Is this the comfiest show on TV...

Is this the comfiest show on TV? Even if it's an episode I've seen a thousand times I still leave it on as background noise.

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they're all jewish, fuck em

I don't consider constantly giggling to be comfy. It's ok, comfy is a pliable word

Literally not a single one of them are jewish so Wtf are you on about? Did one of them cuck you or something?

What would be Essential Background Noise-core?

Any Star Trek series.

they are undoubtedly jew sympathises and progressive cucks who hate Trump and love race-mixing, so as I said, fuck em

Do you even watch the show? They make anti-PC jokes all the time. Not to mention Brian Quinn has mentioned in his podcast before that he gets frustrated because of a lot of jokes that the producers cut out of the show because the jokes aren't PC enough.


King of Queens

Gilmore Girls

>its a murray does a recreational activity as a sport punishment
>its a murray gets a permanent debilitating injury punishment

>it's a Joe punishment episode (extremely rare)
>his punishment is to do something slightly embarrassing

>its a sal punishment episode
le wacky scary cat time!

just wait till they reveal the fake marriage punishment, and how his daughter isnt his either

Too bad it's fake as fuck.

>Murr's tonight big loser, and for his punishment he's gonna be driving a commercial truck down this road while blindfolded
>What Murry doesn't know is that at the other side of the road is a black lives matter rally

Joe is easily best joker, his delivery is insane and there's nothing he'll refuse to do

Don't respond to false flaggers.

i rate it, 10/10 /comfy/

Funniest thing on TV. Hopefully they one day release all the hours and hours of bonus footage they have. I'm sure there's a lot they cut out.

Q is undoubtedly the funniest of the bunch

>Sup Forums

>For Q's punishment he's gonna go out and ruin a little girls birthday party by smashing her pinata
>What Q doesn't know is that we actually put his beloved cat, Benjamin, inside the pinata

Q >

The power point presentations are always the best.


Q's the worst, he's a big whiny pussy on and off the show

It is currently the comfiest show on tv.

You're thinking of Sal

>Joe is reddit

t. reddit

>joe isnt reddit
uhhhhhh user?

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

>slide is just sal's sister being ok with getting photographed spitroasted "as a joke"

That's Sal. Q is pretty based. Murray sucks and Joe is top tier.

TMZ, 2.5 Men

Sal isn't funny on his own but he's such a prissy bitch that it's great seeing him get punished
Joe is best joker

King of the Hill


American comedy is genuine cancer and I am appalled anyone on Sup Forums finds this drivel funny

Friends if you live in the UK as it plays all day long

Triple D

I feel bad for anyone who doesn't find this show hysterical. What kind of comedy shows do you watch?


Fuck off you contrarian shitlord.

So is this fake? I find some of the reactions forced.

well my bacgrkoud noise is exxxtremly basic but:
>comfy s1 - 2 HIMYM
>comfy s1-3 modern family
>family guy


Even if it was fake it's still hilarious. I feel like Joe and Q would have a lot more losses if it was fake though.

They took it too far when they made Murr get the prostate exam on the stage in front of the crowd.

Nothing comes close

Mrs Brown's Boys
absolute comedykino

They are very open about the parts that are "fake". Usually they will film each challenge and each of the jokers will fail no matter what and then they will trim the fat and keep the funniest stuff. After that they will pick who actually loses.

Classic Simpsons

>For Joe's punishment, he's going to run naked into the pool and ask people for his swimsuit
>What Joe doesn't know is that we've actually infected the water with a flesh eating parasite

Reddit's guys:
Q, Joe and Sal

Sup Forums's guy:

>the Enterprise humming as I worked on school projects

I sorta miss it.

>Hey Joe, call that guy a nigger

I can't watch this show whenever my family has it own. I cannot handle cringe comedy, much less public prank ones. I'm not shittalking the show at all, I just can't handle the genre.

Forensic Files.

You literally cannot compete with this answer.

>Murr, rape that guy's wife

You a fellow ant?

false flagger

Murr and Joe are the most convincing.