2016 race in a nuteshell
When will YOU admit that Trump is crazy?
2016 race in a nuteshell
When will YOU admit that Trump is crazy?
Other urls found in this thread:
all of them
the day he set foot on this gay earth
he's a dangerous idiot and madman
>"dad I can show you 347 examples of trump just making stuff up that I got from totally credible sources like salon, vice and the cuck!... dad? Ugh ignorant, I'm so glad I'm on the right side of history
When you admit Hillary Clinton is a criminal
You got 0.05 cents in your account blah blah
Also would definitely commission Horsey to draw porn
That is called a strawman. I can recognize this because I am not dealme.
To be honest, if he has to make stuff up to get people to vote for him, fine.
I don't care.
They all do it.
I just want somebody who actually gives a fuck about Western society.
Maybe if that guy's daughter wasn't out sucking random cocks every weekend after studying "Women's Studies" all week, there wouldn't be so many people desperately trying to find something to fix their shitty fucking culture.
what happened to the plan to edit his comics like Sup Forums did with ben "pull the trigger on every nigger" garrison?
>accuses trump of just making stuff up
>doesn't bother to cite even 1 of the supposed 347 examples
I have 347 examples of Hillary being crooked and having seizures.
Wow those unsourced vague "examples" that you cant even name really makes me forget about all of Hillarys illegal shit.
Thanks for correcting the record
Please feel free to list all 347 examples then, or are you just making stuff up!... OP?
Welp wrong image, off i go to kill myself
Why does Horsey draw such lewd butts on kids in his comics?
I'll freely admit it right now.
But he isn't Hillary Clinton, and he doesn't represent an organisation that is the embodiment of corruption and political sleaze.
It appears that this thread is in SERIOUS need of a redpilled media outlet (pic related)
Only when you admit Hillary is the worst democratic candidate in decades.
Isnt that the cockroach who spit on Alex "FLUORIDE" Jones
it's ok it was a good image :)
not much
That fucker won't never draw porn will he?
no it wasnt cenk who did that
it was the guy in this picture
Yes, you can show me those examples!
I'll just wait here for them. I'm sure OP is an honest person and actually has examples. I mean they wouldn't just MAKE THEM UP would they? That would be too ironic.
>trumplerinas actually believe what le donald says
obama founded isis
no obama literally FOUNDED ISIS
jk lololol i was jk lol
Funny thing is leftist actually use politifact as a source in debates.
>obama founded isis
He waged war on Syria, which is what led to the mess over there today. That's what he means by that. It's not hard to join the dots.
>He waged war on Syria
lol what. did you get your countries mixed up or do you actually believe this?
>which is what led to the mess over there today
ISIS existed long before Obama took office
must be easy to connect the dots when you can just disregard facts and place the dots however you like
Except hilliary makes shit up too. Gary Johnson would have been the best choice.
He and Hillary supplied several insurgency groups against Assad, I have no doubts that most of those weapons and people ended up in Isis.
Hell his continued plan against isis so far has been to keep supplying new groups of "moderate muslims" to fight isis, it's like a fucking cartoon.
>ISIS existed long before Obama took office
They only existed in their current form, i.e. separate to al-qaeda, since 2014.
>He waged war on Syria
>lol what.
Took a very active part in the war, then.
can someone please post the "notorious armenian genocide denier beats up local water filter salesman" meme? I lost it
Trump supporters are without principal and honor. I've always believed you should be able to abandon your belief system if you find out it's flawed. Somehow, Trump supporters can't even abandon a single human being. It's basically idolatry.
ISIS founded donald trump
No, ISIS literally founded donald trump
and what fucking war you moron
>ISIS literally founded donald trump
WTF I love ISIS now
That works for either of the two party system's candidates this time around.
Will Horsey start making porn already??
>and what fucking war you moron
How on earth can you not know about the Syrian war?
But that's wrong dickhead.
Trump is insane, but so is Hillary.
Hillary is also in poor health, pro-war, and anti-gun. Thus, I'll take the less smelly of too turds.
>the syrian civil war is US war on syria
Horsey draws women so fucking sexy
His fetishes sneak their way into his cartoons.
Hillary Clinton is literally a psychopathic maniac killer
>Liberals claim to be peaceful
>Liberals claim to be compassionate
>Liberals claim to be against war
>Liberals claim to support Islam
And yet the person they support is a psychopathic killer
Hillary emails proofed that is exactly the case. Destabilizing middle east by willingly funding, arming and supporting groups affiliated with ISIS and Al-Nustra just to further the chaos in Syria.
Arab spring and fall of middle-eastern dictators and thusly any stability and secularism in muslim world has been the most successful US psy-op of our time.
Journalists actually use politifact as an unbiased source.
>denial much?
#mentally hill
>as in she has altzheimers
10/10 hair really nails it
Hillary will win inshallah
This is more accurate.
you've been salivating over your 60 year old mother's ass for too long
They cant lol, they are too desperate and emotional to admit the truth to themselves. xD
How can both Trump and Shillary still run for president despite both having done questionable things, especially hillary with the emails? I don't get it. Here if something like that would happen your political career would be over in an instant.
