But having better than perfect posture is sublime. Who else is lumbar lordosis master race here? I stand proud like my ancestors. In fact, I stand prouder than they ever did because I developed in a weird way in the womb.
Having bad posture is degenerate
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>tfw when trying to improve posture
So hard to fucking keep my neck completely straight.
i bet the sway back guy has an awesome walk
Me 2nd from left.
i have no idea if my posture is good or not, i feel like i look more like foward head but when i have no shirt its mostly just my back sticking out a bunch. my torso in general is just shitty
so crazy cause im this way too and thought this was normal
Lumbar Lordosis here. I have a larger than average ass too, all my fat goes there. Chicks seem to genuinely dig it tho as it works with my looks.
People with good posture are good, but people with perfect posture come across as effeminate, homosexual, and weird.
Started standing straight and tall a while ago. Noticed massive improvement in confidence, depression and engagement with the world.
You just don't know what perfect posture is. What you described is an exaggerated posture or what is also called "trying too hard"
How am I supposed to fix forward head?
You know how you can fix your shit posture? Go to /fit/, read the sticky, and do a solid strength program to actually build up some muscle to support your spine
Daily reminder that being a weak, effeminate "man" is degenerate. Your move Sup Forums
I used to have pretty bad lumbar thordosis. It took 3 inches from my height.
Getting rid of it was painful and a bitch but my height went from 5'10 to 6'1. It's incredible how differently people treat you when you're just three inches taller. I'm 23 by the way so there was no growth spurt.
If you sit on your ass all day and don't exercise you 100% have lumbar lordosis and are probably losing a couple of inches from your true height. Get rid of it guys
I have very good posture, except when I am sitting in a comfy padded chair and I lean back
Thank God for absurd catholic schooling
Have a couple of those dodo birds walking around at my gym. They don't even move their arms.
Started standing straight and tall a while ago. Noticed massive increase in dust caught in eye and dog shit stepped into.
>lumbar lordosis
Yeah, okay. This is "arching your back so the dick can go farther up your ass" stance.
How did you improve your posture? was it just constantly reminding yourself to stand up straight as you went about your day?
I've tried to improve my posture, but I have back problems and sometimes it's uncomfortable to keep it perfect. Although I'm sure the bad posture makes the pain worse. It's a vicious cycle, not sure how to fix it at this point.
I thought people who did this were just autistic or something
I imagine most men have bad posture due to tight, rather than weak, muscles. It's women who walk around with pigeon toes.
That bit about the height boost might explain why manlets all seem to have good posture, they need every milimetre
I'd disagree with your labels like you disagree with mine, but while our labels differ, I think we're on the same page from a conceptual standpoint.
i'd try to make my posture better but when i stick out my chest my gyno bitch tits show so i have to be hunchbacked. someone end my pain :(
thats when u got to piss in the morning man
It becomes second nature after a while, depending on how bad your posture is and how fit/fat you are you might have slight back pain but it's worth it
>be 6'5" college student
>try standing more upright for good posture
>turn a corner and completely barrel over a 5'0" chick who I couldn't see at all
>she looks extremely pissed at me even though I apologize a bunch of times
Its literally impossible to be tall and maintain good posture unless you're okay with punting a toddler at the mall
Normal posture masterrace
Lift your head?
It's not something you can get rid of by standing up straight. The muscles that support the hip, legs and back are so fucking out of order that no matter how hard you physically try, you can't get rid of your duck-ass.
You need a professional to get rid of it.
what if I have the thoracic kyphosis?
This is true for lordosis, but the others in the image are just problems of weak muscles in the wrong places.
Oh, except for the hunchback one, obviously.
Keep chin tucked in and down and lift the back of your skull up and backwards. The skull kind of rotates forwards and moves backwards/upwards. It will feel uncomfortable at first but you'll adjust in just a couple of days.
Only very severe cases like yours may need professional help. The majority of posture problems can be DIY'd just by stretching and exercising.
I believe that's one that requires surgery. The spine is the fucked up bit rather than the muscles.
By professional in the other post I mean just a trainer or physical therapist. If you start correcting your lordosis by following youtube videos, you could end up getting sciatica.
You can correct lumbar lordosis with foam rollers/excercise.
>lumbar lordosis
looks gay as fuck
who else scoliosis here
That shit's so fucked that they don't even put it on the chart. They know there's no hope for your freaks so they don't wanna call attention to it and make you feel worse.
Fuck, that's the one I have. Thoracic kyphosis. Because of my subluxated spine, I'm sure.
Guess there's no hope.
I got that fixed at the gym. The gym showed me, the ultra virgin, how to move my pelvis, which fixed the posture
How to get rid forward head?
It's a question of muscular imbalances. In general, if you have no muscle, you will have imbalances. If you have a heap of muscle, any imbalance is reduced.
Flexibility and mobility is a meme for 95% of people, get strong and you'll have an immediate reduction in symptoms
>holding good posture means you aren't allowed to look down
Are you a retard?
>tfw lumbar lordosis
You actually shouldn't sit completely straight, that's actually worse for your back then slouching like a sack. The most optimal and ergonomic way to sit is slightly tilted backwards.
