How does it make you feel, knowing that the liberal media is encouraging this kind of unethical behavior? If you can't trust your partner any more, who can you trust, really?
How does it make you feel, knowing that the liberal media is encouraging this kind of unethical behavior? If you can't trust your partner any more, who can you trust, really?
gb2/r9k/ or the 50's you pathetic virgin.
Whichever dumb cunt let's you get your dick near her is going to compare you unfavorably to previous partners and there's nothing you can do about it.
Stop dressing up your personal insecurities/inadequacies as some kind pseudo moral/ethical outrage.
Eh, damned if you do desu. I don't wanna know
Lying roastie detected
Shoo shoo loose vagoo
Remember that shit when your broken goods passes on a STD during childbirth to your kid and pat yourself on the back for being "that" guy who doesnt care about her past
its just a number, duh chill.
I suppose to you the number of STIs they have is just a number too, huh?
condoms? also lets be real, you guys would still be butthurt if STI, STD's weren't a thing.
I've had more std's than you've had hot dinners.
My blood is 20 percent penicillin and I eat ciprofloxacin and amoxicillin for breakfast......i am a sex GOD.
> having children
I had a vasectomy two years ago
vidi vici veni
Enjoy wanking yourself to sleep over images of cartoon Japanese school-girls
Hi roastie.
Roasties BTFO
Good post frenchbro
>I've had more std's than you've had hot dinners.
>My blood is 20 percent penicillin and I eat ciprofloxacin and amoxicillin for breakfast......i am a sex GOD.
>I had a vasectomy two years ago
>Being proud about any of those
The comments on that page are horrifying. The Guardian is so shit, lol
If you can't trust her not to lie about her past, you can't trust her not to prick holes in your condoms try to trap you with a kid.
kek, jokes on you, i feel nothing
long given up on the fantasy that i'll ever be with anyone
I went to page 3 and every single comment was about lying.
> getting this rustled
Don't worry op.... I'm sure she won't laugh at the size of your penis.
Just think about all the other shit they "encourage".
This is just the icing on the cake.
And people are wondering why men are dumping 3DPD for the superior 2D
most lie. either live with it or don't bother, because they all will be with at least 10 men by the time they are 30. more obviously if they are very attractive. and if they ever tell you a number, always assume it's twice that. (they might only count the ones they actually "cared" about)
Newsflash: everyone lies. If lying will benefit them, 90% of people will lie. Women lie about more things, but men lie as well.
My wife was only with one man before me but it didn't really count because it was just her dad.
>I had a vasectomy two years ago
Why didn't you just kill yourself instead? You're a failure of a living thing and you should just die.
The artificial womb and gynoid are one or two decades away.
If you are not too old, take care of yourself and save up in preparation.
Whatever happens though, saving up is always a good idea. There are a lot of technologies and a lot of potential upheavals coming, having the wealth to not be at the mercy of the current of History is always good.
Sometimes, a pointed “I prefer not to keep score” or “I’m just going to pretend you didn’t ask me that” will put an end to the inquiries.
Sounds like it would put an end to more than the inquiries to be honest. If she gets defensive, you know she's a slut.
Are you a sociopathic woman yourself ?
This feels like projection.
>You do not have to reveal this kind of information to anyone. It is your private business. In fact, such a question can reveal a lot about the asker.
How dare someone care about diseases, mental stability, relationship stability, or possible family stability.
Like 10 + 'Long term' relationships? Why waste your time with a train wreck?
>You need to decide in the moment what his or her motives might be, and react accordingly.
So lie instantly is what she's getting at. Why not ask this person about their motives? What fucking motives? It's all divisive.
>Is this being asked out of fear, possessiveness, intrusiveness or something else? At your age, it is often due to curiosity mingled with the fear of being exposed as inexperienced – especially if it is asked before sex.
If the woman wrote in asking 'I really want to know how people my boyfriend has slept with' the answers would all be 'Absolutely, it's only sensible to be concerned about his commitment to you.' or 'If he has slept with many partners the amount of women he mentions is probably much lower' or 'If he gives you a certain figure he's probably giving you the number of womens he's murdered and eaten. You should call the police and tear your clothes to match the damage and anxiety that you're going through emotionally, then force yourself to cry, to express your femininity'
It's not sociopathic to lie. It's one of our base reflexes since it's vital to self-preservation at times.
In fact, if you can honestly say that you never lie about anything, you probably have some sort of social defect.
Off my board you filthy degenerate.
Personal accountability must be kryptonite to a woman
Women lie even when they don't set out to lie. It's their nature. Like living in the Soviet (or modern) world. Whatever the government tells you, assume the opposite.
