Jim is going to debate a BLM person

As title says, Jim is going to debate a BLM person

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is based Jim finally back?

He's been shitposting on Twitter and he made this video yesterday, but I don't think he's back for good.


Who's Jim?

Though when shit like this goes down in the Midwest he does tend to talk a lot about it.


Used to be called Internet Aristocrat. Helped get GamerGate off and going. Makes a lot of videos, or used to. Real popular guy here on pol sometimes. There have been threads when he does livestreams.

"Current" Youtube account


Archive account that some other guy runs


And the videos that probably made him most famous


That was a good one too

Don't know what Metokur was about though.

Holy shit I've talked to Warsie before

The guy's an idiot, I have skype logs

Got any you can share?

I'm digging though my logs (I have a ton) but he's full on Kangz


Nice flag the faggot has. Can see he will support any ideology where he is not the one responsible for his lot in life.

check out his "black america" flag too


You think he knows who Jim really is? Or if he does research that he would back out? Or is he going to go full retard and sperg out on Jim?

I can't fucking believe it, the liberals have actually managed to make niggers even more obnoxious


For those of you who just don't get why it is that blacks be uprising.

Trust me, it's going to be 100% sperg. He's not going to back down (and if he does, it'll be the race card all the way).

Basically, he's a black nationalist who wants to carve out a piece of America exclusively for blacks. However, he's a complete fucking idiot so that's going nowhere.

Wonder if it's going to be better than the Dean stream

You got the logs? I want to see what we're dealing with here.

Working on that now. I've got a shitload of logs, sorry.

So what you actually Skyped with him before?

Yeah, there was actually a Newgrounds based skype chat for a while and that's how we found him. We had some heated arguments and he eventually left completely.

Bump gibsmedat skype logs

My log viewer is still loading

I may need to reconsider some life choices

OK fuck it going to sleep

But trust me my dudes it's going to be good B)

Jim is back

Sort of, I just hope he doesn't delete the video after he does the stream. Hell maybe this what was needed to get him back into making videos.

There's always at least 2 autists that back up his videos ever since he dropped his Aristocrat persona.

True, pretty sure the guy who runs the Archive page is one

Based Jim. I was really starting to miss his videos. I wonder what it would take to get him on Dick Masterson's podcast as a guest.

Not sure, but Jim also use to shitpost on Sup Forums. keep up the good work Jim if you are about still.

He's willing to do streams with anyone really. I've seen him on some obscure shit that is probably their highest ones.

>This is the face of the "How can white men even compete" threads

Can't wait for Jim to bully this pussy into killing himself.

I would love to hear him argue with Dick about inconsequential shit. May have to run the idea past one of them. This week's guest is already set in stone, unfortunately.

Well if you look at some of the other streams he's done he brings in the most views on the channel typically. If you type in Mister Metokur and Douche Canoe in Youtube, his stream blows everything else out of the water. Everything else has like 50 views and his stream has 7700.

Pretty sure he only browses 8ch Sup Forums now because of Hiroshima data mining

This isn't a Youtube thing, though. Plus I think there's already a lot of overlap in their viewerbase. Especially since Dick is a Sup Forumsack too.

>A Soviet flag
>Turned vertically
>Hammer and sickle are fucking mirrored
Fucking [triggered]

Aren't the two linked?


Theoretically. Nobody knows for sure which of the two was doing the datamining. So one of the two sites is probably getting mined. Luckily, I lie through my teeth every chance I get. Whichever jew is getting info from me might as well throw it out because it's bullshit.


Oh, and Hotwheels isn't running the site anymore, so there's that too. He got tired of the constant DDoSing and shit so he quit and one of the guys who was working on the code is in charge now.

What is he doing now?

Debate start
Jim: Hello
Nigger: uh uh uh uh uh uh Black uh uh uh Lives uh uh uh Muh uh uh uh Muh Matter uh uh
Nigger: uh x100, we wuz kangs

>In this thread Sargon kills himself.

He has been trying to get somebody from BLM to debate him


>BLM nigger


well this is gonna be interesting. It's gonna be nice hearing Jim's voice after so long too.

Guy who helped started GamerGate and a black nationalist communist

>t. mancrush

I feel you user

I think he's still doing some of the code stuff, he just doesn't want to run it anymore.

>inb4 incoherent chimpanzee noises

those digits confirm

Prepare for "Mister Metokur: national geographic edition"

These meme-people are so fucking lazy that they can't even google the $5 flag they bought from Chickistan before they hang it up.
A fucking disgrace, I tell you...

He's too rational for the BLM to even bother to debate him.
What they want is someone who will explode in their face and scream "NIGGER".
Jim is fairly unknown to them, so they agree to do it for a chance of PR ammo.

Cool your tits, dude, Jesus. You make up over a third of the posts in this thread.