Really makes you think...
Really makes you think
not rly
she must be on cloud 9 rite now
Somebody destroy her property. Women are seriously retarded if you let them live too good a life. I'm starting to believe the very elite put their kids through some manufactured hardship to prevent this.
i can understand destruction of property as an act of rage but wtf is this bitch talking about
She should go fuckin destroy her own property then.
>black cop shoots black criminal
>blacks attack whites
Bitch doesn't get the fundamental questions. Why are they doing it in their own neighborhoods? Why do they predominately kill their own people?
How much privilege is too much privilege in order to destroy stuff?
Can Mexicans/Asians/Arabs/Women/Gays/Fat people do it?
really makes me think she's fucking retarded
Fellow >(((white people)))
You know, she's completely right. Let's go kill some niggers and break their shit.
>burn down black-owned businesses in a black neighborhood because a black cop shot a black criminal
>it's white privilege's fault
Really corrected my record...
>Black criminal attacks black cop and gets shot by black cop for robbing a gun from black person
>White people are at fault
wew laddy
white women everyone
Im glad Bernie Sanders lost.
>I'm starting to believe the very elite put their kids through some manufactured hardship to prevent this.
No shit.
Why do you think they all send their kids to expensive boarding schools with oppressive discipline? That shit works.
>niggers protest by destroying mostly minority owned property
That's OK let's just start over
Oh god.
You should see the MLU group posts.
Milwaukee Ladies United...horrible.
I gotta right to be angry man. We been persecuted.
Twatter gives 3/10 women a voice. I wouldn't listen to an ugly bitch talk at me in real life, I won't do it on the internet.
Anyway, I hope niggers burn her house down.
She thinks it's OK for niggers destroy all of your possessions that's taken you your life to put together and expects you to be a super beta cuck and accepts it ala' "this is my life now." AKA it's a jewed White female spouting shit.
Let's go destroy her property to protest her whiteness.
thats a cute kyouko friendo, may I save it?
wow she's so right, ghandi and MLK were the most privileged people of all time
white females, the jews most powerful weapon.
bath salts?
You'll sure be persecuted for the gas station y'all burned down :/
You people realize that they are trying to make us slaves of niggers?
Thats the path we are heading
Ur on the fugkin INTERNET doode like you dont have to godam fukig ASK FOR PERMISOM just save it wow....
>work 12 hour shifts
>pay 70% taxes to people who don't work
>get thrown in prison for speaking out about this
It's already happened, Hans
I live in South Carolina. The South will rise again and secede from the Union before it ever got that bad. I do feel bad for those who live in cucky parts of the country, tho.
To add on to how based upstate SC is, back when all the BLM protests were happening a week or two ago, they tried to get one going in Greenville. Cops pretty much shut it down on roads and made em stay in areas where they wouldn't disrupt too much. The ones who wouldn't listen got arrested.
So then when all these idiots were charged with crimes, Greenville's BLM chapter spoke out for the local NAACP chapter to help them and the NAACP told them no. Basically called them a bunch of idiot children who are supporting a destructive movement with no legitimate plan.
So even our blacks have common sense.
meant for
economically speaking yes, we are right now passing the bloodsucker to slavers line.
But I am talking about the social thing, that its acceptable to "kill a cracka", MSM wont report on it while social media twitter baboons celebrate it.
In 5 years MSM will celebrate it as well.
Are you sure about this?
I like the south but hasnt the south the highest amount of niggers? like 40% in some states?
I may hate white people, but damn you guys hate yourselves even more.
"ok, but its still destruction of property"
Yes but it's just different. Blacks do their thing and whites do their thing. It's not super racist or anything, but ppl just kinda coexist yanno? There's no tension like you get in liberal areas where whites are filling the blacks with all these crazy ideas and making them go crazy.
Maybe this person should volunteer to let a nigger smash her laptop and steal her phone to offset some of her white privilege and demonstrate her tolerance and solidarity with oppressed minorities.
You're missing the "logic" at work. The cop doesn't qualify as black because he is a cop. He is, as a cop, upholding the white man's law, and therefore his race doesn't matter.
Meanwhile, regardless of the actions of the deceased, he is blameless, as he simply chose alternate sources of income that the white man arbitrarily outlawed in order to imprison and oppress him.
This is what they truly believe, bizarre as it is, and there is no means by which the future generation will gain education that will help them understand the fallacies of these beliefs.
Power struggle between black organizations lol
Hope she gets shot by some BLM supporter.
This is how Alabama is
Says the college age white girl who owns no property of her own and is entirely funded by mommy and daddy.
I work for my shit, and I'll be damn pissed if anyone, nigger or not, destroys, tampers, or in anyway molests it without my permission.
This is seriously making me think, but I still don't get it. Explain?
