Are forced vegan diets child abuse, Sup Forums?
Italy moves to imprison parents who put kids on vegan diets
I rather have a few dead kids then a state dictating to parents what and what not to feed their kids.
Based spaghetti. Vegans are not real people and do not deserve any rights.
Probably. If I was a kid and couldn't enjoy meat I'd probably be depressed daily. I can only imagine dinner time being the worst time of day for those kids.
You mean kids cannot be purposefully malnourished? Wtf I hate Italy onw
>Hemp seeds contain all the amino-acids needed for a growing child if taken with calcium supplement
True story even if will make people ITT rage
its all bullshit from the politicians to distract people and avoid talking about the fact italy is a failed country
Good. Vegans are leftist cucks who love refugees. If they are in prison they can't vote
I can see a law dictating that all Kids raised on a vegan diet be given proper supplements, but this just seems frivolous and nearly unenforceable.
Although, some PizzaPasta on Sup Forums said that Vegans were like the SJW in annoyance in Italy, so what do I know
Yes, vegans are mentally ill.
Sweden, sooner or later you will also be imprisoned for putting your daughters on a negro-sperm diet.
didn't they ban meat in a city ?
>eat shit food plus supplements
Why not just eat food that already has those nutrients there in the first place?
I hate vegans as much as the next guy but seeing some of the absolute shit parents give their children I'm sure the vegans give better nutrition to theirs than most.
But I can still feed my kid a diet of nothing but Big Macs until he's morbidly obese?
A vegan diet won't harm a kid so long as it's supplemented with vitamin B12. (And they get sunlight for vitamin D, or take a vitamin D supplement, almost no one on Earth gets enough vitamin D from their diet alone, animal products or not)
I was on a vegan diet for over 3 years and there's nothing special you have to do to get proper nutrition, you don't have to overthink anything, you just need B12 supplementation.
B12 is the ONLY essential nutrient you can't easily get from a plant-based diet.
Except these amino acids aren't BCAAs, and even if they were, you would still need to supplement b vitamins and iron. Even then, your child would probably have an unbalanced or unhealthy diet, because humans have evolved to eat meat, and replicating a natural human diet without meat is very difficult
Good idea. Vegans are shit heads
How the fuck are you going to make sure the kids are getting the food they want?
Parents cook for kids, so they don't get a say. What is Italy going to do, get all the old Grandmas of Italy to cook for the Vegan kids?
you don't need supplements to be vegan
You don't have to outlaw the diet, just outlaw the culture.
kill yourself plantman
Any parents whose kid has a BMI over a certain amount should be imprisoned too.
>muh moral highground
my kid is dying but he never tasted meat !
I agree with the idea because vegans are all retards.
The state however shouldn't dictate how a parent raises their child. They chose to have that kid not the state.
>I was on a vegan diet for over 3 years
Fuck off back to lereddit, tree-hugging nigger-loving liberal SJW communist scum.
Like that fucking matters. The state has an obligation to protect that child as it does all citizens.
Should parents be allowed to rape and brutally beat their children because they chose to have them?
If you don't at least supplement b 12 and iron you're going to have a very unpleasant experience. Also, without meat or dairy, you're gonna have trouble getting the proper quantites of macro nutrients.
>if taken with supplement
fuck off
>libertarian retard
Fuck off and don't come back until you've grown up.
As a child, you pretty much do.
Not to mention the fact that getting a complete diet through veganism is beyond most people. They fuck up and leave something out in the majority of cases.
>But I can still feed my kid a diet of nothing but Big Macs until he's morbidly obese?
Not in Italy you can't.
It's obvious that whatever gets put into effect will not be "vegan diet is forbidden!!!!!!!!!!", but more to the lines of "if the children has a deficiency caused by lack of nutrition, parents are charged with child abuse".
But we also needed to have some sort of "letting your child weight as much as three adults is child abuse" laws.
> you would still need to supplement b vitamins and iron
Bullshit, almost every plant food on Earth contains iron, and the only B vitamin you can't get from plant-foods is B12.