Hey looks, it's a 30-something unhappily married bluepill with a slut for a wife.
Saying the truth or lying aren't the only options.
You can not respond, you can change the subject, you can say you do not want to respond.
Lying as an automatic response is a sociopathic trait, which most women display since, if i remember correctly, up to 70% of women display sociopathic behaviour in some degree.
>>still not understanding women are pathological liars
women dont perceive the truth as an objective element.
women have been causing problems in statistical studies for decades. they are ingenious at miscontrueing the questions asked in amazing ways, and studies on womens opinions and honesty are notoriously difficult to repkicate.
the mindset, environment, current situation and all possible vaguaries of the question setting and their formulation all lead to completely different results when it comes to women.
as to topic, its a universal rule that you take the number a woman reports and atleast double it.
when it mentions sexual partners/activity, does that include oral? Is it anything sexual at all? Or just penetrative sex?
This is the same guy who told someone to gb2 /r9k/? A STD-filled liberal cuck?
pump and dumb but just dont marry, lads. The number only matters if youre gonna LTR/marry
Absolutely. The biggest slut tell is her fake triggering of you implying she's anything other than a perfect virgin princess
Always assume every girl has had 30+ "partners".
It'll help eradicate oneitis.
Stop looking for women to bring you happiness. Only you can bring you happiness. Use women for when you're horny. And that's it.
If they wear make-up dont believe anything they say and more to the point, lie right back to them... if they don't offer some sort of accurate number up after you've brought it up nonchalantly then your only choice is to have affairs until you find someone better.
Virgin at 21 reporting in. I beat the odds boys. I can't wait to die alone!
> implying robots gets stds.
You can't catch the clap if you've never touched a woman before spastic.
all you are missing out on is a meat-hole with baggage.
with 30+ at 35yrs, i dont even bother anymore.
/tumblr/ btfo
Fuck why point out what I do. There are Roasties in this thread
I’m in my mid-20s and have never had a very long-term relationship. I don’t want to sexually disempower myself, being a sexually active lady, but I just want to know: if a partner asks for my ‘number’ – the number of lovers I’ve had – is it OK to refuse to answer or lie? Or should you always tell the truth?
(((I don’t want to sexually disempower myself, being a sexually active lady,)))
Hahahaha, I'm a slut and hitting 30 unmarried, but I like being a whore. Men who commit worth a damn and dime are less progressive and care about my past. What do?
>the liberal media is encouraging this kind of unethical behavior
Gender norms are encouraging this kind of unethical behavior. Women get slut shamed if they confess to promiscuity so almost all women lie about their sexual history. This has been the case since long before the liberal media even existed.
Its pretty funny, most wealthy, established men in their 30s likely swing Right. Good luck roasties!
Date virgins and fuck non-virgins.
Honestly, sandniggers got it with stoning adulterers and shaming sluts.
This is not surprising, through highly disturbing.
After all, past sexual partner is not something that can be reduced, and if the provider they wish to hook will only accept 0, what can they do aside from lying and search justifications and rationalisations about lying ?
You can't unslut yourself.
>Gender norms are encouraging this kind of unethical behavior. Women get slut shamed if they confess to promiscuity so almost all women lie about their sexual history.
SLUT SHAMING when society does it worked the majority of the time. Society says it is ok now so none of these women listen to the moral brigade and they pay the price in hours of cat sitting.
>I am a virgin, will anyone ever love me?
id rather do what i want, when i want, how i want than have a woman constantly trying to restrict that according to her "needs".
i look at a 10/10 these days, and then realize id rather spend time with friends, eat out or cook a great meal, pass out wasted on my couch watching olympics or scifi or documentaries, randomly go visit events, whatever i want.
a woman is just bulky, bad, unneccessary baggage. they only complicate your life if you arent one of the few lucky men that find a legit woman that supports you as a friend through the bad times.
That almost never happens for the rest of us.
Focus on your life. If pussy presents itself, take it or leave it. It aint worth the effort of running after it, and it sure as hell aint worth keeping it around.
We detected der jude.
Better virgin than part of this pile of shit that is western new "morals and values"
i once dated a 26-yr-old that had been with at least 40 men. probably higher.
assuming she got 'started' at 16, she's only been sexually active for 10 years. so she's going through at least 2-3 guys a year, or about 1 every 4 months.
needless to say, she was fucked up. how can any man live with a woman like this? by not telling people your past history, you are deceiving whoever you are with now. it DOES matter on how you perceive your current relationship. even if a woman has only been with 2 men in long-term relationships before you, it matters. it's baggage. she will compare you. she will think about them while she's with you.
nothing you can do about it sadly.
