Hold on America, there are states where you DON'T even have to show ID to vote?
Basically wtf why?
Hold on America, there are states where you DON'T even have to show ID to vote?
Basically wtf why?
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Because Voter ID laws hold down the "WE WUZ and Spics"
Because ID is raysis.
Yeah, it's pretty awesome.
Because voter ID laws make it harder for the left to cheat.
Yeah but how?
The left's narrative is that blacks are too dumb and lazy to get a photo ID, therefore ID laws are racist.
DMV's in minority areas opening and closing at weird hours, or shutting down entirely near election time.
Not in NV really. Last time I voted in 2014 all I had to tell them was my address and some other basic information.
The cases of actual in-person voter fraud, meaning cases where someone actually takes the time just to impersonate you for one lousy vote, are virtually nonexistent in the U.S. The majority of those turn out to be unreported address changes of all things.
More like DMVs in nigger infested hellholes divert taxpayer resources to register as many welfare dindus as possible and then hand them off to Democrat handlers to be bused to different polling stations to vote multiple times.
To let niggers vote more than once and illegal spixicans vote.
Liberals everyone.
Does america have a national ID card?
Or is that unconstitutional or some shit
They got no problem getting them out for the welfare checks though.
Fucking DMV open 1 hour after my working hours start and close 2 hours prior to them ending. I'm with niggers on this, but we still need to ID voters.
Not unconstitutional, it's just that republicans throw bitch fits anytime the worlds "national" and "registry" are in the same sentence.
This is it, but they phrase it as "an unreasonable burden on minorities."
i dunno. they have a roll sheet that you have to sign so you have to registered at least.
States issue ID cards to permanent residents of the state, but other states recognize that ID as a valid form of identification since you typically have to provide a birth certificate (also state by state as far as I'm aware) and your social security card (federal) to get your state issued ID card.
Too big for that. They're done on the state level.
Dead people dont need IDs to vote either
Funny that it's never "an unreasonable burden on minorities" when those same leftists require a photo ID to get on welfare and food stamps
I actually intend to go to swing states and vote as many times as possible, should be able to rack up tens of thousands if enough people do.
Forgot to add. At least in the state I live in, it's a law afaik that if you're over 18 you must either have a state issued ID or a driver's license, so I don't get what the argument against voter ID requirements is except:
>muh blacks
>muh hispanics
because obviously letting a demographic that's too stupid to go get state issued ID vote is oh so critical to our democratic process.
On the other hand, where I live they ask you for your driver's license to let you vote, especially if its the first time and the folks working the polls don't recognize you.
Underrated and accurate.
deserved (you)'s
because all those minorites have 9-5 jobs right?
And yet the same logic by them doesn't apply to needing an ID to buy a firearm.
I just cant comprehend
How you can vote without a ID
Thats just crazy, you can go from poll to poll and just vote. Or bus millions of illegals to polls
OMG people unironically argue this...
Your right to vote is not contingent upon you driving, many people living in cities don't need to drive and thus don't have a drivers license, why should they not be allowed to vote because of that?
Also getting a license is NOT FREE, it costs money and your right to vote CANNOT be contingent upon a fee
They tried that back in the day with the poll tax, it is unconstitutional
Just find out who is in hospital, retarded or debilitated and unlikely to vote.
There are IDs other than driver's license, like a passport.
I looked at voter's registration, it requires no proof of citizenship. I think illegals can vote with an id too. You can register to vote with literally nothing.
>what is vote fraud
How would democrats win without illegals being able to vote?
Democrats think it's hard for minorities to vote.
You need an ID to get a job, to drive, to buy liquor or cigarettes.
Guess minorities don't do those things so it's racist to try and make them get an ID. At least that's how they spin it.
>And yet the same logic by them doesn't apply to needing an ID to buy a firearm.
I love to bring this up. Liberals can't debate anything off-script. If a Jewish comedian hasn't fed them one-liners they're completely lost, and can only start screaming about raycisms.
Can't you apply for passports by mail and have your picture taken any time at various drug
Are there really states that use the "DMV is shit" excuse? Or can you not get your passport done this way in the US?
