Whites and Asians got so smart just because they evolved in the snow?
Explain to me how
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Something doesn't quite add up.....
They had to rely on hunting bc no crops to forage. More protein increased intelligence over generations. Probably the smartest and strongest survived harsh climate and were able to pass genes
Oh I don't know, dipshit, maybe because you need to have some creativity to survive for 6 months were nothing grows and hunting is more difficult.
Yes, but the Chinks ate the yellow one - it was sour abd that's why they always closed they eyes.
Well today they are yellow and have slit eyes so...
Blacks raised by whites perform just as well as whites raised by whites.
they had to plan ahead for the tough winters and work together to survive
>German Humor
Then why are Abos so dumb??
False there's actually a study that proves this
writing is what made some civilizations better than others at cooperating, inventing and educating others.
This is where africa and the americas fell behind the rest of the world.
then came the printing press.
Latin alphabet
>26 letters
>easy to block type
Chinese charaters
>over 50,000
>cant block type easy
Arabic letters
>Caligraphy forbids block type
>ottomans say they violate islam
And thus Europeans became the dominant force on earth.
well they did need better houses and food sources to survive, so it's probably part of the reason
perform in what?
not in an iq test that i can tell you for sure.
you literally just stumped Sup Forums so hard :P
This is complete bullshit and you cave monkeys need to learn the truth about white people from Louis Farrakhan.
>muh Anglo
>muh Saxon
>muh canine DNA
it's 99% of the reason.
there's not a single race with an average iq over 80 that didn't evolve in the snow
asians are more closely related to abbos than whites. which means our Last Common Ancestor had an iq probably LOWER than abos, at 60.
think about that for a second
well now you have to explain why some civilizations invented writing and others didnt.
no matter how you spin it, its all about intelligence.
nice MOO graphic sempai
Bc they're black
Abos don't experience the seasonal change. Seasonal change requires planning for the future and not just living for the day. The Anglos and Nords went even further by becoming master sailers and having to learn to plan to survive in the sea and on foreign land. Sitting on your ass in the warm desert or jungle every fucking day doesn't require any kind of advanced thinking.
They lacked ambition.
Minnesota twin study disproves this, along with every other study known to man. Nice try, nigger.
This is one of the dumbest things I've heard. If this were true inuits would be the smartest people on the planet
Australia was once teeming with foliage, but the abos burned it all down to draw out animals and hunt. Now they just huff gasoline. If it weren't for liberalism, they'd be extinct in a few hundred years.
true! XD
necessity is the mother of invention.
some people were spoiled with land that gave abundant sustenance.
they didn't need to invent better tech to become efficient.
Less invention, means no real need to transmit complicated knowledge.
The problem was sooner or later the better civilizations shows up and wreck their shit.
no masive change in the environment.
so they didnt need to adapt.
no adaptation = no evolution.
good point :3
this. :P
No they don't. Maybe sometimes but I'll tell yeh what, the pull of the other nigger culture will ruin them the minute it touches them in anyway at any age.
>Animals evolve differently based on their environment?!?!
>surrounded by fish and animal corpses
>tough living
Thanks for my daily dose of Blue-pills
what culture? xD
so you say that the people who inveted shit were now the most succesful? likely that the smatrest people in a tribe came up with that stuff and not the strongest. so all of a sudden the smart people breed i wonder if that had any effect on the races in the last 50000 years.
Who are you, fiend?
Harsher environmental pressures resulted in a superior human
Actually read the Minnesota twin study, the differences are within error
what do u mean :>
Its extremely difficult to survive in cold weather. Its not hard at all to survive average 98 degree summer
Well, "snow"(winter) forces animals to develop an affinity for long-term planning or perish during the winter where no food is being dynamically spawned for them to forage.
So yeah it would seem so.
It snows in Australia you stupid moran. It's not some hot desert with kangaroos.
is there evidence the abbos burned it all down?
australia is a low altitude continent, which means there are no rivers and extreme temperatures. it's exactly like the gobi desert or the saharan desert.
