Do you shave your body hair Sup Forums? What is manly? I shave all but my arms and legs and face (all the way)

Do you shave your body hair Sup Forums? What is manly? I shave all but my arms and legs and face (all the way)

>wearing sunglasses on a coaster
pick both

>implying asians have body or facial hair

You must be atleast this hairless

We're not monkeys anymore

but for who ?

only shave your dick and balls, bunch of hairless faggots smdh

Shaving anything other than your face is fucking gay

I trim my pubes, other parts I am too hairy to even bother. I have been wolfman since I was a kid, but as an adult only my ass pubes bother me, I want to fucking shave the ass swamp but don't know how should i go about that. Sometimes hair bits get stuck into my anus lips it is very uncomfortable.

Why were Greeks and Romans so hairless 2000 years ago but now the little fuckers are like mini Henries from Henry and the Hendersons?




yes those are women wearing sunglasses on a roller coaster
what is your point exactly

hot, keep me posted hairy god.

>other than your face
Spot the gay here.

Nair that shit nigga.

It isn't logical because they easily come off. Women lack logic.


>not shaving armpits, torso, face, genitals, arms, legs and back

Shiggy diggy, we are not cavemen anymore.

We're not naked molerats either

to be fair, I can tell you're a basic bitch.

Glasses don't fly off when they are properly fitted and bough with thought.

My anus hair is of political concern.
That would burn my anus and I don't want to go to the ER for being a retard.

You are a woman.

You have to at least shave your back and shoulders

Chicks use it on their vag, you are fine. Just get the sensitive one/bikini line one


Wanting to be a hairy bara man is even gayer.

i shave nothing

trim my pubes with a scissors when they get too long, sometimes my arm pit hairs the same when im feelin sexy

Athletes used to shave their bodies for the aesthetic, unlike modern Europeans.
t. Hairy dago

You seriously dont shave your back and upper arms if there is a garden?


always do a skin test and make sure its not expired bc nair burns like shit

but bro i read shaving the hair totally off makes your ass more sweaty, maybe try just trimming it down?

a garden?

>wanting beard
spot the nu-male

slavic politics boiled down to culottes v sans culottes

Fucking faggot hipsters ruined beards

Use some nosehair trimming scissors with the outer rounded edges to trim the ass hair down enough to where it's shaveable. I recommend using a battery assisted razor that vibrates the blades, for the rest.

>hol up, let me check this flag
As usual
Jokes aside beard is something you have to figure out for yourself.
For some it's great and for some it's terrible.

Thank you, I will follow your advice since it's the one least likely to disfigure my ass.

You're welcome. Thought I'd help you out since I can relate to your situation.

overly loving and caressing your body, smooth or hairy, is homosexual. not rugged at all. btw, how much does your soap cost ? $70 ?

lol you're just the same
>i'm keeping this because it looks good and i want women to see me as rugged and manly. fuck, why are axes so heavy ?

Shave balls and face, trim everything else between knees and neck.

>trimming ass hair

What a load of pussies. You wanna know how I have such clean, smooth buttocks?

I fucking tied that arse beard to the doorknob and kicked the door closed like the mad fucker I am.

I chucled by reding this with British accent.

>anus lips

It's okay to shave:
-facial hair
It's edgy to shave:
It's kawaii to shave:

I don't have any. I have seen women with more hair than me.

Didn't smash. Sorry girl. Didn't mean to drop kick you but I am a vain heartless cunt.

I shave my chest once a year, that's about it.

Hair is hard to sculpt out of marble

Hello, my Panama spirit animal

Do european women like hair? Japanese women vomit from back hair

all the japanese twinks I saw don't shave their pubes.

I haven't trimmed my pubes in years, shits longer than my dick

Feels gud man

post pics



From what ive seen they like it, maybe its just your body




too lazy to shave

I wish I had Geralt's beard.

same desu famalam

Put anti persperant deodorant on your ass. Or more like just inside your crack.

Just don't let jungles grow. I barely have armpit hair. Yet down there its a fucking forest. I trim regularly.

