I listen to Alex Jones almost every day. He makes a lot of sense why does everyone keep saying he has no credibility...

I listen to Alex Jones almost every day. He makes a lot of sense why does everyone keep saying he has no credibility? He seems far more correct than anyone part of the mainstream media.

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something about chubby dudes with receding hairlines doesnt play well here.

what has he been right about?

>I listen to Alex Jones almost every day
>He makes a lot of sense

let's all guess the mental acuity of OP.

Let it die user. Even people who listen to him are going to shill against him.

>He seems far more correct than anyone part of the mainstream media.
That doesn't say much OP.

I'm seriously starting to think Alex Jones might be controlled opposition.

Have you honestly sourced anything he talks about.
>muh sekret sources
Look into the stories he tells, and make your own conclusion. He's a hack that pushes click bait. Nothing more.

>google "when was alex jones right"
>did you mean "when was alex jones *wrong*?"

he is a radio shitposter

so no sources then?

Trust me I would be able to articulate an argument for something totally false better than you could for something 100% true. Besides Jones talks about the same stuff that is talked about here regarding globalism and the elite trying to brainwash people into degeneracy in order to make a power grab. He reads articles from many sources to prove his point. As long as you avoid his clear speculation his analysis seems to be ok point.

Fuck off with your douche bag med suit niggers.

He's obviously a shill. never mentions (((them))), distracts you from them in fact, is never clear and direct about anything. He is a disinformation agent like his friend Joe Rogan, plus his show is owned by ABC and backed by the heritage foundation. He's a shill, stop listening to him, I only watch his retarded rants on YT for jokes.

Its really tough to take him seriously when every single time I hear him talk its

>And here at Infowars we have this great product you can buy for said really scary thing

Is this a slide thread? OP no reply and everyone is bumping with the same conclusion? Sage goes in all fields

He takes articles from all over when he isn't speculating something wild. The other day he was talking about the refugees being forced into people's homes and how the German government was trying to force businesses into hiring them. This is accurate reporting and fall in line with the narrative he's spinning. Yeah he may not always predict shit correctly but his worldview is being validated by the day.

>He seems far more correct than anyone part of the mainstream media.
Even a broken clock reports the news more accurately than the mainstream media.

that may be true but why never mention the jews? we all know they run everything, why doesnt he ever discuss facts, its proven with numbers and quotes that the world is run by jewish supremacists, why can't he just red pill people that way? its because he works for ((them))) user.
>the elite
>power grab
love how you use his lingo too, everone thinks you're real smart.

I agree with what you're saying.

I began listening to him two years ago on spring break because I wanted to listen to "conspiracy radio."
But it turned out what he was about fluoride that week was actually true and he show the documents (like he does very often) which also surprised me.
Since then, wew lad, quite a ride of research.

anyone who tries to discredit him is a shill. end of.

ever notice why redpiled media is always mocked?

no polack mocks infowars

It's his personality.

Somehow he thinks talking over his guests and covering for Israel helps his credibility.

Alex has worked for decades as a controlled opposition shill. His job was to rope people in with a few truths, then fill their heads with so much garbage they have no idea what's going anymore. Many on Sup Forums dislike him for this reason.

Something happened to him when Trump showed up though. I think he has mostly switched sides now, and are working against the globalists.

He's still playing both sides to some extent, and there are places he wont go, but for the most part he's doing a great job. It's obvious he has deep knowledge from inside their systems which leads to flashes of brilliance.

>Hurr Durr I guess he's controlled opposition"

Or maybe he's not an idiot like everyone else on this retarded boarded.

Go ahead call me a fucking shill/cuck/kike whatever. Name Calling arguments is exactly what the regressive left does.

everyone knows about fluoride in the water though who's putting in their and why is the important part, things he is very opaque and ambiguous when explaining. he's mainstream media and you should stay away.

Those words exist outside of Alex Jones just so you know. Obviously he wouldn't call out the Jews because then he'd be painted an anti Semite.

He got disaccredit by the mainstream media because he tells the truth. Back then I used to laugh at Alex Jones shit but he turn out to be right about a shit ton of stuff

>Or maybe he's not an idiot like everyone else on this retarded boarded.
shill gtfo

Just because he's passionate and has righteous anger like a real man faggot fuckfaces get "uncomfortable" then call him crazy.

