Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump Election Observer


>HIGH ENERGY Trump Rally In Fairfield, CT 8/13/16
>Trump rally in Altoona PA 8/12/16
>Trump rally in Erie PA 8/12/16
>Trump Rally in Kissimmee FL 8/11/16
>Trump Speaks at Pastors and Pews Meeting in Orlando FL 8/11/16
>Trump Addresses NAHB Board of Directors in Miami FL 8/11/16

>Mike Pence With Chris Wallace on Fox News 8/14/16
>Jeff Sessions On ABC 8/14/16
>Paul Manafort On CNN 8/14/16
>Trump on Orlando Sentinel 8/12/16
>Trump on Hannity w/Huck 8/12/16
>Trump on CBN news 8/11/16
>Trump on Phils Gang Radio Show 8/11/16

>Trump Triumphant
>American Hero
>This is how we MAGA!
>Trump cares about YOU
>What Trump Must Do to Win
>Go home to mommy!
>Media hiding the truth about clinton

>Wikileaks Leaked DNC Hillary Voicemails


Other urls found in this thread:


more like #loserdonald

Trump is down on every single poll. Pure coincidence, am I right? And when he loses, it had nothing to do with the polls!





Trump will win!

third for two terms of President Hillary Clinton

Please put this in the next OP, okay bye.



swing states Trump will win:
IA, FL, OH, ME-2, NC, GA, AZ

swing states Hillary will win:

at this point the debates almost don't matter

>Randus Paulus

God damnit, I love Rand but he's made himself too easy to rip on

Why hasn't someone hacked the pollsters yet?

Anybody signed up to be a poll observer? What's it all about?

Can Trump just take a knee or something and end this bloodbath already? Jesus Christ it's gonna get ugly by November.

>There once was a man from Nantucket,
>Whose cock was so small you could c uck it.
>He said with a grin, as he wiped off his chin,
>'My cohost is a cunt, you can fuck it.'

Trump is down in the polls by 100 pts!
Why won't the Republicans drop Trump?
I heard Trump's campaign was contemplating suicide
I heard top Republicans were planning an intervention for Trump
I heard Russian spies were rigging the election by pretending to support Trump, which is actually helping Hillary? but that's ok for some reason

>>'My cohost is a cunt, you can fuck it.'


why are they pale and some of them have blonde hair?¿


I could've sworn he took that picture outside of Auschwitz.

I must be imagining it, though...


True, it could galvanize voters who think they're needed more than ever, but that's not historically true.

People have herd mentality. That's why you see polls plastered all over the place - it's an attempt to shame others for being on the "losing" team. Unfortunately, it's also usually quite effective, albeit usually not from this far out to Election Day.

Basically: polls are grade A shilling/trolling material, and detract from real discussion.

Wow, so few posts. I guess reality has stuck most of you finally.

>senile old man yells at capitalism.png

This shilling is out of control. Mods must be perpetuating it. Liberals are fucking terrified Kek.

top kek lads

If Bernie couldn't defeat Hillary, How could Trump?

She's too popular in urban areas. Both you and me know that they will literally bus minorities to the polling stations. Her campaign has an infinite amount of money.

you will be too, after he's elected

Report and hide, it's all we can do until the debates. They're here to sabotage attempts at discussion, and they're doing so by trying to make us react to them.

Don't give them the satisfaction.

He's lost it, hasn't he?

do they even look at his policies? He repeatedly said that he wants to CUT the taxes for the middle class and the poor too. meanwhile hillary wants to increase them.

Probably trying to get people off his $600,000 vacation home that he literally just bought kek

Seriously, it doesnt matter who wins.
Trump is on the race cause hes the only one that hillary could possibly win.
Wake up americatards, its all a big lie.
Democracy and 2-party system really dont match well.

The fucking inferiority complexes and jealousy liberals must have when Trump lowers taxes for every demographic, but it includes rich people so that's not acceptable to them.

yes, they even deleted the original Trump Triumphant video because it was going viral. The uploader just reuploaded the video here

Because Trump supporters actually vote, and aren't spineless numales looking for a handout.

Hillary is spending money in the millions and is barely a few points ahead of Trump nationally when he's barely spent anything. Let that sink in.

It's not how much cash you have, it's how you spend it that matters. Patience.

>yfw policy speech in 7 hours


he says something different every week
no one knows if anything he says is true

Wait didn't he agree with Trump on trade (anti-Nafta, anti.TPP)? Or did Shilary told this commie kike to disawow his own trade policies so Trump can't use the "Bernie and I agree on trade" argument to convert bernouts

WTF does he always do these speeches in the middle of the day when no one aside from political types and us NEETS are watching?

republicans have been lowering taxes for 30 years.
some how it never seems to make a difference


>he wants to CUT the taxes for the middle class and the poor too
But he wants to cut taxes for the rich too user!
Lets only focus on that and pretend he doesn't want to help anyone else but himself

... and the results

>inb4 phantom economic explosion due to tax cuts that never materializes


What's Donald's speech on this afternoon?

Fuck off, leaf.

Democrats have been raising taxes for 30 years.
Some how it never seems to make a difference.

A fucking leaf.

I'm sure he wants the rich to stay in america instead of moving their wealth to other countries. I don't get this. Taxing the shit out of the rich will only make them go away to countries where they don't lose that much money.

Bernie got some concessions on the DNC platform in exchange for, essentially, selling out big league. Cucked as he may be, he still probably feels Hillary is a better bet than Trump, and closer to his own ideology.

Of course, the most cynical point of view would be to say he's getting some fat, juicy checks to shill for her. It would explain his new home for one.



"religion of peace"

... and the beneficiaries ...

