>kebab attacks
>noone helps
Germany cucked as fuck
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and if a blonde blue-eyed guy would have attacked a Tusken kid you would have complained about the police to be on scene after 30 secs.
the weak germans will die
the strong germans will prevail
This is why I'm not bothered about mass immigration. Only the weak and naive will suffer, the strong will be fine. The weak need to suffer.
That's a funny way to spell Turk.
actually looks like on of the "thugs" is a german
Western cucks are so pathetic. These are the descendants of the old Europeans?
Not only that. The fucking police are both women?
das rites whitebois
we in charge now
>The woman running after him
But there are no strong Germans.
>Muslim beats on German
>No other German cares
>Female cop shows up
>cant actually catch the perp
Wow, that video had everything
Yeah, fat police woman was best part of this video
wtf i hate Sup Forums now
>Only the weak and naive will suffer
Pretty sure the car bombs and bullets will follow this 'principle'.
>strong german
where is this?
Those migrants are mid to late 20s, 2 v 1 a schoolkid. Paki filth needs to die. Every last mother-fucking one of them. It's getting closer lads.
What are they saying?
Weak Germans will die the strong will prevail
at least one stayed. He will tell them where they live anyway
also --> that german scum on the thug side
looks like city of Kiel, excat location seems to be the bus station between Hauptbahnhof & Sophienhof
That is what I thought, too, he does not look like antifa.
Wasn't aware Kiel is a shithole.
They were able to hold up a very good fight against France, Netherlands, Britain, Russia and the United States.
Can't hold up a fight against inbred, illiterate shitskins. The world ain't right.
Before or after your extinction?
you dont know the kieler kneipenterroristen from the 90s?
at least they are german scum
Oh man....you picked the wrong migrants just like the burgers
nope hes not antifa. its just a asozialer
I am from Bremerhaven originally, does this answer your question?
honestly that looks like fun tho. i wish someone would start a fight with me like that so i could beat him up and show all the girls how tough i am.
awful to see your once proud nation being pussified and emasculated.. you need a final solution to this mudslime invasion, or else goodbye germany..
It's even better, the blond was a German leftist who was helping the kebab.
They had something to live for back then now they have nothing every man needs something to look after
visited Kiel not so long ago, its a shithole.
pretty effective policewoman there
she got one at the end. He will tell the other IDs anyway.
>german schoolboy
>he was good boy
he was as bad as the attacker
>pretty effective policewoman there
fucking fat cow, gotta love the car not even stopping for her.
he shoulda run over the sandnigger; but then of course he would be charged, not congratulated for being a good citizen.
He deserves a far harsher punishment than the subhuman
Schoolboy? That nigga 40.
definatly not leftist. Just a low educated underclass whitey
Well i got to see berlin before the fall.
Im too white for lower Europe
T. Hahnrei
Honestly I don't give a fuck.
Germans and pretty much all whites need to suffer. You have all gotten too soft and as a result you've put yourselves on a road to self extermination. Every single immigrant you allow into your countries is another person willing to exploit and attack white culture and values. I hope all whites suffer, maybe that way you cuckolds finally snap and grow your balls back.
I don't even wish for some Muslim or nigger to hurt you directly, I'll be content with some shitskin stabbing your mother or even your cousin to death and have it posted on Sup Forums so we can all laugh.
The age of white people is coming to an end, and it's all your fault.
The fat police woman gets me everytime. How could they ever let this work outside the office..
I'm not to bothered by it. I'm a straight male. We're gonna have a chill time under sharia law. It's the women and fags etc that's gonna suffer and ironically, those are the ones voting open borders as well. You'll get what you voted for. I'll enjoy my loli brides.
Yeah you guys got nothing left to save.
Atleast the hot sweds are tending every single server position ever posted in Norway.
You don't have to be strong when your culture and moral values are superior. Just let the cops and social ostracization deal with the subhumans
the fuck johannes
Americans still have means to defend oursleves. A nigger can try to bust into my home or attack me in public and I will riddle his body and soul with lead.
Euros will never know this feeling.
>muh cops will teleport to my Somalian colonoscopy in a second.
