Genuinely forces you to contemplate
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Why is it that I never hear people talk about how young William Shatner was once an icon of male beauty? He was so fucking attractive.
What's the point of this?
Someone with total ignorance of 1960's television diversity and how Star Trek really helped.
What about Sulu you fucking retard? And Chekov was only added because Sulu was off filming some other bullshit and they needed to replace him for 7 episodes so they tried to cast someone who would look like the monkees singer
The point:
>TOS isn't diverse enough and aren't I so clever for pointing this out
Funny thing is Star Trek was on the forefront of diversity back then. Mainly because Gene Rottenberry was a communist cuck.
>first interracial kiss on television
>not multiculti enough
That liberals are never ever fucking happy
>implying the crew is not diverse enough just because the majority of them are white
>implying a Scot, Russian, and Southern American have similar cultures
made by someone who's never seen an episode of TOS
It would have been funnier if he'd seen only one episode.
Holy shit, what the fuck do diversity means for these lunatics ?
This is such a stupid comic. Of course by today's standards it's not especially diverse, but by 60s standards? Absolutely.
>Holy shit, what the fuck do diversity means for these lunatics ?
Brown people
This is a year old, faggot.
They come here in our solar system and take our space jobs!
It's the classic xmen "problem" when Claremont write the xmen the only 2 members of the team who wasn't white was Storm for like 90% of his run. He had all of 2 issues with proudstar and a few with Jubilee, but for the majority of the time the team is a Black girl from Harlem/Ciro/Kenya, a White german, a white russian, a white guy from the midwest, a white girl from new york, a white canadian, a white girl from the south, a white girl from the future, the brother of the white guy from the midwest, a white pop star, and a white 4 fingered alien
This comic is incredibly fucking ironic because Star Trek had LOTS of episodes with ham-handed messages about diversity and racial integration (pic related). Star Trek even had the first on-air interracial kiss. And the comic left out the asian guy driving the ship around. So, for modern virtue signalers to bash it like this is just rich and shows how SJWs are never fucking happy.
Demonizing the white American television of a bygone era, in racist terms, openly and unapologetically
And that Asian was a fag lord
I cant wait for the new Star Trek series captain to be a 3 foot tall, black, muslim, trans women whos legs dont work and is 400 pounds and is also gay
Kirk is American
>trans women whos legs dont work
That's another irony: The original Star Trek even had crippled characters (see pic - it's what happened to the original captain of the star ship before Kirk took over). Jesus H Christ Star Trek was basically a bunch of hippy-dippy script writers getting free reign to write in all the diversity and equality and shit they could ever dream of back in that era.
I can't wait for it to be cancelled after one season because no moron is going to pay for CBS all access just to watch it live
Wasn't Kirk forced to kiss her and he looked at the alien forcing him to do it with disgust and like how kissing this negress is the worst thing ever
that fag lord hated that the recent movie made his character a fag lord. naturally the sjws turned on him.
This actually exposes one of the biggest fallacies about diversity, probably not intentionally
>scottish, irish, french, german men etc not even speaking the same language
>wow how disgustingly nondiverse and monocultural
>diversity can only exist when white men remain at the top
wow, great comic!
nope, all white europeans have one bland generic culture (apparently)
ignorant fucktard demonstrates he knows nothing about history yet feels qualified to bitch about it
Poor Captain Pike
>TOS had the first interracial kiss on American television EVER
>This is not progressive enough
Fucking liberals will bitch and moan no matter what. TOS was progressive for its time and did a lot to further their cause but that isn't good enough for those stupid little ingrates
>Made NO mention of Sulu
Gas them all
If everyone was some 85 IQ nigger like the left wants the West to turn into then we wouldn't have spacetravel.
The rarity of people with an IQ high enough to work on spacetravel would be insufficient to produce enough.
Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible
Human intelligence is highly heritable.
Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.
Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.
Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.
The average African IQ is estimated at 79.
The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.
The white-black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.
Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.
Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.
IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society.
IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.
France's IQ drops 4 points per decade because of African immigration
The only way the left is consistent is that it's anti-white.
If there aren't any white males left, it'll be peak diversity.
You slap some green facepaint on those apes and they would literally look like orcs
no, that isnt true. they added a russian character because russian were upset they were already in space and star trek was like america not accepting that
he was, he really was. youre right i wish people would talk about it more lol no homo
"white" vulcan bothered me, the vulcans are suppose to all look the mostly the same. further series added "black" vulcans
also, spock and kirk were suppose to be gay together
also also spock is mixed race, human/vulcan and his parents sometimes appeared in episodes demonstrating how they mixed earth and vulcan cultures together
this this this, the episode in particular had such an obvious message they literally said it out loud
>hes black on one side, im black on the other
or something like that
i just love star trek tos so much
I believe Tuvok was half-human so his niggerness is probably from his human side.
