>multiple suspects
>on the run
Knife Attack and Shooting in Cologne
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kek Germany i'm visiting soon get your fucking shit together.
this isnt even news at this point leaf
Oh wait...
Well, here have a bump and a (You)
it sounds like a chimpout, not an ISIS happening, but german media is awful, don't know:
t least one person has been injured in a stabbing and shooting attack in the German city of Cologne, local media report, adding that two suspects are currently on the loose.
The incident took place on Flandrische Street on Monday morning, Koelner Express newspaper reported. When police arrived at the scene, they determined there had been a knife attack and shooting.
Two suspects are now on the run, the paper said.
According to witness accounts cited by Koelner Express, there were three or four people in the street having an argument with the victim before they attacked him with a knife or knives.
When the victim tried to escape in his Mercedes, the attackers began shooting at him, but the bullets only hit the car, according to the witnesses.
>knife attack in Germany
pick one
Nice dubs. And 8's, too.
According to Fuckface Francois "10,000 Euro Haircut" Hollande, we are supposed to get used to this and accept it as "the new normal".
Fuck you, Hollande!
Dawg bless RT. what would we do without them? I'm serious, only channel I'd pay for.
RT reported both this and the non-happening @ JFK. But I agree: RT jumps the gun, but with my mental filter applied, I'm minutes or hours ahead of the MSM on breaking stories.
sounds like some gang related incident by tanned germans. maybe some turk-kurd-gülen whatever shit.no happening.
some other guy vals said it.
and he was honest about it.
they can't do shit.
live with it or storm the haji houses, drag them to the sea and drown the fuckers.
Maybe news for Germany on short term, but you probably see that every day in America.
Phew I dunno, browse one of the several local news websites of the Cologne newspapers perhaps..
No it's not
The comments section of RT is pretty based
RT is an unreliable source. Look at their funding.
sounds like niggers nigging
still not enough to wake up the germans
>RT is an unreliable source. Look at their funding.
They're Putinshills, yes, and at the same time they're not Sputniknews-tier garbage so it's fine.
Just don't trust them with anything regarding America, Russia or another Slavic nation.
It's going to take 5 - 16 years to wake them up. That's how long it'll take for the generation that was taught by the sixties generation to retire out of the schooling system completely and those immersed in the post-9/11 world to take their places.
Calm your tits, it's fucking nothing.
-happened almost 5 hours ago
-most likely a brawl that escalated
-guy got in a fight with "multiple well dressed men", which then pulled a knife on him and injured him
-injured man fled to his car, the other guys pulled guns and fired at his car
-he got away, suspects fled
Could still be arabs, in fact most likely were, but certainly no refugees or terrorists.
>It's going to take 5 - 16 years
Hopefully it will take 5, I can't wait when they all try to pin the blame on countries that refused to take in the trash. :^)
this, but too bad shootings and stabbings gang related are normal now.only höcke can save us.
There are reports one of the two suspects was carrying an ax. Any confirmation on that?
Was it a muslim? a sandnigger? an arab? a dindu?
How can we know? too many possibilities.
Would it help you in getting off if I told you so?
Not a happening. Not even qualifies for its own thread.
Article says that somebody did indeed pull an axe or another sharp weapon. Probably gang related, arabs. This isn't a new phenomenon, though, this stuff has been going on since the 1960s in west Germany
I carry a tomahawk daily.
>gun shots
Betting my money it was Hells Angels again. I wish we had americas gun laws to use against that scum.
If there were only 1 or 2 "victims" I fully expect the MSM to be able to squash this story.
So: now the low-grade stuff can happen without comment.
In other words, if you're a Muslim sociopath, you're now free to kill 1 or 2 indigenous Europeans, and the mainstream media will cover for you.
Might as well starting call out every murder in Somalia, it'll be easier to keep up.
I bet it's that fucking german muslim who has been shilling for islam the past weeks
German press actually has a directive not to report the ethnicity of a suspect unless it's "relevant to the crime".