>Basically wtf why?
voter fraud, Democrat style
In my state you need a piece of mail with your name and address printed by a company or government agency (ie not hand written)
While in theory someone could maybe steal mail and vote as someone else in practice this does not happen
Also doing this on a mass scale would be nearly impossible, first off stealing all that mail would be inconceivable and once you go to the polling station the workers would recognize you and know something it up after the first time you tried to pull this
>Also getting a license is NOT FREE, it costs money and your right to vote CANNOT be contingent upon a fee
So what you're saying is, requiring an ID, which costs money, to access a constitutional right would be an infringement upon that right? :^)
>Also getting a license is NOT FREE, it costs money and your right to vote CANNOT be contingent upon a fee
Even if the only form of ID were a driver's license, if voting isn't worth the price of a driver's license to you why would you vote at all anyway?
You don't have to. Pick a didndu name off the roll call and vote for Trump. Let the dindu prove his identity.
Yep, lol
As if these illiterates have a valuable contribution to make at the polls
it still costs money to get a passport
also most people only get a passport if they plan to leave the country
You don't need one in Australia either. You walk up say your name and address, get your name marked off and vote.
Nobody here gives a shit as long as we are fat and happy.
Here you don't, because WA mails ballots out to registered voters. A far better system in my opinion.
Not that guy but you're right, either way its silly. No voter IDs, no dumb gun control.
voting is a right for free, ANY fee is unconstitutional
Gun ownership is a constitutional right but you still have to apply for a license and buy the gun.
That's no American, that's clearly Randy Bobandy
does that cost money?
If so that should not be that way, someone should challenge that in court it would be unconstitutional
but doing that same for voting is just as wrong
I hate obongo so fucking much, and I used to support this nigger.
Yes buying a gun and getting a permit both cost money.
Just checking if you're consistently applying the constitution.
>Hold on America, there are states where you DON'T even have to show ID to vote?
>Basically wtf why?
It's seriously a mystery to me. Like proving that you're eligible to vote is not required to vote? How could anybody be against that???
The only sensible answer is to simply utter the sound "niggers"
For democrats to commit fraud with.
CTR, voter registration doesn't cost anything.
no, voter registration is free, that is not what we are talking abut
OP and I were talking about the actuall ID's
drivers licenses, Passports, and non driver ID's all cost money to obtain
you cannot charge a fee in order to exercise your right to vote
it would be like charging a fee to speak, that is your right free of charge
There's other forms of ID than a driver's license, like a state ID card. It costs less than 20 dollars in my state.
Also don't forget you need an ID for many, many other things than just voting. Cashing a check, buying liquor or cigarettes, opening a bank account, getting hired for a job, etc. Basic ass things you need to do in life. There's no excuse for any adult to not have proper identification.
>does that cost money?
but expecting niggers to sign up for free IDs is a burden
ANY fee to vote is unconstitutional
all the other things you listed are not constitutionally guaranteed and or have nothing to do with the government, charging a fee is fine for that stuff
if there was really no fee to obtain the ID then it may be different
What if you had to pay a fee (even a small fee) to practice your religion or protest or speak
you can't do that
>free IDs
where can you get a free ID?
Drivers license, Passport, non drivers ID all cost money
Any fee is unconstitutonal to exercise your right
I would argue the same for the gun right, you should not have to pay a fee to do that
why do people argue against this?
Amusingly having the IQ gate that libcucks want to weed out muh uneducated rightwing nutjobs would also conveniently eliminate niggers and spics
>Federal Judge John Koelt Monday rejected a lawsuit brought by guns rights advocates including the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association and the Second Amendment Foundation. They sued last year, saying a $340 handgun license fee every three years is unconstitutional because it burdens a basic right.
>The judge says there's no evidence the fee has stopped anyone from exercising their rights
but expecting nigger to shell out ten bucks ever ten years for an ID is unconstitutional.
Voter ID is a distraction you fucking idiots no lazy fucking Democrats are waiting in line twice
The elections are rigged by the organizers, ballot counters, corps with access to the machines, VOTER ID SHIT IS BAIT and they know you'll bite because it's racially charged
>Basically wtf why?
because muh voter suppression!
well he is wrong
I'm not on that judges side
NC had a system to get free ID if you were indigent or elderly.
Seriously, I can't believe you don't have to show ID to vote. This make absolutely zero sense.
Does this mean I could vote multiple times if I drove around? Do you show them a bill with your name on it or something and they type it in a database?
This is something I've wondered about.