>date virgins
It implies you do not wish to marry them, and so once you leave her, you'll have created another "slut" since her capacity to pairbond will have already been damaged beyond repair.
Well, they share the blame if they are willing to fuck you before marriage, but your type of behaviour is compounding the problem.
>You can't unslut yourself.
YES, but the man can ignore the slut as any kind of longterm partner option. BOYCOTT those bitches for marriage.
This is why it is such a big deal, women will use SEX to get what they want in the moment ,but men aren't supposed to use their power at at all. They want long -term partners and we want virginal cuties not slutty college chics the Nigger basketball team and CHAD football team has run through.
They win now,but they lose in the end. FUCK THEM.
Women have to suffer ,so younger women see their mistakes and the pain they cause.
>be shill
>believe everyone lies
if that's what you have to tell yourself to sleep soundly
It all comes down to taking mens bility to walk away from marriage.
This allows her to lie with no consequences.
It is bs.
>I'm a slut and hitting 30 unmarried, but I like being a whore.
And you expect what?
Also, at past 30, you are WAY past your prime.
Over the next years you will get increasingly depressed as the validation you got through sex is no longer forthcoming to you, and men pay less and less attention to your sagging body.
Women like you are one of the primary reasons men are red pilling in vast droves. You have nothing to offer except a hole between your legs.
What man do you expect to want to commit to that?
you sound like a miserable joke of a human being
Dunno m8 I don't disclose that shit either then again someone who reads the guardian and takes its bullshit to heart isn't exactly a keeper anyway.
I've fucked 3 blokes and sucked another 2 off in the 11 years I've been sexually active. I'm clean and consider it good telling a potential partner about it because if they react negatively they're done.
>What man do you expect to want to commit to that?
They expect Chad thundercock millionaire to commit to that and it's why they are in the place they are now.
You're not supposed to discriminate WHITE MAN, you must not ask questions and just role the dice for everything.
>I don’t want to sexually disempower myself
Buy feline companions behond a reasonable number.
Why not go for a more low maitenance 6 or 7?
>fucking as many guys as you want is perfectly healthy and morally correct, you shouldn't be ashamed of it, YOU GO GIRL
>but don't tell anyone how many guys you've fucked, always say less than what the real number is
It's like they know it's bad and they should be ashamed of.
>that comment section
>Any Partner who requires this information is showing their own insecurities. Insecurity is ok, we all have moments, but all depends on the degree. You are allowed your areas of privacy, and this is one. I would suggest brushing off any such request with humour, and if that doesn't work dump him as it will show that there are more deep seated issues at work.
>A partner enquiring as to the number of people you have had sex with is an indicaion of his insecurity. I recommend you keep that information to yourself.
>It depends - are you male or female?
>If male - go ahead.
>If female, and your partner is male, and it's more than 3 - LIE.
>I made this mistake as a 24 year old when an allegedly progressive boyfriend kept pushing me to tell him how many men I had had sex with. So I did. His mouth said he had no issue with it. His eyes said something entirely different.
Fucking kill me now
You are probably good in todays whore factory called Western progressive land. Be honest, most men your age or into women your age will be o.k. with it.
Sounds like the old days when people lied about having sex at all before marriage. Stop clinging to your insecurities, people are the same as they have always been, the vocal minority is just more vocal now.
Feels good that my blood is still pure
>I'm a human biohazard
>get fucked nerds
I can hardly contain my jealousy
They wouldn't have to lie about how many partners they've had if they could keep their legs together for more than five minutes.
>>that comment section
>>Any Partner who requires this information is showing their own insecurities. Insecurity is ok, we all have moments, but all depends on the degree. You are allowed your areas of privacy, and this is one. I would suggest brushing off any such request with humour, and if that doesn't work dump him as it will show that there are more deep seated issues at work.
>>A partner enquiring as to the number of people you have had sex with is an indicaion of his insecurity. I recommend you keep that information to yourself.
>>It depends - are you male or female?
>>If male - go ahead.
>>If female, and your partner is male, and it's more than 3 - LIE.
>>I made this mistake as a 24 year old when an allegedly progressive boyfriend kept pushing me to tell him how many men I had had sex with. So I did. His mouth said he had no issue with it. His eyes said something entirely different.
>Fucking kill me now
IT's a fucking Liberal Leftist echo chamber. The guardian policies those comments to the point that no one not POZZ would be commenting there.
Aye, that is increasingly the case.
I guess horror stories about no-fault divorce and spread of awareness about female nature through social medias ( including anonymous ones like imageboards ) help to that.
This is really a shame that the women opened the borders, because this type of selective pressure would help reduce, in the long term, the number of womanly women and create hybrids that can understand and do value loyalty and restraint.
