>Trump in 5 minutes or less

Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump election observer


>HIGH ENERGY Trump Rally In Fairfield, CT 8/13/16
>Trump rally in Altoona PA 8/12/16
>Trump rally in Erie PA 8/12/16
>Trump Rally in Kissimmee FL 8/11/16
>Trump Speaks at Pastors and Pews Meeting in Orlando FL 8/11/16

>Trump on Orlando Sentinel 8/12/16
>Trump on Hannity w/Huck 8/12/16
>Trump on CBN news 8/11/16
>Trump on Phils Gang Radio Show 8/11/16
>Trump on Miami Herald 8/11/16
>Trump on Newsmax Prime 8/11/16
>Trump on Joe Pags show 8/11/16

>Trump Triumphant
>American Hero
>This is how we MAGA!
>Trump cares about YOU
>What Trump Must Do to Win
>Go home to mommy!
>Media hiding the truth about clinton

>Wikileaks Leaked DNC Hillary Voicemails


Other urls found in this thread:


this is my only thread

OP pastebin updated, USE IT

No awoo

Guccifer II should hack the pollsters. I'd love to read their e-mails.

Who is this Trump everyone is talking about


Poll Gap widening, Manafort Ukraine scandal, hilary gaining independents and moderates at a blinding pace, Trump jokes about the long vacation he'll take when he loses the election.....

We voted for the wrong guy. I WANT A DO OVER!!!

I wonder, now that the primaries are over, do Trumpkins feel any shame for pushing the fake Ted Cruz mistress "scandal" and slandering a good man's name?

I doubt it

Let's make a new game See how long it takes to identify the shills from last thread in this one!

Its fucking over guys. Ive supported Trump up until today. I just cant take his racism and bigotry anymore I feel like crying.

Hillary is gonna fucking win and we cant do anything about it

I cannot wait for Trump to win and see (((CNN))), and (((MSNBC))) completely be depressed!


At a Hillary rally next to Mateen.

So the Manafort revelations are gonna dominate yet another news cycle.
But after THAT, campaign back on message and moving forward!
I'm sure Don has learned how to keep his fat mouth shut now.

>a good "man"
Pick one

Remember Cruz supporters, if we all write in Ted on election day he can still win.

"Compare this to Wikileaks. On one hand, we have a trusted newspaper with some tough reporters, providing information about the people involved in this election. They also report on stories that are about Hillary corruption/Clinton Foundation, etc. so the NYT is biased but not blind.
On the other, we have wikileaks which has an out for Hillary. They are trying to downplay this out by saying "we're trying to get Trump's taxes" when they really aren't. They are getting plenty of coverage from more established news sources, and Trump supporters think that wikileaks can be trusted... but not the people whose livelihood and reputation rely on being trustworthy."


min 0:28 girl on the right.
I just wonder what level of wetness her panties are experiencing, i think that her seat is just a big pool of pussy juice... look how she is sucking her own finger, look the raw luxury and desire in her eyes.. i bet she fisted her lubed up vagina all night long watching endless loops of the emperor putting his hard hat on and thinking "yes slam me mr Trump i'm your chica the cockapicka"

>but not the people whose livelihood and reputation rely on being trustworthy
Holy shit. Who wrote that?

Even with a cartoon shop he's hover-handing.
The poor bastard,

You can find a better job than shilling you know.

Okay, so we know this one is the ass-blasted CruzMissile from last thread.

>Media still hate Trump

implying Trump can do anything to make the anti-white media not hate him

it's going to be like this shit non-stop until November, when he wins

>I love you
>I love you too
>>me too
It's always funny.

You must have sniffed too much petrol because that's 0/10 shitposting

So these are the issues that Hillary is talking about.

Also: You Rage You Lose, how far can you make it into this

NYT says they are biased
they say they depend on being trusted

i feel like i am taking crazy pills



>so much delusion in one thread
wew lad

NYT is owned by a Mexican, you actually trust them to report fairly?
How retarded can you be?







>implying Trump can do anything to make the anti-white media not hate him

epic delusion, m8
What is: personal responsibility?
What is: manning-up?
What is: self-awareness?

>when he wins
"those crazy polls" is never a winning strategy.

So, uh, are we just ignoring the fact that Trump is a staunch anti-racist and loves sexual minorities? You come here, and all you hear is about how Dear Leader is the next Hitler... yet nothing could be further from the truth. drumpf is cucked to the core - dude's a fucking New Yorker. You know, that den of vice, full of jews, drugs, hookers and criminals? Yet all you hear on Sup Forums is about how he's some paragon of virtue, as well as white America's last ray of hope... you're getting conned and you know it, you just don't have the heart to admit it. Just because drumpf is a loud-mouthed, trashy retard who spouts whatever he pleases doesn't mean he's with you lot. Or it might. I don't know for sure. One thing's for sure though, it's no wonder Sup Forums likes him... you lot are just as unliterate, unintelligectual and uncultured as drumpf is... people like you should just be rounded up so the rest of us could beat some sense into your thick heads. It would do us all a favor - smart!

all weeaboo paedophiles must fucking hang

I can OP for a little while if that'll be acceptable with you all.

Can someone tell me what lgbt kids are? I mean I'm a fag in your eyes but I still dont' get this. What exactly is she talking about?

This is why Trump will lose, his supporters and board of propaganda are anime lovers named weinercheese

Part of me hopes Hillary wins so these idiots can be drafted and go to war against Russia and die in a foxhole, cold and scared.

But then I realize they'd probably say "Oh I have a mental disability~~ teehee can't draft me" while suckers like me take their place.

