>Trump in 5 minutes or less
Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump election observer
>HIGH ENERGY Trump Rally In Fairfield, CT 8/13/16
>Trump rally in Altoona PA 8/12/16
>Trump rally in Erie PA 8/12/16
>Trump Rally in Kissimmee FL 8/11/16
>Trump Speaks at Pastors and Pews Meeting in Orlando FL 8/11/16
>Trump Addresses NAHB Board of Directors in Miami FL 8/11/16
>Pence on FOX 8/14/16
>Manafort on CNN 8/14/16
>Trump on Orlando Sentinel 8/12/16
>Trump on Hannity w/Huck 8/12/16
>Trump on CBN news 8/11/16
>Trump on Phils Gang Radio Show 8/11/16
>Trump on Miami Herald 8/11/16
>Trump on Newsmax Prime 8/11/16
>Trump Triumphant
>American Hero
>This is how we MAGA!
>Trump cares about YOU
>What Trump Must Do to Win
>Go home to mommy!
>Media hiding the truth about clinton
>Wikileaks Leaked DNC Hillary Voicemails
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Has Trump even agreed to show up yet, or does he still want to set conditions?
Never Trumpers might as well put up a banner saying We support the festering cesspool our government has become. No one is asking you to marry the candidate. Did you expect a well reasoned, highly principled, organized put away or religious political man to deal with the rot in DC? No God has sent us a pig to root up the garbage dump which is the Capital. If he is not elected we will get the worst sort of corrupt, evil political insider the world has ever seen.
The media pushed the "Trump won't even show up!" meme to prepare people for the idea that people won't show up. If anybody refuses to show, it will be Hillary.
The chances of her making a huge mistake at the debates are 100%. Trump can get a rise out of anybody.
How many GOP debates were there? His opponents were still making mistakes at the very end. They never learned and Hillary won't learn.
Add her to the list. Praise Kek!
Here is George Soros dictating foreign policy to Hillary Clinton
Words Matter.
Not an answer.
0 banter by this Australian
So dindus essentially want to not be subject to laws? Is that the philosophy?
Black cop protecting a black neighborhood shoots a black gang member with a stolen gun and black people burn down their own neighborhood shouting "black power" in response. Makes sense.
Exactly correct.
>0 banter by this Australian
They want to be the dominant race in education, home ownership, and basically everything including simply never being put in prison. Plus reparations and actual segregation.
t. Actual BLM demands
>>Has Trump even agreed to show up yet
>implying he said he wouldn't in the first place
>>does he still want to set conditions
>Implying he ever did
That's the only way they can exist without breaking any laws.
He literally said "I have to see the conditions"
Ayyy yo
I need the link to the pay to play email
Quick boys
So the message of BLM is "We want to do whatever we want without consequence and be exempt from all laws regarding crime".
And they say whites have "privilege".
On mobile but that's the number.
Why's Trump only doing one rally today and tomorrow? I don't like the low energy..
Pretty much, nigs are gonna nig and we can't do anything about it until we get our God Emperor into office.
It sure sounds like it. King Nigger sure isn't helping.
Crack Dealer Released Early From Prison By Obama "Pardon" Murders Woman And Her 2 Young Kids
They're natural society destroyers. Just like mudslimes.
Note: based blacks like Sheriff Clarke are exempt. They hate niggers more than anyone.
>Stopped coming to TGs when the pedophiles started w/ the awooshit.
>checking in this morning
>still awooshit
>turn 360 degrees and moonwalk back out
On mobile, what flag is that
Anguilla, friend
What kind of Australia is this?
Not a rally today, a speech.
Usually when he slows down on the rallies he's preparing for something big. Perhaps he's anticipating a big media response to his speech today and he wants to be available for interviews. I don't know, I'm not on the campaign team.
The next general should be "Impending Mental Nervous Breakdown edition"
>Donald J. Trump was in a state of shock: He had just fired his campaign manager and was watching the man discuss his dismissal at length on CNN. The rattled candidate’s advisers and family seized the moment for an intervention.
>He has ignored their pleas and counsel as his poll numbers have dropped, boasting to friends about the size of his crowds and maintaining that he can read surveys better than the professionals.
>In private, Mr. Trump’s mood is often sullen and erratic, his associates say. He veers from barking at members of his staff to grumbling about how he was better off following his own instincts during the primaries and suggesting he should not have heeded their calls for change. >He broods about his souring relationship with the news media, calling Mr. Manafort several times a day to talk about specific stories.
>But in interviews with more than 20 Republicans who are close to Mr. Trump or in communication with his campaign, many of whom insisted on anonymity to avoid clashing with him, they described their nominee as exhausted, frustrated and still bewildered by fine points of the political process and why his incendiary approach seems to be sputtering.
>He is routinely preoccupied with perceived slights, for example raging to aides after Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, in his re-election announcement, said he would stand up to the next president regardless of party.
"Germany elected a female!"
Look what happened there...
They were also assaulting random whites. Do you think this will get BLM labelled as a hate group or not?
>The guy that plays a cuck journalist in a series turns out to be a cuck in real life
wew that spins my neutrinos
>Attempt to bait
>Everyone saves the flag instead
Here, have a photo of based blacks cleaning the street in Milwaukee this morning while the BLM terror group sleeps.
This red pills the blacks who aren't full "KILL WHITEY". It must suck waking up to detroit in the morning.
When is the anti ISIS speech?
2:00 P.M. EST
Speech today.
He needs to give more speeches, hold more press events, and fewer rallies.
The base isnt going anywhere. Time is running out, and he needs to start pulling in undecided voters, as well as those democrats who hate Hillary.
