Not learning light infantry tactics is degenerate

>not training with a local militia to better survive the happening
Explain yourself, Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

>playing pretend soldier

yea no

Listen here you poofs, I learned CQC from playing tag in kindergarten

Go stick your knob in a nickel plated fleshlight

Lol that's actually the Michigan state police

How exactly will this shit help you when we'll nuke your fat burger ass?

I heard it went really well for the Russian conscripts.

I don't know how to join and plus I have a fucking full time job and a wife.

I like knowing what triggers Ausfails.
Slavshills felt the need to comment.
You know how to image search, you win a fish.
If you have time to be a degenerate on Sup Forums, you have time to practice small unit tactics with other patriots.

>60% and counting down
We are already preparing for when hillary wins US presidency and orders a coup in non cucked countries

>not training with a local militia to better survive the happening
>Explain yourself, Sup Forums
Those are illegal in my country, as well as the possesion of firearms withoun't an army license.

You can still train with airsoft or even just your hands in the shape of a gun. Once a happening occurs, the resistance will begin by targeting police and state troops in ambushes. Once you collect weapons, you'll know basic of using them and patrolling, so its valid to train even if you dont have them.

Also, you should be learning survival and bushcraft regardless of the weapon availability.

What do you recommend for study? I've been brushing up on basics from online army training manuals and youtube videos, but I have nowhere near the amount of knowledge I'd like


Also the only people who would want to be part of one are bored 60+ year olds and autistic skinheads.

The Polish paramilitary groups are based. I wish we had some groups like that here in the States. This video is pretty good desu. I highly recommend watching it fellow burgers, we need to start paramilitary groups here in the US. Video link:

Do you have any idea how harsh and unpleasant it is doing "light infantry tactics"? If you do it properly, that is. I bet these guys go out, run around, "go prone" now and then, and then set up their department store tents and have a campfire at night. Fucking amateur.

If you want to do it properly you better be digging dat shellscrape, laid out in a proper triangular platoon harbour with sentry positions at the apexes (night and day), have a sentry roster written up, etc etc.

You better also do proper formations, proper fire and manoeuvre, have good voice procedure (no hurr durr roger that charile alpha bravo two is oscar mike hurr DURR", and above all an actual chain of command - section commanders, platoon commanders, etc. Otherwise good fucking luck.

Ahh shit what the hell am I saying. Practicing literally anything is far, far better than doing nothing.

Whoops, URL problem. Here's the actual link:

I only searched it because I thought it was the Michigan Militia at first. The trees gave it away

>stop hating what i like!!!

Omg, fetal alcohol syndrome ruskovich thinks his country can actually aim nukes when national drink is vodka!

>Also, you should be learning survival and bushcraft regardless of the weapon availability.
This are stuff im interested in learning, but have little practice of.

Got any links for some reading material on the subject? Some guide for begginers?

>I'm not allowed to play with guns, daddy gov asked me to hand in my weapons so I did.

Ausfalia YES


Hows that immigration program/gun ban working out for you, Mehmet?

if there was a real war you can expect saturation attacks, they will encircle, and bombard.

militant fighters exist in the middle east because the united states allows them to, you shouldn't delude yourself at their capabilities against a conventional army.

>this american thinks he's hot shit because he saw some infographics on /out/ and /k/

let me tell you this, user, unless you go outside and hike/train daily, you won't learn shit

Just because you read this or watched that doesn't mean you became bear grylls

Go pick up some formal SERE training or grab some friends go on daily hikes

There are a lot of good resources on youtube, just search for bushcraft, survivialist, urban escape and evasion, and CQB and a lot of good information channels should pop up. There are even many videos of US army/marines doing urban warfare training, with the audio of the instructors lecturing. Kind of amazes me how they make so much of official training public for PR purposes.

This is a good introductory book:

This is a good archive includes the /k/ dokument:

Some decent channels:

Obviously commitment to realism, doing things the "harder" way, imagining handicaps you would face in real life scenarios, and having the mindset that you're training for:
>no backup
>little/no comms
>primitive situations
>tactics against superior forces

Stay away from people just LARPing as you've described.
>how harsh and unpleasant it is doing "light infantry tactics"
I have no idea why you hate this kind of training. I get high doing it, literally. Nothing makes me happier than hiking, camping with a basha shelter and paracord, treating water in the field instead of packing in tons of gear, hunting, fishing, etc. What kind of man doesn't enjoy such things?

>stop liking what I hate!

>Not learning light infantry tactics is degenerate
Let me fix that for you
>Learning light infantry tactics is autistic

just play video games faggot

user unless you train with some friends, you're not gonna achieve this, no matter how much you read or watch.

t. army spec marksman

Guns/militia banned

Good advice rare flag.
Listen to Tunisia faggot.

