Dirty Bearded Men in a Room Edition
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david lunch lol
Bobby didn't deserve this.
>episode 16
>DoppelCoop mere steps away from accomplishing his ultimate goal, however he needs some backup to deal with the FBI agents and that pesky retard
>enters a building and sees pic related
>"I think it's time i told y'all everytin bout Judy"
>next episode is called "Let's Rock"
>it's nothing but roadhouse performances
What are the rest of the ep names called?.
haha what
Which Peaksfu would you engage in loving tantric sex, /tpg/?
I unironically would love that
imagine being that donut haha just kidding
>David, is this really necessary for my role as a dead body?
who says this line
place bets:
mine is Mr C
Why did Dr. Jacoby become some knock-off Alex Jones?
>dirty bearded men in a room
- Gordon Cole describing /tpg/ posters
Jumping Man
I'd share my white blood cells with her if you know what I mean
Does this mean Chris Isaak is back?
They are all quotes from within the episode
Considering the amount of anons that complain about these scenes, it would be the ultimate lynching.
How long had the body been lying at that property? Shouldn't it have been at a more advanced stage of decomposition?
After "Let's rock" is "What story is that, Charlie?"
and those are the only ones we know upcoming
I'll be disappointed if it's not the the same character who originally said it.
I have a little dog.
I know, I was wondering what the rest of the episodes are called, I know the next one is let's rock, don't know the rest.
what happened to her?
poor father
twin peaks
town of sluts
Do we know any characters called Charlie?
Is Oh Angelo the only meme that functions as both a Sup Forums and Sup Forums meme? Asking for my journalism class.
>Gotta light
what would you expect from some limp-wristed faggot that raised another man's daughter?
>there will never be a neon 80s TP cop show called Twin Peaks Vice
There are no names past episode 12.
Doc Hayward was raising another man's daughter, what do you expect
That was an amazing episode. I was on the edge of my seat most of the time. It was like original Twin Peaks on steroids. I had no idea what I was going to feel from minute to minute. I had tears in my eyes at the end.
Agent Cooper was saved by cherry pie.
*The character* of Cooper was also saved from oblivion, ie. brought back to the television screen, by the memorability of cherry pie.
Absolute art form.
I can't find anyone in the current or original cast list with that character name
Sounds like a parent talking to their kid, after the kid says "I heard a story" or something similar
just finished it that was the best fucking episode of twin peaks ever
Good. Sick of you muh 80s losers.
>still doesn't understand
He was talking about unaired episodes (aka 12 and 13)
Remember when everybody laughed at Bobby back at episode 4? When he was crying because of Laura?
Fuck you all, he is the true man
>in the movie, the Fat Trout Trailer Park was in Deer Meadow
>in season 3, it appears to be in Twin Peaks?
Maybe that kid who saved that fat lady will tell the police a "story"
You just KNOW
>ywn get a cup of Good Morning America and cherry pie to go before getting comfy at home
Let me die
look at the sign, it puts "New Fat Trout"
May we talk about Judy?
Gersten Hayward is credited where was she?
So there is going to be an outbreak of madness and violence in Twin Peaks due to the impending dimensional rift? Was that a ZOMBIE in the screaming woman's car?
Tom Sizemore is going to have to take matters into his own hands, and kill Dougie
she was the girl with the boyfriend in the stairwell
It's a different trailer park. Literally says "NEW Fat Trout Trailer Park".
Is this the new "when's the next episode"?
inb4 he becomes dougie's best friend and number one fan
is there a break this week?
while I am glad no one has gotten lynched in this thread I already made the OC so I may as well share it.
What's his endgame?
call for help
this was so poorly edited
kick ass and take names
No, but I will tell you one little bitty thing: Judy is positive about this.
That shot is kino.
He's dead.
Punished Bobby when?
Sort of looks like how the horny couple died
You'd best hold up, making a Real Man cut of this whole scene.
this bit was so good
bobby's complete non-reaction
>ywn have a cute autismo girl stare off into space in your general direction
Probably my favorite episode so far.
>comic-con episode 11 screening
>kimmy robertson, don murray, everett mcgill, and james marshall all show up
>kimmy, don and everett all stick around to talk to fans
>but james marshall leaves immediately
was it the motorcycle accident /tpg/?
>burst into tears after seeing your ex-girlfriends picture
>no reaction to a zombie child
I pretty much missed all the dialog between sheriff truman and hawk because I was laughing too hard
it looks like a static shot but it's also animated. his head tilts forward slightly and the blood has a weird 2 frame animation to it. it looks odd.
He doesn't want anyone asking about his anus
Real Man webm of the zombie invasion of Twin Peaks
Ahhh mister jeffries the shit it come out of my ass
Easily the best episode after Part 8, but that one is hard to rank among the others anyway. I keep rewatching that last scene at the diner over and over.
He was probably heading off to work on all those lucrative roles he has
This is why Bob / Leland's behaviour was correct. It's a conveyor belt of degeneracy and should be treated as such.
I thought those jumping man meme's where fake, he actually is coming back probably next ep.
Her dad was a huge fuckin cuck. What do you expect?
he was great in A Few Good Men
This, the Dougie story arc is like Dragon Ball where the villains become friends, except for Ike the Spike who is like Frieza.
the gub'ment took his license away
nice quads, dougie!
>striking renaissance painting poses
literal artkino
nice quads dougie
Is it bad that I want a bobby briggs cop show?
Like...he transfer to Philadelphia. And weird shit starts happening around him. It's up to him to figure it all out. Ect
High-resolution cut
>Sheryl Lee was supposed to return to Twin Peaks, this time as a redhead, only to be killed by BOB again
I like this, honestly. I wish we could have gotten this in the Return. Also kinda hammers the point home that Laura's soul was meant to be opposed to BOB