Redpill me on tattoos

Redpill me on tattoos

They're degenerate, unless you're in the military and it's a blood type tattoo


There has never been a case where tattoos made someone more attractive or desirable.

Get them if you want
Just don't get anything you'll regret later or somewhere you'll regret later
Like on your face

Drawing pictures on yourself is only acceptable if you're under the age of 8.

this only military tattoos are acceptable.

Some look awful, some look great

Some are hallmarks of person achievments and memory, others are pieces of art, most are ugly and shit

Humanity has had a long history of tattooing, it's not a modern invention, it goes as far back to Neolithic times. While I don't believe in the 'muh tattoos are degenerates' I admit that in modern times it's more associated with it. If you're going to get a tattoo, be fucking serious about it and get something meaningful. The degenerate tattoos are ones that are ugly, culturally meaningless and have no personal attachment to the person (tramps stamps, 'tribal' tattoos, fandom tattoos etc)


We don't hire tattooed people here.
Big bizz does because they're globalists anyway but most of your everyday guy hates them.

What is there to redpill on, what the fuck?

They're great, it will ease the work of the death squads if the parasites mark themselves so ostensibly.

My rule of thumb is get them but get them where they can be easily covered up.


First based French I have ever seen on /pol


It's a red flag, so useful overall.

You can use that money to improve yourself in better ways (sports, books, other stuff)


>letting some other guy permanently put his artwork on you

top cuck unless you design and ink it yourself

The bible says they're a sin

It's like wearing a giant sign telling everyone you're a faggot attention whore.

Everyone has them and most are pretty silly

I have one on my upper shoulder, so you can't see it any other time than when I have my shirt off. Am I le degen

not in the military and hopefully never going to jail. probably never getting one. maybe if i donate my body to science if i get Alzheimer's or something so they can cut up my brain

My wife has my initals branded on her back. Is that "degenerate" like tattoos?

when theres tattoos everywhere like that, it just screams of a cry for attention to me.

Are the Joker's tattoos degenerate Sup Forums?

>los tatuajes:

people paying money for somebody else's art
to be put on their skin.

in order to feel Special, and different.

tattoos are like scars, but with shity stories.

I'd rather pay an artist to paint something I can hang on my wall than permenantly mark on my skin.

If I get bored or regret my purchase, I can just take it down, hell I could even resell it.

>you Silli willi

>they quit getting them once police crack down
so it only good up to that point.

one of the most sound investments you can make

No, this is right in every way. As long as you branded her yourself.

80% of young adults in Australia try to make themselves look hard by being covered in tattoos.
My mate got most of his tattoos done in Bali (poor as fuck Indonesian island). needless to say, they all look fucking horrid and have 0 meaning behind it. He literally admitted he just wants them for instagram photos to "impress" people he doesn't know.

The average inked up millennial is going to look like hell in twenty years. Tattoos turn into dogshit once the skin ages out, wrinkles up, and gets spotty. Worse if it soaks in a lot of sun and ages prematurely.

What about tatoos that are here to hide an operation ?? had to do one on my stomach, as my baby had to come out by cesarienne, and the mark that was left was really ugly.

Tattoos are gay

fuck off roastie

I appreciate tattoos. They really tell you all you need to know about a person, like other clear visual markers.

>Huge fatass
No self control, no willpower, no endurance or stamina
Moron, needs approval from strangers, no personality whatsoever
Someone you shouldn't relax around

It's a great way to keep important numbers intact.

pseudo non conformism