>He thinks COD will teach him how to survive

>I have no idea why you hate this kind of training. I get high doing it, literally. Nothing makes me happier than hiking, camping with a basha shelter and paracord, treating water in the field instead of packing in tons of gear, hunting, fishing, etc. What kind of man doesn't enjoy such things?

That's not infanteering my friend

Says the formerly alive man

A lot of people think Infantry = unspecialised and untrained troops, as opposed to professional combat soldiers.

In reality its the most brutal, physically demanding and unpleasant thing going. I remember watching Guards Para do a live fire exercise and being firmly of the opinion that they should be kept in a sealed bunker somewhere, only released for WW3.

They'd roll every US militia unit at once.

>That smile at the end.

Tfw when stuck in the states with no slavic qt to raise a family with among the militia for the great happening.

>Still needing training
If you waited this long you're already dead

Achmed pls

You shouldn't delude yourself about how asymmetrical warfare is fought.

You can't quarantine/bomb your own citizens or you have already lost the war as the oppressors.

You would have to mix in zika and claim you were nuking people to save more people to stop a coup de ta.

>doesn't live in the field during training
In bongland you drive in, sit around for 12 hours, do some fire and movement, listen to a lecture while munhing MREs, do some trust and bonding exercises, then complete some training packets.

I am literally hot shit because I read the right memes on Sup Forums. Your argument is not an argument.

Why would I waste my time learning how to shoot weapons that require parts and ammo in order to operate. If the happening begins what happens when you run out of ammo? Go to the local barracks and give them some produce for ammo?

Fuck that. Learn how to survive off the land. Learn how to build a good solid cabin. Learn to trap, fish and hunt. Im going up north in the sticks. Have fun fighting with other dudes in the happening. I will be banging girps in my cabin drinking shine.

"Militias" inevitably become nothing but terrorist groups.


>please send snacks

>If civil war happens in USA, it will involve civilians marching out in open space with rifles a la Braveheart, and totally not involve widespread guerrilla warfare.

>You can't quarantine/bomb your own citizens or you have already lost the war as the oppressors.
Honestly it doesn't matter when the bulk of the people you're bombing is 50+yo and you can import millions of shitskins

>I Don't know how Guerrilla warfare works ; the post

And if you really think the US would bombard its own building and fuck their own infrastructure you're retarded

as expected of an aussie

62% is still 192 million faggot
Literally almost 5 times your entire population

how many hours a day do you train outside?

Play Spotlight

Don't hit friendlies

Daily reminder:

If you can't run 5-7km with 15kg backpack without stopping, you'll be dead.

If you think that fire contact is better than hiding, you'll be dead.

If you prefer extra ammo in your backpack instead of threads, needles, matches, soap and axe, you'll be dead.


>everyone's a scout/sniper: the larp

>The govt is going to import millions of shitskins as it bombs its own infrastructure for no reason.

>Shitskins want to be imported into a region under active bombing with guerrilla combat

>we need to start paramilitary groups here in the US
>Implying we don't have any
Who do you think they got the idea from you ignorant faggot?

Hi, OP. US Army vet here, two tours in Iraq, one Afghanistan. If we get in a real ethnic civil war against blacks and Mexicans, what you're talking about is overkill. If you're talking about resisting an intact military, we're flying meat chunks. No amount of training will do you much good.

>If you can't run 5-7km with 15kg backpack without stopping, you'll be dead.
>If you think that fire contact is better than hiding, you'll be dead.
>If you prefer extra ammo in your backpack instead of threads, needles, matches, soap and axe, you'll be dead.
this this this

listen to the ruskie


If you don't have to freedom to arm yourself as well as an infantry in the army you are a second class citizen with no freedom

>i never trained or went on a hike so i'll pretend everyone is larping

I was being ironic
I meant that roleplaying warfare scenarios with your little internet friends is the same as playing videogames, it's fucking useless

Like you said, unless you're actually military trained, you'll die just as fast as anyone else

most of these fat burgers won't be able to run 5 yards before dying. they just like to play rambo, like most yanks.

>If you don't have to freedom to arm yourself as well as an infantry in the army you are a second class citizen with no freedom
No shit, did you just figure out that life is unfair when you get born in a third world shithole?

You're crazy. It's an issue of technology. The fucking Wisconsin National Guard kicked elite Iraqi units around like soccer balls.

>If you don't have to freedom to arm yourself as well as an infantry in the army you are a second class citizen with no freedom

Show pics of your CG m3, browning M2 and FIM-92 stinger.

Do you have 105mm guns, 81mm mortars, MILAN, Javelin, forward air, 20mm, WP, claymores, demolition explosives and grenades?

guerilla warfare always wins, you'd know if you went 18x MOS

the same way americans won over the british
the same way iraqis managed to fuckblast americans
the same way chechens won most wars against russia
the same way viets managed to rape americans

etc etc

just slap an IED/shaped charge in the street and watch that humvee fly away

This thread is worse than those doomsday prepper shows. None of you are going to fight the government or kill minorities. It's also retarded and psychotic that you want to in the first place. There simply aren't enough people are retarded as you to do anything.

i was allready forced to do 9 months of that shiet

>mfw I can't run even not carrying things.
>mfw I have to wear leg braces and they make it even harder to run.