I have no doubt they burned what tehy could, but the entire continent?
>It's not some hot desert with kangaroos.
Yes it is.
t. Aussie.
Whites and Asians had more dramatic seasonal changes that required planning. This meant more hunting in good weather and farming. Initially we could farm with just a pointy stick but eventually white and Asian populations grew. This meant they had to develop new farming, hunting, and animal husbandry techniques to sustain themselves. Which is why whites and Asians developed tools like shovels, axes, bows, plows, rakes and techniques like irrigation. The winter months when no farming was done and only limited hunting left whites and asians with not much to do. So they worked their minds developing art, science, philosophy etc. With better farming techniques more people were able to work outside of subsistence farming. This led to new trades like blacksmith, artist, weavers, tailors, leather makers, bakers etc. This grew the culture.
Africa and Australia had tons of wildlife and less dramatic seasonal changes. All blacks had to do was shuck and jive out of their hut to get some fruit and bush meat. This sustained them for generations. Farming was done in sub-sahara Africa on a minor scale but never developed because the use of slaves. Africans did not use beasts to plow or perform work. They did not develop farming equipment. They just simply grew and made slaves from defeated tribes do the work. Most of their food came from gathering and hunting. Since this requires a large amount of time and energy, Africans were always on the move gathering or hunting. They did not have as much free time as their Asian and White counter-parts. This left them with little time to develop any philosophy or written language. What good is a written language if you have no need for writing, philosophy, math or science? So blacks just simply never developed beyond primitive culture since it was a waste of time and wasn't as easy as simple subsistence living which got them by perfectly fine.
It's quite sad when you think about it, before Islam ruined it the middle east was pretty much the cradle of humanity and the mixing pot from wich a lot of the basis of our civilization come from.
that's extinction of megafauna, not extinction of forested habitat
burning down forests doesn't erase rivers.
improve your reading comprehension please
>Sitting on your ass in the warm desert or jungle every fucking day doesn't require any kind of advanced thinking.
I disagree. In the desert you have to plan more for water shortages and agriculture is harder because of the Arid landscape. This is why Arabs are a step above niggers in intelligence. I'd actually say Arabs would be on par with Asians if they weren't tainted with Islam.
Jungle is literally easy mode for survival. Pours rain all the time (floods can be a danger though) so you generally don't have water shortages. Land is lush and the forest grows much fruit.
meanwhile niggers will suffer from lack of vitamin D in northern climates
So polar bears and penguins should show the highest intelligence of the animal kingdom? But they don't.
are you stupid, or just a shill?
deserts create resource scarcity but also prevent large scale organization, which prevents IQ from being the most important selection criteria. instead, te most important selection criteria becomes violence.
so yes, arabs are smarter than niggers by a little, but not by much. tey come nowhere near asians in terms of iq you fucking retard. look at arab american iqs, they average in the low 80s, which is actually slightly lower than blacks.
yeah i agree 100 % with that.
just adding that if you are a succesfull hunter and warrior you are most likely stronger than others. you will get the women and give you "strong" genes to the next generation. meanwhile in europe you had to deal with snow and cold weather. now its more important to build isolating huts or tents, to store food, to make clothing. and now the more intelligent men procreate instead of the strongest. over 10 thousands of years this has a significant influence on genetics and the structure of our brains. i dont know why some here are so hard in denial.
It all has to do with agriculture. Think of the best civilizations that existed, and why they existed. Mesopotamia, the euphrates and tigris was an enermous fertile landscape, that could be cultivated. Formed the first civilizations on the planet. Africa was not a fertile landscape that could easily be cultivated and agriculture never developed, so no civilizations really got propped up.
As people began growing out of the cradle of civilization, they found new lands to cultivate and build up civilizations (Europe). Eventually civilizations in the middle east would die down as the euphrates and tigris landscape would dry up and become less fertile, and more immigration would happen into Europe and across Asia.
