Why do millennials prefer Hillary and BLM over Trump and Brexit?
Why do millennials prefer Hillary and BLM over Trump and Brexit?
here is a long list of reasons why
Brainwashing mostly. That, and fear of being ostracized for not agreeing with le current year man.
They don't know shit and think about these things critically even less. Once you get or for heavens sake express even one original thought you're immediately ostracized from the millenial leftist echochambers and that will be the your turning point where you either apologize and squirm yourself back into the fold or swallow the red pill.
Dude, just commit already. Embrace the tripfaggotry, you're the only shill who makes these Steve-O millennial threads.
Republicans have always pushed conservative values (Anti-Gay, Anti-Abortion). Institutions like schools and the media have jumped on the Progressive (Pro-Gay, Feminism, Pro-Abortion, Affirmative Action) band wagon for a few generations. In the media, Jon Stewart and the clones of his show have pushed the Anti-Republican agenda in there shows for quite awhile. This made him quite popular during the Bush years when it was easy to blame republicans because they were in charge. He was even referred to as the 'most trusted man on television' or something like that. During the Obama administration, they kept going on with Anti-Republican rhetoric. People growing up watching these shows became brainwashed with this anti-Republican/Conservative ideals. They are more interested in social politics than the ideas of economic freedom and national sovereignty. And on social politics, they agree with Hillary. Trump probably doesn't really care about social issues like Gay Marriage and Abortion, but he is a Republican, and the Republicans are on the WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY(TM). Also, they fell hard for the Trump/Republicans are racist. They feel backed into a corner to vote for Hillary though, so they aren't as enthusiastic as Trump millennials.
t. millennial
p.s. I'm voting for Trump
shut the fuck up
Le Nightly Forced Millenials Meme
Are there any conservative millennials left? I don't have any friends, but I almost don't even want to make any.
Define conservative. If it's classical liberalism then yes there are many. Even taking it as socially/fiscally conservative there are some, but I think those positions generally come later in life.
This is my favourite meme.
SJW NEETS who are brainwashed
cause trump and brexit hate the refugees :(
You can't bump your own thread you retard shill, it doesn't work
saged again
White guilt
>Liberals claim to be peaceful
>Liberals claim to be compassionate
>Liberals claim to be against war
>Liberals claim to support Islam
And yet the person they support is a psychopathic killer
Because of this I believe that they are no longer able to think outside of groupthink. If they knew or wanted to know the truth they could, but choose not to as they are solidly blue pilled and it fits within their social constructs.
If Millennials are worse than other generations (I'd say the boomers are almost as bad - and are older so should know better) it may be that the Millennials addiction to social media is the cause.
Yes you can. You just double post bump.
Not enough life experience and being influenced easily by the media
bump test
they believe Dems will allow them easier access to the bennies
and they're probably right
Because they have shit economic prospects and democrats promise them more money.
I'm a millennial and I hate BLM and Hillary and I love lord emperor Trump.
you're just 1 out of a million sadly