Brit/pol/ - Comfy WWII Avation edition

>old brexit man

>May, Putin to form anti-globalist alliance with President Trump

>Norway warns Britain, don't fall for the EFTA meme

>Treasury and City reach consensus, Norway option is still cuckoldry

>Cuckwrangler pledges to keep Labour unelectable for foreseeable future

>Labour election hopes dealt further blow in muslim electoral fraud crackdown

>Quintessentially British moderate muslim: 'killing infidels is just not cricket old beans'

>Syrian economic migrants complain about all the free stuff and lack of war

>900 out of 1,602 unaccompanied migrant children arrested for rape

>Biggins trolls JIDF on live TV, (((producers))) say he'll never work in Hollywood again

Other urls found in this thread:

24/7 bombing runs on Scotland when?

Recommended reading. You're in for a ride.


run the sorties from wales

nth for Incest.

Scotland is beyond saving now.

Thread theme:

Would make for some great bombing music

Personal favorite.

Nth for Morecambe!

The Mosquito?

Britain had the best plane names - and best tank names, too.
Let's make the British Army great again!

Yep, the Plywood Wonder. I'd join in a heartbeat.

>wake up
>SNP are still ensuring Tory victory forever

really makes me think

>Labour can`t win until they get back Scotland
>Even then they probably won`t win for a while
The North is silly.


For anyone who wants to read about Trump vs Jews.

My previous collection for those who missed it :

Thanks, lad. You can have my old washing machine to sell for scrap.


Do I have to explain my situation like in the previous thread all over again?

Play t or d with a cuz and she lets you put you bell end in the pooer

He's French.


That's what I get for entering the last thread two posts before it died then.

I`m all for sex with the cousin, but anal is just wrong.


You'll be forgiven if you contribute with some glorious ancient RAF pictures.



Keep posting dude, such beautiful machines

Fuck yeah, bomber Harris do it again!

The greatest Biplane ever made, the Gloster Gauntlet.

Girls sell.

Sure !

Luckily feminism here isn't that popular and powerful as it is in America and the continent.

>member of staff comes in to work this morning in tears
>ask what's wrong because amicable working relationship
>she's upset because she cheated on her boyfriend
>goes the full mile saying how she loves him and wouldn't know what to do without him and it was a mistake and she doesn't know what to do
>as soon as she leaves, receptionist turns to me and says she's been cheating on him for months she's just upset because he found out over the weekend

where the hell was Sup Forums


>old brexit man
Fuck me i was not expecting these feels. Aye lad we did it, at ease.


Fuck I remember some polish remainer mates taking the piss out of him, really fucking triggered me.

>Labour can`t win until they get back Scotland
Didn't the stats show labour would still lose even with all 59 seats in Scotland?


Forgot pic

Yes, dead party.

Get tae fuck la'

Poles aren't human.


REEEEEEEEEEEEE i would've fucking punched them.

I know a first gen pole (with citizenship) that voted leave. not all poles are bad, lots of them are really based.


Diving in the deepest and rarest parts of my collection.

Back in court today lads.

I do enjoy sending naughty boys down.


Few very Poles are like that - and you know that.


Lads just to let you know my day job is to maintain the Eurocuckfighter Typhoon.

It's shit.


>REEEEEEEEEEEEE i would've fucking punched them.
It was brexit boxing day, they were really fucking salty when they found out I voted leave they took it as a personal insult and started calling me a spastic and a retard for about an hour then followed it up by accusing me of having no arguments. They left when I told them to prepare for deportation, it was pretty funny.




Are you on Jury duty or something?

The eternal wimmin





I won't ask you what it's about because you can get into shit for telling me but I am an oldfag clean record and I'm a bit disappointed that I've never been asked.

Jury duty has to be the best idea Britain has come up with, coupled with Common Law

>Political authority is granted by the people, not the state or government
>Means corruption and dictatorship is less likely

Get a load of this comfiness.



I'm 27 and this is my second time.

Imagine how stupid the average person is. Now grasp that half of them are even stupider than that. And you want to trust someone's life and freedom to them.



Kek. That banter on the plane.

The average person is no more stupider than elected 'professionals'. I think you forget that David Lammy is an MP.


No i don't. I have pole friends that're complete bro's. They're the most red-pilled group of people in the UK please fuck off. Once you get past the shitty economic migrants the second and third generation poles are based and there are far more of them than you think.


If he is a muzzie send him straight to jail.



There are some fucking tools here but most of them come up with bullshit excuses to leave anyway.

>Poles are based
They're really not. Maybe you're coming at this from anecdotal experience, but I'm coming at this with statistics.

Poles commit a disproportionate amount of crime. They lower wages - and know it. They're as parasitical as the muslims and niggers, and they're as degenerate too.


>I'm 27 and this is my second time.
Shit I'm a lot older - I guess they will stack them up for me in a few years or just forget about me entirely?
Have fun anyway mate.

The point of a jury is that you are judged by your peers, not that justice is meted out by some high and mighty authority as they please.




Next thread theme:

Jolly good.


You're not missing much to be honest. Most of my time here has been spent in the jury waiting area. There is a very gorgeous woman here though with a nice body and she decided to wear skin tight bottoms.

So something to look at I guess.

>that pole co-worker that fled back to Poland when he accidentally made his gf pregnant
Felt sorry for her desu

Kekking every kek.

You lads just keep eating up her empty promises huh?
Maybe I'll be impressed when she actually does something. Anything.

Shoot, I'm building an r/c Spitfire right now, but it's not painted. Either way, you guys made some great planes.


Parliament went on their summer holidays right after she won.

Honest;y, you need to knock this on the head.

>You'll never get to serve your country by shooting down Messerschmitts in your Spitfire during the Battle of Britain
Why bother breathing?

I'm really starting to suffer from the lack of sleep damn it

well that's a depressing photo.
i can hear the faint funfair music on the calliope before it fades to this scene.

>Poles commit a disproportionate amount of crime. They lower wages - and know it
Did you even read my post?
"Once you get past the shitty economic migrants the second and third generation poles are based and there are far more of them than you think."

As a plus the crimes usually committed are violent crimes done in the spur of the moment like assault and murder. Not crimes like theft, rape and fraud.

And i'd take poles over muzzies how many polish "sharia zones" are you aware of? And for now we have a common enemy.

Stop trying to turn whites against each-other you pleb.