Sup Forums believes they are red pilled

>Sup Forums believes they are red pilled

A red pill would send 95% of you running for your bed to cower under the sheets wishing that you never took it, begging for it to end.

Other urls found in this thread:

Are you gonna give an example or what?

Well no shit. None of us have actually taken a red pill, we merely have different views that we refer to as redpilled

say it

Determinism is the final red pill.
Everything is just a cog in soulless chemical machine. Nature, humans, The universe.

true conservatives wouldn't have anything to do with Sup Forums.
true christians wouldn't be here either.

Ascended being reporting.
OP is right.
None of you are any less tools than those you look down upon.
Enjoy your blue pills.

emu speaks truth

Also neither are redpilled, desu.

95% of people here are faggot redditors and tumblerina princesses shilling for the demo muslim nigger open border party

the other 5% never gave a fuck what the faggot OP posted

Christianity is the epitomy of blue pill.


This, desu senpai.

Deep stuff faggots, how old are you, 21?

The realest redpill is that everyone already knew that.

It's like santa clause.

Everybody wants to lie, but we all secretly know.

to make assumptions of all or none, is quite limitied and not something an understander of the truth would say.

The scaly pill is the final red pill.

our universe is a simulation

haha what a cool opinion :PPPPPPPPPP
i bet ur RLY RLY redpilled HUH

Show us a red pill that would send us running to our bed then.


sage because this is sad

This. We live in a virtual-reality universe:

inb4 "Hurr, James Gates is a nigger!". No, James Gates is NOT a nigger. James Gates is based as fuck. Our universe is akin to a computer simulation. The Matrix movies were right all along, we live in the Matrix and the Demiurge is the Architect, while the Reptilians are the agents and the Archons are the Machines.

Been saying this for years. We can see scraps of the world's truth's at best. Still more than the standard proles but in the end we still know next to nothing.

Yes this is widely know, what they don't tell you is that there is only one expected outcome and if you chose to get in the way, you will be punished.

How many of these fucking pills is there?

edgy af 2bh

So essentially you're saying Sup Forums is full of a bunch of idiots holding onto an ideology that they don't understand. Okay.



The unholy trinity of social control.
Project Mockingbird
MONARCH Mind Control

You may very well have a trigger word that unlocks a separate divergent persona that was created for you by handlers and they can keep you compartmentalized from your mind and the rest of society because it is all controlled from the top down with ostensible privileges rented only to the highest bidder and you may think it only applies to people in the US, but they actually go harder in other countries because they don't have to worry about the laws, the government has there people under fake names and shell companies.


My fucking sides. They tried giving LSD to soldiers in the 50s and 60s to mindcontrol them, 80% of them ended up quitting the service because they didn't want to kill people anymore.

>Believing anyone cares about you enough to assign you "handlers" and program you, yes you and all your friends, yes we all have "handlers", this is sensible!


Alright then, enlighten us, aquafresh.

James Gates is a nigger

>he's not voting for shillary
lel what a blue pilled faggot

They destroyed evidence for most of the experiment, why wouldn't they just leave the failures and goofy shit for last?

They don't use you as a sleeper agent and torture you from an infant because they care about you, you might not even have a strong enough grasp of reality for there to be a consistent model of you.

>implying I'm not your handler
>implying I didn't program you to post that

Though I've down the rabbit hole several times.. I don't regret it. I'd rather live with reality than run from it.

This edge is very edge like

>A red pill would send 95% of you running for your bed to cower under the sheets wishing that you never took it, begging for it to end.

That's kind of what happened to me.

What if I told you that those red pills were just jelly beans?

I hope they aren't licorice.

And then there's the amber pill

As an Emmanuel-level handler I can confirm all that's been posted in this thread. 65% of Americans are implanted at birth. You're subtly influenced in a number of ways, mostly for your votes but also for product preferences. We control the past and the future. We control who rises and falls. We can delude you with a thousand narratives or push one single narrative to the front of a hundred million minds. We control all that you see and hear.

Your disbelief only furthers our agenda.

t. pussy

Each of our views put together creates the true redpill.


>itt: people who do not know what redpill means
being redpilled means being a realist which is in many ways the opposite of being a tinfoiltard

No redpilled means you are a tinfoil hat who was right

in the end it will probably be to late to know if you were red pilled or not

Sup Forums doesn't know that the U.S government literally, and I mean literally, FUNDED + ARMED + TRAINED ISIS.

ISIS leaders are CIA trained.

they soon will. There be a reason Trump is making a big deal about Obongo and Hillary being the "founder and MVP"

If you think Trump does things like that on accident you haven't been paying attention

The final red pill is to lose your hate, accept the love and warmth from God our Father, and live your life in His light.

Absolutely false. Deep down you know God is real. He created us all with innate knowledge of Him. You're the one lying to yourself. You lie to yourself because you sin. A godless world allows you to pursue your soulless, hedonistic lifestyle without guilt.


>it's a "redpill thread" episode
Do the world a favor, OP - kill yourself.

It's never too late to lose the hate, user.

Obama admits training ISIS

>"true" Christians
>not trying to save nonbelievers
Only casual Christians and pretenders to faith meet promptly every Sunday instead of trying to convince the nonbelievers to come with them