But contrary to popular belief that's not a Merkel thing, the US asked us to implement that during the VIetnam war in response to constant reports about fights between white and black US soldiers stationed in Germany
Don't they only attack other gangs
Nothing in the news.
Probably fake.
So a typical monday then?
>Hopefully it will take 5, I can't wait when they all try to pin the blame on countries that refused to take in the trash. :^)
I'm not optimistic. There is also the issue of another education flaw.
Namely that kids are told that being capitalist is bad.
Ergo only immigrants who haven't been poisoned with that start businesses, which partially proves Mama Merkel right.
There are three points of reform:
1) Teach kids that being an enterpreneur is a perfectly legitimate way of earning money
2) Teach them to have pride in themselves
3) Teach them that being accepting of other cultures is good but that you should not sacrifice your own
Nice "66" dubs.
No one is denying that Germany's media machine is the direct result of US manipulation.
The plan since 1945 has been to provide state subsidies to prevent wealthy doners from influencing elections. I guess this worked, but the unintended side-effect is that state-funded media is now nothing more than a a mouthpiece for the CDU.
>One injured
Why are German happenings so low energy?
>is that state-funded media is now nothing more than a a mouthpiece for the CDU.
Do not mistake people rallying behind Merkel for sympathy with the CDU. CDU/CSU is pretty much the German version of republicans, liberal media despises them.
Wie „express.de“ berichtet, soll es eine heftige Auseinandersetzung zwischen „auffällig gut gekleideten“ Männern gegeben haben.
Die Männer sollen mit Äxten auf einen Mann losgegangen sein!
Dabei wurde dieser laut „express.de“ am Oberschenkel mit einem Messer verletzt. Es soll dem Mann gelungen sein, mit einem Mercedes zu fliehen – trotz der Verletzung und obwohl die Täter auf das Auto schossen.
No terror attack.
I'm going to Cologne next week, to visit Gamescom. I'm going to die, right ?
You're going to die from standing in line for 8 hours at 32 degrees celsius, cramped in between sweaty otakus and annoying brats yelling about minecraft, while you contemplate buying bottled water for 8€
Du meinst wohl eher SALBEI
What's the probability of me blowing up while taking pics of sluts cosplaying ?
And everyone that ows them money/gets into trouble with them because they are dumbasses and doesn't notice their gang affiliation emblems. Also there are a lot of turkish members.
5/10 Chance since there's a couple refugee centres around Deutz (the part of the city where gamescom is happening) so be sure to see some refugees trying to get in.
Honestly if there was ever an opportunity for a terror attack on German soil, it would probably be gamescom. Lots of children, very densely crowded. The mass panic alone would probably kill dozens.
Then again, security measures this year are extra tight, even cosplay weapons and large bagpacks are banned. I wouldn't worry about that too much, body odor and temperature are a much more immediate threat to your health.
German efficiency requires one person to get stabbed 20 times rather than 20 people getting stabbed once
Thanks germanbros
Last thing. I'm sleeping in a hotel near Dusseldorfs train station and I will take train to Cologne in the morning and in the late evening. Hows dangerous is that ?
RB (Regionalbahn) are pretty save. S-Bahn are pretty shitty and look like american metros.
Millions of people do that each week. You'll be fine, just don't let any gypsies nick your wallet.
Oh, and do yourself a favor: buy plenty of bottled water before you enter the expo area.
Thanks. Appreciate the help. Any last minute tips?
Sell your tickets to some desperate kid at the entrance and do something more fulfilling with your life. Unless you have press or exhibitor tickets, Gamescom is a waste of your time. It's full, it smells, it is loud and you have to stand in line for hours for a 15 min playslot for some garbage AAA game you'll probably buy for 5 bucks in a steam sale in 2019.
[spoiler]I'm actually there to meet my polish friend that I've met online 3 years ago[/spoiler]
Go to the Zoo instead. I'm sure you will enjoy it more than the gamescom.
Unless you both aim to fuck cosplay chicks.