Private schools create a feedback loop in which the rich, who are in private schooling, get richer while the poor, who are in public schooling, get poorer. Therefore it is only right to do away with private schools in order to stop the vicious cycle.
Private schools create a feedback loop in which the rich, who are in private schooling, get richer while the poor...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Stop liking what I don't like!
>Stop providing a higher quality product at a price the market determines is fair!
Go to bed, Marx Jr, you have class tomorrow
No, people should be able to spend their money on better services than what the government can provide since you're saying the private sector is clearly better than the public sector. maybe the government should just fuck off of schooling?
>Do away with private schools
When you say public schools kids keep getting poorer, I'm just going to assume you mean schools with a lot of niggers and spics. Majority white public schools do fine.
Charter schools in inner cities actually perform a lot better for blacks than liberal paradises that are inner city public schools. So you're actually shooting yourself in the foot there, not that that's surprising.
Well, it depends what kind of private schools you refer to. Where I live private school means religious school and does not attract that many people because
1) Expensive and does not give you the opportunity to earn college credits as easy as an early college or an academy does--apart for obviously having shitty teachers and meme classes
2)The athletic life is non-existent so the jocks prefer to attend public school
Now, price-wise, I think it depends what your aim is, man. If you want your children to not get polluted with meme ideas and getting them in the same classes as blacks, choose private.
funny how Sup Forums doesn't understand that the greater good should be first and foremost. your individual wants come second.
Explain yourself and stop being vague. We don't need to validate your points of view based on your own criteria, working on your arbitrary frame of what the "greater good" is.
I'm kinda wondering how you think sending more children to shitty public schools will help. If anything, it would put a greater strain on the resources available.
You're implying that public schools are inherently inferior to private schools. How are you measuring this?
Oh shit, I didn't realize I was talking to a fucking space blue berry.
We have differing definitions of what is good and what is bad. The only people who argue in favor of "the greater good" are those who would directly benefit from "the greater good" or bootlicking cuckolds. I do what's good for me and my family and nothing else.
>The greater good
What a bullshit phrase.
Closing private schools doesn't fix your shitty urban ghetto hell holes. It just forces those who have their shit together to have a similar shitty education. The greater good!
>public school is terrible
>I know what to do! just make everyone use it!
socialism saves the day yet again
Private schools are merely an escape from public "schooling," the latter consisting mainly of yelling brown children and teachers without working knowledge of basic grammar.
Invest how much you want the things you want into innovation. Then you can be on the other side of the fence. Such is the way our working capitalism works. Take your first steps, you can not regret it if you give things some thought.
most private schools have entrance exams. tests don't practice classicism
Suck mah dick
>greater good
Getting government out of education is for the greater good
I disagree, my family isnĀ“t rich, yet they insisted I studied on a private school since they knew public schools were terrible.
>My government funded public school is shit
>Private School is better, but costs money since no Gov't money
>Therefore the government should just close those Private schools since they're better than my shitty public school
>Greater Good
Or you know you can just demand better public schools. But what do I know.
The wealthy are still going to hire their sons and daughters and the sons and daughters of those in their Yacht club.
lol, those faggots don't even know how to sail.
I grew up sailing in the summer. I would go up to Maine where my parents had a 70 footer. Shit was the best. On the water all day, no media. Damn i miss it.
What, so that everyone gets shit education and kids of good families have to suffer being with niggers?
2+2=4 no matter what school you go to dumbfuck, but sure, just blame it on oppression
>few more braincells
would have let to an answer
no tmaking everyone retarded.
but how private schools spend less per kid, for better education.
abolish public school, and issue vouchers for private school for those lacking means.
Parochial schools aren't expensive if you're not a heretic, and they're affordable for pretty much every Catholic. Also unlike the those non-denominational Christian private schools they actually get better results than public schools do, because every class isn't entirely focused around faith.
There is not a single bit of information being taught in private schools that is not openly available to the poor via the internet or in libraries.
Well yeah that's how communism works, comrade
You can't do anything with it without a paper saying you sunk money into a degree.
If you could just go and take a test/write a master's thesis to get a degree I'd have a masters degree in European History.
>the greater good
>assuming i didnt get into pic related despite going to a 30% illegal and 30% black public school
>implying this bitch isn't as bourgeois as it gets
>anime reaction
>that post
wanna know how I know you're still in high school?
>government schools are bad
>let's make more of them and ban all others
You can just go to a library, teach yourself, then take tests and get highgrades and qualify for scholarships
But I do see you point and agree. Basically I think the government should have a standardised test for each subject which you can just make a one off payment to sit, and it you pass you get a degree/qualification, the bit of paper saying you know what you're talking about. I don't see why we need to pay for years of lectures and bullshit when I can just learn what I need from reading a few books off the net/at the library
look up the word utilitarianism you close minded sheep. learn something for once
Except your only achieving greater happiness by dragging outer a down to your level.
It's not "the greater good" it's just spite and envy
So, what's stopping these kids from getting high scored on the SAT? We're talking about high school, not college. You can get into college by doing well in school, they can fucking do it.
education should be handled by private sector and healthcare too
I studied in private school, and my kids will study in private schools, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Or just get rid of schooling altogether and just fuck in big orgies day in, day out till we somehow die out.
At least that would teach them how to deal with getting fucked in the ass, which would prepare them better for the current economic environment