>be redpilled
>subhuman non-white shitskin
>be in love with white women because they're angels that radiate beauty
>cant even find non-white women attractive
>live in the hood and there's almost no white women around
What do?
Be redpilled
and im not a nigger btw
Move to Sweden obviously
whta any sane person does,
shitpost on pol pretending to be a minority
I know this is b8 but
>red pilled
>determined to shit up our gene pool with low iq, sub-human cattle
I see tons of white women with Mexican guys all the time.
Become celibate
Fucking where at?
>What do?
Become a spy. Hook up with white cunts, put their names, faces, adresses in the RWDS database and if you're doing it long enough I'm sure that you can get the cut off head for as long as it's warm for some after-execution love.
Here in Texas.
Move elsewhere.
would Swedes even date a 5'8 spic with a lot of gang tattoos... aren't they scared of men like me?
Find yourself a qt latina
Stay put where you are.
Leave the hood, dumbass.
>gang tattoos
You think you're one of us but you aren't....
I don't mean this in a mean way, but maybe you don't belong here, buddy.
wtf are you new to America?
Redpilled have nothing to do with race, moron.
Also, Asians and Jew have higher IQ.
Go back to stormfags.
Here in salt lake city
Really makes your synapses fire, huh
>>be redpilled
>>subhuman non-white shitskin
>>be in love with white women because they're angels that radiate beauty
>>cant even find non-white women attractive
>>live in the hood and there's almost no white women around
>What do?
Don't fuck up our gene pool. Stay with Latino girls, there are some good ones and half-breeds out there.
if you were at all red pilled you would either kill yourself for the better of mankind or move back to your country of origin.
Start selective breeding your own people to be more attractive.
It's not hard, if you jump ship to another race you are just fucking it up for everyone. You make white people ugly and Latinos stay ugly. That's the literal definition of crab bucket mentality and is the reason that niggers are screwed for the rest of humanity's existence.
>Jews have higher IQ than whites
>totally untrue piece of information contradicted by evidence
OK, stay niggered down there paco
Latino + white = white.
>Brown eyes
>Black/Brown Hair
>Skin barely passes the brown paper bag test
You cannot be serious
Are you retarded?
You also realize that Jews pretty much won America and Europe since WWII.
>muh white supremacy
Yeah, keep sucking that Jew IQ you love so much
Is a virus a superior organism to you just because it can infiltrate a healthy body and make it sick?
Nice one, Fritz
Femanon here.. no. You wouldn't be dated. You're obviously not very successful in life can you even afford a ticket here?
Quit being a nigger.
He at least understands the ideals of the aryans. I'd tolerate it.
Virus are way more important to Evolution on Earth than humans so yes.
Well I mean from an evolutionary standpoint yes but long term not really.
Viruses have been selected for extinction since their initial creation, they are agents of biological destruction and nothing more, that's all they were ever meant to be.
So that means that the only way for them to survive is to reproduce, they may even go extinct one day if either all the hosts die or become immune. But it is unlikely due to the low lethality of many viruses.
Fun fact, viruses are probably left over bio warfare agents used by prehistoric cells to contend with competing microbes. These agents have since evolved well beyond their original purpose and are no longer produced by microbes and are perpetuated by evolution and organisms instead.
Don't listen to them. Hook up with an ugly chick or a fatty.
I make 80k a year which isn't that bad, i maybe a spic but dont you try to talk down to me you fucking cunt.
>Femanon here
Sissy bois don't count as Women, Sven.
I'm half-Asian (I've been told I look like Lyoto Machida), 5'7, have a decent paying government job, a master's degree, am fluent in three languages, and politically would probably be defined as a right-wing socialist. Would I stand a chance in your bastion of progressiveness?
Get a good job. Be nice. Try being handsome. Be polite.
You could always BIX NOOD MUH DIK MUP DA DO DIDDA but that would only get you sex, no long term waifu, and the white women you got would be awful.
I don't care who you date as long as you aren't a massive piece of shit.
If you are redpilled, don't race mix.
Become an advocate for the right. Your voice will carry MUCH more weight among minorities.
Anywhere in the United States
White women are like cock voids absorbing as much dick as earthly possible in the states.
It doesn't help when people like Hillary Clinton encourage mass migration from Latin Americas into North America.
I see that too, and also white men with Mexican women. The two seem to blend ok.
I remember some cute Mexican girls in high school who liked me even.