Shaving or cutting any hair is degenerate. God made you this way, respect it. Short haired fags BTFO.

i'm 19

when the FUCK do i get a fucking beard


(not azn btw)

No. Shaving/trimming body hair is degenerate.

fuck off you fucking faggot cunt.
I have light hair, so it doesn't show, but I'm completely covered over my arms, legs, especially my arse, and now it's creeping up my back and neck as I approach 30.

I'm not shaving that shit for anyone. I did as a teenager and it takes so much time and grows back incredibly quickly.

Also have you maybe thought that the sculptors just didn't want to add that detail to the statue? it'd be a pain in the ass accommodating for body hair.

Why don't you go and get a tan and a cheeky nandos with the lads, wearing your backwards baseball cap and topshop t-shirt with a fucking palmtree on it with rolled up sleeves you fucking queer faggot.

I trim my pubes, but not my balls. I feel like I'd fucking slice myself, and I have Fordyce bumps as well.

My ball hair is quite long. Any tips anons?

I'm 25 and only got like 3 hairs per cm2 so I just shave it all off

use a trimmer

>still wanting beards
Fucking nu-males

I grow hair too thick and fast to shave it. I used to trim occasionally but what's the fucking point. I see no reason to shame myself for the features I was born with. Not gonna let shampoo commercials tell me that it's not okay to be who I am. The most I'll do these days is trim what sticks out of my shirt.

ok sven

I only shave my face, even then it's only usually a trim. I don't like beards or clean shave, I like somewhere in between.
As for body hair, I remember growing people say you have to shave or trim your body pubic hair, I never bothered, I just didn't feel the need to.

>not having a beard
what are you a fucking woman?

not gonna let some whiny bitches influence me and my decision to wear a beard

Anyone has any tips on ass hair? It's the only place i have problem with hair.
I don't mind it on my arms/legs but it's just annoying there....
Need to wash every time after i shit, need to use those ''wet napkins'' you use on little babies, have no idea what they are called in english.

Not to mention i want to go to Thailand soon and get fucked by a ladyboy, and I would love a clean shaved ass.

I would kill for that beard...

No, a clean-shaven man with a job, unlike you bearded hipster faggots.

You all realize the rest of the populace laugh behind your backs, right?

Whatever you say, nu-male.

You'll have to grow one soon Ahmed.

>caring what others think
prepping the bull's McBurgers isn't a job, by the by,

Is the person in that pic you? Nice clean shaving, lad

I shave my face, balls, and the shaft of my dick.
Then I use trimming scissors to trim up the pelvic area. Usually about half an inch or so.
Nothing else

>shaft of my dick
you have hair ON your dick? lol

Down near the bottom where the balls attach yea lol

I feel your pain

We both know deep inside, you care what others think. You're an insecure beta nu-male acting cool on the internet, it's very telling you care what others think.

No, but if you shave she could be yours.

Does that count as the shaft? I thought you where talking about the shaft on the top

>Sometimes hair bits get stuck into my anus lips

>could grow shitty patchy beard at 18
>decide to shave for a few years and try again when my face is ready
>5 years later
>try again
>it looks the same

Shave facial hair. Trim pubes.

All else is unnecessary.

I have hair on glans, don't you guys have it?

Only at the tip.

Is that a latvian thing?

>our fathers and uncles couldn't wait to grow chest hair and show off their manliness
>our generation quivers at what women will think about their masculine feature and spend hours trying to hide it

what went wrong?

maybe it's not some space mountain 0-100 in 2 seconds shit

I use a beard trimmer and buzz cut my pubes and stomach hair.

I trim my pubes a bit simply because they get a little annoying. I have also recently begun shaving my underarm hair as an experiment to see if that helps with my sweaty armpits problem that makes wearing shirts a cunt. Seems to work.

Other than that, no. Certainly not for any aesthetic reasons. I have no gf, want no gf, and don't give two shits if a woman finds my body too hairy for her porn-induced liking.

only my balls occasionally and armpit regularly. armpit hair tends to keep the odor of sweat too much.

the rest is too much work, and I look like a plucked chicken

probably something with a particular ethnic and religious group of people