Really made me contemplate my life honestly
shit, here, have some privilege. i don't need it.
I visited Brandon, Mississippi once, seems the be pretty segregated, at least the living quarters.
>nigger rioters burn down shops in their neighborhoods
>proceed to blame white racism on why there's no shops in their neighborhoods
see, when white folk get mad as hell about something, they tend to go find the rich & powerful assholes who are fucking them and round them up and solve their problem.
Smashing up your own hood because you're mad at the gubbment? That doesn't seem productive at all.
>I like the south but hasnt the south the highest amount of niggers? like 40% in some states?
Yup. And they're all descendants of actual slaves. The slaves who, once freed, decided to stay around and in some cases go back to work for their old white masters. Atlanta, Georgia is one of the largest metropolises in the old 'Deep South' it also has one of the largest concentrations of blacks outside of Louisiana. While Atlanta DOES have more crime than similarly sized southern cities, it is nowhere near the level of places in the North like Chicago, Ferguson, or Milwaukee.
My own theory is that because the south kept segregation for much much longer then the north and because the south is more right-wing than left. There is less givemedats who live here. Only in the last 30-40 years have blacks lived on semi-equal terms with the whites here, and there's still occasional lynchings that never make national news because they happen in backwoods places and local law enforcement keeps it quiet. Racism is alive and well here. Blacks are raised to respect the whites, because this current generation is the only generation in american southern history that has no real reason to fear whites. Their parents, their parents parents, and going all the way back to colonial times HAD to respect the whites or they'd at the very peast be denied service at all local businesses which are of course white run. The south has the most to lose by BLM'S ideals spreading here. Most blacks here are peaceful at least, and a good chunk even work hard and live in the lower middle class. Welfare states are the doom and downfall of black society. And as of yet it just doesn't exist on the same level here as it does in the north.
I lived in south carolina and more than half the whites there are nigger lovers. Only a few hated niggers and and they were fat
I honestly cannot comprehend how someone can delude themselves into believing something like this.
Wait until it's her house being destroyed as an act of protest.
Should we riot every time a white child is killed by niggers?
This shit doesn't make sense. Ol bitch thinking she profound.
>if I say something that's so dumb people will think it's smart
she know her audience.
Librul white chicks: If you don't understand the shooting of vandals as an act of self-defense, you have an abundance of privilege.
Namely the privilege of having civilized white men around to maintain society such that you can live in la-la land.
God bless the south.
I really enjoyed my stays there.
And remember NEVER under NO circumstances register your guns. Dont do it ever.
So can I smash her computer as an act of protest against her tweet?
This. No matter what scenario happens after Trump takes over, whether he "Makes America Great Again" or he destabilizes the world enough to usher in a post-apocalyptic society, it will always lead to the destruction of (((leftism))), (((feminist))), and all the other (((isms))).
That alone is enough reason to pick Trump. It's worth plunging this world into the Stone Ages. It's worth resetting everything, then making sure that the mistakes of the past will never be repeated.
lol even the BLACK president said this kind of violence and destruction of property is never justified.
She is stupid and shameful AF.
These protestors are self-destructive backwards degenerates destroying stuff like god damn animals.
Maybe you have an IQ around 100 then.
The American Black averages out between 80-90. They literally cannot comprehend concepts that counteract their worldview. The way they are raised is the way they will behave their entire life. Like a dog. Once a black hits puberty his personality is fixed for the rest of his life. No amount of learning or information or community outreach will help him past that point. The only way to save the black race and elevate them to a pseudo-white level is to police the schools they're brought up in. On a classroom basis. Troublemakers must be removed from classrooms to allow the ones who can learn to be allowed to.
The fuck is this picture trying to convey?
They burned down a muslims gas station.
And they are now saying whites need to stop complaining about the looting, the hit squads, and the burning of businesses
Which they are doing because a black cop shot a black man who had an illegal weapon
Really makes one ponder...
She calls him a flaming faggot. He says he's just from France which makes him recall the old (French) Empire.
The crescent moon and stars foretell the destiny of western civilization.
I have no idea.
We'd be rioting nonstop then desu
I normally don't post but I went to multiple boarding schools and have friends that went to different ones, it does not work 95% of the chicks are still liberal af when they get out and it gets worse when the go to college. The only republican ones are the ones who are addicted to daddys money and vote republican because their parents do and "taxes are bad because it takes my familys money". Just had to get that out, also not a dem shitting on stuff am repub.
Most based mudslime cunt
I think anyone who destroys personal property for any reason other than
A. It's theirs and they want to destroy it
B. In the course of saving a life
Deserves to be executed by the state. It doesn't matter what heir skin color is. Property is infinitely more important than the life of a person who would destroy it as a form of protest.