Latino + white = mestizo
It's like Eurasian but darker skin and more beaner features.
I know. I've seen a mix breed up close.
Nobody would mistake that child for being white, despite having a white mother.
I have so many questions about this pic...
>posting qts to trigger Sup Forums virgins
y u do dis
get cucked by your problematic white bitches
come home brown man
over here young girls like an 'adventure' with a local Turk or Arab. You'd fit right in
t. Turk
>tfw half white, half asian
>tfw live in 96% white area
>tfw all the gfs were white
Supreme gentlemen would have been proud of me.
>not collecting qts in your qt folder
he would have probably killed you my man
Ach Kevin.
Get a qt white trap gf
I'm fucking serious
Racemixing is degenerate but with a trap gf there's no chance of that.
If you are hard-working and you don't think you deserve special treatment for being black - while at the same time blaming whitey for all your problems, you're fine in my book, and probably in most of Sup Forums's.
Nobody apart from stormfags gives a shit about skin-colour. Not having white skin doesn't make you subhuman. It's the fact that most non-whites tend to commit subhuman acts that makes them subhuman.
Find a teenage white girl. You will never get rid of the orgasm addiction.
I'd throw ya one OP, am also fat though (big surprise)
Fucking beaner stick to your own race or kys
>special treatment for being black
im not a nigger im a spic. I do know most white women prefer to stay within their own race even if they don't realize it. I just dont know where to find wife-teir white women that would be more open to dating a Latino
Kill yourself
It's ok you can enjoy indios from the slums. I'll enjoy dat white and light skinned pussy.
My girlfriend is half spic and is a milky white with mostly caucasian features. Most people never even guess.
>right wing socialist
I'll let you have a white women, if you go back.
Right wing Socialism is a real thing. It's basically Francoism and NatSoc, etc. Just Socialism that modern leftists think is too racist and bigoted.
>Kill yourself
What did you mean by this?
Study, determination, willpower, get out of the hood so that other blacks won't keep you down, get a good job.
>going after disgusting white wimmin
>thinking they're not all coal burners
You're not White so you may as well be for all we care, monkey.
My boyfriend is Mexican
>gang tattoos
stay there degenerate
>right wing
You are delusional and misinformed. Right and left has nothing to do with "bigoted" or "racist". It has to do with size and scope of government and individual freedom.
Proof that it's a trap?
I know, I am 6'3.
Are you a Tatar? Tatars are more white than Asian.
Use reverse image search my man
Kill self. Or just bang nigresses.
Kill yourself you fucking nigger.
Bunch of Chan threads. Chans are known for claiming real women as traps, nigger. that's not a proof.
You're redpilled and you have gang tattoos?
Don't listen to these stormfags, OP. If you're redpilled, are determined to live life constructively and vote for Donald Trump, you can redpill coal burners to your hearts content.
Don't self-denigrate by calling yourself sub-human. Only liberals are sub-human.
We want proud Americans who want to be here and want to uphold the constitution and the things that makes America great. That's all that matters.
Anyone who says otherwise is a Cruz supporter and should be gassed.
Fuck a Filipino.
t. race-mixing kike
>Proud Democrat can't imagine life without diversity.
He probably is senpai.
i thought it was cool when i was younger, i got all my arm tattoos removed but i still have my back and stomach ones
lel another insecure self hating beaner whos probably darker than niggs
>not being white
>not having the women of lesser races throwing themselves at your GOP and BWP
>not having the pleasure of telling minorities that you can't sleep with them because they are niggers, or atleast implying it
>being spic or black on Sup Forums
>Not worshipping BBC
One of these things is not like the other one.
>Believing retarded memes like an isolated continental island fag
Swedes are sick of this shit my friends.
Kristallnatt 2.0 incoming
Dream on, Taco.
Dude. Seriously?
Anyway, better yourself. If any face/neck tats, get them removed. Go to community college and aim for university, or find a trade school and learn a solid trade. Get a good job. Treat women like a gentleman (albeit a redpilled one, nobody likes wimps.)
That's probably your best bet for all-around success in life.
how old are you and what is your level of education
don't lie
Everything I see coming out of your news backs it up.
Your nation isn't just being cucked, you're all emphatic about it.
Live in Compton, want to move but i dont know where
just got a 80k job 3 months ago
High School level education
5'8 and i make ugly girls wet for some reason
kill yourself