Remember what things were like before 9/11?
Remember what things were like before 9/11?
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Makes me want to cry everytime I think about it.
The worst thing you'd hear about was school shootings.
Amazing. I didn't even know what a muslim was and the only blacks I saw played sports on TV.
It broke the US, and the US decided to take the rest of the western world down with it because it's afraid of dying alone.
airports had very lax security
you could walk all the way to the gate to wait for your family members to get off the plane
we werent continually wasting trillions of dollars to be "at war with terrorists" in the middle east
It was bad, we couldn't watch the GOAT play
I used to think about muslims as some weird backward people wearing turbans and riding magic carpets. They seemed harmless and faraway.
Now I see some of those hijab wearing animals even here.
no 7-1 pre 9/11
Self inflicted wound. The people should have risen up and fended to get a real investigation on!
>Now I see some of those hijab wearing animals even here.
Bullshit, you must live in a very shit places m8.
THE INTERNET on April 4th, 1998
So much fucking better.
We didn't live in a full on police state back then.
Seen one in Retiro and another one in Puerto Madero just last month m8. Maybe you should leave the house and see what's going on.
Macri just made a deal with the EU to bring over 3000 rapefugees more.
Oh yeah one more thing,
can jet beams melt steel fuel?
nah, I was like 6 when it happened
>late 90s weeb
Jesus christ
That deal is not new.
Retiro is a shithole so no one cares and seeing one is nothing, stop being such a drama queen. Islam are hardly 1%, even Syrian/Lebanese descendents of Muslims are now Catholics.
t. Juan Al-Maghrebi
That's how it starts.
The Bolivians were very few in the 1990s too.
People also thought it wasn't a big deal back then.
Yeah I remember, my parents didn't want me getting N64 and Goldeneye. It was pretty funny.
Then 9/11 happened
>be 10 year old me
>school let out early
>some kids are saying helicopters attacked the WTC (I visited them the year before)
>Mom comes to pick me up, asks her about it
>news on in car, hear something about terrorist attacks and airplanes crashing into buildings and people dying
>Dad is 2 blocks away on Church St
>evacuated his office and exited when the second tower fell
>navigates through pic related just to get to the boats that were taking people off Manhattan
>random woman lets him call home from her cellphone
>doesn't get home till 8 hours later
I remember not knowing what was going to happen tomorrow, there was so much uncertainty. And we knew two people that died.
Hope was in the air ........we were going save the forests go to mars and back to the moon before 2010 war was going to become a thing of the past and so on was the general feeling I try not to think about it .........
There was so much optimism about the future. I remember how people thought the internet was going to enhance education and raise the youth to be much brighter. Nowadays people just go on tumblr and Twitter and convince more people to accept living in a victim complex.
Is different because Bolivians are everywhere and people in Argentina don't do anything with immigrants. The problem aren't just Bolivians but everyone. All non-Argies should GTFO.
But Islam is different, people don't trust Muslims, watch the comments on the news from the first refugees, they are all redpilled, people don't like Muslims here
Yeah, the cartoons were pretty good
we just see things through rose tinted-glasses.
last time things were good was in the 70s
and the 70s were shit compared to the 50s which were our zenith.
and none of us are old enough to remember the 50s
so might as well look to the future and try to put yourself in a position that can affect change 30 years from now when you're the boss and young ppl have to listen to you
Fuck I miss waiting at the airport by the gate.
I remember being a little kid and the captain letting you go up into the cockpit, and look at all the buttons and controls. I doubt they would let you do that anymore.
>We've got stars directing our fate
Whoever wrote this is pretty woke.
you could watch the real goat play
Yeah. I was in fifth grade and then muzzies decided to fuck things up. I felt guilty towards myself like a good little cuck, then I woke the fuck up and decided I wanted total war and destruction of their culture and way of life. It's us or them at this point, no matter who kicked the hornets nest.
Sucks to suck, huh? Sign me up. Let's end this once and for all, I want my country back,