>Liberals claim to be peaceful
>Liberals claim to be compassionate
>Liberals claim to be against war
>Liberals claim to support Islam
And yet the person they support is a psychopathic killer
>psychopathic killer
Yet psychopathic killers are far more trustworthy, capable and smart than moralfag morons who let their emotions run rampart and think normal is good and feeling should be taken seriously ;^)
What is this fallacy called? The one where people make an argument by throwing a thousand points at you that you couldn't possibly respond to earnestly without debating for hours on end. They know you can't answer everything one by one and that's the point.
There is nothing wrong with supporting Hillary. She is the better candidate. #imwithher
>How can both Trump and Shillary still run for president despite both having done questionable things
what has Trump done that was questionable?
I just see a lot of left-leaning people calling him names for virtually no logical reason.
Your shilling is improving Correct the record. You need more than pxxy switching though
Care to give an example though
sage in options field to slide thread
Force them in to one issue. Whenever I argue with someone about Trump I always tell them to pick one thing that you think is the worst he's done and let's compare it. They never respond back because they don't actually know anything past the facebook headlines
>mfw they bring up the bankruptcies
can you fuck off already?
why are there still CTR shills on this board?
didn't you fuckers got btfo like 2 weeks ago?
It's like a fusion of proof by verbosity and a red herring. I use the same strategy you're using. For instance, a coworker insisted trump was sexist, so I asked her specifically what he said and to explain how it was sexist. She didn't mention anything specific but just heard all the time that he insults women. I explained that the kinds of women he has insulted, like megyn kelly and rosie o donald, were not insulted because they were women, but because they are assholes who should be insulted. I pointed out specific events that warranted these insults, like kelly's reporting bias against trump. I also explained that people use insults to illicit a response but also to wittily mock someone who is bad. Using a slur or 'unacceptable' language means you're using effective insults. She was thoroughly btfo and had no response at all whatsoever because she knew I was right. Nobody treats assholes with respect except cucks.
kill yourself faggot
this is not your safe place and we don't care about your feelings
altright SJWs are such wusses
>what has Trump done that was questionable?
His divisive rhetoric upset my wife's son
just dont delete this like hillary's THOUSANDS of emails
i can give you over 10,000 good reasons not to vote for hillary one for every email she deleted
And a lot of the times the arguments they come up with, even the sources they provide, can be debunked by just reading the article and following the sources a little bit.
I redpilled a few of my coworkers who I overheard talking about it. I'm friends with them so when they brought up the whole 'Wall is racist' point I just asked them what was racist about wanting a secure border, and after pointing out that Trump never made a blanket statement about all Mexicans they were much more open to information.
This is just in my opinion, I just feel like he focuses way too much on Hillary instead on his own thing. But then again it seems to be part of the american culture. Again, in my opinion, it's just that I get the vibe that he might be afraid of her which makes him do these things. Or he just wants to open the eyes of the voters, since Hillary is a terrible candidate to rule an entire country as I mentioned with the email things etc, being a huge liar and so on. Maybe it's a good strategy, but it's alien to me. I can't remember how it was when Obama ran for president, was too long ago for me to remember.
Obama and others like him are responsible for ISIS.
Tell me im not the only one.
>I just feel like he focuses way too much on Hillary instead on his own thing.
Hillary is his opponent. Hillary is crooked. Hillary is the most corrupt politician the US has to offer and the Democrats are leading us all to the slaughter.
Meanwhile the Dem controlled news push this narrative that Trump 'doesn't have a plan'. He gave a speech in Detroit on economics, he gave a multi part plan on reforming the VA, he's given a tax plan that has been rated effective, he's promised a tangible effort at our southern border that will show the people are no longer being ignored.
Meanwhile, when you're discussing anything with a Hillary supporter online, you legitimately can't be sure whether the person you're talking to or not is a paid shill.
Cool story shill
> 33 shekels have been transferred to your account
Don't even like Trump, but this article uses the word 'cuck' which means it's correct the record crap. Wanting to have a place where the establishment doesn't tell me what to think is what make me a Sup Forumsack, not supporting meme candidates
As I said, I see that point but it's just not a concept that im familiar with. LIke I know there are even tv spots where burgerking talks shit about mc donalds or something like that, but that it even goes in politics is a little surprising.
The comic in the OP is very onesided, you could make exactly the same with changing the trump supporter with a hillary supporter. I just hope that justice will be done, especially considering I wanna come to america for a visit next year and I don't wanna be there when a corrupt liar is a president
This is much more accurate.
>you could make exactly the same with changing the trump supporter with a hillary supporter.
Exactly, which is why the media protecting Hillary so blatantly is so god damn infuriating.
MAGA in a nutshell
> Trump makes things up.
> Hillary makes things up.
Choose both. These are demogogues, not statesmen.
Johnson is literally Hillary's platforms.
>awww man! what a burn!
this is what reddit actually believes