Well they convinced me. Time to open the immigrant floodgates.
Well they convinced me. Time to open the immigrant floodgates.
is this a study abroad activity
because those japs at the side def. were judging and seemed like a class sized protest.
english teachers make so little, they make they make the perfect shills. well-played soros. only, there's no niggers in japan
Wonder if Japan wants all our black people? You desu's can have them!
>not a single black
Jesus fuck the english teacher meme is real
They are a fucking bunch of entiled cucks who thinks they have a said in what is better to Japan
Fucking deport them
>Jesus fuck the english teacher meme is real
Fucking this. The protest is so tiny it's desperate at this point. Unlike western countries however, I'm confident this one will easily simmer down and will be swept under the rug from the fact that it's minuscule.
>black lives matter protest in Japan
>mostly white piggu and black monkii
Please go back to your land.
white people voluntarily working in asia are scum that should rot in ditches, fuck.
There is one black guy on the far right.
do japanese police even have guns, makes no sense
Thats like 25% of the black population over there
13s into the video and I already want to kill myself.
lol how japan only has like 2 black people
Half of them are white. They should be deported.
They didn't get the news? The "hands up don't shoot" thing turned out to be a lie. Just like the cake.
This made me laugh though. The Japs don't even understand what these stupid ganjins are saying. If you're going to protest in another country, do it in a language they understand.
Japan had their own dindu nuffin incident 70 years ago.
ok this is just funny now
In remembrance of Paul ONeal pants to be flown at half mast ?
Wasn't a nigger serviceman responsible for the rape in Okinawa? If it is someone should spam that shit to the BLM protest in Japan.
Fucking tiny as fuck minority, still nigging the place up.
You forgot the Asian niggers. The Filipinos.
>Niggers cave
I believe Japanese are permitted to own guns if they don't put bullets into the magazines.
>Since the killings, the cave has been known as Kurombo Gama, meaning "niggers' cave"
Holy shit I never knew the Japs had a word for nigger. Kek.
Yeah, thats happening to me a lot lately.
At least trump rallies are still a thing.
According to wiki
>citizens are permitted to possess firearms for hunting and sport shooting, but only after submitting to a lengthy licensing procedure.
Pretty much the same as it is here down under.
These degenerates will fall to my Japanese steel once I get my visa
Yes yes. Now what we need is world wide BLM riots especially in Peking and Moscow.
Race war: Coming soon to hoods near you.
Well, I think it's also the word for the kubuki stage hands dressed in all black.
The manga "I Am A Hero" goes somewhat in-depth about what it takes to own a gun. Basically you need to be a part of a range club and never ever do anything wrong with it.
Japanese police all have revolvers.
Bump for this
Full support
I'm sorry Japan
I really am
Fucking retarded. Japanese cops almost never shoot anybody, much less black people.
Even the Melbourne one was just swept under the rug because the 5 bix noods who attested the rally are too busy stealing cars and the leftist students have zero attention span.
Turns out there's a blm movement wherever in the world a faggot has a black "friend"
Does this include shooting a dindu like in the US?
What is the point?
You could probably cherry pick a bunch of photos and do this with just about any country.
But why in Britain and Japan?
Not that I'm against it - show the rest of the world what loud, SJW cunts we have to deal with, but why?
Because they want people to feel guilty and cough up more money for dem programs n shiet.
>a bunch of fucking white cucks and a few wogs
cant the yakuza mob these cunts or something
burakku raifus meeta
Degenerate culture exists in all first world countries, unfortunately it's an unavoidable problem. Folk get too comfortable, causing people to slowly throw everything that made us great to begin with out the window for the sake of "lighting things up a bit" and to "do something new", etc.
I'm sure they do. Japan YES !
Nigger what?
Really made me think
as a deracinated fourth gen this triggers me
>thinking the protests are about guns
How bluepilled can you get?
Probably a hilariously mistitled anti-FGM charity
Good. Japan deserves to be "culturally enriched" for inflicting degenerate animu garbage on the West. I hope the country imports more niggers and experiences looting and muh dicking.
Weabs kys.
>I can't breathe!
>I can't breathe!
>I can't breathe!
