Wtf I hate the US now
Wtf I hate the US now
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And then go back to America to get the scalpel, hairclip, and semen out of your new hip.
And spanish economy is sinking...
It really makes me think
$40,364 is what they bill to insurance. Insurance then settles for 10 cents on the dollar. If you call a hospital beforehand and ask for a cash quote it will likely be under $10,000.
Spain healthcare is shit.It lacks market incentives from top to bottom, it's extremeley unefficient, there's no competitiveness within the sector. There are a lot of incompetent profesionals with guaranted jobs.
You will be put on waiting list for fucking anything. Using a private alternatives means paying for second fucking time your healthcare.
Spanish wealthfare is relying on future payments. The trick here is to let your neightbour's grandchildren pay your healthcare.
desu the US would be a better place with a healthcare system like ours. The only problem you have is niggers and spics being welfare queens in a country that doesn't even have welfare.
> if the US was pure white state a healthcare system like ours would work
> ruined by blackies
>And spanish economy is sinking...
It is, but that has nothing to do at all with your health care system.
>Being this cucked about your own medical industry
free healthcare = dog shti
Thank you Satan for your enlightening ways. Also it's Inefficient, not unefficient.
Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %
Total number of Americans on welfare 110,489,000
Total number of Americans on food stamps 41,700,000
Total number of Americans on unemployment insurance 10,200,000
Percent of the US population on welfare 35.4 %
Total government spending on welfare annually (not including food stamps or unemployment) $131,900,000,000
38 percent of 60 percent of the population (of whites) is higher than 39 percent of 15 percent of the total population (of blacks)
>le blacks are SO MUCH MORE on welfare
And before you sperg out, learn how statistical trends work. Yes, blacks are only 15 percent of a total pop with 39 percent of that being ON welfare, but this is a statistically LOWER trend than nearly 60 percent of a population being just 1 percent lower at 38.
but please, tell me how blacks are ruining your country, faggot
>wanting to pay for gender reassignment surgery and treatment on HAES people
No thanks
shut the fuck up you bastard
healthcare rips off >30% of any healthy guy income
Making young people 30% poorer than they should be. What the fuck do you think are the consequences?
>run with the bulls
Sup Forums spoiled me.
>tell me how blacks are ruining your country, faggot
*ruining "my" country
I meant
>US would be a better place with a healthcare system like ours
Nah man, the US would be better off if we didn't have Govt supported monopolies on medicine. Our shit's fucked dude
>statistical majority of all reported crimes are done by whites
keep playing. Nice racism though. I'm glad Sup Forums is so great with their false correlations where they think skin color is a codifier for "crime".
Are you retarded?
It's not 38% of 60% nor 39% of 15%, it's 38% of total welfare recipients and last I checked 38.8
>americans actually believe it's hard to be a doctor
Percent of the US population on welfare 35.4 %, around 60ish percent of the total pop is white...
are you retarded?`
it's not 38.8% of 60% and 39.8% of 15%.
of ALL People on welfare, blacks are 38.8%, despite being ONLY 15% of the Population
of ALL People on welfare, Whites are 39.8% despite being 60% of the Population.
you should write for the Huffington Post, m8.
Well, just do it then. I don't see the problem. Yay for globalism
>Whites are 39.8% despite being 60% of the Population.
stormfags ignore this, thinking that THIS isn't what stresses welfare money. The point is which demographic is stressing the economy more on welfare? Whites.
Statistical trends are important, user.
>healthcare rips off >30% of any healthy guy income
Except it does not.
It's 38.8% of 110,489,00 and 39.8% of 110,489,00
>38 percent of 60 percent of the population (of whites) is higher than 39 percent of 15 percent of the total population (of blacks)
Try again.
Then he should move to Spain.
Then he won't have a job to pay for that hip
if it is so easy then go to spain
there, the free market fixed it again
39% of 223,553,265 = 8, 495, 014
40% of 38,929,319 = 15,571, 727
Nearly twice as many blacks on welfare. I don't know what else to tell you.
post the stats then. Hard figures of reported crimes.
You'll have to wait for more than 2 years to actually get that hip replacement.
>One of the best healthcare systems in Europe and in the world
>complains about it
You deserve shit, faggot
Pls no, we have already enough leftists
nigger the 39.8% is for blacks
at least read before you bait
6.5/10. Not a bad troll.
Wow, you read stats very strangely
Obviously a part of the pop that puts the same strain on a system, while being 1/4th the size is more of a problem.
Let's not forget all the social programs that are only for black people and not whites in the same exact situation...bc Daz racis
You're refuting yourself. This is hilarious.
That's a retarded system tbhfam
>US Census
>actually defining "white" right.
you ignore that Blacks are statistically 4 times more likely to be on welfare. 15% of the Population use almost the same amount of welfare Money than the other 60%.
I ask you again, are you retarded?
Careful with those weapons of REKT destruction bro
Are you medically retarded?
Whites are 60% of the population
35% of americans are on welfare
Of those 35%
38% are white, 39% are black
There are literally more whites on welfare...regardless of what their total demographic size is.
