pee pee wee wee
pee pee wee wee
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great thread frog poster.
Sup Forums in one post
Really made me think
Most thought out post I've seen on Sup Forums in months
fuck off retard.
You guys are so predictable holy shit, ain't no one even trying on this board anymore?
shills leave!!!!1!11
The beauty of the Polish language.
Too bad the Nice attack wasn't as predictable, eh?
Nobody is being paid to shill for Hillary. It's a republican funded lie and a desperate attempt to smear Hillary's campaign.
Sup Forums quality thread.
mge mriga great a gin
Fuck that pepe always makes me die of laughter. Somebody post the Finnish one please
and yet it'll get 300+ responses
>Too bad the Nice attack wasn't as predictable, eh?
Only liberals are ignorant enough to not have predicted a terror attack in France. In fact, the only thing more predictable is the Frogs eventual surrender at some point in the future.
I fucking hate you people.
kys reddit
This is better than shill threads
Let out an awqward laugh in the middle of a class. Dead silence. Sup Forums was the last place i expected to lose my shit.
Did not know Hans was capable of being funny.
reporting in epic broad
oooo ists habbeininigggg
shill mad
This is now a kek thread.
Post your rarest keks.
if get, its happening later today
Silly kek you put your get in the wrong spot.
Let me help you :^)
I rerpesnt religon of pis
I'm laughing my head off on a bus, how did you do that faggot?
Hyävm lankam... en y,,ärrä mitäö puhu´`? Apua