Arguably you would be able to get vitamin B12 from plant foods if you ate unwashed foods with soil still on them. You only need about 3 micrograms (1/1000000 of a gram) of B12 a day.
> your child would probably have an unbalanced or unhealthy diet,
Why? It's not hard and you don't have to overthink a plant-based diet, humans could survive off nothing but fruit if they wanted to.
You're putting way, WAY too much faith in the average parent and their ability to give a shit or be intelligent about their diet.
A vegan diet is perfectly healthy, especially compared to taking your kids to regularly like in America
>tfw 6'6" well built vegan
>tfw I hear "manlet haha" or "deformed hippy" all the time on pol
I could beat the crap out of all of you manlet omnivores
*to mcdonalds
>I could beat the crap out of all of you manlet omnivores to mcdonalds
actual parents don't take their kids regularly to fast food joints, but you wouldn't know since your parents don't love you jafar
There are differences between Heme vs non heme iron
I say your child would have an unhealthy diet because they wouldn't easily feel satiated by their food, and would probably end up overconsuming carbohydrates. These things can be avoided, but it's still pretty common.
Sorry if finding the missing word was too much for you
A vegan diet is perfectly healthy, especially compared to taking your kids TO MCDONALDS regularly like in America
>humans could survive off nothing but fruit if they wanted to.
True vegans actually avoid fruit. Fruit trees are widely believed in Wiccan communities (where veganism has its roots) to be possessed by ancestor spirits and thus forbidden from human consumption. Traditional veganism is highly animistic.
>sorry if finding the mcdonalds before me was too much for you
Oh, thats great, what we need is MORE laws, more regulations, more things being forbidden.
Instead they should issue and release statements and studies, and have the public handle this with peer pressure and ostracizing.
So no, this isn't good. Having more rules, more bureaucracy, is not a good thing. People celebrating this should consider how it will be enacted. Protip: you cant check what every child in the country eats.
sure you are, friend
my sides!
Wrong idiot. If a kid wants to eat non vegan Food the parentes have no right to only Force feed their kid sallad only
Are you telling me State cant dictate parentes if they decide to feed their kids Cat poop because they believe its healrhy?
>Bibu Chandramurti
>IFBB Champion 2005 All Natural
>Diet 90% of hemp seed products and hemp seed oil
Could beat the shit out of everyone ITT
inb4 "POO IN LOO"
say that to his face when he is eating hemp seed protein shake at the gym *gets ass kicked*
If the hospital need to waste my taxes to pay for the fucked up health of their vegan childs it s my problem too
I knew this would get pol a bit agitated.
I was also the valedictorian if you want something else to trigger you :)
hello mr mad vegan
Vegetarians are the only sane people next to omnivores since they still eat fish and milk products.
Vegans are plain stupid though, kill yourselves. Meme diet 1/10.
>Functional muscle
oh I am laffin
I've never met a vegan above 21 years old who still have hair. Why is that?
>Vegans were like the SJW
Yes, in fact we don't have a strong SJW presence in Italy, but we have this strong "animal rights" movement that's similarly annoying, imagine PETA that actually does things other than posing nude models.
Moreover, the biggest problem is the amount of functionally illiterate people that lap this shit up, I don't know outside Italy but the vaccine=autism meme got really big in here, together with veganism and lemons can cure illnesses.
>Protip: you cant check what every child in the country eats
Most of the laws in the penal code are there so that when you find someone out you can punish them, it's not a witch hunt
get out
Should ban fast / high sugar food, cigarettes and alcohol then.
Outlaw Veganism desu senpaitachi
Hello, imbecile who wants the state to tell him how to wipe his ass and fine him if he uses too much toilet paper.
This law won't do shit, it will be a crutch during divorce cases or to steal children away from some families when it suits the people in charge.
We need less rules, not more. Leave it to an englishman to celebrate a freedom being taken away.
It's understandable. Some kids were killed because their parent refused to give them proteins
Anyone have the video of that massive bulked up body builder that decided all of a sudden he wanted to join boxing gym and acted cocky AF because he was larger than 90% of the people there? Ended up getting his ass KNOCKED the fuck out.
