So with US ID voter laws does that mean a bunch of Canadians and run around the states and vote in each voting place for Trump?
So with US ID voter laws does that mean a bunch of Canadians and run around the states and vote in each voting place...
Pretty much. Bring lots of shirts to change into.
Also nice get.
With those digits, of course they can
basically yes
Those digits really make me think you could get away with doing that
Checked, neurons firing, etc
Come down and vote for Trump. Kek has willed it.
goddamn leaf wasting repeatings n shit
Why the fuck you dont have voter id's?
Why cant you buy syringes without prescription?
Those quints.
Your thread is fucked bubs.
Derailed before it was started.
Also the answer is yes.
Vote maga.
Nice script loser
Why is Sup Forums so fucking retarded about this issue?
1.) You have to be registered in order to vote.
2.) Every polling place has a list of all the registrants.
3.) You show up, tell them your name.
4.) They find your name, you sign by it.
5.) Then you vote.
It's not like anyone just walks into the polling place and goes "ok, gimme ballot."
>Why the fuck you dont have voter id's?
Because you goddamn roaches keep coming here and illegally voting Demorat and they don't want that to stop.
Sure if your name appears on the voter rolls at that particular polling station, you can vote there.
Committing voter fraud by having people show up and cast fraudulent ballots is really fucking hard, it's one of the problems that's close to nonexistent in America.
New voter fraud is done by altering the machines, stealing absentee ballots and altering them, sending out misinformation (if your name starts M-Z you don't vote today, you vote tomorrow), etc.
>illegally voting
You are too stupid to live.
Why the fuck does the original Touhou wolfgirl get the realistic MAGA hat and the rest of them use the drawn model? White privilege?
At least be consistent, whoever the creator was.
it'll be their first time voting
Probably because they have never voted, so they don't know.
Nor do they live in a state which at one point had 4 DMV offices in the entire state, open 4 days a week, close early before 4:30, making it hard for working white people to get IDs.
Seriously, it was a nightmare trying to renew my fucking driver's lisence. Had to drive 50 minutes and take a day off from work. Glad u left AL, that state is a fucking joke all around.
If not brown or black they'll raise suspicions.
You are too shill for Sup Forums
Nice superiority complex there, family.
1.) Go to a polling place
2.) Give them the name of someone you know is registered to vote
3.) They find the name you gave them, you sign it
4.) You vote as someone else
It's not like anyone is claiming that anyone just walks into the polling place and goes "ok, gimme ballot."
They have a list of registered but not a list of whos alive. Hell, states like Ohio have month long voting, and groups like acorn give out names month long as they send people to vote back to back.
I watched a couple voters leave, get in their van, change shirts, and get back in line.
And then that person you mimicked is not allowed to vote.
There are standards in place to prevent a registered individual double voting, so it would work in this case. So it is one vote either way, no advantage or disadvantages except to the person you're mimicking.
This isn't 1970, grandpa
Which is the point.
You can go in and steal the vote of someone who you know would vote [X] and change their vote to [X *= -1]. Then you either go to a new polling place and do it again or, if you're ballsy, put on a disguise and do it again at the same place. Repeat until you're satisfied.
Yeah but none of that even matters. We're assuming that we arent going to get Debbie'd after the votes are cast. WHOOPS SOMEONE IN CHARGE OF COUNTING DECIDED YOUR VOTE DIDNT GET COUNTED =[
>inb4 that has never happened
get bent fuckboi
>implying the true person won't show up to vote and the sham is instantly discovered.
This never happens. Ever. Please give me a source where this has happened where one person tipped an election by wearing over 20 disguises and knowing over 20 different names of registered voters and getting to the polls before they do.
We should have mandatory voting like you Aussies.
As the article I posted showed, most voting fraud comes from the ballot counters and the polling places themselves, not the voter.
We're fucked anyway, they decided Killary will win, and voter ID laws won't stop that.
I don't disagree with you, and honestly you didn't disagree with me.
Yes, people can vote when they do not check who voters are can be from anywhere.
Fuck,. NZ
Your flags are too similar. Do you have mandatory voting like Aussies?
It's never just one guy. It's several people with a list of the dead.
One such example:
No chance of them coming in to clear up the sham that way.
I'm NZ btw, we don't have mandatory voting. One of the problems with the Aussie's system, though, is because you're required to vote, you get a bunch of fucking retarded parties for people to waste their vote on. By forcing them to vote, you're not getting people involved in politics, you just get them finding creative new ways to be useless cunts, like the by founding the "Motor Enthusiasts Party", in addition to the usual "Legalise Weed" and other meme parties out there.
We should really start a push to get this to happen. I'm normally against scummy Jew tactics like false flagging, but I think this would have a 90%+ chance of being beneficial:
1. It actually works, and we're able to get thousands of leafposters to vote in a state like Michigan and turn it red, because it's going to be close.
2. The plot is discovered, and the voting ID thing becomes a scandal and the laws stop getting repealed.
Not requiring IDs is a leftist tactic to get a higher turnout of niggers and illegals. Even if our side gets blamed for it we would benefit, because then they'd have to acknowledge that not requiring ID is fucking retarded.
By the way, it wouldn't be hard to look up someone's name in the public record (real estate sales) and vote for them.
>7 get
>7 awoos
Mein gott
no, it's only allowed if you vote for democrats
>Not requiring IDs is a leftist tactic to get a higher turnout of niggers and illegals.
What a shame, registered black people voting in an election they are legally allowed to vote in.
And how do illegals vote, exactly? If they're not registered?
Never happens.
>I watched a couple voters leave, get in their van, change shirts, and get back in line.
Why the fuck you lying?
>shit talking AL
That's a paddlin