Let me explain something to you very carefully: Every single self-described left-winger is the biggest piece of shit amongst their peers, not including other left-wingers. Every single one of them to a fault is a traitor, a collaborator who would betray their people and nation to foreign powers and foreign peoples in a heartbeat. Every single one of them is a religious nut who has replaced their family's religion with an ideology. Every single one of them comes from genetically inferior stock which causes major retardation that result in lack of cognitive abilities.
I'm going to metaphorically describe to you the worst fucking people in the world and they exist everywhere regardless of tribe or religion or other demographic modifier. Imagine a poor rural family. Out of that family comes an individual who gets a chance to study and perhaps even someday work in a major city. When said individual does just that, he or she turns their back on their family and other families in similar situation. In public they declare their own family to be stupid and primitive and beneath them. They do this to maintain status amongst their vindictive and simpleton friends, most of whom also come from poor families. They do this and think this because they don't realise that they themselves are the worst by-product of their family. They don't realise that just because they put on a suit or learn a fancy phrase, it doesn't make you any less of the dumb hick you're trying not to be.
that's Korean you fucking dunce
That's Korean. I would've thought it was Jap too though, because painting nigger skin on themselves is what some Japs do to show their love for nigger culture. It normally gets nigs crying and complaining as usual.
Oh look, it's the next Al Qaeda.
I hate animu as much as any sane person but a strong interest in it in adulthood is largely considered to be degenerate in Japan so it's not really fair to wish hordes of niggers upon them for it. If people are going to be punished for degenerate anime, start with Western Weaboos first. They are pudgy and poorly formed, they will die easily.
You faggots really think Japan doesn't have niggers? Roppongi is full of niggers and just like anywhere else in the world, they are absolute scum.
Here's another reason to bring my MAGA cap to Japan when I visit next month.
If I run into these goons I'll just walk right by them and tip my cap and see how they react to that.
Don't care if that doesn't get me deported.
There's no niggers in Japan. Why the fuck are they there? Sorry gooks these faggots are giving us a bad name :-\
There are black people in japan? wut
>never knew the Japs had a word for nigger.
Yes they have shitty .38 revolvers that they never draw because there's never a situation that demands it.
Black lives don't matter. All nigs should be exterminated.
>full of niggers
I've been there before, not once have I been mugged. Your loss if you have, cuck.
>We have BLM protests in Melbourne
>We had Occupy protests in Melbourne
Fucking embarrassing. American culture belongs to the Americans.
That's interesting coming from a spic
Now imagine that it's a nation or people instead of a family. That's what a left-winger is and that's why they should all be killed. I mean what sort of creature would turn their back on their ancestors? And then you have the masochists so prevalent in western Europe and the colonies who desire to be punished for perceived historical slights. My god, just thinking about them makes me want to take out the chainsaw and car battery. And then you have the Jews pretending to be Europeans. Those are simply examples of Hitler's genocidal endeavours not being complete evil.
Perhaps it's because an eternal war has loomed over my head since my birth but in my eyes the world is split into patriots and traitors. When the time comes if you're not willing to fight and die for your country, your people and your family then you're not a person to me. I don't care about your age, your gender, your inferior political understandings, your ideology, your principles or whatever else. Although I'm against anti-natalist individuals as well, I'll pretend for the time being they don't realise how traitor0us and destructive their opinions are. Going by purely what left-wingers have done and said since my birth, I can safety declare that every single left-winger I've ever known and ever will is not only a traitor but raises their disgusting backstabbing mentality as a virtue to be followed.
Glass them now before it's too late.
>I hate animu
>le edgy /r9k/ frogposter meme
You're cancer upon this site.
aren't blacks more racist against Asians than any other race?
Aren't Asians afraid of blacks?
cant wait when they come to Sup Forumsland
How many years does Japan have left?
They are.
Korean-American here, most of the racism I've dealt with was strictly from urban ghetto blacks. The L.A. Riots give them a bad reminder of us. But then again, most of us hate niggers as well.
What's weird is I'm seeing the beginnings of a blasian explosion.
They don't appear out in the open, but their children do. All part of the Jew plan.
They're mainly Flips and Viets doing that, and half of them are poor and grew up in nigger communities.
Who ever mentioned getting mugged you goddamned r-tard?
Melbourne here, this place is your San Francisco, plz rescue me from this heart of darkness
Any idea why? Is it more than just turning out something new and eye-catching?