Let's take a look at Asia during this time. China and India were rich in good fertile land, I think the Yellow river and Ganges river, and again civilizations would pop up around these fertile areas. Africa still had no real areas to cultivate, and civilization wouldn't prop up until the Arabs were able to migrate and set up there caliphate, this would produce very small empires because of the little agriculture that went along. Most of the western african empires would only be supported by trade with the middle east, which is why they broke down after a few hundred years.
Let's now look at the Americas. During the eventual settlement of migrants from Europe across the landbridges, tribes were set up across the Americas. The most fertile landscapes were those of central american. And again civilization propped up. Except, it took thousands of years to get from Europe to the Americas, and civilization in eurasia was much richer, and more advanced. The Aztecs were getting better until the conquistadors landed and destroyed the empire. Africa still does not have good fertile land for agriculture. Very small areas are actually viable for agriculture, and it's just wasn't enough to prop up any real civilization.
Native Americans evolved in the snow too, but they weren't advanced.
its lower then american blacks you mean.
its not lower then the average african black they are arround 70. also you have to keep in mind that in the case of arabs this might be not just evolution and adaption but also inbreeding which is an aditional culture influence. i would say they are smarter if they wouldnt fuck their cousins for the last 1500 years.
Because they didn't have good agriculture. The seasons were too extreme. Which is why the central americans were able to prosper, they did deal with drastic weather.
Why do most if not all African emigrants to the US and Europe outrank native whites in IQ?
Sure these Africans are cherry-picked but if IQ's link race holds true then immigrant Africans would only rank higher than native Blacks but lower than most whites. The opposite is true, they grossly outrank all races excluding Asians. These select Africans must've lived long time during uhhh "ice age", gained higher IQ
does this look like they were farming? god damn it you guys try so hard to explain the iq difference between races away it is laughable.
>deserts create resource scarcity but also prevent large scale organization
Explain to me the Persian Empire then.
> which prevents IQ from being the most important selection criteria. instead, the most important selection criteria becomes violence.
They were smart until Islam made them burn all their books.
>so yes, arabs are smarter than niggers by a little
Arabs are quite a bit smarter than niggers. When not hampered by Islam they generally perform well.
Correction, the Indus river system would produce some of the first societies in India, as migration continued across the Indus system, the ganges would eventually become a major part of their civilization.
Those aren't empires, those are still hunter gatherers. It wasn't until the ice ages ended did they become small, and VERY small societies. Greece became the first real civilization in Europe, and look how close they are to the middle east. Eventually Rome would become a major civilization against Greece and take it over. This was during the time that the arab civilizations died down into smaller powers.
Obvious retard shill, but I'll humor you. Unlike in Europe where niggers can be floated in on a piece of plywood, it takes some effort to get to America. It generally appears that straight outta Africa negroids in America are intelligent people. Why is this? Because they were smart enough to know that it sucks living in a majority niggered area. That is why they even try to act white when they get here.
Because they are cherrypicked to an insane degree. Only the top ~1% are able to immigrate out of Africa. You can see the same deal with Indians in America being one of the smartest groups, despite India having an 85 average IQ. Outliers exist in all bell graphs and those outliers are the ones who immigrate to America.
they once collectively shaped the entire ecosystem of australia by using fire to tame the face of the landscape. The first european visitors painted a very different picture of Australia than we get today, a lush and open land that seemed reminiscent of the well manicured estate lands of the rich. In a generation or two, much of these lands became forest or desert, because as sophisticated as the Abbos once were, they relied entirely on nature, and once Europeans arrived they basically lost their shit and their society was destroyed.
Meant for
Gotta start somewhere.
They got smart from interacting with neanderthals.
If you don't plan ahead in the snow, you die.
Planning ahead = intelligence.
Whites had hundreds of thousands of years of selective breeding, where only the smartest that planned ahead survived the harsh winters, it cumulatively increased white intelligence.
Niggers never had that burden in the tropics and jungles.
Pick one
>White couple adopts black baby
>Murders them in their sleep a decade later
Seen that exact story a dozen times.
