>Literally a big business, racist, old white man
>Turns the deep south blue
Literally a big business, racist, old white man
S-stop violating my safe space!
Shill polls! shill polls!
>muh racism
>big business
Is that an insult?
By any reasonable definition of racism, he is not
He isn't the one having seizures
>white man
Better than any other race
>believing polls
I live in Florida and I don't know a single person that's not voting for Trump
>believe my anecdote over actual polls
>people dont associate in groups based on shared ideology, so my observations are flawless
Trump's one of those rich republicans who's never been to the south and thinks that he can score an easy win just by talking about guns and Muslims. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Hillary turned the entire place blue.
If NC is blue, its completely due to niggers, and (((college edjucated))) women. Oh and Ashville.
>nate silver
nice try shit head lol
Your parents aren't a large enough sample size m8.
>Using anecdotal evidence as if it were a reasonable argument
They recently had their voter I'D laws overturned. The dead will vote NC vlue
He came out saying he'd hunt down and throw out all illegal Mexican immigrants. This was literally his opening salvo. Scrutinizing all of America, seizing those suspected of being here illegally, throwing them all over the border into Mexico.
So there's the 4th and the 6th.
A few days later he said we need to stop all persons of Islamic faith from entering into the United States. A few days later, he permanently banned the first of what would become several respected media outlets from press conferences, and discussed using legal options against unfriendly media outlets. And he throws out everyone who disagrees with him.
So there's the 1st.
Later on he would suggest that he would "go to Apple" and "break open that damn phone". This implies a police and/or secret service and/or military presence in a private enterprise.
So there's the 3rd (arguably).
He said he would "get Snowden back" and "make him tell us" what he leaked to foreign governments.
So there's the 5th.
He has suggested bringing back waterboarding and even more new awesome kinds of torture.
So there's the 8th.
One could also argue that trying US citizens at Gitmo is both the 6th and the 8th.
He suggested we "get rid of the lines" around state based approaches to, alternatives to, and policies toward state based healthcare.
So, there's the 9th. Pretty blatantly. Plus, not to bring up the birther shit but he demanded Hawaii release Obama's birth certificate for federal and non state based private citizen demands. So yea definitely the 9th. A CEO would probably struggle with the 9th.
And, he refuses to cooperate with people suing him over Trump University.
So, there's a clear disdain for the spirit of the 7th.
So. Donald Trump jeopardizes your 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th amendment rights. Which implies a disdain for the 10th.
But hey. At least anybody who wants to can totally buy machine guns. (as long as they're white)
>hates anecdotal evidence
>uses ad verecundiam
The trisomy 21 victim is you.
>Believing shill polls like the ones used against brexit
trump will be using ad victorium.
I find this hilarious and kind of amazing. Even SC might go blue for a woman most residents would call a "nigger lover".
Even racists don't want a president who sucks Putin's dick I guess.
>1 post by this ID
I never said I believed in the "shill" polls. Just because there is a chance the polls are "rigged" doesn't make his anecdotal evidence any more plausible/relevant.
Do NOT reply to this poster.
Repeat. This is a SHILL.
Do NOT engage in discussion.
>t. drue Southerner
>I'm scared of reasoned arguments. Moar dumb slogans please.
>ad verecundiam
the argument isn't that polls should be trusted because they are taken by experts. they should be trusted because there is a sound methodology to how they are collected you fucking idiot.
> there is a sound methodology to how they are collected
Thanks for not proving that the methodology is sound and further proving that you're a trisomy 21 victim. You gonna reverse burden of proof me too? Just stop, you're bad at this.
what BOP reversal? that your anecdotes account for fucking nothing?
^ someone living in a gun grabber culture scared of actual debate
Lol, figures.
The entire United Kingdom is comprised of nothing but cowards.
You're literally retarded. Re-read the fucking the thread, I never made an anecdote. Kill yourself once you see that.
If anything, this should prove that racism is dead and democrats can stop bringing it up every five minutes.
It's because Hillary has the retard AKA black vote
I live in Georgia. No one outside the niggers and SJWs in Atlanta are voting for Hillary. We will be a Trump state like we always are because the state is gerrymandered in a way that the electoral college always favors the rural counties over Atlanta.
Take a look at this map. The red district is Fulton County, where Atlanta is. You can see it's been redone dozens of times over the years to end up with the fucked up shape it has now. It is like that because the top part is full of rich white people in North Atlanta to balance out the blacks and poor folks in the lower part. Georgia has over 200 counties. We kept creating more and redividing existing ones to keep our political elites in place, who are all Republicans today. There is no chance in hell that we will go blue, we have too many fail safes to prevent the blacks from outvoting us.
US needs an alpha white male to clean up the current SJW pussyfest we are becoming. Obama and the liberals had their fun fucking everything up, now it's time for the hard work