I met my new black co-worker today, and before lunch he'd begun talking about BLM, reparations for Jamaica and general gibs right in front of the two Japanese teachers we're meant to be working with. He started trying to guilt me about slavery (I'm Irish by the way) and tried to justify violence against whites, and said I didn't understand when I stood my ground. It must have been quite funny for the Japanese teachers to hear that, but I couldn't believe that he had the balls to go there within a couple of hours of working with me. He eventually conceded that he needed "more nuance" to his arguments and that white people aren't a monolithic entity, but still couldn't jive with there not being some kind of collective punishment for whites.
I consider myself fairly up to date with this bullshit but this was a bit of a red pill moment for me, that he was so brazen. First day at work, too.
All the English teachers I've met so far have been leftist retards as well, with every deflection in the book (not all, but Christianity does it too, etc.) coming out when I drunkenly went off on one about Islam. They've been primarily American, but also New Zealand and English. I'm used to rural Ireland, so lesson learned. The Japanese who were present didn't mind though, and I've had a couple of Japanese teachers express their exasperation at Merkel's migrant invitation.
One more thing about that black co-worker. He told me he was trying to dispel stereotypes about Jamaicans to the students by telling them about Jamaican writers and the like, but then as well as trying the white guilt and gibs argument, by the end of the day he was asking one of the Japanese teachers if he could kiss her and "remove all boundaries with a Japanese woman, like you". I cringed as they had to tell him this wasn't Jamaica, and trotted out the "when in Rome" line to him, which at least shows they know what Jamaica must be like. After work he was all "I've known them for 2 years".
You implying that, Cletus.
You think the immigration authorities are going to accept your AR-15? Well try again, faggot.
Chill out, you're comparing Roppongi to shitholes like Detroit or Chicago by being "full of niggers." They're not remotely anywhere close
Also >r-tard
This isn't WoW, cuck
Probably because the poorer you are the lower standards you have with life.
On my plane ride home tonight, I spotted two guys who, to my unrefined gaydar, were very gay. This was in Vegas.
Happened across them going into the bathroom together. They talked to each other on line waiting. One went to the urinal, the other waited for a stall. Strange. He wasn't acting like he had to take a shit; we was standing like he was waiting to take a leak.
At the end of the flight, one stood at one end of the baggage claim with some sort of a gf or wife, and never glanced the other way. The other guy was always looking a bit drawn and eyeing around; he had changed into a tshirt and basketball shorts before landing in a place where his pink gay tanktop and fashionable shorts wouldn't have flown -- that's why he needed the stall to change.
I guess what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
This BS is getting out of control and makes no sense, but I will admit that I'm curious in which country will be the next protest, my guess will be either Russia or Switzerland, I'm not worried about BLM coming to latin america because they seems to choose nice countries, not third world hell holes.
Nowhere is safe from jewish global influence. Just remember that if America and Europe are lost, so is the rest of the world.
Why did I used to think they were alt-right 4channers? Have the leftist normies really caught on to Japan? Either way, it's news to me that I'm hearing stories of English teachers being the PC pussycrusher type.
Just stay far away from those faggots though, my man.
did they crash the plane ride?
You fucking niggers do you think you American niggers can take over genbaku memorial days and make them about you
Cave of the negroes 2 when? Soon and it will be full to the brim
First the nukes, now this.
This is just mean America, it's mean.
holy shit it's like sleeper cells waking up in every part of the world
Nah, just paid like $80 for preferred seating next to each other in the 2nd row or whatever.
Who the hell knows. I really don't care, personally, but it's one of those little datapoints that makes you start to want that sort of thing to not get too normalized. I felt more comfortable about the gross fratboys next to me in the terminal talking about getting wasted and how some girl or other just had too perfect a body for him and that's why I assume he chickened out of whatever with his not-fat friends who were obviously just there for the show as well.
Is this a joke?
Yeah, nowhere was there any implication, Tyrone. And yes, Roppongi is full of niggers. Quit trying to cover up your nigger scam shops.
>The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that Moscow has irrefutable evidence of planning attacks in the Crimea the Ministry of defense of Ukraine.
Cry chohols, cry.
They appear to be respectable members of the community.