>not white
no shit
I fight simply by not living and working around niggers. I fight back by not visiting nigger infested malls and restaurants.
Against who?
We are our own worst enemy.
It all went to shit when we started to worship the shekel.
Nationalism is the only cure.
Civilized people dont start fuckingg niggering around as soon as shit wont go your way.
Slowly we are building a rage that will purge this land of all filth. Patience is the key, niggers dont have such gifts.
If you fight your enemies - they win
when will you nignogs finally realize this?
Patience is overrated when your people are being genocided.
>j-just watch us fight back muh 1488
>nothing happens
I want the war to start, but most Whites are too busy being faggots.
It is a tactic you mong. We meme about europeans becoming minority, while in reality there is still only small percentage of subhumans in Europe. And where do they concentrate? At the easily accesible, non defensible city centres. So now they can sperg all they want, but someday they will realize they are surrounded on all sides by 80-5 ratio.
It is the same with apologia. Terrorists bomb some place, we jump in saying not all muslims, it was hate crime, the bomber was faggot, and the jihad organization jump around yelling 'N-no we did it, we are true muslims' etc. but nobody listens and they fade into irrelevancy.
Explain this, i don't get it. How is this statement accurate?
It's like a bait. If you take it, the shitposter wins.
You're supposed to stoically get through all this noise.
it's a meme you dip
Well then it seems that you are the problem. You wished to go to war during ww2 too, pulled us into it too and refused to help. Gj, lets do it again. This time we wont be relying on anyones help tho.
Warmongering idiots are the reason all the smart discussion gets drowned in shit. War never did good for anyone, rather just kick the niggers out of the country.
all well and good but millions are pouring in from all sides every year and whites are encouraged to breed with niggers, that will destroy the white population, half white isnt white. white people the world over arent replacing themselves in birth rates. this is literally the end dude, our kids will probs be the last white generation
Well dindus do get an aggressive violent stereotype for always chimping out (taking the bait) so i guess it's true
Wow what a unique opinion you got there :)
I'm the blackest person I know. Why would I fight myself
Because to conquer oneself is the best and noblest victory, user.
those people do not contribute economically. all the homeless are still going to be white.
am I wrong, people of england? do you see homeless foreigners?
Not surprising coming from a hairy french sperglord
trust nobody. not even you'reself
Never,because they are all nu males that are beta to the fuck. Plus how would you even initiate something like this?
Because unlike niggers as soon as we get riled up they'll do something about it. You can thank King Nigger for that, at least here.
It's from a greek, stupid Danish. Be useful for once in your life and send more qt detectives.
I hit a nigger trying to cross the street a few weeks ago. It was dark and he was dressed in all black. Looked around...no witnesses, so I left. Saw on the news nigger died. Sorry, not sorry! Can't wait to do it again.
It's not apathy. I don't speak for all whites, but personally i am not falling for Soros' trap. BLM leaders were hacked. Soros is funding them and they have a plan. A race war is a part of a plan that will hurt everyone. I will not take that bait.
As to why don't we fight back.... Take a look at wikileaks right now. 30,000 emails proving corruption at the highest levels. Legitimate, undeniable proof of Bernie Sanders being robbed of the democratic nomination. Proof of Soros funded group posing as Bernie supporters attacking Trump rallies..... We are fighting back and we are starting to win.
Its not apathy, its a tactic. We give them just enough rope to hang themselves. Shit will get so bad that they all kill each other. Or, it will get so bad no one will care when we actually do blow them the fuck out.
History will look back and say they deserved it. They will fail and stain their own image forever.
Really, when whites fight back they get btfo by police.
btw when whites fights back world wars happen.
Or prove what a failure the nigger race is...
Then become the police, idiot.
when blacks chimp out, they loot few liquor stores and shoot a cop or beat up few white people
when muslims chimp out, they blow themselves up in a town square and take out dozen or so whites
when whites chimp out you get world war and mass genocide
We Anglos are banking on the ARYANS fighting back after years of brainwashing from our friends the Jews (It's taking far longer than expected) so we have an excuse to exterminate their kind.
>Serbs starting World War I
White people chimping out...mmmmhmmmmmmm
Any white nation that mattered stayed white.
The rest of the white race can go extinct for all it matters.
I like the picture. But the reality is cruel... and sad. Nothing will happen. We'll go out with a whimper and mankind will never leave this planet. It'll run out of resources and become polluted and humanity will cease to exist.
much like blacks chimp out when white cop kills a black guy, whites chimp out when serb kills an austrian duke
sounds about right tbqh
We're oppressed by our globalist anti-white rulers who will imprison us and murder our families if we fight back.
its not uniqueness that will save us, stupid burger, but unity
kek it's edited hfy pasta
You'll need to take the course of "Advanced Canadian Ayyy Weeed Laoism" to understand it.
Be careful what you wish for nigger.
White flight is much easier. Just get a new job in some area where there are no blacks and they can't afford to come. Eventually they will segregate themselves into ghettos and you won't have to deal with them anymore other than the odd one that jumps your electric fence.
Just wait until the time is right. It needs to get to the point where black people would actually fight along side whites against these BLM thugs much like whites marched alongside blacks during the civil rights movement.
