm not sure if this comic is just discussing why marine wives cheat or is trying to defend it

really hope its not the latter

Haha falling for the vaginal jew. You must have a hard day everyday.

I'm going to be straight here. I am a white nationalist, but I am also a cuckold. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, antibiotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at pleasuring white women. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.

The reason white women are turning from the cause and running to niggers is simply because they are not being sexually satisfied. Can you blame them? If you dont get enough to eat at home youre going to go out to eat. The only way to save the white race from miscegenation is cuckolding. My pure white wife is my angel, the apple of my eye. And I want nothing but the best for her. So every friday she gets to have her fill of black cock. And our relationship goes on like normal. We love each other, and plan on having a child soon. She also shares my red pilled beliefs.

Monogamy is a tool of the jew. Just give it a chance once, Sup Forums. Its exhilarating. Theres something deeply majestic about watching a toned muscular black stud going in and out of a beautiful white woman. Try it once.


Ne'er a truer word spoken

FYI screencaps like this are faked by Twitter SJWs to sick useful idiots like you on your fellow non-SJWs and you fall for it hook, line, and sinker every time because you're so blinded b wanting to BTFO some degenerate whore.

shills and faggots want responses, responses can be searched by ctrl+f type (you)


This desu

What the fuck do you want from a woman anyway


Kek. Nice bait faggot. Too obvious tho.

this girl handed me a laura nar bar pr something and i just ate them they were pretty good

I really loathe you fags. You know who you are. You post the same shit everyday, not even for the negative attention you crave - you do it because it's all you know.

You're not funny or interesting, so you just spam your waifu or your really fucking bothers me this board could be what Sup Forums should've been but instead it's /trash/+ some irony.

Fuck you. I'm not mad in the slightest - and that is how deep my hatred of you is.

This. Giving them moral agency is foolish. There's a reason they were kept under the ownership and protection of men throughout all of human history.

I'm positive you're just terrible at sex and lazy to give her the attention needed to enjoy it so instead you just let another man do it for you. You're just a lazy cuck who never figured out sex past your own masturbation. Enjoy your brown baby and unknown STDs.

Assuming this is real, the only reason she'd post this on social media is if her boyfriend is aware of the relationship. So he's either a literal cuck, or they agreed to have an open relationship before he deployed. Alternatively she's lying for the attention.

Okay, which one of you was it?

Slide thread, sage

Kek, couldn't agree more my definitely non-semitic friend. Us Whites really should focus on what we do best and make sure we provide a comfy and safe environment for white women to receive BBC.

How do you know he's not a cuck?

He's probably jerking his little white dick to that tweet.

was it agiobnenobos first attempt at OCS?

But yea, your mind has to be clear for that place. As soon as you lose that 100% commitment at that place, everything becomes impossible.

Reason why I made sure not to have a gf before starting my life in the marines.

Where you at now my motivated brother?


Post the motherfucking nudes!

you're making me lose hope in my existence

>-in the military-

Reminds me of a chick I fucked back in college whose boyfriend was on deployment

>le trump girl maymay
can't believe you people fall for this attention whore shit


what the fuck fwb means?

The genes that facilitate civilization are encoded on the Y chromosome. Women are basically animals acting on instinct alone.

Friends with benefits.

white women aren't running to black men fag

oh its the (you) next to your number or w/e its called. ty mr murican god bless!

You are a women and want to be treated like one

You know you are both a troll and a degenerate

>⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐


0311 YUT!!

what about black males?


"Trump girls" are only Trump girls because they found out they get attention by being Trump girls.

Nobody cared who they were before they put on the hats.

Kek, I had no idea either

That would have made me mother fucking MOTO as fuck and fuck more bitches and suck my instructors cock!

Whats your MOS? 0207.

Women are disgusting


Hopefully the Marine will beat her when her returns and call her a whore as he does it.

This, white women are worse than the maggots on a dead dog's dick

I don't know what a cuck is, but if Trump supporters use it as an insult then I'm glad to be one.

It's Joe D., you e-nothing piece of shit.

>Proud to be a cuck

Wew, you called that one out yourself m8.

so basicly living sex toys? nice shit the west got there :^)

I wonder who in the hell would believe your bullshit.