>mfw i cant find a qt girl who will marry me and have lots of children
Fuck cultural marxism.
Fuck living such a fake, "peaceful" world in which men aren't forced to go fight overseas and die
Fuck social media.
>mfw i cant find a qt girl who will marry me and have lots of children
Fuck cultural marxism.
Fuck living such a fake, "peaceful" world in which men aren't forced to go fight overseas and die
Fuck social media.
1. Shave that virginstashe off
2. If you are alone, you are alone for a reason.
3. That reason is most likely God protecting you from thots.
4. Stop masturbating for a month, and shave 2 weeks every day, you'll get a good beard
5. Go to church and find a religious girl
6. Confidence goes a long way
Problem solved.
> i cant find a qt girl who will marry me and have lots of children
U ugly bro
t. an ugly mf
Hair is too thin, shave it/ stubble only
Jaw is a little weak, get a goatee or chinstrap
>Fuck cultural marxism.
>Fuck living such a fake, "peaceful" world in which men aren't forced to go fight overseas and die
Outta luck
>Fuck social media.
Don't use it/ move your friends to a new provider
>4. Stop masturbating for a month, and shave 2 weeks every day, you'll get a good beard
are your new friends
Personal experience.
Also not masturbating builds up testosterone. Which is why you get so fucking angry whenever you don't >>>nutt
/fit/ sticky has a lot more than I can name off the top of my head
maybe you're too focused on the "qt" aspect
If pic is you:
Why the fuck you bleaching your hair faggot? everyone knows brown hair is a sign of professionalism
go to a proper hairdresser and figure out a haircut that suits your receding hairline
stop wearing tshirts out. get some goddamn polo shirts at least
> Waaaaaa fuck cultural marxism
T.balding manlet
What does shaving every day have anything to do with it though?
dubs checked.
Skin is an ectodermal formation, same as the brain. Irritation, often emotional, makes us focus more, and attempt to do things more effectively/faster. In any case, stress makes us go into fight/flight situations. The Sympathic system goes into overdrive and we fight for our life, hypotehtically speaking.
Now, since skin comes from the same Embrionic seed as the Brain and the periferal nervous system, skin also reacts to stress in a way far from our understanding. If you take a good look, playing too much competitive games will leave you with a thin layer of beard, which doesn't grow correctly if it isn't maintained correctly. Doing stressful work, or having a bad night also leaves us with a handful of work in the morning, during shaving. But, here's a misconception. Even though shaving rids the skin of filth, it also irritates the skin. Skin reacts by boosting hair production to compensate for the massive amounts of energy being stored by the Sympathic actions of our nervous system.
When my friends told me that shaving makes my beard grow faster, I asked my father and he told me this - which I later confirmed in Medical University.
Basically, shave often, and your beard will learn that it needs to grow often.
Flag checks out.
Damn you have better dick sucking lips than I do and I'm half Russian half chinese
> Fuck living such a fake, "peaceful" world in which men aren't forced to go fight overseas and die
You can do that, join the military, sign up for the front lines and fight the endless war on terror you fuckin pussy.
Not bleaching and no money to go to hairdresser right now.
So new hairs will grow out? Should i shave everything even though there is no hairs growing?
Pic related
Old wives tale
refer to
Shave where there is hair.
The rest shouldn't be a problem, as the skin is VERY innervated, and interconnected.
How old are you?
>posting in a troll thread
>it also irritates the skin. Skin reacts by boosting hair production
I didn't say skin had nothing to do with it, but I should have worded it better
Massages, combing, anything that increases blood flow to the area will help the hair grow. Shaving achieves this, but also removes existing hair
nice forehead
Learn how to be an asshole. Girls don't want a nice guy. They want someone who is straightforward and brash. Of course you have to be able to compliment them and make them feel special too, It's a balancing act, but if you can keep them on their toes and add excitement to their life, you'll never be single no matter how ugly you are.
Nice trips...
You look very young for 33 man...
How the fuck come you don't have any beard?
Which leads me to believe you might have Finnish, Swedish or Hungarian ancestors.
I only date marxists
Idk guess i dont do much so kind of preserved. Idk about why my beard dont grow or ancestors.
>straightforward and brash
>she said as the marxist she was dating prepped the bull