Which countries are the enemies / foes of your country?

Which countries are the enemies / foes of your country?

Lemme start
1.American Jews (do not confuse with Israel)
3. Russia (albeit I wish they weren't, it's just that they're dangerous as fuck, as well as not to be trusted)
4.UK (not much of an enemy, as much they were always sneaky cunning cunts)
5.Ukraine (historical animosity and butthurt)

You can also post which countries are your friends / allies

For Poland it would be
2.that's it

We also had good historical relations with Turkey, even if we fought each other, but I wouldn't call them allies.

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We can deal with the rest human to human no need to be enemies.


That's kinda obvious.

I am curious about historical alliances and animosities, though.

I could talk a lot about my own country, but I'm curious how it is with others.

Historical feud:
Actual enemies:
Allies or friends:
-None, we used to have some but backstabbed most

You are your own enemy? Care to elaborate?

1. Joos
2. Krauts
3. Algerians

Friendly rival : UK

Allies : I wish.

Leftists, Socialists, Muslims, Africans.

1-9. China.
10. Indonesia

During Napoleon's reign, Polish people were allies for France, as we seen a chance to regain our independence, if we sided with Napoleon's army.

I consider Canada to be the USA's enemy , but really besides that it's the Jews. It's difficult to get beyond because international jewry took control of our country around FDR

Does that help us to eradicate leftists, socialists, muslims and africans ?

Yeah, it's just that stating the obvious does not make for an interesting thread. I do wonder when jews will be banished from US, because historically, sooner or later they were always thrown out from countries.

1. Turkey
2. Morocco

France has been constantly backstabbed by its Elites for more than a century.

If we survive in a state of second-tier important nation, it's only thanks to our cultural and material patrimony which we'll run out of this century.

Sadly, not.

Historically, we also had problem with nobility, as they were giving themselves some over-the-top privileges and laws (like liberum veto).

Nowadays, our "elites", are leftist scum, who had power due to being comfy with communists, or politicians. We do have a huge problem with nepotism.

1. Current germany is not our enemy
2. Russia is not our enemy but a rival
3. Ukraine/Lithuania not our league to be considered enemies

Real enemies:
1. Lefties/Polish jews

Our foes

1. The French
2. The Dutch
3. The Poland people
4. The Russians
5. The British
6. The Greek
7. The Turks
8. The USA

Our allies

1. Austria
2. Spain (Majorca is basically German)
3. Any country that likes us

Yeah that's about right

your foes are your own government, hans.

Suuuure, which is why they made us their colony?
Don't underestimate ukraine, we already have over million of them here. If one day they decide to do Wołyń II: Electric boogaloo, you'll see what I mean.

Lithuania is not our league, but the fact that they hate us with the passion should give us concern, because they always can back-stab us, by allying with someone more powerful

Agree about lefties / jews, albeit thankfully, they're losing their grip here

Could you elaborate on Dutch? I always thought of them as your allies

We have a bunch of rivals like China or Russia, but aside from the middle east, there aren't too many enemies that we give a rat's ass about.

Take solace into thinking that everything happening and that happened to your country is reversible, unlike our situation with the frantic modification of our ethnic landscape.

It probably helps that we never managed to have colonies, albeit we did try to colonize parts of southern Brazil (we had to drop it, though)

>Any country that likes us
I've got some bad news for you Germany

Inherently, American Indian tribes. All others are contrived "enemies", not of the people but of the government. We are not our ruling political body, their enemies are not our enemies.

This is pretty much true, as your government "invents" enemies in order to plunder their natural resources. We can all agree that if Hillary wins, there will be a massive war in Iran

>Which countries are the enemies / foes of your country?

Mad you only made it to 8th of 8, Ami?

Also, our government is like a Hydra. I believe any candidate to be our next chancellor, has been filtered by the liberal leftist apparatus. Therefor it's only people like Merkel getting into power.

If you haven't noticed it yet, modern "democracy" gives you the chance to choose which hand should lead you. But the the person attached to those hands will always be the same.

Entire continent of Africa

>we did try to colonize parts of southern Brazil
Seriously? Didn't know that, that would have been interesting. Anyway, not having colonies didn't help Sweden.