Maybe I'm defective in some way, but I genuinely don't understand why you'd want to have sex if you weren't trying to have children
I'm not saying I don't get urges, that if I see an attractive woman I don't think about sex, but in reality I know that I can get off just as easily with porn or even my own imagination, and that if I ever find a woman I want to have children with it'll be a much better experience if it's our first time
The idea of getting a vasectomy is just insane to me, although I was raised with values most people my age don't seem to share
a womans rating is no indicator of her maintenance.
6-7s can be even more demanding than 10s.
mynpoint is what is the point of being in a relationship with a woman?
pussy you can get anyways, and if you want children, well, thats the price you have to pay.
what is it that you find a woman can offer you, in compensation for the burden and constant problems and restrictions she introduces into your life?
No jew propaganda can make you deny your evo psych responses to make your partner carries your offspring. Fuck your own body litetally makes you jealous to try amd uncuck you.
>Buy feline companions behond a reasonable number.
THEY could always go with Black men. Those fellas will sick anything ,but they want partners who are companions and financially stable and fathers for their kids.
ANswer shame and guilt white men for having standards ,so they get what they want. It's circler logic. We have demands they know them and they have demands and we know them. They want their cake and to eat it too.
ask the number if its a woman add 7 and multiply by 3 if its a man to another man divide by 3
All partners, male or female, want this info, sooner or later.
Tell them the truth, you fking liar.
Its what you are, and what you have done.
You expect a relationship to have trust and respect if you wont tell the truth?
Fking woman-logic.
>I genuinely don't understand why you'd want to have sex if you weren't trying to have children
HAVE MORE SEX DUDE, get married or get a GF you will eventually get married to. It is fun and improve your life in every way unless you are doing it with randoms. It still feels good ,but its a roller coaster then.
I lie about it too but in the opposite way. This has always been encouraged even if not explicitly. Such is the way of the world. Don't trust women.
I reckon more and more white men are making these demands. My normie friends might fuck a slut or two but so actually just want a kind qt. We all make a bit of dosh too so that helps come the alnost interview stage
>if its a man to another man divide by 3
except if they are gay, in which case its probably accurate and almost alwaysnin the double digits.
gay men fk each other in frequency that makes even rabbits pale in comparison.
any gay in any community, no matter how large or small, will almost certainly have had sex with the majoritý of that community.
this is less true for lesbians, but its not far behind.
I... I don't lie....
(I do deceive tho.. But I'm working on that.)
>, get married or get a GF you will eventually get married to. It is fun and improve your life in every way
why fk only one pussy, and then additionally baggage yourself with the insane bullshit a woman does to your life.
>people have always been shamed for doing bad things
>this is bad
This. My ex said I was number 30 but I knew she wasn't counting anything she "forgot"
I really do feel for roasties in a way. Most I meet really did have their dad or another adult treat them like trash more than once. The number of white trash fathers is pretty fucking outstanding nowadays.
"I prefer not to keep score"
k, whore
It further ensures going to an Eastern European country to get a bride.
the answer is to mentally add 10 partners for every second it takes her to answer the question how many total partners she's had. so if there's a pause of 2 seconds and she says 5, then the actually number is 25.
Well I'm not planning on looking for marriage until I'm older and have a more secure income, and maybe a place I own to live in
Also how is it any better than jacking off a couple times a week, as soon as I'm done all desire is gone for a while and I honestly feel sort of unclean, I can only assume that if the pleasurable part is more intense with another person the emptiness grossness later is as well
I'm also pretty unconfident/ shy so the whole process of attracting a woman/ dating her/ bringing her home/ etc seems way more effort than I'm willing to put in when I could potentially hire a prostitute and have the same result
although I have no plans to do either
Some people believe lying is a sin, user.
there is no shame in it
its just not what men looking for a committed relationship want in a woman.
you are trying to shame men for making their own choices on who they want to spend their life with and commit to.
thats wrong. if a man doesnt want a roastie whore, thats his prerogative and none of your business to shame.
its his life, he can choose for himself.
PS: 30yr+ single roasties are fking hilarious in their desperation against their biological clock. No sensible man will EVER commit to them. They will just fuck them and leave them, as did the previous 20-30 men.
Welcome to reality.
>Dealing with American women in more than passing
it's on you, society has fallen far and it's pointless to try and carry on your genes just so they can be subjugated by people like HIllary and soros? If we could manage to improve the world I would consider finding a female but at this point it's a fucking waste. Most females are hardcore brainwashed and literally cannot think for themselves much less reach a logical conclusion on how the world should be run. Women are for fucking and that's it having kids is pointless and fucking is pretty pointless too when you can just jack off.
One dick is still too much, finnbro.
Has the west any chance of survival?