Nah I think he's just baiting...nobody's actually that dumb
14% of the population (blacks) commits 50% of the crime.
Oh we do have free health care also. My Grandma waited 3 years for her hip replacement. Then died anyway a year later. Makes u think.
Except there aren't
The percentages are about the welfare recipients, not total population.
Whites are 60% of the population with 35 percent of that on welfare.
That's more whites on welfare than blacks. Just basic stat wise. Just in looking at total numbers.
It's 38 percent of 60 percent of the total population of whites...which is just more whites than blacks
I don't know where you're struggling here:
estimated no. of whites in population: 223,553,265
39% of 223,553,265 = 8, 495, 014
whites on welfare: 8, 495, 014
estimated no. of blacks in population: 38,929,319
40% of 38,929,319 = 15,571, 727
15,571, 727 (blacks) > 8, 495, 014 (whites)
Because whites are the majority of population. The important thing here is ratios not total numbers.
Blacks have a much higher total population: on welfare ratio than whites do.
>living in Madrid for two years on 20000 usd
>people are still replying to this cock muncher
bet you're having a giggle merely pretending to be retarded
Learn your own fucking language ameritard, you fat fucking piece of shit
Percent of recipients who are white
This is what happens when the government gets involved with the insurance system
>39% of 223,553,265 = 8, 495, 014
You are missing a zero behind 8, are you?
If taxes were lower wouldn't the prices of housing, groceries, and everything else you buy with money inflate proportionally?
Cutting welfare is not about making people have more money, it's about stimulating competition and cutting down regulations so that job creators can offer the best service of their abilities.
It's actually amazing how easily conned we are, really.
Medicine is a field for the brightest and most diligent....which is why nursing and premed are filled to the brim with total bimbos.
Cars are a symbol of "freedom," even though we literally can't live in our own country without them, and the average running cost is about 9k a year.
And my personal favorite, people buy fucking $3 fountain drinks, when you can stop at McDonalds or a gas station and get one for $1.
well... at least we know now why negros need so much welfare. Reading this post made me dumber right away. Pls stop dragging us down with your negro "logic". Your numbers only mean that blacks need welfare 3-4x more often then whites.
>If taxes were lower wouldn't the prices of housing, groceries, and everything else you buy with money inflate proportionally?
Possibly or rather probably. In free markets there is this law of demand and supply and once the guys selling you necessary stuff you need realize that you have extra cash they will raise prices to increase their profits. This has happened almost everytime they lowered taxes in Finland and in my opinion in America as well but since I haven't studied the American statistics I can only make an educated guess.
Fuck you Pedro, until recent we had one of the best healthcare systems in Europe, and was not even expensive. Now it's going to shit but it's because government is pushing for that, closing hospital floors and hiring a nurse for a gorillion patients, they're trying to fuck the healthcare system up just to sell it to Capio.
medicine is actualy largely ineffective.
they've done studies and figured out that the most common operations which are widely believed to be effective, such as knee replacements, actually cause more pain than they fix
one doc even did fake knee transplants where he put them under and cut their knee open and did nothing else and they had better long term outcomes, kek.
ambulances also kill more people than they help for a variety of things, such as heart attacks.
heart attack sufferers who have no one to call 911 for them died less often than people whose relatives called 911. kek
very much of medecine is a fucking scam
my mom just had a hip replaced. She was complaining about the $1100 bill.
Do you know that picture helps reduce US price? If it gets popular enough everyone will go to Spain for hip replacements so US doctors will have to reduce the price
you're fucking stupid. the competitor who raises prices first loses sales. this is why collusion and trusts are illegal
prices on almost EVERYTHING have fallen for 100 years straight EXCEPT the things the market places heavy regulation on: medicine, housing, schooling, etc. which have risen by thousands of percentage points, and singlehandedly raised the cost of living.
seriously. stop being stupid, and I'll forgive you
>live in Madrid for two years for like $30,000 while not working
lol, good luck with that.
hahaha we live in america. that surgery without insurance is over 100,000 and with insurance expect to be paying more than 10,000 dollars. have you been living under a rock?
just get the surgery done in thailand.
americans are fucking idiots. they pay for everything in america because they're too stupid to just fucking leave the country.
If there is one operation you do not want to have on a budget, it is a hip replacement.
My neighbor cheaped out on one, and she has to keep going back because of complications. And boy does it hurt her.
My dad had one from a much better doctor, and he's never had a problem with it.
>person doesn't take care of his health
>oh boy, bucko, you really want to make sure after you destroy your own body, that you don't skimp on repairing your body with metal parts, that would be a painful mistake!
americans, everyone
most countries elderly remain able to walk independently until the day they die without surgery. but not here.
>Josh Sundquist, AFWM, running the bulls.
Can you just like, ugh, please stop culturally appropriating us? Thanks
I like the people who don't need surgery.
In Spain there's lots of bull-fighting. Matadors must have their hips replaced constantly due to taurine injury. Mass demand drives down the price.
