What do I tell the person that posted this image?
What do I tell the person that posted this image?
When my parents were concerned about my sociology major, I should have listened.
what do you care
people actually do say those things.
"this is a sad state of affairs", because america's healthcare is worse than romania's
>What do I tell the person that posted this image?
The only solution is the 3rd way.
Yes, I know. Millennials don't want to work.
thanks obama
Tell them that they should seek to increase the opportunities they have, not seek to steal other peoples' wealth through socialism.
>america's healthcare is worse than romania's
>romania is a tiny country in europe with ~20,000,000 gypsies
>romania cannot afford modern medical equipment for hospitals
>romanians are basically t*rks
>romania is a shitpost veteran of Sup Forums
>mfw you see this post about fundraising for a vital heart surgery for some american dad
>mfw in any real country he wouldnt have to go through these lengths
It really depends on your job. I moved to the USA and have excellent insurance that pays for everything and I can take sick days with no problems.
The east and south parts of Romania are basically Afghanistan, the northwest part is where it's at, former Germanic empire province basically. Too bad the commies brought subhumans to invade those parts as well.
>my teeth are like literally rotting out of my head
The answer isn't a dentist.
The answer is brushing your teeth and stop doing fucking meth.
>sorry goy, you had the opportunity for good health!
>now go back to your 60 hour work weeks while I fly my new jet to my private island
Maybe if they stopped spending their entire paycheck on Air Jordans and iPhones they could get medical care.
the us government has better things to spend our money on, like defending Israel.
Fucking this. Holy shit. No one that actually brushes their teeth would have them decaying so bad.
Yeah, like being paid two shekels to correct records.
Sooner or later every economic system fails and the masses butcher the elite that exploited them. Socialism is just one form of the inevitable revolution.
Second one I can relate to. I had to go to Dentist and that shit is fucking expensive even with insurance. Had to get a couple cavities filled and I couldn't believe how much it cost.
I don't even get the point of dental insurance, doesn't cover much and it just restricts which dentist you can see. I really don't get how lower middle class people can see a dentist. I know the poor get that shit free.
The secret is to not use your insurance and ask for cash prices. You'll be surprised how cheap health costs are without being inflated through the use of insurance. Too bad Obama forces everyone to play the insurance casino whether they want to or not.
Ask the person how they afford Obamacare and if it is good
I've had full medical insurance all my life.
Haven't been to a doctor or dentist in years.
I had no clue about this. I'll check cash prices next time I'm at the dentist. My last visit ate through my medical savings, didn't think it would be as much as it was and I didn't get that much work done.
Thanks for the advice.
that he knows A LOT of unhealthy people.
I don't know anyone with any of those problems except really old people
what does this mean
>i should have exercised more
>i should have brushed my teeth and ate less sugar
>i am so dumb i am unable to financially plan or budget $13 for a pair of glasses from selectspecs
>i dont sleep, eat, or exercise enough
>i dont sleep, eat, or exercise enough
>i dont sleep, eat, or exercise enough
>i dont sleep, eat, or exercise enough>i am so dumb i am unable to financially plan or budget $13 for a pair of glasses from selectspecs
>i dont sleep, eat, or exercise enough
>i live a unhealthy lifestyle
>i live a unhealthy lifestyle
>i live a unhealthy lifestyle
>i live a unhealthy lifestyle
Somewhat true. Medicaid does pay for filling cavities, anything like a crown or root canal is not covered at all.
I had to collect phrases people have said revolving around the narrative stating that health care is a myth in America because I believed it
I should have realized that if these people actually focused on the importance of well being and achieving in life and spent less time complaining, that they wouldn't be deflecting their unsuccessfulness onto something that their problems have nothing to do with.
Obama cares about you. Especially if youre white
are people actually 'seeing a doctor' for cases other than major wound or major sickness ? i cant recall the last time i saw one
Holy fuck. Glasses are cheap as hell. You can literally buy them at Walmart.
Insurance and socialized health care in general encourages people to make bad decisions because they aren't responsible for their health anymore. You're going to be paying the same $500 monthly premium anyway so why not go to the doctor when you have a headache instead of just taking some OTC medication?
not $300 gucci prada glasses
20-something year olds are entitled as hell
Why do we need more refugees? Why do we need to raise taxes ?
>be me
>have twisted pelvic torsion for most of my life without realizing it
>this caused one leg to be shorter than the other for years and I didn't know about it
>have flat foot
>have osgood schlatters disease
>lift things with back instead of knees because of knee pain
>never realize this is wrong until age 21
>tfw i'll have lower back pain for the rest of my life
yeah i trust my eyesight to the fuckups at walmart
You can literally take an eye exam ONLINE for free, and order a pair of glasses decked out with antiglare and all that shit from China for $30.
Tell them to
> take it easy on the alcohol.
> Lay off recreational drugs.
> Eat a more balanced diet. Produce is actually cheap as fuck.
> also brush teeth regularly.
Then they'll feel a lot healthier and will only need the doctor for an annual check up.
Its personal responsibility. Shits not hard. I come from a country with free health care. It means people eat all the crap they like knowing the state will take care of their needs free of charge (but at massive cost to society) in 30 years time.
Are these Chinese glasses confirmed good?
call them a shill
I've never heard anyone say anything along those lines and I worked in a restaurant then later a call center for years to pay for university.
Why are you middle aged and working a minimum wage job still?
>work nearly every day from 16 to 32
>pay my taxes like a good American
>always healthy
>get chronic illness
>can't work, welfare won't give me health care even though I've been paying into it my whole adult life
>can't even afford to go to a doctor to get the prednisone I need to function like a normal human
oy vey guess I should have made better decisions, amirite goys?
And I bet every single one of them buys a $700 iPhone every two years, along with $60/mo service.
sure is just-world fallacy in here
Maybe you shouldn't have wasted your money on health care premiums? Oh wait. You're forced to now. Thanks Obama.
I've said a lot of that shit, and that's the appropriate way to live.
It's my fucking responsibility to make more money and look out for myself, not yours.
Tell them that National Socialism will solve this problem and many others.
>paying for healthcare
Stupid burgers
Thanks, Obama.
i agree man, being poor sucks
*hits bong*
>get a job, hippie
OP i hope you arent an oxygen thief
seriously, pls
This is what Americans say. No trouble with that over here. Enjoy your healthcare system.
>paying taxes for someone else's health insurance
Stupid emus