Is it really that degenerate to be a homosexual?
Is it really that degenerate to be a homosexual?
Other urls found in this thread:
was the victim in the webm homosexual?
mi pinos explode with raptur
but being into trannies is ok
die in a car crash shit eating faggot
of course it is
CDC: 94 to 95 Percent of HIV Cases Among Young Men Linked to Gay Sex
CDC Warns Gay Men of 'Epidemic' HIV Rates
Comparative Data of Childhood and Adolescence Molestation in Heterosexual and Homosexual Persons
Drug Use "Seven Times Higher" Among Gays
Estimates of New HIV Infections in the United States, 2007-2010
What kind of shell did they use here? Rubber ball rounds?
yeah, don't just die, but get whacked and suffer for the rest of your life disgusting jew
Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals
HIV Among Homosexual and Bisexual Men
HIV in the United States
Populations at Higher Risk for HIV: Route of Transmission
The Removal of Homosexuality from the Psychiatric Manual
what the fuck is that image
Jesus OP.
Maybe you wanna let people know the content of the webm.
Did not need to see that. Poor bastard. He shoulda joined the 2million who are now living in Europe.
Better question for Sup Forums:
If homosexuality wasn't pushed by (((them))) and was kept behind closed doors like the old days, would you still care about it?
Bug chasers are the worse kind of homosexual.
>that webm
what the fuck
didn't you know in some part of the gay community, these degenerates actively try to get and spread AIDS?
I was thinking of fapping, then I saw this thread. Now I can't. This is disgusting beyond belief
Oy vey goy it's 2016, homosexuals are just like you and me! Just look at muh based faggots!
It looks like a 12 gauge slug. You can see big single entry wound in the forehead. But the shockwave does massive damage to his eyes and mouth as you can see.
Life isn't as comfortable as the last 70 years of western civilization make it out to be.
Did he transform into Akuma from Street Fighter with metal music in the background?
What the fuck kind of place is this?
It's degenerate to be anglo.
Showed this webvideo to my wife. Her brother is gay, yet she supports muslim immigration.
>this would happen to your brother in a muslim country.
>not all muslims are like that.
Like clockwork
>how it feels to chew 5 gum
This is disgusting this person needs to be killed.
>guy gets AIDs from his dad
This cant be real, can it? This is a forum roleplay... right?
More like cockwork
can't you see, he has those faggot eyes
wtf i love islam now
Fuck off
i know you swedes are all homos, but don't be so rude, man
>Is it really that degenerate to be a homosexual?
A gay man who has no more sex partners in his life than an average straight man and keeps his sex life to himself instead of broadcasting it down main street in a fucking parade?
Not that degenerate.
The problem is this is virtually a myth. Most gay men do not have that level of self control.
For normal people women are the gatekeepers of sex. Even in a degenerate society they put the brakes on sexual activity because very few women have the appetite of your average man.
Men who like men? There are no brakes on that train. They fuck like animals. Multiple partners in a night, no protection, with drugs mixed in.
That, btw, is exactly how HIV got a foothold in the U.S. It's difficult to transmit HIV in male/female sex. But get a group of guys with drug addictions and multiple STDs (i.e. weakened immune systems; sores) and have them fuck each other raw all night with no condoms? They've all got it.
So a single homo may not be that degenerate. But homosexuality as a whole is very degenerate and society should take steps to discourage it. Though I don't agree with killing them.
The MSM category isn't just gay and bisexual men. It includes male prostitutes and prisoners. A homosexual or bisexual man who wears protection isn't at huge risk.
Nope. He was caught spray painting anti-IS graffiti on a wall.
That's Sweden for ya, boys. Or, using a more recent and self-explanatory referral, the White Knight of Suicide.
Yes, same eyes don't lie
>Being married to some logicless bitch who wants muzzie cocks
>Going to call you a cuck
>Look at your flag
>Guess we both already know you're a cuck
Bug chasing is nothing more than a fringe phenomenon.
Also, there's no justification for keeping homosexuality as a diagnosis in the first place. The psychological community was won over. It's not like they had a gun to their head.
Actually, that subset of fags, I do approve of killing.
Note the psychology behind the bug chasers: HIV introduced a limit to sex anytime, any where, with anyone. But once infected they no longer have to worry about that limit. So they would rather get infected than have a bit of self control and decency. They want their insane, unrestrained sex lives at any cost.
They then "romanticize"...if you can even use that word...getting infected.