>Here, have a photo of based blacks cleaning the street in Milwaukee this morning
Like anyone else is gonna do it.
Yeah the anime fags are all shills. The more trump anime there is the less real memes that shit on hillary there are. I want all of you to fucking think about that before you shitpost.
Post the good shit, then once the new thread is linked and the old one is abandoned fill up the old thread to the bump limit with trump memes that have no substance.
>Do you think this will get BLM labelled as a hate group or not?
Of course not. Niggers are now exempt from any and all crimes including racial/hate.
Thank Obama.
Thank you, trump bro
Looking forward to it
Any news from our insider friend?
>Trump: Well, I haven’t seen the conditions, I’ll be seeing the conditions this afternoon or tomorrow, so I’ll let you know then. But I want a debate very badly.
> It must suck waking up to detroit in the morning.
Well the actual Detroit nogs don't seem to care
Decent video, sums things up pretty well
Audio mix was kind of shit, though. Shart in marts can't into audio editing?
Why are their no kill squads roaming the streets, shooting looting niggers on sight? It would be like a mini purge with little to no consequence...
Yep, his one scheduled event today
He'll be back to the rallies tomorrow in Wisconsin
>implying some of those men didn't participate in the destruction themselves
Maybe they felt the slightest bit of guilt and went back to help clean up. Maybe.
what did he mean by this?
I think the cops would be forced to go after you.
As much as I'd like to see it happen, let's be realistic here.
Just woke up, anything happen today? Any good polls?
How's this Manafort shit shaping up?
>the ideas that Trump is going to show up is a meme
>that implicitly means he will show up
Pray tell, what DO you consider an answer?
You can't always get what you want.
But you'll find sometimes that you get what you need.
Do Republicans honestly fucking think Trump will drop out? They're idiots.
>Any good polls
This is where Trumptards have gone to
Because all conservative gun owners know that Obama is trying to trick them into activating, so that he can enact martial law and seize the guns.
The race riots and BLM terrorism, the false flags, it's all bait. Nobody wants to get put in a FEMA camp. Right now the protocol is to wait until it's gotten so bad that the UN would intervene anyways (ie they staff the FEMA camps, you have no rights; a US civil war has no terms of engagement and multiple nations would invade at once).
Real patriots are trying to save the country, not push it into a civil war that King Nigger desperately wants. The position you are asking from also presupposes that gun owners are racist bigots, which as a group stereotype is a bigoted position all on it's own.
Let the niggers destroy their own city, just like Ferguson. Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake. Liberals never understand this, they have to virtue signal to other liberals in order to get brownie points and thus a fox with blown cover always runs away. So to speak.
tl;dr: Interrupting BLM terrorism to enact RWDS would be like beating a drum in search of a fugitive. If you are going through hell it's terribly important you don't let the devil know.
Why would he use money to stay in a race that he can't win? He WILL drop out when it's clear he can't come back from this huge deficit.
Just your average week. Its best you unsubscribe to major news networks
It's the "I'm triggered and I can't stand the idea of Trump running" argument. I'm amazed they're still using it after months of deniers getting BTFO in the primaries.
You guys need to stop focusing on this election so much, it will hurt a lot less when Trump loses.
>All these polls are rigged because I say so! Here's one that has a completely different result with no methodology released to prove me right!
>How's this Manafort shit shaping up?
We have already reached the point where nobody gives a fucking shit. It's a great day. The US population is more than 60% woke, it's a golden age. Nobody cares about Manafort. Trump could start a riot and it wouldn't matter right now.
Are you a shill? He will stay in until the day he either wins or loses. Businessmen DO NOT quit.
And what would they do if he did? Put lil Jeb in? He doesn't stand a chance.
"I looked at the conditions and will/won't show up."
Or he's still negotiating.
hillary is more likely to drop out than trump
Is this where libtards have gone to? Why are these uneducated Hill-billies so retarded?
My buddy is talking about how Trump is unfit for president and being responsible for the nuclear arsenal. Hit me with the best argument on why is he wrong and why Clinton is even more unfit.
Who gives a fuck about what some Swedecuck thinks
Business men also know when to cut their losses. When Trump realizes he can't win, he will drop out. I can guarantee you that.
He linked this video on why Trump is bad btw. Isn't Obama a warmongerer himself. youtu.be
Why should we care Swede?
>MSM still pushing the "Trump is quitting" narrative
they have literally nothing on Trump, it's hilarious.
Hillary wants to escalate with Russia, and Trump actually gets along with Putin.
Hillary literally can't walk up stairs unassisted.
Imagine her just blacking out or going to sleep during a war.
he is not gonna drop out. he gets so much attention at his rallies. droping out would be the worst thing he could do
Did anyone get the Trump campaign survey basically asking us if the campaign should name the (((media))) Jew?
>90% of the MSM is biased
>the polls are biased
So you all depend on Fox and Drudge. No bias from them, am I right? They are squeaky clean. Yes, this makes perfect sense.
Oh wait, you also get your ""news"" from Infowars. From Alex "Takes Off Shirt and Bellows like a Gorilla" Jones, who tried to prove a point and only made himself look like a complete retard, not that that's anything new.
>being responsible for the nuclear arsenal
Not even Trump will press the button. At least I hope he won't. He can't be THAT stupid.
I think the likely scenario is Trump getting along with Russia but using a nuke on a lesser player, which sets a new precedent and nutjobs all over the world start to think about using nukes more casually.
>being responsible for the nuclear arsenal
If he doesn't want Trump near the nukes, he sure as hell won't want Hillary "short-circuiting" near them.