P.S. Tell me how privileged I am
Hardmode: tell me I asked for it
How about freak accidents?
Wow, it does really make you think.
So this guy in the pic is not rioting because his hockey team lost he is just protesting.
Fair dinkum I guess
We also need to elevate poverty, stricter guns laws (big whoop you may have to jump through a few more hoops), and end drug use somehow.
BLM have done little to nothing for the black communities other than piss on Cops. These BLM people are literally making things worse for black people.
define freak accident or give an example please
>does not work 95% of the chicks are still liberal af
Women as a rule are always liberal, because women reason on a predominantly emotional level. Regardless of the amount of data, statistics, and facts r3futing a woman's opinion, if the information causes her to feel bad the average woman will always justify the opposite to herself, and she will justify it LOUDLY to her friends, and they will JUSTIFY it LOUDLY to their boyfriend, husbands, and children. The boyfriends and husbands 2ill either go on ignoring it because its obviously wrong, or confront her about it, trying to reason with her. Then one of two things happens, her bf/hubby has some kind of emotional or physical or monetary hold over her, and she will adopt his worldview as her own, or it will become a point of contention in the relationship. This is why a lot of men (who Sup Forums labels cucks) will just agree to anything to avoid conflict in a relationship.
It is never worth arguing with a woman that you slip cock to.
I can't even imagine what kind of mental gymnastics one has to perform to come down to such a conclusion.
No, that guy's white and thus that's patriarchal violence
I think its conflating the entitlement of Parisian women with modern American women. The Eiffel Tower represents France's culture, built by men.
At the peak of culture, the women become spoiled cunts
Tire blows out and their car rams through your window? Execution seems extreame in that case.
What about heavy fines for negligence and they pay for whats damaged on top of that?
People who are actually in poverty don't just let people destroy their shit. In actually poor countries thieves get lynched in the street. They get burned alive. Actual poor people barely have anything, so they get really made when it's destroyed or taken away.
When everything you have was given to you by the government then you think everything is free and you nobody will care when destroy it.
ya she's craving some hiv infect black cock. Fuck boys I've had enough of this shit. We are gonna see this every week along with migrant attacks.
>I'm angry at Nokia for selling out to Microsoft so I'm going to commit violence and protest against your car and business. If you don't understand why I'm attacking your property instead of Microsoft's then you have an abundance of privilege.
How many years of practice does it take to reach this level of fucked up mental gymnastics.
But guys...she makes quite the valid point. I don't expect you lot of racists to truly understand the black man's struggle, but please take a moment to at least THINK about why they must destroy property.
It is no different than the Boston tea party, now is it? We white Americans had destroyed what would amount to billions modern united states dollars worth of team, in retaliation towards Great Britain.
We must open our eyes and understand that history is merely repeating itself! We mustn't discriminate towards these youthful protesters, instead let us embrace them!
>>stricter gun laws
No, and fuck you. The current laws against straw purchases would disarm at least half of the urban gangbanger/dindu element that is the root cause of these riots, problem is that nobody wants to do this in the blue cities that have these problems because it would mean putting lots of black people in jail.
That's because you look at them as people the same as you or I, think of them all more like your mentally stunted cousin/friend and it makes more sense. Is it racist? Maybe. Does it make sense, though?
Except on top of breaking shit at random, not even focusing on destroying cop cars, they are stealing from stores and attacking people on the street.
Criminals will always gain access to firearms when they want them in the US. It is just a fact of life. Stricter gun laws only hurt law-abiding citizens. Background checks already occur. The only reasonable argument the left makes is that mentally unstable people need to be more effectively labeled to keep them from legally purchasing firearms.
Drug use will never end. What needs to happen is the decriminalization of the majority of drugs. Once marijuana, cocaine, and herion are illegal you knock out the majority of the drug empire in this country. Private companies take over the trade and you can suddenly pick up a brick of coke at the local pharmacy for $100. This will of course all be taxed and become revenue for the government. I don't know what you meant by 'elevate poverty' but injecting more money into welfare doesn't help anyone in the long run. Creating jobs is a much better alternative. Reforming education in black neighborhoods is a good place to start, more blacks graduating = more blacks getting legal employment = less blacks below the poverty level.
no fuck off less than a fifth of guns used in crimes are owned or obtained legally
Queer, Disabled, Angry feminist. What a dumb fucking cunt. Guys I don't want to see the future with these Marxist feminist black cocksuckers
user did you waste the entire day just shitposting? We're worried about you.
>it's only white people who want stability and to stop the destruction of black-owned homes and businesses
>no black person ever could oppose the destruction of their own neighborhoods by riots
"white liberals" everyone
Once marijuana, cocaine, and heroin are legal*
Excellent. So, everyone gets to go over to her house and break all her shit and then burn the place down. She's given official consent.