I don't think that liberals "feel" like humans. I believe that they are essentially just warm host bodies and are only capable of acting in accordance with their programming. There is no solution to liberalism other than killing the host bodies, which is for example what Stalin did after taking over.

Again? I thought he already did on that

>at CT rally
>little girl sings the national anthem
>5,000 Americans start singing with her in perfect unison
>sounds like a beautiful choir
>she finishes
>crowd roars
>everyone starts chanting U-S-A!
This is why people go to Trump rallies. Everyone I spoke to said that they've gone to at least one, I saw plenty of people wearing signed hats.

Political rallies can't even hold a candle to the animal that is the Trump Rally. Trump rallies are better tailgate parties than football, baseball, Nascar, NHRA, and dadrock concerts combined.


Surprise it's billionaires!

>omg think of the debt
>please give the government more money
>no seriously we wont spend it I promise
>please more money please :((((((((

democrats are the fucking worst.

maybe stop spending a FUCKING BILLION DOLLARS bailing out auto companies and banks.

What a stupid fucking post.

its going to be great, all the hill shills will implode

Wow a 10% cut gives you more money back if you make more?
wtf? I hate simple math now.

>But Trump's plan is so revolutionary and not like the other GOP plans that have been nearly the same for 30 years

you need to be able to compete with the 3rd world

you can compete against anyone, right?

It speaks volumes when tens of thousands show up to a political rally every damn day like it's a fucking rock concert just for an hour long speech.

But the problem is that you think that Hillary will run out of money. She won't. She's backed by fucking Soros and Wall Street. They will spend millions and millions and millions in all battleground states until the 8th of november.

Try again friendo

You've shown us the cuts people get, how about showing us what they currently pay too

Wrong pic.

This shows how active people are and will get out and vote. It's a movement.

Wow you're dumb. I hope you're just kidding, otherwise I guess you have a grasp on numbers on the level of a 3rd grader.

This faggot is too dedicated for your average /r9k/ spillover.

oh shit, it's in Youngstown.

Anybody remember James Traficant? Crazy but likable blue-collar Democrat. You know he'd be on the Trump Train.

This is just sad. Are you capable of reason at all? Did you learn any math in school? How can you possibly be this dumb?

tax cuts for everybody you communist faggot

if you want free shit go to north korea.


OP pastebin updated

for anyone who does OPs or adds interviews, I wont be adding anything other than Trump, Pence, Trump family or Manafort interviews. maybe miller and katrina too.
entertainment is hit or miss and very subjective, so mainly really good pro Trump and occassionally anti shillary stuff.

all Trump rallies of course
>tfw no pence rallies
maybe a sprinkling of those
>t. TrumpOP

Sorry if this subject is too complex for you guys, I know these threads are normally just a bunch of morons yelling AWOO MAGA CNN IS COMMUNIST but I figured hey why not toss some actual facts out there?

Probably wasting my time with you.




That's alota product placement from a "unbiased media outlet"!

I don't think that a single person in these threads has EVER attacked Yeb or Marco on their tax plans.

Not necessarily true.

Most liberals are compassionate, principled people who put their ideals before logic. They're not redpilled on facts and cynicism like us, they genuinely believe that everyone can get along, we're all equal, and we should all look out for each other, regardless of differences in religion, race, sex or credo.

Compassion is a noble sentiment, but it goes wrong when it becomes blind trust that doesn't realize when it's being taken advantage of. This is where healthy, human kindness becomes weakness and denial of reality.

People don't want to believe what we believe. They don't want to believe that blacks are the most responsible for black crime, or that Jews are vastly over represented in the top 1%, or that Nationalism does have healthy, reasonable benefits. They've been taught their whole lives that to think these things is wrong, and it's hard to go against that.

Understanding is the key to helping these misguided people see the light, not vitriol.

I don't have that chart. You people have google. Try getting out of these braindead threads for 10 minutes and fucking figure it out yourselves. Thx.

>mfw CTR is launching a "counter card" operation

How many burgers until YOungstown speech on foreign policy?

You have no grasp of math. That's income tax. INCOME. Rich people current hardly pay income taxes in the first place. Remember how you dumbfuck liberals were hating Romney for paying 14% of his income in taxes? They do this by exploiting cap gains tax. Do your fucking research, subhuman.

tax cuts for the rich, lower wages for everybody else

you need to compete with puerto rico and haiti

>its a people-that-pay-more-taxes-profit-more-from-tax-breaks episode

Burden of proof lies with the accuser
But here, I have an old info-graph that was used to stump Sanders' support
Tell me again why they should be paying 40% and not 27

No, I never mentioned that her coffers ran the risk of running low. Rather, throwing huge amounts of money at a problem and only gaining mediocre results only lasts for so long.

Remember our friend Jeb? All the money in the world and he couldn't do jack, for very much the same reasons Hillary is in trouble: It's a bad year to be the establishment candidate.

Who knew math worked like that.

>He thinks overtaxing the wealthy and redistributing wealth works

>disproprtionately benefit millionaires
>Just because millionaires are a smaller percent of population

...You don't work at Math very often.

elaborate on this counter card? I thought CTR went away after losing 6 million (never forget) shekels

you need to be more competitive


Who here would be really happy to see Hillary lose, but wouldn't be too upset of Trump loses? It's the best position to be in. Shills have no power.

Holy shit, you can't get it through your thick skull. Again you just shit out some graphs from the latest clickbait article that you were storing in the slurry of trash floating around your atrophied pea brain. How can you be so fucking stupid? Are you the hysterical Canadian? Your opinion is worth less than shit to me. You're not worth my time if you don't even understand how taxes work, or how the wealthy avoid income taxes. Your mother should have shit you out them sold you to some pedophile freak to let him fuck your worthless body to death.

those big pictures trump uses to make a point are called cards