Watching Obama over the last 8 years is what redpilled me. The last straw was his completely delusional views on domestic terrorism. The complete shitshow that was the San Bernardino investigation convinced me that he and Hillary are up to their knees in innocent blood.
>Where can you get a free ID
>why do people argue against this?
I argue out of spite.
If some kike judge can rule that " there's no evidence the fee has stopped anyone from exercising their rights" and uphold NYC's gun laws I see no reason why people should be able to vote without an ID.
My opposition to no ID voting will wane when I can own a pistol in NYC without paying the bureaucrats a $340 license that they can deny for any reason without refunding my money and is only good for three years anyway.
it would have to be free to everyone
not just the poor or old
again what if you had to pay a 1 dollar fee to speak or practice religion,
The democrats want to import foreign people to win votes, nothing else.
>well he is wrong
I'll be sure to tell the judge you said that when I get arrested for owning an unlicensed firearm. I'm sure your opinion will weigh heavily on his mind when he considers my hypothetical case for a hypothetical gun charge for a hypothetical unlicensed gun I hypothetically own.
You go in and sign your name. No ID needed. NOT THAT HARD
>It's an unfair financial burden for minorities
If that were legitimately your concern, you would be advocating for taxpayer funded ID cards instead. Especially if you think taxpayer funded school and healthcare is feasible.
What they actually mean:
>I want as many brown people to vote as possible because they always vote democrat
You have a constitutional right to travel, yet a driver's license is required for that. Reason regulations aren't an impediment to excercising a right.
Texasbro here, I've needed a photo ID every time I've bought a gun, even during FFL transfers. It's part of the background check.
those "free" ID's only count for some poeple, they would have to be free for ALL people
the thing is that judge is WRONG about the gun license thing
just because one wrong has been done doesn't mean you should fight for more wrongs in the world
charging a fee to exercise rights is unconstitutional
Because then the busloads of illegals they cart down to polling stations to vote wouldn't be able to get in.
This is by design, in the DNC emails, it's outlined to turn red states blue by shipping in thousands of undocumented illegals to vote and swing the state as part of their 'taco bowl'.
>just because one wrong has been done doesn't mean you should fight for more wrongs in the world
I'll fight for other people's rights when other people fight for mine.
Until then show ID.
Voting is not a natural right though.
Requiring people to prove their identity is not unconstitutional at all.
So in your opinion, while facing an immense illegal immigration problem which has politically divided the country into 1968 esque racial tensions, we should not require an id to vote?
One word answers need not apply.
Any responsible adult should already have an ID, as its needed for other things in life, not just voting.
source please
you can walk for free
you can take a bus or train without an ID
you can fly in a plane without an ID
ID is not required to travel, just to operate a vehicle on public roads, you could even drive a car on private roads without a license if you want
You have not made an argument
A mexican singer once tweeted she voted for Obama because he was the best choice. Everyone made fun of her (she is not an american citizen by any means) but jeez, now I believe she actually did.
Why are your people doing this while actively trying to annex the southwest into Mexico?
This country desperately needs a nationally enforced political literacy test as a requirement to vote. These people who don't even know who their state Governor is and get their (((news))) from mainstream sources have no place EVER voting.
There's nothing in the constitution that says all citizens of the US have the right to vote. Nothing at all.
If obtaining the ID was 100% free then it would not be Unconstitutional, that is not the case
You can't charge a fee to exercise your rights
you could require an ID if it was free, I am arguing against the fee imposed
>other things in life, not just voting
yes, but the other things are not constitutional rights,
Look people:
you cannot argue against this it makes no sense
again charging a fee for speaking or religion would be UNCONSTITUTIONAL, voting is the same thing
The Supreme Court has consistently sided with reasonable regulations that give deference to publicy safety policy. The majority opinion in Heller lays this out quite nicely. Rights have never been absolute, even free speech is restricted if it endangers the public. Asking someone to prove who they are is not an unreasonable request if the state provides ample support in obtaining that documentation.
Shit I quoted the wrong person
Because poh black people can't afford dem ;_;
>Asking someone to prove who they are is not an unreasonable
Yes, I agree
Charging a fee is unreasonable, ID's are not free, charging a fee is Unconstitutonal
>you can fly in a plane without an ID
What fucking airlines are you traveling on?
I have flown many times without showing an ID