>you're fucking stupid. the competitor who raises prices first loses sales. this is why collusion and trusts are illegal
Not here. We have only three major supply chains of groceries. All the grocery shops belong to one of these chains. A few years ago there was only two domestic chains but the German company Lidl came in and started to eat markets by providing stuff for two thirds to half the price that the other two did.
In a small market market like Finland establishing a unwritten agreement between suppliers is rather easy since competition is almost non-existent. There is also many ways to harass possible competition just like our domestic suppliers are doing with lidl by obstructing lidls future building projects of new stores and making backroom deals with government owned Altia company so that only they will have withing their supermarkets Government owned liquor stores.
The thing is that freemarket solutions are simple and beautiful but they require market areas the size of moderately populated nation. Countries the size of scandinavian/nordic countries have markets the size of small states which means that they are relatively easily taken over by a company that can then start enforcing it's monopoly by the means of using the government or by colluding with privately owned construction companies to deny competitors ability to build stores and challenge the existing monopoly.
>And then go back to America to get the scalpel, hairclip, and semen out of your new hip.
American healthcare is not much safer. Doctors here complain constantly about the high cost of malpractice insurance, but malpractice happens very regularly. So often, in fact, that a Johns Hopkins study found medical error to be the #3 leading cause of death in the USA.
I think what he meant was 'prepping the bulls'
ah, I see. so small suppliers are harassed by.. the GOVERNMENT and that makes it a problem of the free market?
if the government is FORBIDDEN to even remotely involve itself in an indusry, then lidl cannot bribe them.
that is the genius of the free market (with normal reservations) because it literally takes away the means by which corruption can take place.
even if lidl were to completely buy out a company, it would not have the ability to bribe government officials if the government had no ability to regulate industry.
switzerland and singapore are tiny, and were DESPERATELY POOR just 30 years ago. they're tiny, TINY. but your fears never came true. instead they became fantastically rich.
your fears are part of the brainwashing. they lied to you about muslims. they're lying to you about the free market as well.
No orthopedic in his right mind will take less than 10k for hip replacement in the us. And that's s only the surgeon's payment
Not just the government but also backroom deals with other private entities.
The point of my point was that the size of a market is a huge factor in wether free market can actually function free without cronyism..
Sorry for not being able to get that across sufficiently enough.
How's that private health care working for ya USA????
Not adopting the Australian model where private health care is optional.
>Josh Sundquist
Is this guy black? It'd explain why he's so bad at statistics.
you're wrong though. you're simply wrong
the market size of switzerland, hong kong, singapore, etc all started off smaller than the finnish market, but they don't have cronyism. size isn't the operational factor.
in fact, other people who are idiots would argue that the larger markets suffer MORE from cronyism. it can't be both. you neither you nor the other claimant are willingto investigate your actual clams.
the free market SOLVES cronyism. shooting niggers SOLVES nigger violence, but of course they'll say the exact opposite. and of course they'll say they need state solutions to fix cronyism.
don't be ridiculous. you're fucking wrong.
all the examples I gave were SMALLER and POORER than you 20 years ago (well, maybe not CH) and yuo could have used all the excuses in the book "B-b-but they..."
no one fucking cares what you THINK. REALITY does not care what you THINK.
the free market solves cronyism better than any other system. period.
I just spent a week in the hospital getting my gallbladder removed. $53,000.
Since the US is all about competition and the free marketplace etc. why is that a problem?
Plenty of British women fly to Norway to do plastic surgery because it's much cheaper here.
Why not do your hip replacement in Spain, spend a week relaxing at the beach to reconvalesce, and then fly home?
Makes no sense to me why you'd hate capitalism so much.
Apparently both English and Americans struggle at math. It must be race trait.
>I (((accidentally))) fucked the entire math up
>learn how statistical trends work
>(((Im not a derailing shitposting Jew)))
The beauty of this is that they can't fuck over Spanish healthcare providers, so they now have to compete against that, and not just each other.
Average cost of anything medical here: £0.00
The problem for me, was that I had to go to the emergency room, which is at least a few thousand just to walk in the door, plus a $1300 ambulance ride 3 miles to get there.
Unscheduled health care will bankrupt you here.
I would like to disagree with some of your points but don't see the need to continue arguing with you on your faith in free markets since I'm not as firm believer in free markets as you are but do understand where you are coming from and respect your opinions. However I would like to comment on one of your points:
>in fact, other people who are idiots would argue that the larger markets suffer MORE from cronyism. it can't be both
Why not? Wherever there is humans involved there is cronyism. Cronyism seems to be a constant in human societies. It exists in both free markets and in planned economies although in different forms. I also agree that free markets make cronyism harder than government planned/controlled economies but it doesn't mean cronyism doesn't exist within free economies.
But they don't compete against each other. The US does not allow insurance to cross state lines. Combine that with only having 4 or 5 main companies, they just select their territories and dominate them.
No it's not. The cost is just hidden within your tax forms.
Not saying it's worst than the private system just pointing out it's not free. Nothing is really free.
Oh fuck no niggers dont start coming here
c..can i stay at your place, user?
Lol Spain is only 30% lower?