If you didn't pay to go see Ghostbusters you are a racist piece of shit.
It's 2116 ffs
If you didn't pay to go see Ghostbusters you are a racist piece of shit.
It's 2116 ffs
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ur off by a century and a month or two bud
>"Don't be surprised if we end up in your chimney"
I have to unironically ask what she meant by this.
What the fuck did she mean by this
She has a vore fetish and wants to be eaten and pooped out.
Wowie a nigger said something retarded. 10/10 Breaking news their bud
Didn't see it because I'm poor, so by being poor does that make me racist?
You're poor because your climate is so fucking comfortable that you don't have to work.
Try living here without freezing to death while being poor.
Is this supposed to be a Santa Clause joke? I'm actually extremely lost.
>"Don't be surprised if we end up in your chimney"
What does this even mean?
Can't you just get some gibs?
Its summer time bro. Break out the swim trunks
Actually I'm poor because I only make $675 a week and all that money goes to bills. Also I'm freezing my nuts off in this 8*c weather.
i don't understand either :()
>vore fetish
No really, what did she mean by this?
8C is pretty much perfect
it's been over 30 all week and I've been dying
White people don't, and can't, know what poverty feels like/is.
You should buy the DVD as reperations to the strong women/POC.
30 is perfect, 8 is unbearable.
Clearly it means not to be surprised if you find yourself killing her and then burning her corpse in the fireplace.
78F is perfect.
25/26 in commie temperatures.
> 40 degree days for half the year
> comfortable
Top fucking kek m8, you wouldn't last 20 minutes working outside in the Australian summer, you would literally die.
Don,t you mean sexist, OP? There were four women, and only one black. There for it must have been sexism
Why the fuck is Celsius the international standard? Yes, it uses 0-100, but it's shit for expressing heat in reasonable increments when talking about conditions humans can survive in. And we have Kelvins for scientific heat measurement, so why not abolish Celsius and make Fahrenheit the metric standard?
We get maybe 3 months of sub zero temperatures here on the west-coast, 1 month of "cold" weather by Aussie standards at around 20, and the rest of the year is just rain at a shitty 5-13 degrees celsius.
Most people just stay inside and go on a month-long vacation in the summer to the south of Europe.
M8 i spent last summer digging up the Echidna pen, you can work in 40 degree heat if your smart about it
It's only racially motivated if you DO pay to go see other, whiter, movies. I don't pay to see any movies, so it's just theft.
40 degrees isn't hot steve
Yeah we can but not the Danes or other snow niggers. They die going on one hour bushwalks here.
Same reason why metric is the international standard; it's easier.
Wrong game, but same studio
0 degrees Celcius is the melting point of water while 100 degrees Celcius is the boiling point of water (at 1 atm), which are very important numbers in our everyday lives. You seem to imply that Kelvins is good, yet say that Celcius is shit when a change of 1 K is equal to a change of 1 degrees; they differ in face by 273 but not change. Kelvins and Celcius are almost identical in that sense.
Of course I won't. I'm already sweating at 18 degrees in direct sunlight.
I remember when it was around 32C two years ago for a week and I stayed inside for most of the time.(Superior insulation=no heat comes in or heat goes out)
Clean the surstromming out of your ears and listen. Fahrenheit *is* easier. It more reasonably represents human temperature ranges, in smaller increments. Celsius is easier for robots, not humans. 32 and 212 are not difficult to remember compared to 0 and 100. It's two numbers either way. And since either type of degree is completely arbitrary, why not use the more logical and human-compatible one?
Is this something that's normal for blacks to do, but it's unreported by the media?
This. Same thing with centimeters. Celsius is shit for temps when a few degrees make a huge difference and cm or meters sucks because a foot is the best unit for normal measurement, and don't give me that decimeter bullshit, I don't want to hear you are 1.744562 meters tall.
Wrong country.
We still use celsius for the same reason why you still use imperial; We're used to it.
I do agree though.
Kelvin is good for science and computers and shit. Fahrenheit is good for when you want to know how hot it is outside. They serve two purposes. Celsius isn't good at either science or practical use, so why use it at all when all types of degree are arbitrary units with no real significance? Fahrenheit for common use, Kelvin for computational.
What do you guys call your fermented herring, then? My family is from Denmark, so we only eat pickled or smoked fish, not fermented.
His argument is that Celsius serves no purpose. Kelvin is used in science, so celsius is irrelevant except in everyday lives. And fahrenheit is much better than celsius in everyday use, because it more accurately describes differences in temperature.
I think she means she's gonna shover her Dique up if ass
Shove her dick up your ass*
holy shit Americans really are fucking retarded lol
We don't have any traditional food with fermented herring.You're mistaking Swedish cuisine for Norwegian cuisine.