>regressive left
kek you haven't been on this board long have you, fuck off with that milo-tier cuck-servative rhetoric. he lures in intelligent truth seekers like yourself and then fills your head with paranoid out of this world nonsense to distract you from what's really going on, he's either crazy or controlled opposition. he works for abc and the heritage foundation, look them up.

yeah but at least name names, allude to the fact they are all Jews, something. have you seen his interview with David Duke, our lord and savior? David Duke speaks nothing but truth that whole show but Alex Jones shuts him up and discredits him through ridicule and other manipulative techniques. If you disagree with David Duke on anything you are a shill.

Meh. He's click bait at best. He used to be a source of fringe news, but he's do desperate to get clicks, he posts ANYTHING.

2/8. Used to be good.

Implying naming the jew doesn't get you killed

Well he did just name the banks as behind everything so I took that a subtle cue because we all know who the bankers are. I wouldn't want to be associated with David Duke no matter what even if he's totally right just for the bad name association. Just because he doesn't go full on redpill doesn't mean he's completely wrong.

>2/8. Used to be good.

It's more like he used to be shit, but now he's often good.

a link to a couple documentaries on youtube would do more good than listening to him for 10 years.
watch the greatest story never told and the world killed the wrong enemy. massive red-pills.

He only repeats white papers written by elites and leaked US officials memos.

He is also pushing Trump even though he will get more traffic and viewers if Hillary wins. I think he just loves his country and does not want foreign interests and lobbyists in control.

I love that video everytime lmao


I've watched about half of the greatest story never told and I've seen a few other documentaries like it. I just wanted to see if Jones was a decent news source because I can't stand fox and the rest of the media anymore. I just go on Drudge report and listen to Alex jones now and wanted to see what everyone else thought of him

>ever notice why redpiled media is always mocked
Maybe because fringe news "sources" are always mocked.

What is his position on 9/11? Either way, everything he does just seems to be his personal money making scheme.

>Trust me I would be able to articulate an argument for something totally false

are you in high school?

>Name calling arguments is exactly what the regressive left does
Are you aware what board you're on? Are you trying to tell me that the word "cuck" as an insult comes from the regressive left?

"If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you really make them think, they'll hate you."

i think he's saying calling people cucks is the same tactic the 'regressive left' uses, name calling.

>why does everyone keep saying he has no credibility?
Listen to his y2k broadcast OP



who cares about a guys weight and hair? Are we fags? Alex sells great anti microbial toothbrushesand vitamin fruitjuice.

>I listen to Alex Jones almost every day
>He makes a lot of sense why does everyone keep saying he has no credibility?


just look at this motherfucker.

Thank you

Know his sketchy history, and that he is playing both sides not to burn his bridges.

But anyone who thinks he has no value at all should listen to this episode. Just do it, he gets going after the 7-8 minute mark. Alex knows more than anyone on this board and can articulate it when he wants to. He is a valuable ally even with his problems:


Not the worst thing I've ever heard. Doesn't mean Id listen to him for everything just that he does have a lot of good shit to say

He's still a hell of a lot better than plenty of other "news" sources. He may be out there on a lot of stuff but he's right about the current state of affairs

>why does everyone keep saying he has no credibility?

>"I'm gonna dead-lift 600 pounds... 'cause I know I can do 500."
-Alex Jones



That would be a much shorter list I guess...

Thanks for correcting the recordĀ©.

No, you double nigger, I meant what I typed. HE USED TO BE GOOD BUT NOW HE'S A TIN FOIL CLICK BAIT POSTER.

He hasn't been accurate, or note worthy in a long time.

Requesting the gif where he says this and powers up to super saiyan

god damn he is retarded. his show could have been so much better. drop the screaming obscenities shit, drop the shilling out fringe conspiracies. focus on provable things and maybe just a bit of inferring to satisfy his conspiracy upbringings. he is a joke anymore. selling vitamin fruit juice and ionized water and all kinds of kooky homepathic shit. wtf. it is like the man wants to be viewed with absolutely no credibility.

Old Alex was either obvious shit (911 was a false flag) or y2k-aliens-chemtrails. It was utter garbage.

New Alex is all about deprogramming people from communist brainwashing. Having actually run a brainwashing program of his own, he knows his shit. I would say 95% of what he says is true now.

love this guy, real american

He used too hate putin now he loves Putin.

Alex should run for president, the publicity his show would be given would wake the entire country

>why does everyone keep saying he has no credibility?
Because this is a Beijing dank meme factory and filter jokes are funny. Super Male Vitality is just starting to be tapped into.

>I listen to Alex Jo...

Stopped reading there!