Every single morning, there is one, sometimes two, outside the train station on my commute. I know they're foreign, because if they're holding a written sign, it's in pigeon English, and if they're playing an instrument, it's one of these fuckers.
Nationalism IS the only cure to globalism. Suck it up faggot.
Why should we fight? You aren't much of a threat.
Meh somewhat true
Good boy that dindu nuffin =/= archduke
You're waiting for niggers to help you? lmao you are a huge cuck
>It needs to get to the point where black people would actually fight along side whites against these BLM thugs much like whites marched alongside blacks during the civil rights movement.
I could believe it. A guy I know who's black hates BLM with a passion. He's actually taken to calling them "klan niggas".
>globalist anti white joos
You vote for these people. It's your own fault. At least here we have the good sense to vote for right wingers out of self interest
No you fucking idiot it's to give whites legitimacy so it doesn't look like we are going on a lynching campaign. No one needs black people to help.
The true victory is our extinction
He must have done something to the archduke. Furthermore, he was proud of it, unlike the dindus.
Niggers won't help you. And there's nothing wrong with a lynching campaign. You are a cuck.
It's about public perception. You don't want backlash fucking everything up.
What is the key to white success? Organization you chimp. The number of collaborators must be brought to a minimum to purge the trash effectively. It's not a priority for now how many leftwingers get robbed, raped and killed. what matters is that their ideas loose the broad support htey are enjoying right now. When the time is right the dam will burst and a majority of convinced people will participate in the ethnic cleansing. For further information, look up the German purge after WW2 from eastern Europe.
civilized people don't riot like apes
but its a downside to being white
Fuck out of here JIDF shill
We did.
you're never going to leave, get over it cuck
When cunts stop injecting guilt into kids from an early age so they dont think they're responsible for all the evil in the world, women cause the cuck tendencies in men
tell me which parts of the world are white
Trying to pull an Irish?
Our plan is working perfectly.
Make them dependent on the state.
Convice them to have abortions.
Destroy the black family.
Keep them isolated.
Keep them uneducated.
Keep them angry.
Pick the next race.
We get punished harshly by white people in power for doing that. Unless we are willing to lose our jobs and go to prison, there's not much we can do. A new country is what we need.
We're Dutch. We know how to control the Jew and they can make mad bank for us. I like Jews, they're smart.
What are you lad? Better not be a Paki baka
>Ex anglo colony
>calling anglos not white
You are the incarnation of Ayy Lmao
They already know we're the real men and physically and mentally superior to them (more confident, more bold, more alpha) so they gave up, smart move.
>real man
Ahahahah, you are the roach version of pinocchio, maybe one day but only if believe in fairies
Chinese master race checking in. If they try this in China, the problem will resolve itself.
We won't until someone starts making us.
Honestly, if non-whites could stop hating on whites and forming little enclaves and join in fighting the REAL fucking bad guys we could get somewhere.
Nationalism alone will not save us. Nationalism alone still makes us divided and easier to weaken. Paradoxically to some, unity will be found through a combination of patriotism and adherence to a certain universalistic faith of a risen carpenter.
Chill your inferiority complex my man, you share the same blood as us (arab) so you aren't a big cuck as the others
wtf I love the Dutch now
This board of Islam, ups, peace constantly makes threads to split up and anger European nations and ethnicities against each other for no other reason as to invade and conquer.
United we stand! And this corrupted treasonous stupid EU must go!
Portuguese here.
It took my ancestors like 600 years until we decided that we had enough of these Saracen hordes rampaging through Iberia.
After slaughtering these rats it gave birth to two countries that conquered most of the known world.
We are patient.
Kek idgaf XD
>there is a 45% chance this poster is not white
Mom's gonna freak
Remember Austrian presidential vote - it was fucking rigged and crooks got caught with evidence.
Now Austrians have new election coming.
Inferiority complex?
I'm not the one that keep spamming: my nation is better than every1111!!!!!, you all inferiorz!!!!!
But let me think who are the one famous to be a total annoying roach...mmm
I'm sure its annoying to have one's inferiority complex triggered, it's ok tho maybe one day you'll learn to deal with your emotions and tolerate different opinions my man
It seems like you need more than me just look what you have written here
>you need it more than me
see? always trying to one up and make yourself above others, get some self-esteem building books man, you're pitiful
White people are the nicest people in the world, until they aren't.
I for one take back my hot-headed suggestion to carpet-nuke Turkey.
>you need it more than me
>see? always trying to one up and make yourself above others, get some self-esteem building books man, you're pitiful
See? always trying to one up and make yourself above others, get some self-esteem building books man, you're pitiful
it's ok, the nukes would have no effect anyway
>being this butthurt
take it easy my man
Because life is good, what a mystery, huh?
Nah, she'd ask why I didn't back up and make sure it was done.
simple, really. Our women have lots of power. And women are pussies, less intelligent, weak, emotional, and helpless creatures.
I'm not even annoyed, I'm just laughing. Do you really think i'm taking this discussion seriously?
Sureeee, I totally believe you're super calm and amused right now bro ;)
Let's be friends I'll give you pasta and you give me kebab (^.^)