We have Lutefisk, which is basically cod placed in lye and tastes like dried cod with a jello-like consistency.
>so we only eat pickled or smoked fish, not fermented.
Pretty much the same thing.
If you don't pay for my MtF surgery and afterwards lick my new pussy you are a bigot!
Why isn't Celcius good if you say Kelvin is? Like I said, delta 1 K = delta 1 C.
Actually I think you're looking at this from a more of a physics, computer science and mathematics perspective, while I'm looking at this from a biological perspective. I can see the benefits of having a scale that starts from 0 rather than -273 when computing actual values, but it shouldn't matter when you're purely observing or focused on change.
She looks like a nappy headed gorilla.
>she's on tinder now
I watched it in the theaters. It wasn't a bad movie but it was incredibly mediocre. Typical hollywood remake
>TFW I set my A/C to 70.5.
Eurokeks will never know this level of precise comfort.
Check my captcha
> more accurate
ever heard of a decimal? probably not since you're an americtard
Underated post
Now i dont speak fluent nigger but i believe what she was trying to say by this is
"if you fuck women they will finger fuck your butt hole"
Any user wanna clarify ?
this is merica. T'aint no metric here
Still don't know what the fuck that means. I've asked maybe fifteen people and nobody knows.
no home air unit is that precise. you're just a typical American who can't understand basic science. go shoot your guns and vote hillary you retard
A "chimney" would imply an object possessing an appreciable length. An anus wouldn't work well here, even if you consider the rectum and the rest of the gastrointestinal tract, since you don't think of those extensions immediately when the concept of anus pops up.
If you have sex with some chick, she'll try her damnedest to have a relationship with you.
Maybe she means she'll put her tongue up your ass. I had a black prostitute surprise me with that once and... yeah... it was awesome.
Poop chute
Shes implying she gonna ass rape the guy. Its a black cultural thing. They are obsessed with butts
Also do black people even have fire places ? i thought that was a white thing
Ok, I guess I'll just reiterate my point in all caps since rational explanation isn't working.
Does that make sense? I can explain my opinion further if you like. Basically, numbers are meaninglessly assigned to increments in all these systems, so we may as well use the more effective (marginally so in the case of K but whatever) systems to do the jobs they were designed for, instead of an inefficient middle-ground one just because people like base-10.
By taking the form of soot buildup
Kek, I had a girl try to finger my ass during a blowjob. I slapped her hand
>YFW it's set to celsius instead of fahrenheit.
i dont get it, is this one of those nigger things i would never understand?
Ok first off
second off i think shes talking about the entire digestive system (ie short and long intestine)
Just like common core.
>normal human behavior
Pick one, but only one
>mad max, the road warrior
>ghost busters
set on fire
What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?
(): *kisses u*
Prude. Don't fear the danger zone.
Dont you niggers even understand the ancient awesomeness passed down within the units? Jefferson re-discovered the relations and flipped out. Lookup megalithic yard and ancient sites. Then who built the moon? By Christopher Knight.
>0 degrees Celcius is the melting point of water
>the melting point of water
Communist education, everyone.
>implying Mad Max was feminist propaganda
who the fuck still thinks this that isn't retarded? throughout the entire movie, Max was the only thing keeping the women alive, over and over and over again. the women's stunning incompetence was shown repeatedly with Max having to save the day
do you guys still use yards to measure distance?
the fuck does that even mean?
is there some sort of wierd "in" joke im supposed to get?
because i dont get it.
HAHA i get it,
pants + chimney
these thing share a connection, a relationship that is humorous that turns this from simply being a sentence into a display of wit.
wait...no...let me rework this to extract the part that can be passed off as humorous and get rid of the filler. here we go:
Chimney can be used as a euphemism for arse-hole.
is this inverse vore??disgusting
it means she has an STD
top kek
I believe it's called anal vore. I'm not surprised you're unfamiliar with it. It's more commonly popular with people who merely pretend to be furry little animals, rather than actual monkeys
I'm not surprised you're unfamiliar with it
I'm not surprised you're unfamiliar with it
I'm not surprised you're unfamiliar with it
I'm not surprised you're unfamiliar with it
you're proud of it, right litle shit?
I'm not a furry, but I will condescend to what they aspire to be. Regardless of the topic.
My first kiss :3
this made me laugh far more than it should, thank you Ahmed.
I went to see it with some free tickets my brother got after a cancellation fiasco. The movie failed 10 minutes before the ending so I got two free tickets to watch other movie, so i'm glad the film made the cinemas lose their money twice.