It ain't about how big you get, or how heavy you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and still keep going.
A lot of these massive fucks i'v met have some of the lowest tolerance for pain.
Weak heart bitches think because they 'Feel The Bern' lifting heavy objects, it means they can take the feeling of knuckles that are as dense as stone straight to the jaw.
Don't give a fuck if your vegan or not. Don't make the assumption you can win a fight if you don't train for fighting.
Because they are cucks who let women decide what they can eat, their hair just give up
Vegans are just vegetarians that didn't feel special enough.
It's spreading, brother.
Just go to a local Liceo and you'll see.
Good point with the divorce cases, but I don't think this law is meant to jail people, it's meant to provide a legitimate cause to take children away from abusive mentally ill parents who feed their children bleach and pomade.
>implying an easily impressible population is necessarily a bad thing
Look on The positive side, things like Kalergi Plan are super easy to spread even among normies. I made a post about it on kikebook and a shitload of my friends drank it up immediately
>I rather have a few dead kids
Kids can have alchool or chigarette
Even getting you child fat should be illegal
We would much rather that you have dead kids too
What about kids that want a vegan diet and that are being forced to eat meat?
Just tell them to deal with it or starve to death, like my mum did
>It ain't about how big you get, or how heavy you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and still keep going.
literally cringed
for not putting*
>letting kids starve to death
Isn't that abuse?!
who knows. raising the difficulty to accomplish the same thing often leaves the receivers lacking. Normal kids could nag for what they need when vegan kids are probably stopped from ever getting meat or dairy.
where do you get your calcium from?
No it's not
It's how I learned to eat food that I don't like but ate it because it keeps me alive and healthy
No, they are providing a healthy and balanced diet. It's not the parents fault if the child is too retarded to eat it.
>Are forced vegan diets child abuse, Sup Forums?
Yes. If they don't eat meat, fine. If they take away eggs and dairy it's abuse.
but he's right
African rape babys do alright sometimes
This, its basic freedom. The people who eat shit will suffer consequences, it only becomes a problem when those people beg for free gibs me dats.
most of these kids will be part of the normal society anyways so it's better when they aren't introduced damaged
>I rather have a few dead people then a state dictating to me that murder is illegal
Yes it is, first because hes their ward, second he has their retard genes
Quite possibly the most australian post I've ever seen by a non australian
Kids don't know what they want, that's why they are given the responsibilities of children and not adults. The left has been trying to re-define childhood because they are themselves children and cannot see the difference between physical and mental age and therefore empathize with the inane drivel that children spout.
If only the society (read: us taxpayers) didn't have to treat the consequences of bad decisions and unhealthy lifestyle, I would be perfectly fine with people fucking themselves up with drugs, diseases, braindead diets etc.
No, seriously, time to bring social Darwinism back, since eugenics are such a big no-no.
Its not like you automatically die because of some deficiency just because you're vegan. It might be harder to meet at nutritional needs but its not impossible.
So why should the state dictate what food people give their kids? As long as its approved to be sold as food in your country it should be ok.
And its not like a vegan diet could be any worse then your typical american diet. If you want to protect kids by dictating peoples dietary choices you should start up by rounding up and gassing every parent that gives their kid any kind of fast food more then once a month.
I agree in principle, but forcing your child onto a diet that could potentially stunt their growth (amongst things) isn't exercising freedom, much the same way that paedophiles try to rationlise that the child likes it/it's in their interest.
There's a fine line between freedom of choice and forcing your choice onto others, especially when those on question are too young to understand anything, really.
Of course it's abuse.
I forgot to add, and as said, the problem is also if people make bad choices, society still has to save them.
So either we let retards be retards, and they die in the process, or we enforce rules that try to prevent such stupidity.
shoo shoo gainz goblin
>I agree in principle, but forcing your child onto a diet that could potentially stunt their growth (amongst things) isn't exercising freedom
But that doesn't have anything to do with vegan vs carnivores. That's just a question between retards and non retards.
Do you think this fat fuck is a vegan? Nope, but hes still fat as fuck and most likely got all kinds of deficiencies.