While you Trump shills are passing around bullshit about Hillary's foundation (which arent true), Trump is advocating to essentially abolish the 1st amendment.
While you Trump shills are passing around bullshit about Hillary's foundation (which arent true)...
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i agree, i switched to clinton the other day. best decision I've made in my life.
f*ckk drumpft XD
Nice try. Can you go make another "Sup Forums btfo XD" thread?
you cant samefag here, we have IP based IDs.
fuck off reddit, sage goes in all fields.
Lies aren't journalism. I take it you're too young to remember journalism, pre-sensationalist media. They had to report only facts (who, what, when, where, why and how) and vetted facts that could be proved. News items had to be completely devoid of opinion or supposition.
For example, a news media would report 'Trump says Obama is founder of ISIS." Which is accurately what happened, Trump said that. And that's all he said, that's all that would have been reported...back when there were still journalists. But if they added their own supposition by adding a little editorial note of ("he's not") they'd have been fired.
Clickbait, views, marketing, visitors, changed journalism forever after CNN pulled viewing masses from the usual networks in 2001 and the race to obtain you was on.
Now There is no press. There are no reporters. Now there are only people trying to get you to click.
Lies aren't freedom of the press. Lies are slander and libel, and you should be able to sue anyone who slanders and lies. What Trump expressed is not a violation of your rights, its protection of you. What passes for 'press' these days, can't be immune to libel and defamation charges. ANYONE who knowingly lies in media and pretends to be a vetted and authority source while doing so, should be prosecutable.
Freedom of the press doesn't cover libel.
Why does it keep happening?
Is it for the guaranteed (you)s?
One must prove libel. Unless, of course, one can't.
This time you failed but don't worry I'm sure you will be back to shill again.
lmao fucking faggot kys
So it would be okay to sue Trump for slandering Obama?
Hate speech isn't free speech, shitlord.
Trump literally wants to turn America into a safe space where nobody can disagree with him
lol literal samefag
Freedom of speech = say whatever the fuck you want
But lying with no repercussions should be reconsidered.
Lol not an argument
Which brings us to the big problem with sensationalist, 24/7 news.
The rise of punditry has allowed the press and media to basically make up whatever they fucking want under the guise of opinion and panel discussion.
Modern media has basically blurred the line on libel to the point where it's almost impossible to apply libel laws anymore. Even if you can prove libel, the press can just dismiss it as a report of someone's opinion on something rather than a report of the facts of something.
Damn, I already ate popcorn earlier today.
Shit woulda been good right about now.
Sit back and watch the ass blasting.
>CTR btfo
Well it isn't fair to be an official news source and then blatantly lie. It's not like anybody is saying it, THIS IS THE FUCKING NEWS FOR CHRISTS SAKE.
Wtf i hate Trump now
>News channels show directly unedited videos of what trump was saying
> It's utterly retarded and therefore he is falling in the polls
>"S..sstopp lying about me!!!"
>"Hopefully our 2nd amendment people can make sure Hillary doesn't win"
>Donald Trump tells supporters to kill Hillary Clinton
they just lie non-stop.
Keep trying you psychopathic shill.
Hillary Clinton is a psychopathic maniac with homicidal tendencies.
>replying to shills
Trump basically said in another words: "You can't do anything about it, but if you have guns, there is something you can do about it!"
I've watched in CNN, and they said it's either a bad joke or encouragement for violence.
That's a completely fair assessment.
>bitch please
who keeps persecuting on things he said
>and giving instant forgiveness to shillary
its liberal SJWs who are censoring Jewbook & Twatter. it'll keep going...
Media have an ethical and moral obligation to say the truth.
Not the governement, big buisness, christian, liberal left, alt-right sanctionned truth.
The truth.
When the detract from that and post obvious lies and subversions they should be punished.
Opinion magazines, papers and articles shouldnt be subjugated to this.
But when your job is to say the truth. And you sell yourself as someone who does.
You should be punish.
It's false advertising and there are laws against that.
>Actually buying the "hillary has a mental illness" tinfoil tier story
Honestly, you can't really stop MSMs lies without abolishing freedom of press.
Sure, you could have a government program that is required to fact-check news stories, but if it's a true story that the gov. didn't want to leak out, they would just claim it's false.