If it's because of a spinal abnormality, good fucking luck
If it's because you play LoL leaning to the right all the time, sort your shit out
put your computer screen to slightly below eye level, stop looking at your phone with your head down and do some back exercises
What year do you live in? Poor flexibility is definitely a contributing factor for majority of people with posture issues.
Best way to fix forward head? I've watched a couple videos but sounded retarded.
Google mckenzie chin tuck and do it all the time
It's the technology guys it's killing us.
How many times a day?
I keep my chin tucked in and occipital area lifted high all the time. The stretches are good for warming up in the morning.
Also keep shoulders back, down and relaxed while doing this. Head, shoulders and whole upper torso should hang from the end of the back of your neck.
you can try doing weightlifting my posture was all types of fucked up until I started lifting
Are these people physically unable to make their back straight while standing? Are they born without muscles long enough to allow them to do this or what?
I also have lumbar lordosis, I had it really really bad, then I started to stretch my back at my work all the time and lean against the granite table and it did wonders, within 2 months I went from standing at 5'5 to standing at 5'7, everyone thought I grew interestingly enough. Too bad that I have Schuremans disease so my back is in constant fucking pain all the time and my sternum sticks out rather then me chest so I look really odd but at least I stand taller.
Muscles shorten from inactivity. For some it happens easier than for others. I for example need to stretch daily to maintain the ability to stand straight. Bad posture is almost always due to lifestyle, not genetics.
top fucking kek
Did about 20 times and I'm feeling sore all over the top of my shoulder blades and very slightly on chest. Doing right?
This, all my cousins and uncles before their early to mid twenties were all hunch backed with terrible posture because it is hard for us to gain weight, but once we grow into our adult bodies and stop weighing 120 pounds we stand normally, well it's happens to all of them I hope it happens to me next year when I turn 21
Man, i have a bad posture. This is only problem with my looks. Any guides to fix it?
is this really how it is in finland??
Yes, it's normal. Your whole body will be achy the first few days as the muscles adapt to the changes.
Also, while you're keeping the head correctly, try to stand as tall as possible. This should tuck your pelvis and chest forward and push your stomach in.
hhaha, can we please make lordosis guy a meme?
Here's proof how much posture matters. Pics taken less than 1 min apart. On left is typical lordosis stance and on right more optimized one
You have a list of good exercises/stretches for proper posture, outside of the chin tuck, user?
either newfag or bait
Not bad, my man. Not bad.
>pics taken before and after pissing away the 10 beers from last night
Once the neck is functioning correctly the rest will usually fall in its place. Having said that, if you're sitting a lot you probably have very tight muscles around the hip area so start stretching them quads, thighs, hamstrings and psoas
>tfw chest is concave
i too was born stupid.
What if your 6' 2" and have been used to looking down on everyone for your existence?
Pelvic tilt is hell of a drug.
I seriously wish people knew how much of a transformation it is when you get rid of lumbar lordosis. It's like you went for a leg lengthening surgery. It feels awful to see short people with duckass.
Gay people would constantly whistle at me when I would be walking down the streets. It is the faggiest posture imaginable.
>start stretching them quads, thighs, hamstrings and psoas
post vids/links for the lazy user that is me
Lmao. I used to be like you OP and people made fun of me for it. I also have a bubble butt so imagine all the teasing I got growing up. "Hey, look at duck-butt waddling his way to the classroom."
I ended up correcting it with tremendous effort over the years.
>tfw i'm 23 and look like a 195cm 65kg tall hairy girl.
I'm pretty confident you can figure the stretches out just by sitting down and trying. It's not like any muscle group can be stretched in more than a single direction. You can also just try standing as tall as possible, take some time to feel which muscles are limiting you the most and stretch those.
Barely 5'7 so not exactly a genetic winner either. But it is what it is.
Good job than. I'm a lazy fuck and you have your body in order.
You got it all wrong, the second guy on the left is a power bottom asserting dominance.
>tfw Kyphosis, scoliosis, and Pectus Carinatum
Reminder, whanau:
>87 posts
>only one of the posture guy gifs
Come on Sup Forums, you are better than this
Hey, thanks. Will try, i hope it works.
I've had bad posture my whole life. About a week ago, I got out of my bed and fell to the ground, unable to move. I've been taking handfuls of anti-inflammatory pills and using a heating pad, but the pain won't go away. I think I'm permanently fucked.
me too I knew an autist who walked like that, never understood why
Hitler held his head forward, and he became the master of Germany. Posture isn't everything
The lower part of my neck really fucking hurts even when I'm not at my computer and I get sharp numbing pains sometimes
I don't know if it's because of my shit posture or something else
It's been like this for years
You need to hang from a chin up bar for as long as you can and tense/relax your abs/core/back
bretty gud
daily reminder your head tilts because you're a mouth breather
Lumbar Lordosis fag here, should I just end it all?
Very likely. Also, you will know when your head is at anatomically correct position by whether your jaws stay shut and tongue on the roof of your mouth effortlessly .