Why won't Trump release his tax returns, could it be because he donated a sizable amount of money to NAMBLA and he wants to cover it up? I'm not saying Trump donated money to NAMBLA, but people are saying that. It's something I've heard, but I don't believe Donald Trump donated several million dollars to NAMBLA over the last several years. Still, if he did that would be a great reason to not release his tax returns. But look, I'm not here to say whether or not Donald Trump donated millions to NAMBLA, I'm just here to let you know that every candidate has released his tax returns over the last 40 years, so there has to be a reason he doesn't, and several very smart people are saying he contributed millions of dollars to NAMBLA.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why won't Trump release his tax returns, could it be because he donated a sizable amount of money to ISIS and he wants to cover it up? I'm not saying Trump donated money to ISIS, but people are saying that. It's something I've heard, but I don't believe Donald Trump donated several million dollars to ISIS over the last several years. Still, if he did that would be a great reason to not release his tax returns. But look, I'm not here to say whether or not Donald Trump donated millions to ISIS, I'm just here to let you know that every candidate has released his tax returns over the last 40 years, so there has to be a reason he doesn't, and several very smart people are saying he contributed millions of dollars to ISIS.
Excellent point, thanks for bringing this to our attention.
First post best post
OP still sucking dicks, claims of him stopping are vastly overrated. Local sources fear corruption as investigation into his paper trails has led to a discovery of .02cent being deposited in his account. Will OP ever stop sucking dick? Insiders say no.
Some SJWs told me it was because he donated money to Russian separatists in Ukraine
wtf i'm a %hillMissle now
--------------->This is the joke
-------------->This is your head
National Association of Marlon Brando Look Alikes?
>Why won't Trump release his tax returns
Because as he has said many times he is waiting for the audit to be completed, on the advice of his legal team.
--------------->This is a sheep's asshole
-------------->This is your micropenis
He did donate to a disgraced senator that was molesting little boys. We know he supported a child molester. I want to see his tax returns and I believe he is culpable in CP circles.
Don't get South Park in upside downland?
>Marlon Brando Look Alikes
The semblance is eerie.
If he did that just makes him more BASED
Text me his number Canacuck. I could go for a blow and go from a bro.
------------->This is Achmed's knife
------------>This is your head
There is literally nothing wrong with enjoying copious amounts of oral sex.
Liberal memes are so hilariously awful
>1 extra chromosome given to this ID
>TFW shills and haters will never get to see Trump's tax returns
Thats right fags. He won't show them at all and still win.
Manafort is paid off by Russians confirmed
Manafort and Trump should be put on trial for treason.
Better dead than red
----------->This is Achmed's cock
-----------> This is your wife
Good luck making the connection it has any bearing on American politics or the election hans.
>1 extra sheep given to this ID
has Hillary released tax returns?
That's not a very good reason. The only bad thing that would come out of Trump releasing his tax returns in getting criticized for his donations, low tax rates, nothing major.
---------------->This is Achmed's axe
--------------->This is your train
>has Hillary released tax returns?
The's released them for the last 30 years.
>Other people told me not to do something, and I've complied with their commands because I'm a total beta cuck
Got it :^)
That's why it's funny.
He knows Hillary is going to go after him hard about it in the debates. He'll release them after she makes a fool of herself.
>I'll let Hillary control the narrative because I'm a campaigning genius
Yeah because he has such great supporters and advisors.
pic related
---------------->This is Hillary in the polls
--------------->This is Trump in the polls
------------>This is Achmed's bomb
------------>This is your music festival
So early up, Mehmet ?
The Muezzin already called for prayer or you were up all night raping women ?
>doesn't release his tax returns
>kicks babies and mothers out of rallies
>wants others to assassinate his opponents
>KKK endorsed him
>Scam artist
>Draft dodger
>"Traditional marriage is good" "Nevermind the fact that I have multiple divorces"
>his supporters are violent towards peaceful protesters
>only world leaders who like him are dictators
>has relationship with Putin
>"Please Russia, hack my opponent"
>"Why can't we use nukes?"
>"hurrr global warming is a conspiracy theory. Why is it so warm suddenly?"
>failed businessman
>leeched off from his parents
>racist, sexist, islamophobic bigot
And you still think Hillary doesn't deserve to win? She's so much better.
>The Muezzin already called for prayer or you were up all night raping women ?
Why can't it be both? Those aren't mutually exclusive :^)
------------>THIS IS TRUMP RALLIES!!!!!
--->this is hillarys rallies
>That's not a very good reason. The only bad thing that would come out of Trump releasing his tax returns in getting criticized for his donations, low tax rates, nothing major.
Have an on going legal investigation, be advised by a legal team not to release the records until it's finished.
"That's not a very good reason."
Yes lets just go and do something that would make a federal government agency upset while running against the party that put the leadership in that agency in place. What could possibly go wrong?
---------------->This is Congo's GDP
--------------->This is your country's GDP
>Trump is a cis whute RAYCISST! but apparently that isn't enough for some people to hate him completely! How can we further discredit him?
>call him a pedophile?
----------------->This is Achmed's machete
--------------->This is your pregnant women
Cuz he knows it drives your kind bat shit crazy which is good fun for him and us
>Cuck flag.
>Wanting a brain damaged serial killer bitch to become President.
>Hypnotized by Merkel into believing bitch rule works.
Eat shit.
There is no legal reason not to release your rax returns during an audit, not is there legal precedent for it.
Also, why is he being audited in the first place? Hmmmmm, very suspicious.