I'm pretty sure he wasn't. He was fully Vulcan, supposedly from a "tropical" planet that Vulcans had uncharacteristically cultivated... Although maybe they did that pre-Surak. But there has to have been dark skinned locals, so he would be mixed... I don't know, black vulcans aren't explained very well and that's upsetting. Or maybe I don't know, my area of interest is TOS.
The thought of black Vulcans just weird me out because it's such a small planet with most of it unlivable, as far as I know Vulcan doesnt have other "countries", and all regions that have people living in them and the same level of development. Aside from religious areas. The weather is also suppose to be the same around the whole planet.
Spock was the first Vulcan I saw, so in my mind they should look like him. Light skin, tall and lean, green tint. Bowl cut lol. They are not a diverse people, all the diversity comes from mixing with other races.
wtf I love Star Trek now
Don't worry it really weirds me out too every time I attempt to watch Voyager. Vulcans were always supposed to be a very weird alien race. (Lord knows every week in TOS he had some plot power.)
as you should.... btw, serb?
i actually loved that about him. but mostly tos complete scrambling to get their shit together, like mark lenard as spocks father, the romulan commander, and a klingon
thats actually what led me to become very interested in the history of romulus, specifically their biology, if SJWs dont think that's pretty fucking rad than i dont know what is
>half a planet becomes angry at a new emerging religion
>that half BTFOs to another fuckin planet
>children of that planet believe theyre two separate races
>turns out they are
pretty wild
actually i liked voyager, you didn't?
That's because actors are usually well behaved and polite people. And they are getting paid for it.
>he's never read I Am Spock
I wouldn't say I didn't like it. It's just going from DS9 to Voyager is very underwhelming. A lot of the actors, especially Janaway are kind of stiff. But maybe that's just the early episodes and I should stick with it more.
oh shit nigger, thought you were referring to the movie with v'ger
nah, voyager the series was bad you can say it lol
Some nigger raped a Vulcan?
no lol literally impossible, vulcans have at least 3x the strength of the average human male and are much smarter
>people of different nationalities isn't diverse
>the only thing that matters is their skin color
Liberals once again prove just how racist they are.
Ah, so some Vulcan fucked a sheboon? Highly illogical.
Repeat after me:
"Diversity is a keyword for white genocide."
tuvok isnt mixed, he's supposedly from a different vulcan planet with more tropical weather and hence the darker skin
...why we don't VX nerve gas hipsters?
We're living in an age where the general public considers a movie to be only as good as it is diverse and politically correct.
No diversity on your movie? I'm sorry but your movie is bad and it should bomb. Critics will hate you, public will shun you, and you will be accused of being a pro-gun racist bigot sexist misogynist antisemite islamophobe homephobe transphobe Trump supporter and not a very intelligent one either.
Be prepared for new reboots and remakes such as...
>12 Angry Women
>Air Force One starring Diane Keaton as President Hillary Clinton
>The All-New All-Different Avengers
>Back to the Future starring Chloe Grace Moretz as Marlene McFly and Morgan Freeman as Dr. Emmett Brown
>Batman & Robin: Love Forever
>a James Bond movie, starring Henry Cavill as James Bond and Chris Hemsworth as his lover.
>Chinatown starring Denzel Washington as J.J. Gittes.
>A new WW2 movie featuring a squad of women soldiers' exploits at D-Day and a new WW1 movie featuring a trannie who has to deal with his-- sorry, her fellow soldiers being transphobic because fuck historical accuracy, diversity is more important.
>Excalibur with a new plot twist of the forbidden love affair being actually between Sir Lancelot and King Arthur.
>A new trilogy of romantic comedies: Diary of a Cuckold and Diary of a Cuckold 2: Cuck Harder starring Steve Carrell, Anne Hathaway, Jamie Foxx, Michael B. Jordan, Will Smith, Idris Elba, Lawrence Fishburne and 50 Cent, and the grand finale of the trilogy: Diary of a Cuckold 3: New Family introducing Caleb McLoughlin as the new addition to the family, begging the question who is the father? Certainly not Steve Carrell!
>Iron Man starring Marvel's new, exciting character Riri Williams as Iron Man and featuring a cameo of Jane Foster as Thor.
And many, many more....
once on tumblr i read someone said "even if the show sucks, watch it anyway because a woman wrote it"
about some repurposed comic into a tv show
Considering when it was made, it was incredibly progressive, which is the entire goddamn joke. Pity there are retards who don't get that
funny they never criticize doctor who for the reasons they do star trek tos