Evidence has found Russians to be more closely related to the Indo-Aryan than Germans...

Evidence has found Russians to be more closely related to the Indo-Aryan than Germans. Nordics were not even part of the cultural group that invaded Iran, they never left Scandinavia until the Viking era. Why do they LARP as Aryans?

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Cool story. We in fact were Proto-Indo-Europeans and stuff.

Wrong. All Aryans come from Sumeria, and moved through the Indus Valley. From there they went to central Europe (Germany), and then from central Europe to Scandinavia.


Wrong. All Aryans come from Australia, and moved through the New South Wales. From there they went to the holy land (Queensland), and then from central Queensland to regular Queensland.


nobody ITT has any idea what hitler meant when he used the words nordic/aryan

here's a hint:

"The ornamental theme which we call Germano-Nordic is found all over the Earth's surface, both in South America and in the Northern countries."

when he used the word aryan, he was referring to the founders of every civilization across the globe

>hey never left Scandinavia until the Viking era
yeah, I guess you never heard of Óðinn, Þórr, Frey, Njord...

You know, big Sweden went all the way down to the black sea when Óðinn ruled, also as far east as the ural mountains....

You have never heard of the Vandals from Zeeland, Denmark(where copnehagen is)

You never heard of the goths?

Yeah it's sad to see this utter clueless of history.

It was aid that big sweden or Stora Sviþjoð was no smaller than great serkland(arabs) at the time.

Who do you think destroyed the romans?

Look we divide our age into two, burn age and mound age, reflecting the burrial traditions. Moundage started somewhat after your jesus, after Frey died and the Swedes hid him in a gravemound for 3 years. Dan the great took this custom of his friend Frey, so the moundage started in Denmark then. It started later up here and in Sweden.

Noo we never wandered before this "viking age".... we just stayed put, that's why around year 600 there were hardly any adults left here at all.. I wonder where they left?

idiots, read

Gotta love how accurate the sagas really are.

Go fuck yourself you fat piece of shit. You're wrong. Read a book.

The first white man came from the Caucasus mountains. White aryans settled Sumeria, it's why Sumeria statues of their rulers have blue eyes, caucasian features, white skin. From Sumeria they invaded the indus valley and ruled over the dravidian indians. They taught the indians language, and the vedas were written by whitey aryans. Aryan meaning upper caste and lighter skin.

From indus valley they settled in Germania, and reverted to barbarian tribes, and then went further on to scandinavian and took over the lands there from the eskimo and sami peoples.

Germany is the hotspot for aryan settlement however.

>not finns

You must be at least 18 to post on Sup Forums.

It would explain why nordic architecture is so boring and how they've managed to be irrelevant all the time

So thats why Putin has such a hard-on for Iran and their old religion?


Russians are descendant of swedish vikings.

t. nation founded by Nords

we are decedants from putin

This is a bullshit theory that has never been proven. The Nordics were independent people in the North and so were the Western Europeans (proto-Celts). The ancient Greeks actually came from Anatolia. Eastern Europe (Scythia) was a seperate domain, populated by people from Central Eurasia (Aryans).

That pic is contrary to what you're saying you retarded faggot

Christ, that image gave me a start. That girl looks almost exactly like my sister.

you have 10/10 sister fem

sometimes they miss by a year or summer, other times the mention places that have changed named, so hard to find.

As snorre explains in the intro, to lie about a mans deed is the most shameful you can do, as the man him self, and everyone else knows it to no be true, and this brings shame upon the person in question... well he but it a lot better than me, but now I must eat.

The think is to lie like kikes and romans, that were something of the most dispicable you could do, and you would end up as a laugh if not worse. Just read the mans own words, it's part of this culture, liars and thiefs are the lowest scum of the earth. It's ok to rob someone if you tell them who you are and where you live, but it's not ok to steal or lie like this. (it's ok to lie to your enemies, and you shall reward lies with lies. this not apply to history or a persons "ettermæle")

can I fuck your sister?

That's a common knowledge in Russia.


>implying jews didn't purged everyone besides tataro mongolian mongerls

Yeah, basically Slavs are Aryans. Ironic concerning what Hitler believed. Note to Germanics: Aryan doesn't mean superior. It's a historical term.

Explain why Ancient Greek has so much more in common with Indo-Iranian languages than Anatolian then.

no, the rus' were finns, but they were just the first rules that united the tribes, not any ancestors

Germanics are a mix of local Scandinavians with Northern Celts and a tad of Slavic immigrants.
What's Anatolian? Also that's not really a problem. I'll explain to you why next.

Why are you doing Greece?
I thought you were working hard on paying debt.

Those lines, what do they mean?

Indo-Iranians and Greeks ancestors must have been close at some time in what is now East Turkey-South Caucasus. It's not very surprising to share words. It doesn't mean that the Aryans colonized Greece.

Is that why you still call Swedes Rus?

>crazy shitposter doesn't know how they evolved blonde hair+blue eyes as an adaptation to very low temps
>crazy shitposter never attended high-school biology

Wrong. Indo-Aryan people actually originate from the Serbs who are, as we all know, sky people.

Just so you know, Yamnaya has different periods and a North/South - R1b/R1a distinction. They were all probably passing through there coming from further East, and the R1b advanced and settled first into Western Europe.

because they're valuable , ISIS could've sold the monuments they destroyed and could've made hundreds of million but they're just chimps.

This changes they way I look at life :^)

Greeks and indians mixed a lot during the iron age and so on


Stay woke, kebab remover.

Haplogroups are a meme. The Yamnaya culture was majority R1b proper and Corded-ware majority R1a proper. But the research my image is from shows that Corded-ware people are genetically descended from Yamnaya people.

Sources say they conquered not mixed.

Andronovo aka Indo-Iranian is solely R1a and the PCA matches with Russians.

The Androvono culture is descended from Corded Ware again.
I know they match well with Russians, not denying that but they match with basically all Europeans descended from the earliest Proto-Indo-European culture Yamnaya:

Sumerians were finns basically.

By the way, Scandinavia got Slav'd more than Western Europe (e.g. Netherlands) so that admixture may not be so ancient.

Norway, Sweden and Denmark all have the highest Yamnaya input. If it was 'slavic' as you claim(it predates slavs by millennia), then Slavs would have the most admixture.

is norway even a country?
lol how much does a nor way?

There's literally no Denmark in the chart. Scandinavia got many of these proto-Slavs, either as immigrants or slaves.

How do you think they mixed back then?

The Scandinavians originally were I-haplogroup people before they mixed with the Indo-Europeans. R1b (Western Europe-"Celts") probably migrated West a lot earlier than R1a, and wherever they went they mixed with the local Mesolithic Europeans and Early European Farmers.

Read the paper.

Everything you've written thus far indicates that you have no understanding of genetics and think that haplogroups determine things(it does not). The R1a subtype prominent in Scandinavia is found only in Scandinavia and Germany and was present when Proto-Indo-European was being spread in Europe. There is nothing inherently "Slavic" or "Celtic" about haplogroups, the earliest uniformly R1b group carriers are more genetically similar to Scandinavians than Irishmen, the same goes for R1a-carrying Corded-ware.