>Cuck flag
Judging from your own flag, you'd know a thing or to about cucks :^)
Euro here, is there any special reason why he should release them? I can see what he would want to keep it private considering he is doing a lot of business
You dumb fucking sand nigger
-------------->This is Achmed's Glock
------------->This is your Mcdonalds
The IRS has already stated that there is nothing holding back Trump on releasing his tax returns. They're not going to crack down on him any harder. And it's not like anyone is going to see anything on a tax return that the IRS doesn't already know about or has more information on.
It's honestly not a good reason at all. I can respect the fact that he doesn't want to show his tax return to the public, but his justification is shit.
Donald Trump is trying to hide the fact that he donated to the Clinton Foundation
Because he's a plant by Hillary Clinton
It's just something that people running for president started doing.
Oh look, it's THIS thread again.
They can just check NAMBLAs list of donors. This is a poorly thought out personal attack. Only retarded people will fall for it, and they aren't allowed to vote.
>Im not saying that... but people are saying
Tell-tale scared shill behaviour
>Hey guys, you should totally check out NAMBLA, they're a GREAT source of information, trust me, they're pretty awesome!
Im guessing the reason he doesn't want to release them is because he doesnt pay much in taxes and probably isn't worth as much as he says
in both cases I dont care but that seems the most likely right?
correcting the record are we?
There is literally nothing wrong with providing factual statements and hard evidence.
>Will Force Sex
I feel sorry for merkel's germany.
Doubt it.
-She was a lawyer who defended a rapist and laughed at the plight of the 12 year old rape victim
-She was fired from the Watergate investigation for lying and being unethical
-She lied about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary
-She lied throughout her Whitewater scandal
-She lied about taking "sniper fire" when visiting the Balkans during 90s
-She lied about Benghazi
-She lied throughout her email scandal and continues to lie about it
-She lied about being broke after leaving the White House
-She described blacks as being "super-predators"
-She hired a VP of Goldman-Sachs to be her 2016 campaign manager.
-She received millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs for speaking engagements
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup, and UBS
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from China, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Qatar, and the UAE
-She supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Turkey
-She voted for the Patriot Act twice
-She was "adamantly against illegal immigration" before she was for it
-She was opposed to gay marriage before she was for it
-She approved the sale of US uranium to Russian nuclear corporations in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her "charity"
-She gave out eight Secretary of State's Awards for Corporate Excellence, and seven were to corporations that donated millions to her "charity"
NAMBLA's heart is in the right place.
Too bad it's full of freaks and weirdos.
Shotas are best of all. Everyone understands this fact.
Wow, she's even more alpha than I realized.
She sounds alpha as fuck
I'm talking about Hillary Clinton btw
She's an incompetent idiot who should honestly be removed from office.
I'm going to vote for Trump, if for no other reason that because I'm curious as to what having a racist, sexist, homophobic, tax AND draft dodging, retarded, child molesting Nazi Democrat-plant KKK Russian spy as president would be like. He is evidently all of the above according to shills.
This is almost certainly true. There's no way he makes as much as people think. The Clintons tax return showed 8 figures of income and they paid ~35%+ in taxes since it was all earned income and no capital gains. There's a very very good chance they earned more and paid more taxes by percentage than Trump did last year. We know he received a tax credit meant for people earning under a relatively low income amount at some point. That doesn't mean he's poor but Occam's Razor suggests he's either a tax cheat or he had some stunningly low income earning years, possibly even writing off one year to be a negative year (which he then took advantage of to stack transactions in).
Depending how good your accountant is, that might be tax fraud and it might not. Trump's accountants are likely 1000x more competent than his campaign workers so let's just pretend it's not fraud and it's just slimy as fuck. But having said that the main reason he's not releasing is so he doesn't have to disclose sources of income which is guaranteed to make him look bad. Hillary is in deep shit because she and Bill made bank off of giving speeches to billionaires and oligarchs. There's no chance Trump's money is more honorable than that (at least to Joe Q. Public) and there's a non-zero chance some of his money is really shady like how Manafort is on the payroll of Russian interests in Ukraine.
Basically this. I want to see him come to the UK and start some banter.
No, no, you faggot, that's last week's propaganda, today he's a Russian shill again!
Next week, we're not sure. Maybe WWIII with Russia again.
why don't i buy this hoax? simple. this fits the classic M.O. of the US govt against its detractors
anyone who opposes uncle sam is either: racist, pedophile, or a secret russian. every. fucking. time
david koresh anyone?
Hes got the name of WoW Gnome
You know it's true.
Wtf is NAMBLA?
he has a predilection for boy-meat - that's established - and he hate females with a wife-beating vengeance...
Is this the worst thread of 2016? It's definitely up there.
This and more. Trump has been gaming the system on both sides for years and is the ultimate lobbyist for his own self interest.
North American Man Boy Love Association
Trump will make NAMBLA great again, and that is the only thing that matters.
>0.5 cents has been deposited into your Correct The Record Account
North American Man Boy Love Association
It's exactly as fucking gay and pedophilic as it sounds.
----------------->This is your BMW
--------------->This is achmed and his machete
You don't know what first means do you?
It's using Christ/chan logic against itself. If you can't prove it's not true then it must be true.
The IRS is a thing user. NAMBLA is a 501c 3.
Does NAMBLA really have a 501c3? Holy shit! kek
Yeah just like that silly lawsuit where he supposedly raped a teenage girl.
This is another media fabrication.
Does anybody believe these lie-peddling charlatans anymore? They're operating under the assumption that we still trust them.
>At the very same time, a perverted organization called, North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) whose goal it is [to] make it legal, for older men to have sex with little boys (which they refer to as inter-generational sex) applied for tax exempt status and that was immediately granted without delay.