>secret ledger
Super secret written list guys. So secret.

I'm laughing how Hillary can't put any positions forward because her real policies are dictated by the hedge funds that own her.

Also looking forward to WW3 with Russia at the rate things are going.

Go for it.


Please, take over when we hit the limit.

Clinton Corruption Foundation received billions from Americas enemies and terrorist groups.

To be honest, you're not even trying.

No, these threads are slow, dead, and cancerous.

Nobody make a new thread when this one reaches the 300 post limit.

Does anyone actually ask for the evidence these days or do they just automatically accept it as true?

It's always some murky source for Trump while Hillary has the FBI saying she actually lied and mishandled classified information. It's weird how that works for normies.

I miss the awesome Finnshill. The one with funny and intelligent comments.

>all weeaboo paedophiles must fucking hang
Sure thing, m8.

>This is why Trump will lose, his supporters and board of propaganda are anime lovers named weinercheese
Yes, I'm sure this makes sense to you, ass-blasted CruzMissile.

you're a psychopath

Thats why you survive then return and fuck the women

>they made people hate vets

Fucking commies

>Newly-elected president of Ukraine can afford lavish mansion with private zoo.
>Ukranian assets sold off to Putin cronies

So you're saying Manafort didn't know what he was doing?

Will Sup Forums shut down if trump loses?

when trump wins can we send all the paedophillic weeaboos to canada?

>complains last thread a new thread wasn't made
>whines about new thread being made

Cruz Supporters, everyone.

Drumpf je pušač kurca.

>lol at the guy who tweets: "Proof?"
>I really hate that shit.
>Breitfart didn't publish this story. How can I trust?
>NY Times is a liberal rag to these people. They live in another reality.

>Manafort Ukraine scandal
Manafort feeding information to CIA while getting paid in Ukraine is found to be illegal by the Clinton foundation

the real scandal is how Clinton fucked up Ukraine and killed thousands of people.

Its the media, if they accept something with little/no evidence (which they only do if its anti-Trump), then people assume CNN reporting or AP reporting = its totally true

Is it possible many Trump supporters are fucking with these polls in order to make it look like Hillary actually has supporters?

>when trump wins can we send all the paedophillic weeaboos to canada?
Get a real job, Ahmed.

Holy shit even the media cucks are admitting it's going to far. They must realize that once they go too far, it's the lying reports who will be drowning in their own blood..... :^)

>I just cant take his racism and bigotry anymore I feel like crying.
do you know how i know you're lying?


Probably. That and (((polls))) only record responses if you say you're voting for Hillary, multiply by ten, then fudge the rest.

>Is it possible many Trump supporters are fucking with these polls in order to make it look like Hillary actually has supporters?
That makes no sense.

Shart in mart.

If they admit it, they can pretend every attack on Trump afterwards is objective, because they took care of the bias problem.

>Holy shit even the media cucks are admitting it's going to far.

I want them to go further.

> b..but I'm the only one qualified to be president.

We have always said "never trust polls".

One of those reasons is "us".

We love ruining polls.

Are Trump supporters aware that if you guys didn't spend the past year calling every republican that opposed Trump a "cuck" then party unity would be much greater and Trump would be winning right now?

Congrats, YOU lost Trump the election.

Let that be a lesson, don't fuck with the Cruz Crew
*mic drop*

It would be better to spend your time insulting Clinton and the cuck faggots who support her than worrying about the polls. Polls are only a means to an end if you worry too much about them instead of destroying the evil globalist traitors who support Hillary then we'll never get anywhere :^)

I hope these ads actually do the opposite for Clinton. I've seen the same one's like twenty times. Even her "supporters" will fucking get annoyed with them.

Lol he's still an idiot, suggesting somehow Trumps cadidacy "made" the press more bias.

It was always this biased, just now they're scared.

seemed mostly like an attack on trump to me

>Are Trump supporters aware that if you guys didn't spend the past year calling every republican that opposed Trump a "cuck" then party unity would be much greater and Trump would be winning right now?

Wow, so your only experience with Trump supporters is Sup Forums, and you actually don't know any in real life?

What an ass-blasted Cruz-supporting basement-dweller. Go out and talk to people, faggot.

Do you guys feel it too?

we don't want cucks, we don't need cucks. it's actually worth it not to have cucks on your side because they're more trouble than they're worth when they cuck out and agree with the enemy for validation

Say it with me everybody!


Its gunna be a good week

lol USA about to elect a Kremlin stooge. Useful idiot indeed

Yea, actually I do brother. It feels good.

I feel it.

>the shills aren't even creative anymore


LOL!!! I'm dying here!! The spin you guys put on the dire news. Anything to help you sleep at night.

Can't wait to hear the spin when he loses by double digits. It will be very enjoyable

I honestly think something is really wrong with her, no bants. I imagine she's gonna faint in public soon.


I'm feeling if. Are you feeling it?


>There once was a man from Nantucket,
>Whose cock was so small you could c uck it.
>He said with a grin, as he wiped off his chin,
>'My cohost is a cunt, you can fuck it.'

It's going to be a Trump week.



>tfw Sup Forums is now just Sup Forums + reddit
>it will never be your safe space again


I'd love to see Clinton ads to laugh at them but I don't have TV what can I do :(

I love the tweets though. Trump is literally giving a speech on ISIS and who knows what else today, Hillary's staff is tweeting about lgbt teens and internet access.

Sweet same day "Honey Select" (/h/) comes out.

Only when the blacklist for the media is done.