Sup Forums at ANU?

Alright, which one of you stormfags did this?
The kikes and sjw liberals at my uni are pretty bamboozeled about this


I think it might be some sick prank, but people are quite mad

oy vey shut it down

>my grandfather didn't survive a concentration camp for this

But I thought the Nazis exterminated all the Jews

Unfortunately no.

Stop acting like an autistic cunt all over Facebook Faizan. You're just as lame as that faggot that spams spiderman pictures.

trying to find out who it is, admittedly, the wording of the post is a little rash

ANU fag reporting in

What's this all about?

Also, fuck stalkerspace redditors and normies

>(Warning: Holocaust mention)

Ngaan is that you?

Some guy put these flyers all over campus, and another guy in the comments suggested it's someone from this site

Came here to see if it actually is

Is ANU in Britain?

That guy's a faggot too.

OP is Faizan something, who specialises in greentext and pepe images

Premo IRL shitposting. Is the chemtrails site just a wall of ads?

What if black people could fly through space with no gear?

What the flying fuck is wrong with ANU.

ps this is not a troll account, this cunt is for real

>that trigger warning
lel, at Monash there has been a massive influx of pro-Commie propaganda leaflets and posters. Not sure why all of a sudden, but that shit is legitimately ridiculous.

>learn true Communism
That kind of stuff. If I wasn't so lazy, had some artistic flair, and wasn't so paranoid about getting caught and expelled, I'd make little factoid pamphlets like:
>National Socialism: The Truth Behind The Lies
>National Socialism: A German Solution To A German Problem
>Was Hitler Really Such A Bad Guy?
Even just printing out some of Ben "GAS THE KIKES! RACE WAR NOW!" Garrison's pictures would be great. Maybe make stickers and chuck them behind toilet cubicle doors and places like that.

>tfw too lazy

Australian National University

Wtf is this triggered faggotry?


Australian National University, which is in Canberra? Basically leftard central from what I've heard.
>tfw when based UON
>tfw communist society holds rally in coutrtyard complete with meme posters and about 5 people showed up
>that trigger warning
I like that we can now be triggered by something that did not happen to us.


Put leaflets showing the amount of people killed in communist countries

Always works

>(Warning: Holocaust mention)

> "That's a 'yikes'."
More like "kikes", am I right?

>Basically leftard central from what I've heard.
it's better than UMelb or Usyd in that regard

>that wasn't (((true))) Communism

>this is the average Sup Forums poster

I would've assumed UMelb to be full ethnic and USyd to be full ching chong dinga linga wing wong, and people whose skin colour isn't black or white seem to give no shits about politics

>and people whose skin colour isn't black or white seem to give no shits about politics
Funnily enough, Australian-born gooks are often very politically "aware" and have a massive chip on their shoulders about White people.

Went to ANU years ago, most of the shit I saw at at the time was to do with Kevin '07. Glorious final year when he got knifed in the back by his own party. I was quite smug.

I got my degree and never looked back. I assume it's much worse now.

Are you studying a degree user? I see the commie posters around whenever I go to hand in an assignment. Gives me a chuckle until I realize how cucked AUS is.

please be a bait image

That's one of the most disgusting shitskins I've seen in a while.

Wow pls no bully :(

>My grandfather didn't survive a concentration camp for this shit.

Have these people ever wondered how every fucking Jew on the planet has survived the holocaust?

so glad I'm going to a relatively "red pilled" university now, my last one had Socialist Alliance/Alternative retards running around spouting muh white privilege, muh wage gap, muh communism.

The flyer itself is cringey, but those comments are just next level cringe


I remember 2007, all my fellow students were on the Kevin 07 hype train, and had no actual reason why (not like Eyebrows was any better).

I bet those cunts that Kevin wouldn't last a full term, it felt fucking glorious collecting on that.
A few people paid up and bought me some jugs, but one or two went full REEEEEE on me about their precious Kev.

Enjoy your oil empire my Saudi friend :)

saw some chinese guy acting strange around my bike there today, think he might have been putting a piece of paper on it

>My grandfather didn't survive a concentration camp


A jew did this, no actual facts that disprove the holohoax, just simple quotes, and the weird chemtrail link, to discredit them immediately in the eyes of the average reader.

From what I've come to understood, Finkelstein isn't so much against the existence of the holocaust, but he's really pissed at how it was instrumental in shaping Israel's shady politics in the decades following

And rightly so, to be fair it's just infuriating to see how holocaust survivors are actually treated and taken care of by their people..

>My great-great-...-great grandfather didn't survive a concentration camp for this shit.

How long will this chain have to get before people stop saying it?