Polar bears and penguins have plenty of easily available natural food. Humans don't... and will also easily freeze to death.
Because it's easier to stay focused in cold environments. That is why schools are chilly as fuck. Also winter months allow for more introspective activities, hence why white people are usually stereotyped as neurotic.
>Africa still does not have good fertile land for agriculture. Very small areas are actually viable for agriculture, and it's just wasn't enough to prop up any real civilization.
Image related. Africa is a barren hell hole.
Actually you are incorrect. Africa was so lush and fertile with animals that farming was necessary. No farming, no advancement in society.
oh my god. what the fuck is this here can someone redpill these idiots.
dude it is possible thet the smartest man on the planet right now is an abo. and the dumbest man on earth is a japanese guy. we are talking here about entire ethnic groups and not jsut the smartest 10 % of that group. ofc you get the creme de la creme of african immigrants. and yes they will be smarter then the average white guy. that does not mean that the vast majority they left behind in africa are dumb as a stick.
average iq of some random group = 80
80 % of that group have an iq of = 80
10 % of that group got an iq of = 60
10 % of that group got an 1q of = 100
the 10 % with the 100 iq points make it to the usa the rest stays home. this is obviously jsut a numbers game but it shows you how it works.
Because it was hard to develop human-level intelligence in the first place, but once it was developed, then natural selection could take place in the freezing environments to increase intelligence further.
Funny how just about ALL of these Black outliers outrank 97% of the white or cosmopolitan population. Again they're expected to do well but not grossly outperform most if not all of a native population whose ancestors "lived long winters, gained muh hi IQ".
Then niggers that now live in colder climates should do just as well in school as white people. They don't.
the Persian Empire wasn't created in a desert.. Tigris and Euphrates and the geographic region around it birthed the Achaemenid Empire
thx user comments like this give me back hope in the average iq of this board.
Same reason the Chinese and Indian immigrants in the US are at the top of all brackets.
The best of the best immigrate, thus the average of those that immigrate is high.
Hence why recent african immigrants to the US are at or above US average, and blacks they have been here for generations are almost legally retarded on average.
Nice quads. No but I'd imagine that they do better than the ones who are living in hotter climates.
Read my post.
>Very small areas that are actually viable for agriculture
Plus, thousands of years ago, there was a huge drought in Africa that forced migration towards the middle east and Europe. The climate has not been the same for thousands of years, guy. It changes drastically.
asians have higher IQ than whites on average
Then check out the IQ curves, there are outliers in all races, the immigrants from africa are the top of the african outliers, meanwhile you're comparing it to the center of the US curve.
>Africa was so lush and fertile with animals
Europe was also lush and fertile with animals. It's just that white people was more effective at everything they did, including hunting animals.
Same reason Indians are above average m8.
Cream of the crop manages to immigrate, IQ is ~80% heritable, children of smart Chinese/Indian couples tend to be smart, especially those with the high work ethic required to immigrate from those countries to the US.
A stunted and retarded society couldn't build this.
I love all the pseudo science. And how certain you guys are of this.
>Niggers never had that burden in the tropics and jungles.
they had to be able to run faster and jump higher than the many dangerous animals.
the reason why the Americans lag behind is because like Australia it was isolated by the rest of the world trade, natives were so isolated that most of them died of common disease already immune by the old world
You don't realize how outliers work. I'll give an example.
The average white IQ is 100 and the average black IQ I'll estimate at around 75 for Africa.
An equivalent of a 160 IQ white man would be 120 for an African. These are the Africans who immigrate. They're as rare as a white man who has a 160 IQ, but they still exist.
Even Africa's outliers shouldn't outrank a significant population of the Master Race of Winter. Thats if OP's theory isn't full of shit, along with Race and IQ. Both theories are shit.
Africa had a moister environment hundreds of thousands of years ago until the ice ages. Then scroll down to when civilizations started forming (roughly 10000 or so years ago). Most of Africa because arid, with seasonal forests and savannah like landscape. Not a lot of room for agriculture.