There's no way around it.
The constitution is flawed, in an evolutionary sense. The same ideas that worked in 1776 don't necessarily apply to today's world, but a new constitution would be inherently corrupted.
We're fucked either way
You realize if you got a job working for Hillary there's a chance she'd have you killed
Just that the media mostly said the truth about trump. he is just crying about it because the truth harms him in the polls. there are even some channels that are extremely biased PRO-trump such as fox news, but he complained even about them.
Besides, "The media shouldn't lie" is not a part of the "freedom of press".
slander is a real thing
>trusting government at all with regulating media, even if its shitty
wow its like you dont understand history, this is an one way street to a bunch of bureaucrats silencing serious reporting
He's right though, the media has done nothing but try to bullshit us. This has been happening long before trump ran for president too.
Fucking CNN doesn't even fact check, they just report whatever they hear so they can be the first to report it. It's fucking insanity.
In order to prove lying you have to prove intent.
And thats almost always impossible
Just that slander is not a part of the freedom of press, user.
Besides, the media literally showed videos of what he said DIRECLTY, they told the truth. the only reason he is crying about it is because the truth hurts him in the polls
>"fair and balanced"
CNN does actually fact-check things user.
It's who doesn't fact-check his statements
*It's trump who doesn't fact-check his statements
>are you paid?
or just volunteer to be wrong?
While I agree with the premise of this thread, freedom of the press means they can print whatever the fuck they want, this clearly is a forum slide thread. You could have done this nicely and gotten yourself a real debate but you had to go down the shill way. BTFO XDDD
>yfw Shillaries are literally advocating for slander
Ends justifies the means, right?
I'm not paid and i don't volunteer.
I just post facts, my opinions, and my political views.
Why does anyone NEED unlimited freedom of speech anyways?
I mean, if you think your pathetic online ramblings are going to defeat a government with NUKES, your just a delusional moron who doesn't deserve rights in the first place.
She is literally every reason not to vote for a politician all rolled into one person. But wait, there's more:
-She was a lawyer who defended a rapist and laughed at the plight of the 12 year old rape victim
-She was fired from the Watergate investigation for lying and being unethical
-She lied about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary
-She lied throughout her Whitewater scandal
-She lied about taking "sniper fire" when visiting the Balkans during 90s
-She lied about Benghazi
-She lied throughout her email scandal and continues to lie about it
-She lied about being broke after leaving the White House
-She described blacks as being "super-predators"
-She hired a VP of Goldman-Sachs to be her 2016 campaign manager.
-She received millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs for speaking engagements
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup, and UBS
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from China, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Qatar, and the UAE
-She supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Turkey
-She voted for the Patriot Act twice
-She was "adamantly against illegal immigration" before she was for it
-She was opposed to gay marriage before she was for it
-She approved the sale of US uranium to Russian nuclear corporations in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her "charity"
-She gave out eight Secretary of State's Awards for Corporate Excellence, and seven were to corporations that donated millions to her "charity"
Compilation of CNN & MSNBC Cutting Guests Mics to Protect Hillary Clinton
good thing you don't vote here
>with the free Palestine party
He's just asking for some common sense rules for free speech. How can you possibly be against that? :^)
>if its NOT unlimited...
it is limited.
and the ones setting the limits, can put it wherever they'd like.
>so get the fuck back to your Safe Space.
There are laws against slander, though
>people should be free to outright lie about you
I don't own a gun and yet I support the second amendment.
Would you care to explain Hillary's 2008 comment that she wasn't dropping out of the primary because Obama might be assassinated wink-wink-nudge-nudge?
True freedom of speech has never existed and isn't desirable in the US. Freedom of speech is autistic libertarian tier stuff. Think outside of the box.
Hate speech laws have already ostensibly abolished the first amendment.
>this thread will get at least 100 unironic unsaged replies
Friedman advocated constantly for greater personal liberty and freedom. But I guess because he is a Jew we have to just ignore everything he ever said. That's real logical.
I'd say it's not press or journalism when their not reporting the truth. So he's still fine by me.
He's right though.
Libel and slander are illegal.
He should sue for defamation of character.
good goy