I don't really keep up with politics between elections, so I have to ask: was Obama that bad? I voted for him in '08, but voted for Mittens in '12. I'm a pretty conservative guy, but Obama didn't seem to do that much, and he's 1000x better than Hillary would have been. Compared to her, he seems pretty honest and a genuinely good guy. Comments?
Was Obama really that bad?
Republicans try to defame him because he is their political opponent.
But he was better than bush.
>A nigger president
It still makes me laugh 8 years later
>Im a right leaning libertartian for context
I think he was pretty average. My life hasnt changed much. His policies havent affected my day to day life, although his rhetoric and narratives he pushes and supports are often damaging. I dont think he has fucked anything up though or done anything that couldnt be undone.
Obama was not bad by a long shot. The man was awarded Nobel peace prize for his efforts in the Middle-East. "The Sons of Obama" -campaign literally raised millions of young black males out of poverty and gave them internship in the college all around the states. The medical reforms, universal healthcare. Obama will be missed and not in a bad sense
God bless murka
is there a Trump or Hillary one of these?
He's pushing this, Obongo sucks balls
He was black
>awarded Nobel Peace Price
>be at war entire term of presidency
He has destroyed any sort of race relations that the US had through his comments and actions and white people that voted for him were voting outside of their "in group" and against their own interests.
Yes, Hillary is going to be worse, considering her entire campaign is based on "Trump is bad" while parading around a slew of useless minorities that she doesn't give a shit about.
You guys voted for Tony "my head up in my ass" Abbott. I don't think you're allowed to laugh at the nigger POTUS.
he attacked more whistleblowers than all the other presidents combined
what does that tell you was he that bad that fucking coke dealing prick from Chicago
yes but thats not why he has a terrible president
him and Hillary just a couple of fucking carpetbaggers
When the race war comes, we are going to have to kill half of the white race, as well.
>Implying there was anything wrong with Tones
Fresh of the leddit boat faggot? Back you go
>doubled the debt
>created the crisis in Ukraine
>initiated the war in Syria by funding a rebel revolution under the guise of "arab spring"
>obamacare is an unprecedented disaster for everyone except insurance companies
>funded numerous failed green enterprises
>destroyed race relations by supporting and encouraging BLM
>took credit for nonexistent economic recovery
"Awarded?" Try given the nobel peace prize the first month in office. no achievement required.
It's fucking right there in black and white
Why isn't she in jail now?
What the fuck USA?
>Sup Forums suddenly liking obama because he is not hillary
Overall he was in the mid tier good department. He fixed a lot of shit, bombed shitskins, had some funny jokes. With a republican congress it's hard to tell wheter they stoped the stupid shit or the good shit (you never know with cuckservatives), the "he was the shittiest president ever" is just a meme that needs to die, so dose the "he was the best president ever you nigger hating bastards".
And all the English
Sorry desu nothing personal but once a race traitor country, always a race traiting country
Bush was worse on foreign policy
Obama was worse on domestic issues. The US is coming apart at the seams and he's a large part of the reason why.
Good thing I'm Welsh.
The middle east has been one of Obamas biggest failures
>He fixed a lot of shit
Like what?
>republican congress
The only time in living history that the US had a balanced budget was with a Republican congress
the only white part of russia is petersburg and parts of moscow
>Liberals claim to be peaceful
>Liberals claim to be compassionate
>Liberals claim to be against war
>Liberals claim to support Islam
And yet the person they support is a psychopathic killer
if cyprus, Spain Sicily Greece are white then it's not a good thing you retarded sideways african flag
>“When I go back and I ask myself what went wrong,” Obama said, “there’s room for criticism, because I had more faith in the Europeans, given Libya’s proximity, being invested in the follow-up,” he said. He noted that Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, lost his job the following year
>Obama also blamed internal Libyan dynamics. “The degree of tribal division in Libya was greater than our analysts had expected. And our ability to have any kind of structure there that we could interact with and start training and start providing resources broke down very quickly.”
Is Obama, dare I say it, a good boy who did nothing wrong?
I bet the average Sup Forums visitor is far more intelligent than that faggot. How about go back to your mommy underaged pleb and let the discussion be done by people who have more than a single brain cell.
Or better yet, just kill yourself while streaming it, at least you will provide some worth to humanity.
Fuck off faggot
they're both failures, each in their own way. america's standing in the world weakened under both presidents.
>I bet the average Sup Forums visitor is far more intelligent than that faggot. How about go back to your mommy underaged pleb and let the discussion be done by people who have more than a single brain cell.
>Or better yet, just kill yourself while streaming it, at least you will provide some worth to humanity
it's not obama who is ruining things. he is irrelevant. same with clinton or trump. irrelevant. it's the emerging, permanent coalition of women plus people of color versus white males that will ruin the usa
Compare our race relations in the US during George W. Bushes reign to our race relations now.
We've regressed violently as soon as that nigger stepped into the White House.
>start training and start providing resources
This is Obama admitting they just wanted to cuck Libya and turn them into US dogs. He implicitly admits intending to overthrow Gaddafi, as if that was desirable for Libyans.
>I voted for him in '08.
Thank you for helping destroy the country.
>but voted for Mittens in '12
> I'm a pretty conservative guy
Bullshit. Please do pic related.
Oh, and fuck that nigger coming over here to give us vague threats pre-Brexit.
Cuckservatives: "uhg what cuck could be worse than this nigga"
Hil: "challenge excepted"
But seriously I say this as a Bernie faggot if stein doesn't make it on the ballot in my state I'll vote for trump, I'm tired of all the SJWs & cucks in the DNC I'm going green
Everybody is pushing this. The republicans pray for this.
If he wasn't a nigger, I'd suspect he was a secret Sup Forumsack.
There was no man that did so much to bring about a race war since the end of the civil war.
It is amazing how many Newfags forgot how bad the Bush Administration was
Remember how crazy glenn beck went on fox news about Obama? Or alex jones talking "Obama's america"? Why are right wingers so fucking crazy?
The same Bush admin that supports Clinton for president over Trump, they are scared as hell that Trump is going to find all of their dirty secrets and you know he will talk about it.
nice tumblr meme sad boii
He did a pretty solid job for the U.S economy if I am not mistaken. He created millions of jobs. All in all I think he has been a good president. He's also very likeable and charismatic.