All Uni's are mate. Up in QLD at Griffith there is pro-Muslim posters that jobless, professional students put up each week. This weeks a bbq of 'Halal not Hanson". Next next to how socialism is the key to solving all problems.

I think I saw on campus a few posters advocating the dismantling of the student association with Milton Friedman's smug face on it, so I guess there is still some hope.

>Warning : Holocaust mention

>Warning : Chalk

Probably that Ramon fella's handiwork

thanks mate
who might you be btw. I know about 5 or 6 actual ANU students irl that tell me they browse Sup Forums
Are you one of them?

Anyone who non-ironically believes in chemtrails is a looney and should be completely disregarded

Those "Capitalist Alternative" posters were hilarious, I don't think he put those up, but it seems like his sort of stuff

lel old fashion shitposting at it's finest the retard who posted this doesn't understand more people will check out the website now


The usual "Rabbi Shekelstein spraying swastikas on the temple doors" jewery.

I honestly believe the holocaust happened, i just deny it to piss people off.

The entrance of auschwits says "here we work"
My guess is that it was a labor camp and that they only killed those who didnt worked, since many of them probably went on a hungry strike because they didnt wanted to work germans decided to just get rid of them, germans aren't weren't) stupid, if those fuckos won't do it, just make room for more to come.

Nope. Never met but I see you around on stalkerspace. I'm not a regular poster there because it's trash tier "discourse" on feminism, trigger warnings, etc. The mods are also power tripping pricks that literally do it for free

>my grandfather survived the schlomocaust

every time



Hiding in plain sight

its like everyone survived it

they just keep getting younger and younger. did you know they found out that holocaust trauma is passed down genetically? those poor jews

>people actually get mad instead of just laughing
5 Good Goy points each.


For a minute, I honestly thought she was joking.
Someone else in the comment thread said "Nonsense if not sheer fraud" yeah, tell that to my dead family lol."


For a group that was supposedly exterminated there are certainly a lot of survivors

thats what pisses me off. its so easy to brand holohoax as a conspiracy theory. just present some evidence and then throw in something about chemtrails and flat earth. boom - the evidence is not linked to chemtrails and flat earthers. it becomes worthless

No it says 'labour makes you free'

>the evidence is not linked
the evidence is NOW linked

Well I guess you could also try denying Holocaust to showcase your edginess and stupidity. It's not just about chemtrails. BTW, don't you have some steel beams to go and melt?

I can understand that jews might be over exaggerating the amount of victims, but flat out denying it is just silly talk

>trigger warning: muh holocaust

I'm of the school of thought that the idea of a determined effort to exterminate all the jews is not true. But there were definitely camps and people definitely died, there's no denying that.


My biggest problem is the stigma around researching/questioning what actually happened. Not even just stigma but actually being labelled a criminal and put in prison for it.

I can question and deny any other genocide in history but not this one? That's what bothers me the most.

>Warning: Holocaust mention
words only hurt if you want them to jesus christ

I can understand that jews might be over exaggerating the amount of victims, but flat out denying it is just silly talk

That's the first step, the more you seek proofs and evidence of the holocaust, the more bullshit you encounter, for example the most trusted historical documents are the Nuremberg transcript,the eichmann transcript (wich in fact hold the best proofs against the holocaust) and Hilberg's "destrction of the european jews" wich considers valid historical evidence plain fiction like Elie Wisel and Primo Levi to only cite those two...

Do your research and you'll be amazed wondering how this lie still stands today


The true leftist shithole of the country, Melbounre ain't got shit on them.

my wifes son didn't die in a concentration cam for this shit. Don't talk to them ever again

we're Jewish?

weird. these exact flyers popped up at UMelb last semester.

this is prob the case t.b.h.

Haha haha, I saw the dude doing this. I would have given him some praise if he wasn't a fat neckbearded sack of shit. Instead I called him a faggot.

We don't need his kind associated with us. I hope he gets beaten to shit, maybe then he'll find some dignity and fix his degenerate body.

Print off a few of these and trigger the masses

>univsersity of Melbourne

lefty cuck central

>this is the average Sup Forums poster

I prefer this tbqh


>thats a yikes

Fuck I got one of these last year at Monash in Melb. Didn't have the Finklestein stuff though.


At last, Ben finally understood...

oy vey


The sign at auschwitz says "work will set you free."

Arbiet Macht Frei.


>two muh family comments
Oh, come on. Is pretending you're a jew the new pretending you're an aboriginal?

>le holocaust didn't happen meme
haha you sure fit in now, nice newfag memes and all

Historian (((Robert Manne))) has compared the Stolen Generator to The Holocaust in the past and suggested it was equivalent.

I honestly believe Stolen Generator to be Australia's greatest contribution to the internet.

Andrew Bolt has said the whole thing is bullshit