Yeah ok svante
The real germans died during the war. What left is bunch of pussies.
That movie was pretty dope
Does anyone think by chance, that these mass assualts will be enough to wake up the youth in germany?
After the cucked parents and bystanders or merkel supporters have left them behind, maybe this next generation of european youth will grow to be our next wave of strong white nationalists!
That's western society today, outside of the slav countries.
Turks are more akin to Germany's Mexico.
Even have the same displaced patriotism.
>see the police "engage" at the end of the video
>my internal hernia finally sets in and my rektum gets shit out
>I die of laughter
There are arabs in Brazil, if they fuck around here, we will show them our sharia law. They know that, so they are very quiet and low profile people. And they need to fit here, we don´t like extreme thoughts here.
>germans getting attacked
I could fap to this
Hell's Angels would literally rape them to death.
And then a fat female cop comes. Fucking hell.
and then they will arive at his home and be laughed at by the muslim +50 family members
Indeed, why doesnt germany have badass bike gangs with white pride
they are actually part of hell's angels germany.
Are they slaying mudslimes as we speak? If no then they are not as good as the main hell angels
you know hells angels is one of the most fought by german state
while islamist and arab-gangs are taking over literally parts of big german cities, the german state is only talking about hells angels for selling some weed
The strong and noble Germans died in battle.
The weakling cowards bent knee and survive, for a little while longer at least.
i never claimed they are. i was just informing you.
HA here are diffrent than in the US or other countries. Muslims have invaded and most dont even own a bike.
Its all about the crime here.
Sonny would be dissapointed.
I hate my own people.
So many witnessed this incident, no one interferes.
you can only lose in western europe when confronted with a dirty foreigner
It is punishment from God, for not letting Serbs to remove their kebab.
Boże chroń Serbię.
wtf i hate poland now
>police stop chasing and let him get away
What the fuck is wrong with you eurocucks?
maybe she was on her period :^)
guess he was just showing him the way
It's a specifically German problem to cover up Muslim violence and letting them get away with it, rest of Europe (except Sweden maybe) is not THAT cucked.
the most enraging part of this is the bumbling, useless, fat female cops. holy fucking shit. it wont even be muzz which destroys humanity, it will be vaginas
I wish it was just eurocucks that did this It It is the same in america. A poor metro security guard was beaten at the N Hanley stop in St Louis. All the grown men and women just stood around. It wasn't until the conductor of the metro train stepped in and separated them. It is pathetic that not one of those black men didn't help their "sister" in need. I guess not all black lives matter.
God bless
thats not as funny as americans think
only british can make these kraut-jokes
Your guns are going to be taken away at some point you realize that right?
Democrats want all the guns gone
Import more shitskins
Shitskins vote gibs every single time
As soon as America is non-white, you lose. And it's happening.
Sauerkraut is more of a Bohemian thing, same as good Pilsner Beer.
>Germans diverting credit they don't deserve away from based Czech Republic
How come the other blond white man helped the dirty Muslim to attack the school boy?
Nobody helps because they're afraid of being deemed racist, which is now punishable by law in Germany. 100% cucked
Yep, you're may be right
no they are not, what are you talking about?
>yfw if in America a gay degenerate wants you to bake a cake for him you have to
Not if Trump can help it
You don't get it, burger friend. Hell's Angel germany ARE the kebab. They slay other kebab only if they interfere with their criminal activities.
Isn't there freedom of speech? such a neofacism
>mfw I'm Mormon and work at a bar but I told them I refuse to work with the alcohol and they still hired me
>work at the door, still get paid as much as the bartenders
>that female police officer
Because Muslims are superior and should be allowed to do this to ethnic Germans who are second class citizens.
Wouldn't you do the same for someone who is dying from a virus?
Not in Deutschestan. You can have your kids taken away for saying anything deemed "racist" online about immigrants
>tfw live in a 99.9% white town full of nutcases and juice heads
>tfw pakis wouldn't dare try that shit here
Two paki cunts eyeballing me the other day and asked them what the fuck are they looking at and they just looked away like typical paki cunts when confronted by a beefed up welsh cunt. Get your shit together Krautbros. This is embarrassing.