If HIV ever mutates such that it becomes dangerous to the population at large these fags will be hunted, tortured, and killed. And they will deserve it.
You are such a fucking tryhard.
what the fuck is this
>Daily Fail
Beat ,maim, cripple, mutilate, batter, mangle
Beat ,maim, cripple, mutilate, batter, mangle
Beat ,maim, cripple, mutilate, batter, mangle
all I feel is rage , it's beautiful /pol / when I belive that I was death inside you bring me back to life.
The link about Bryyan Jackson is true and fucking sad but unrelated. As for the forum posts, that's seriously just roleplay shit. They get off on pretending to be as gross and degenerate as possible, but it's in a safe context. Like rape fantasies.
Hard to tell at that range, could have been a lot of types of shell
i have thought of worse things to write, trust me.
Yes I'm a typical Greek and most of us are gay
Straight people do this shit too... And technically in larger numbers.
There's seriously nothing inherently wrong with being homosexual.
There are shitty gays just like there are shitty straight people.
There a pedophilic gays just like there are pedophilic straight people.
And the only person I've ever known to be maliciously spreading HIV was straight. I had a class with him in college and the police literally came in and took him away. Charged with multiple accounts of attempted murder.
Nah. The culture's pretty degenerate, but just being gay is fine. It's pretty pointless evolutionary-wise, however.
The day the world burns. Promiscuous fags hung up by their balls.
only if you poop on a dick.
>typical Greek and most of us are gay
Greeks fucking invented it.
>giving a shit about what consenting adults do with each other sexually
If anything is degenerate it's this.
That webm is literally one of the funniest things that has appeared on Sup Forums. GTFO summerfag
Shinigami are real.
If you look close you can see his soul leaving his body.
>be gay
>get shot
notice that saying yes didn't mean i said it's okay to shoot them
Heterosexual people can get HIV too. Anyone can get it
ill admit it is funny though
Just remember that while it's sad that the guy died he would have died anyway and a natural death would have been far more painful and not as funny
Of course not. As long as they don't cause crimes like molesting children than it's all good.
The main problem was how much of that propaganda was pushed down our throats.
>to be a homosexual means to inherently submit to degenerate gay culture
destroy gay culture, homosexuality is not the cause of why gays are failures, it's their culture. Their genetic make-up plays a significantly smaller role than culture as it's culture that enforces 'bareback' and 'multiple partners', rather than biology, aswell as 'drug abuse'.
i'm okay with this shitposting
You´re welcome fjældabe
HOW TO CURE HOMOSEXUALITY ? why should i be blamed for something i had no control of ? so are we destined to not have sex forever ?
did he died
Thanks for the webm, added to my collection.
Why did i open this
The resemblance is uncanny
"hey walid, you look like you had a 50. cal gored trough your brain at point range"
>For normal people women are the gatekeepers of sex.
This is true, it's one of the problems with gay cultures, there are no gatekeepers...but it's not homosexuality in and by itself, the oversexualization of society probably has had effects on males within society and thus on homosexual males within gay culture. Instead of blaiming homosexuality, we should atleast try to see what happens when one removes the gay culture from homosexuals...however in the best case, they'd do it themselves. Gay culture is a counterculture in and by itself because gays wanted to have their own little society. That said culture revolves around their one defining feature, that is, sexual activity, leads to a lot of these problems. If gays were to throw away their retarded hedonistic culture, they'd most likely fit pretty acceptable within society.
This is probably the singe most disgusting thing i have ever seen on the internet
Thanks based bong
anyone has uncensored version?
Where did his eyelids go?
Looks pretty fake.
ISIS... the absolute madmen!
HOW ? you keep pushing your strong opinions but you can't offer solutions.
>homos are born to be burned in hell for eternity, they just are, it's their fate, jesus wants that. IT'S FAIR !!
Godcucks think they aren't born gay.
thats not a scientific fact, but there is some evidence
both sides are wron
I dunno dude, I fucked a lot of men and women in my teens and early twenties but everyone grows up and settles down. Never got anyone pregnant nor got an STI btw. I'm in a longterm monogamous relationship now. Monogamy is shitty though.
Godcucks don't believe in science until it makes their lives more convenient
Naw man, being a homo is a choice.
They choose to be degenerate, hedonistic fucks. That's why everyone fucking despises those disease ridden cunts.
I can't stop crying with laughter. Help. I am sick.
Looks like a slug. Me thinks buck or bird would have tore the head apart