I think not being cucked up by decades of pax americana is a better deterrent to the cultural enrichment meme, isn't it?

ISIS. Maybe. We're so off the grid I doubt they even know we exist.

Like everyone.

It's tradition. Also taken down in WW2.
They sound to us like retard since Dutch is related to German but has a lot weird noises.
They are our enemies in soccer and we mock each other.
Racial term for Germans in Dutch is "piefke"
We believe they are retarded germans
Or the cousin you don't like but who is always around

We secretly go to their country for hookers and dope tho

You can always tell when a movement does not serve the status quo, it's crushed with extreme prejudice and criminalized, while manufactured political demagogues and proxy activist organizations are given air time and allowed to riot. Politicians as well who are outside the circle are called at once idiots and dangerous, while the establishment's chosen candidate can commit crimes and harm the country with media and legal impunity.

we're your only ally and we still hate you cunts,

>Our allies
>3. Any country that likes us
Oh I'm laffin

Sweden is genuinely baffling me. It's weird that a country that (partially) used to be vikings would become so effeminate. I don't know where the hell does it come from.

I see, they are your Czechs. Albeit Czechs are faring better economically than us.


>2. Russia is not our enemy but a rival
naive polak always naive

Country: Britain
Allies: USA, Commonwealth, Portugal
Enemies: EU, Argentina

Loss of sovereignty and a Politburo dependent upon that lack of sovereignty for its power and survival. A Swedish Sweden would be bad for the Swedish government, ironically. We have to divorce ourselves from the old ideas of government being representative of the people or even of the country in any aspect whatsoever.


>our allies
>any country that likes us

It's not easy being the former antagonist of modern history

Everyone outside of the anglosphere is an enemy.


1. Turks , our traditional nemesis, we cannot do without each other

2. Fyrom, pretty insignificant and non-threatening but causes immense butthurt due to name.

3.Albania, don't really have to explain that, we have been enemies since antiquity. More recently they stole Northern Epirus from us.

4.Bulgaria, no longer arch-enemy like in early 20th centuries, but they still want our clay to link up to Aegean sea.

5. Germany, fought against them two times, responsible for Greece being in the shitter and us killing each other until 1949. Jewed us economically.


1. Cyprus, linked by blood,language religion and culture it goes without saying we are their daddy and guardian angel.

2. Serbia and Greece fought together in 4 wars as allies, helped them during Yugoslav wars, they got Albania checked at all times.

3.Italy, relations were bad after WWII, but became eventually became very good. We have that Mediterranean link and a united front sometimes against Merkel.

4. Russia, traditional allies until October revolution and restoration of relations after fall of Berlin Wall. Mainly religious links and united in hatred against Turks, but it's a very loose friendship. Russia in the end looks out mainly for Russia.

Way longer than that. Why do you think the Sherriff's badge. a symbol of authority, is shaped like the Star of David?

Come on then you silly cunt we'll put you in the fucking ground

>American globalists
>Swedish political and media elite
Russia is scary, with their 1/3 muslim army and all, but they are not our enemies

Friends Norway,Denmark, Finland

Based Germanic huns

>Fite me bitch
>America help!

I thought we was friends

Country: TEXAS
Enemies: Yankees, ISIS, Saudi Arabia, France, China, Russia, The Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Friends: Dixie, Canada, England, Australia, Mexico (despite what the TV will tell you)


Globalism has become a global movement. Yes, our position as the monetary center of the world has created an entrenched globalist political presence but let's not forget that its current champion is a Hungarian Jew. They pool from all over the world, but they congregate here. They're by no means Americans.

What the hell are you
Talking about? They already pledged our support if we tell the Feds to fuck off and France has been our ally since England was our enemy. You
Know nothing.


>1/3 muslim army
Kek, this is something new

I'd like to think we're allies

How can you be allies when you have your dick so far up Poland's ass that its poking out of their mouth?

At least they joined. Unlike Sweden who both supplied the krauts iron ore and then gave away their battleship locations to the Royal Navy so they could supply more iron ore. Which is the correct tactic tbth desu.