I'd rather listen to MITD or fucking C2C at least when know that art bell is semi crazy but this bald ass nigga is out right crazy famalam

exactly, he exists to discredit people like us, if anybody talks about the NWO (which is true) and other globalist conspiracies we are compared to this nut.

Because Putin bought him

Exactly, he jumped ship.

He wouldn't even need much funding for ads, just run clips on tv of him screaming.

kek, everyone knows "Reptilians" is code for "Jew". Since he's well known, if he was labeled an anti semite he'd be fucked and lose his airtime.

his show could be so good. imagine if he didnt exaggerate and over embellish so much. i feel like he is trying to grab "simple" people with all that fieryness. if he would do videos like Paul Joseph Watson does he would be so much more credible and I think his show would accomplish much much more. As it is now, most people "turn off" when they hear the words Alex Jones. His name then provides a rebuttal to all of his words. It is sad to see happen, the man has worked hard to get were he is and it sucks to see him failing so hard. I have big hopes for Paul Watson though. I feel like if he ever moves away from the infowars brand he will make a big impact. I could see him redpill normies left and right because he does not provide the kind of easy attack vectors that alex does, attack vectors that make it childs play to discredit anything he says without even considering what he is actually saying.

i would agree that he is an ally, but one with lots of wasted potential because of his antics and controversies. also the products he shills and the way he shills them does a lot to discredit him. i understand he has to make money to pay his staff and grow his company, but I wish he could do it in a more credible manner.

fucking this

This is how I feel about it. I listen to him because between all his over the top shit he does have nuggets of truth. It's a shame that he's so easily written off.

> everyone knows "Reptilians" is code for "Jew".
kek i don't think that is a well known fact, if it's true, why do people call (((them))) reptilians, like what is the origin of the code-name, i mean in know about the reptilian shit but wtf.

you're the one correcting the record the man has been putting in work. but i did only start listening to him this year...

try telling real living person irl that jews are in power and see what he says

I love Alex fire. He could be a preacher. His understanding of their systems is also on a different level, particularly when it comes to brainwashing.

The problem for him is that the Alex Jones character has sooo much baggage. I hope he can overcome it in time. Should he ever become more honest about the origins of the show, I think that will happen.

Paul Watson is okay, but there's nothing special about him. Thousands could do his job. There will only ever be one Alex Jones.

this is true. i see his name used as a kind of slander quite often when on the webs.




well the man is self funded....not like you gotta buy that shit haha

he still does that crazy shit the other day he was giving a report and started yelling like a jihadist

I don't care about my son, he's a fruity ass fruitbowl gay bastard that's taking it in the pooper.

it's the supplements he takes they make him high energy and crazed

love is a strong word

Fluoride is a bi product of chemical production. (I don't know which). It's a cheap way to dispose of it under the guise of dental health. No conspiracy to poison people. Just corrupt officials accepting money from big chemical. It's a calculated risk

ya, i always think of a "hellfire and brimstone" kind precher when I see alex.

I would like to see Watson in a few debates. Ya, there is absolutely nothing unique about the guy, except for the things he says, or maybe the way he says them. he just seems so much more credible then others I have seen putting out the same kind of info, when he does it he does it in a easily digestable way. i feel like with his talks, you dont have to come into them already believing different things then the blue pill masses to be able to reach the same conclusions that he does. it seems like others that put out that kind of content expect and rely on you to already be a believer, where as with Watson, a bluepill normie can feel like he came to the conclusions himself almost? i dont know if that is the best way to put it.

dont get me wrong, alex jones has def provided some good value to the public. i think he has moved things alot farther along then they would be without him. the big problem now though is the sacrifices he had to make to get this far and this big (shock jock, fringe conspiracy etc) are the same things that will hold him back from making the next big leap. he may have provided the first big leap for the masses, but someone else will have to take us to the next one. Jones has already burnout his name far to much to be the one.

I know how you feel famicon. He is pretty on the ball.

>pic related
i can only imagine what that plant watering can in the right of pic is for.


needs better audio quality

is this your OC?

I see Alex role as something different. His job isn't to redpill people, calmer and more sensible sounding people are better suited for that.

He is a spiritual leader and the guy that motivates the troops to march and get their blood pumping. Every movement needs a fiery guy like that to make people take action.

It's filled with Johnnie Walkeeer, Blue Labeeel, ohhh yeeeaaahh.

thats a good description, I would agree. he def has a skill set that serves him well in that regard.

you think so starbro? fuck, if i was that fat id be staying drunk too probably. he needs the spout cause his arms are so fat he doesnt have the reach to drink from a normal cup.