I'm so fucked, famalam.

>we're flying meat chunks
K faggot
I don't think you've done very much research
A guaranteed 30% of the us military and police forces will immediately resign/defect the moment the government would give the order to go full Habbening
It's also guaranteed that US private ownership of guns exceeds that of the US military
Add in that civilians will have no problem wasting spooks while everyone fighting for the government will second guess everything they do and you've got yourself a slaughtered government and massive executions of government and local law enforcement for betraying the people
Theres a reason they haven't already tried it

>I have no idea why you hate this kind of training. I get high doing it, literally. Nothing makes me happier than hiking, camping with a basha shelter and paracord, treating water in the field instead of packing in tons of gear, hunting, fishing, etc. What kind of man doesn't enjoy such things?
That isn't fucking light infantry drills kek

You're not military are you?

In all of those examples, the underdog had a foreign power giving them weapons and supplies, and were either veterans or got training.

>Make a couple of fertilizer bombs
>Plant them on the street
>watch as the patrolling humvee gets rekt
>Repeat until gubirmint loses it's shit

So, when does ninth grade start?

>mfw looking at people's "loadouts" in innawoods threads
>dumb yankees would bring 7 days worth of food rations but a single 600mL bottle of water
Never gonna make it, seppo.

There will never be a happening. There just isn't enough people that want to give up on civilized society just to shoot people they don't like.

The reason this thread triggers Sup Forums so hard is that Sup Forums has spent years developing mountains of excuses and rationales for why they don't do anythin physical, manly, or survival related. You all know its true.

>Hi, OP. US Army vet here, two tours in Iraq, one Afghanistan.
The biggest lies in this type of thread begin with this line.
>the US military is invincible and will remain intact during significant civil unrest
Found the liar of the thread.

compulsive commentfag is compulsive

Asymmetric warfare done properly is a real cunt because the population you are trying to conquer despises every last one of you.

yeah underdogs who's been given shitty SKS's and AKs by foreign countries managed to win wars

Let alone people with fucking AR15s and ACOGs and other expensive ass rifles

let alone the average "prepper" or just gun owner would probaby have better shooting skills and fitness than your average Vietnamese guerilla retard

desperate complaintfag is desperate

>light infantry tactics
>no support weapons like lmg and mortar
This is not the 800's

t.evil kraut

I can literally open tanks in Florida mate
Florida, Alaska, New Hampshire, Arizona, and Colorado all have pretty much 0 restrictions on what they can posses.


if you can't win the "hearts and minds" of the population you're in 6 feet deep shit

Apart from camping and telling stories around the campfire, how often do you practice section fire and maneuver drills?

user, if you're doing it properly you will arrive at your camp site and then dig. You will dig for four hours, or more. Then you will spend another two hours putting that dirt into bags. Then you will walk around looking for the right wood to put in your hole to stop it collapsing. All the fun shit gets done by the weak sissies in your platoon. If you're a strong, competent soldier, your job is to dig.

If you don't spend 1/2 your military career holding a shovel you're not a real soldier.

I already printed out my favorite Sup Forums threads.

I play Arma.

They are larping

>tfw they all think the can hide or just go somewere else.

Even if you can't own guns or have a militia, what's stopping you from staying fit and make a group of friends / family members that will have your back in a happening.

kill yourself in real life you double nigger


just slap an LMG on an offroad and you're set
shit tier weapon, just look how bad it was when it was used by the iraqis in iraq war.

It's all in IEDs and long range rifles, Hit and run

>>not training with a local militia to better survive the happening
>Explain yourself, Sup Forums
Easy, local militia is a fucking joke. Hjemmeværnets weekend warriors leave out vital gear on training sessions to make room for cake. Soooo, I'll just rely on the training/experience from 2 decades of service in the army

>the same way viets managed to rape americans
But they didn't
We beat them in 8 months flat and the only thing that kept us from wiping them out was the Geneva convention
China is who we fought in Vietnam not the NVC

You know, theres rivers and water in the US.
You australians might not be knowledgeable with rivers and lakes and rain, thats water without salt in it, NOT ocean.

being fat emotionally disabled NEETs, they don't need an excuse not to be useful in emergencies

>They'd roll every US militia
Until they learn how to stop multiple rounds of 5.56mm ammunition at up to 500mm, no they won't. They're better than 99% of our militia no doubt, but people act like the average american rifleman can't point and shoot a semi-auto rifle.

Handguns can be hard to hit a target. Ar15s not so much.

The sad thing is you probably believe that