>fuck consenting white woman
>later on she shouts rape
>get convicted because court rules in favor of women
Who else rejecting sex to live the isolated hermit life
>fuck consenting white woman
>later on she shouts rape
>get convicted because court rules in favor of women
Who else rejecting sex to live the isolated hermit life
Yes, I'm rejecting sex.
It has nothing to do with me being antisocial.
It gets worse. The second woman I had sex with gave me a disease which destroyed my health forever. Every second of my waking life lies somewhere above 5 on the pain scale. The idea of trusting an actual women with my life again disgusts me.
I've rejected sex even before having it ;^)
totally not an incel
Start fucking Muslim women. Say what you will about them, but they raise their women well. They tick every wife box any Sup Forumsack would dream up. They love white guys too because their men are subhuman tier.
There's only pros to it. Cucking the enemy and severely pissing of the worthless excuses for women we've got in our own society. Not to mention that if European men started doing this en mass, the mass immigration would soon end because the women would kick up such a bitchfit about it.
Nothing more satisfying than being a /fit/ 28 year old with a good career, prime betabux material, with a paki girl in front of all these entitled bitches desperately looking for somebody to "settle down" with after a long career of slutting around.
Holy shit, what the hell did you get?
>fat tumblr whale walks up to you on the street and tells you to have sex with her
>you politely decline
>she calls the cops
>get arrested for fat shaming sexual assault
>put into jail for 9001 years and have to pay alimony to the tumblrette for triggering her
>get assraped in prison by Obama's sons
>no one cares
>"freedom" in the US c. 2020
Yeah but you're settling down with a doon coon.
>advocating relationships with Muslim girls
>British flag
Yep, everything checks out here.
>Who else rejecting sex to live the isolated hermit life
I had 3 sisters and all aunts. I was ahead of the game by 4-5 years. I fooled around as a kid and got the rigamaroll.
Now the only reason to have a relationship would be to have another cock-sock.
You can hardly trust a contemporary woman with most anything. Your feelings, your opinions, your personal belongings; it's like entrusting everything you own to a strange human who could fuck you over at the drop of a hat.
That being said, hermit life is superior because woman ultimately become collateral since they don't "pull their weight" in a relationship.
don't stick your dick in crazy
I'll bite.
What the fuck happened?
>>fuck consenting \woman
>Not a man
Found the problem
Well we can all sit around moaning about how we're being replaced, but I'm literally cucking the enemy. Her father, an odious little man, hates me because I'm whitewashing his daughter. She's supposed to be sent back to Pakistan for an arranged marriage to a cousin or some backwards bullshit, instead she's sucking my cock before I go to work.
She cooks for me, cleans for me, does all the traditional woman shit. Our women are FUCKED. I tried my best with them, but it's not worth it. Not when this is the alternative. This is what women were like before feminism.
Nothing probably, fucking liar
Reiter's Syndrome. I have arthritis everywhere and I'm only 25. It turns out if you have a certain gene hla b27, your body will have an autoimmune response to Chlamydia which in my case will never stop. Christopher Columbus died from this and I probably will too eventually when my bones all fuse together into one twisted mass.
That sucks. Which is what women are supposed to do if you don't have a rubber, you stupid fucking cunt.
Degenerates btfo
> Right to a fair trial and impartial jury.
> "But he raped me."
Just kill me now, fampai.
Nope. I just married a Bulgarian girl. Western women suck
>Not to mention that if European men started doing this en mass, the mass immigration would soon end because the women would kick up such a bitchfit about it.
Quick question.
How would you impregnate hundreds of thousands of men, exactly?
>The term "reactive arthritis" is increasingly used as a substitute for this designation because of Hans Conrad Julius Reiter's war crimes with the Nazi Party
sorry about the joint inflammation tho
>white women
Oh shit nigger what are you doing?!
you just have to film every time you fuck a new girl. i do that. if she doesnt accuse you of rape you can still post the nudes on Sup Forums
best of both worlds
the ride never ends