I love the way we are depicted on his pamphlet.

We kill people for the joy of impaling British newborn with our bayonets

We like torture prisoners which we tied to wooden poles to increase their agony.

Our monarchs lock themselves in their messy rooms (mind the key underneight his legs) with innocent young girls, scaring them while frantically chuckling and gazing at some golden cup in full ceremonial uniform.

Also we like to take a stroll through a foreign city armed with a torch, stabbing all the people left in the burning ruins and still have a grim face on

Oh and we like to do business afterwards.

P.S if we take a trip to the sea it's mostly in a submarine and while we're at it we sink civilian boats with our Gatling guns.

I love these caricatures, also because our government is really doing an effort to make us look like we are the complete opposite

We like USA. But we're worried that you want to make our country a battlefield for an eventual war with Russia

At least we're not Russia

Friends: white nations
Ennemies: non-white nations

C'mone Polan, lets become one and make Germany this battlefield :^)

I'm not positive, but I think it's possible 90% of the planet hates us. Which sucks because it's the sociopaths in charge that fuck everything up.

I would love to. But our politicans are dumb

I don't think people hate americans, as much as we hate Jew York and jewish capitalists

This, am in New York right now will wait until there is a spark in Germany and we'll have a revolution that will make Red October of 1917 look like Sanders in comparison.

Unfortunatly, nothing good can be expected from professional politicians

Revolution? spark? New York?

Explain thyself American!

So were the Swedes always cucks then?

Everyone has their own ambitions, instead of common goal. It was always like that in this area


1. England
2. Canada
3. Australia


1. The rest of you (hegemony needs no justifications)

I never understood why Canadians hate the US. You guys could roll over and crush us and you don't. Canada benefits tremendously from your markets and your military protection of the continent. It's just the envious younger brother syndrome.

If trump is elected no war with russia will happen

If Hillary is elected no war will happen but our relations will be shit

What I would worry about is MERKEL using the EU as a 4th reich and Germany taking you again

I hope trump is elected I really don't hate any of you Slavs enough or care enough to war with you,Russian or polish

I'm so sick of this cold war shit that's still around I just want USA and Russia to be pals like we were in 1945 and kill sand niggers together

>White nation

allies: none
enemies: I hate every single one of you

We're 'allies' with Poland, England and the rest of the anglosphere but nobody in America really cares about any of those countries.

Well, to give France a justice, they did name themselves as enemies in previous posts

Serbia is a friend
Everyone else is an enemy

>What I would worry about is MERKEL using the EU as a 4th reich and Germany taking you again
This is something that we are all very aware of, and are afraid as well.

1. Russia
2. Germany
3. Poland
4. Denmark
5. Norway

We British used to view Germany as a threat to Anglo dominance. Now we're both just cucks. It's depressing, man.


The thing I don't understand is supposedly the US was founded on masonic principles (which is supposed to be a bad thing) and yet it produced the most successful powerful country in history.

>Poland, England and the rest of the anglosphere
Poland is not part of the anglosphere.




2.Skopje (FYROM)

They've always liked killing white people. Biggest genocide in history was Sweden's fault aka The Thirty Years' War.

We also won the WW2 while your country... Oh right you're not a country

we arent your enemy polandbro :(
u are volksdeutsch in our eyes
next time dont massacre the germans living on your soil and we wont stomp u

Well shit I'm sorry Poland bro
If trump is elected at least I know well be on your side

Here have this to redpill your friends





Given the chance basically any Lithuanian would turn all of poland into a sea

If Germany tries to anschluss Poland again it will have to be through another pact with Russia. There simply is no way Germany will take you guys by themselves. There would be massive civil resistance in the EU if Germany tried to threaten you militarily.

The USA was founded on dominance, forged in both genocide and slavery.

Don't listen to what we say, watch and learn from what we do. That's all you need to know about "principles".

>a german actually leading germans
It needs more than that

That's it really. No jews or gypsies here.

>Poland (tho they don't really care about us)
>Slovenia is ok
>Austria (long history)

1. UK (theyll never stop being backstabbing assholes so yeah)
2. USA (befreit oder besetzt?)
3. Israel
4. SA