Where are you on this list? What are you doing to advance yourself?

Where are you on this list? What are you doing to advance yourself?

between 8 and 9, learning Russian right now actually

It took 27 years to get to stage 4, and I've plowed right to 8.5 in just the past year. Thanks to the (((reporters))) covering Trump making certain coincidences undeniable.

5 but I indentify as a classical liberal.

Firmly entrenched at 8. Hold the line, brothers. I was never worse than 4, but it was an easy transition through 5, 6, 7, and up. Ascendance is simple once the lies start to peel away and you see behind the curtain. Perhaps one day the masses will pierce that gilded barrier. We can only help guide them, brothers. They must take the steps.

Books. Reading has a profound impact on mental development imho.
Then, take what I've learned and apply it. This is also important. Some concepts can't be fully appreciated until practiced.

>between 8 and 9, learning Russian right now actually

Isn't it amazing how the desire to self-improve and learn really internalizes at this stage? I'm down 35 pounds, learning beginners MMA, and preparing to start learning blacksmithing in a few weeks.

>classical liberal

Once, I was like you.
A fool who desperately tried to pretend he was a normal person, incapable of seeing the truth.
But it's time to give up that ghost, user.
Welcome to reality. The nightmare is now.

Better than the other chart at least where some vague shit like "traditionalist" is the endpoint.
But why not add a libertarian in there at 5 or 6, shift the rest up and get rid of 10? 10 is kind of redundant when 9 is already there.

Somewhere in between 8 and 9

Proud 8-10

Somewhere between 8 and 9 and I think I'm going to be stuck like this for the rest of my life. It's a pretty comfortable position to be in. As a child I was put into level 4 and never went below that. I've went through all 4-8.5 levels and I must admit that the descriptions are pretty accurate, at least for me.


>Where are you on this list?

I'm the one on the list who is smart enough to know an FBI "profile yourself" thread when I see it.

>Don't worry, I am not a threat gov't shill.

Probably a 7 or 8

What if you're a Preserve of Freedom & Mankind but have a non-white gf?

Between a 5 and 6. feelshopelessman

Somewhere between 8 and 10 - disagree with a few points in 8/9.

What people don't realize is that when you fuck a non-white girl, you're turning her kids white and giving them superior Y-chromosomes. It's all about who's doing the fucking that determines whether or not racemixing is bad. That's why mulattoes tended to be more intelligent than any pure black during slavery, while modern day coalburning whores produce potato-tier intellect.

i was sitting here thinking this was totally stupid and then i read 7 and realized i was about there

I went from eight straight to one. Get fucked nerds, this shit ain't my problem.

You cannot go back.

9, female, but more towards European Paganism than the achievments of the Roman Empire. They were a nice bunch of degenerate cucks.

>tfw when no charts for the bluepill

i'm like 7 or 8

i wouldnt call myself articulated though, i just want to be the best man i can be

I'll admit I've been reading into communism a lot lately and the more I think of it the more foolish it seems. A happy and productive Western Society can only exist but rejecting degeneracy and exploiting lesser peoples. Communism seems like a total fantasy, unless everyone is willing to live like a fucking primitive. Now with all the BLM bs and the Milwaukee I am starting to gain a real hatred of minorities, and it feels good man.

Socially I'm a 6, I can't take the fact that I'm one of the only people at my university who doesn't see the truth. Other than that, I'm somewhere around a 7-8.

work, drink, sleep repeat.

11. Humanity is over-rated.
You realize that whatever you achieve will be undone by the stupidity and greed of other Humans, and more of Nature will be destroyed. There are too many people, and each generation is more self-centered and destructive than the last. Only the strong and the smart should survive.

The glorious struggle against degeneracy makes it worth it.

8...to a fucking tee.

6-7. Was a 3 for awhile before I started browsing pol. Will probably be at an 8 soon.

heh, you have much to learn newfag...much to learn

#4 because i'm not autistic but i also have critical thinking skills

Still kind of fat, so I'm losing weight and I try to talk about these problems to every person I know here and there.
Can't get out of degenerate Juden pornography though.

>culturally homogeneous

Reason why it was perfectly fine to hold court in local languages like Celtic, Aramaic, or Greek

Acceptance of foreign gods
>Cult of Isis
>Sol Invictus popularity after Elagabalus (a high priest of Syria) brought the local sun worshiping faith from Homs, Syria
>Latins incorporated Greek gods and philosophy

There was a cultural unity in Roman citizenship which was later extended to all freeborn inhabitants by Caracalla. However this would be the equivalent to as being an American citizen is today plus tithing to the state's god (which you had to do unless you are Jewish)
>hmmm sounds like taxes ammiright?

Even to argue on the other foot, many people claim that multiculturalism was one of the downfall of the Western Empire.

So I would revise your statement OK?

literally 10

I'm a one.
But I'm /fit/, invest my money, many hobbies and have a well paying job.
I'm pretty happy desu, I've gone in reverse.

Then go on, rise and spread the word IRL.

>preparing to start learning blacksmithing
Will you make me a katana senpai?

*tips fedora*

I'm 9, but terminally ill. Haven't had the energy to study or work out for a long time.

Katanas are shit-tier scrap metal and don't even qualify as "blacksmithing", you dip. A degenerate like you certainly doesn't know the difference with top-tier European craftsmanship.

>top-tier anything

I'm French, living like a king here.

Same friend!

Any books you recommend?
Currently a mix of 6 and 7, missing the reading

Level seven, going to be in service in the Army for 8 years where I'll hopefully tone my body out and get more level headed so I'm not just acting impulsivley out of anger.

I doubt anyone browsing Sup Forums can honestly claim to be anything higher than an 8.
