>It's a "you will never live to see another missing episode discovered" episode.
>It's a "you will never live to see another missing episode discovered" episode.
We should start a change.org petition to make the BBC change the 13th Doctor back to a man as it should be
Get hype motherfuckers
Not all of us are as old as Cloister, user
You do it.
>mfw no good missy porn
Right, you and the other fifteen guys in the world that believe that can sign it and I'm sure they'll get right on it for you lot!!
Post outfit dreams
Let's Pearl post to peeve Cletus.
We should start a change.org petition to make the BBC have the Doctor wear a hat
>the fury from the deep can was empty
I can't imagine what that must have felt like for fans at the time.
Go to a Convention and ask Michelle Gomez whether she'd suck your dick, women like confidence
I'm thinking that maybe she'll wear something akin to the previous Doctors, nothing overly feminine. I'm envisioning her stylistically similar to Movie Eight actually, in terms of both outfit and TARDIS.
I desperately hope Chibs series contains more spooky episodes like Blink, midnight, waters of mars, etc
Fury from the Deep is one of the episodes I most want returned
This. I'm happy to see the majority of /who/ is on good terms with the change.
Sure, some may still be getting used to the idea, but it seems most of us are just optimistic and interested about how it will change the show and give it a different angle.
For the love of god, I just want ONE episode returned this year.
Preferably more.
Quite like that coat she wore in Broadchurch.
Honestly, why is every so hyped for a female Doctor? It makes no fucking sense for the character.
>Philip Morris literally has all of the missing episodes in his house
t. Ian
How does it make no sense? It's been well established that time lords can change gender over the last 6 years.
Not enough PHUCKs in there for it to be Big Ian
Because the character is male.
>It makes no fucking sense for the character.
How does it make less sense for the character than literally regenerating and becoming someone else ever has?
t. Cletus
People are always hyped for a new Doctor, it's just extra hype because it's a big change for the show.
and also
You're trying to tell me the Eleventh Doctor was male?
I'm hyped for the soft reboot. The show's been getting stale lately and a new showrunner, a new Doctor, new writers etc. is just what it needs. The fact that 13 is played by a woman doesn't bother me much, in fact I'm interested to see what they'll do with the concept.
So in short, I'm not hyped for a female Doctor, I'm hyped for some change in the format, and Jodie's only a small part of that.
So? Doesn't make it any less pandering. Moffat loves shoving his PC shit into Docotor Who so he did that. Then we got Missy, and that random black female Time Lord. It's a fucking mess and it's been happening too much.
hyped for possibly new dynamic with the lady doc
>He hates PC
>If you don't like it you're a Cletus
Sup SJW? How's Tumblr treating you?
Good for you Moffat is leaving then.
Somehow I don't think you'll prefer Chibnall.
A few time ladies means it's PC shit? Ian are you sure this isn't you?
The show is about change. You're an idiot if you didn't see it coming.
Because now The Doctor is a mentally ill tranny and it was done to pander to the Tumblr crowd who dropped the show because Capaldi was too old.
>Moffat loves shoving his PC shit into Docotor Who
>Moffat shoving literally the best Doctor into the show is somehow bad
Fuck off, m8. Capaldi was magnificent. Also I don't think you could really call it shoving considering he's the main fucking character.
>this guy
>/who/ presents:
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>- Can involve any Doctor(s), companion(s), side characters, spinoff characters and beyond, as your heart desires
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>- The main focus is on good fun in the vein of the wiki, although serious entries are allowed. (If you're going to write smut, maybe approach it with a degree of levity)
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We are going to be starting an index on the wiki for the collection. Anyone can contribute, no signups/pitches required. If you have ideas, feel free to broadcast them.
The rest is self-explanatory. Format for uploading your work is up to you, as long as it can be conveniently copied across (and ideally don't spam long texts in /who/ directly). (Pastebin works well.)
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WE need more entries for classic as well as NuWho Doctors. Entries for Thirteen are accepted as well. Aug 3rd is deadline
Im quite excited because its something new, could be the breath of fresh air needed to make the show amazing again
Should I interpret that verbal diarrhoea as you accepting your lack of a point
Probably nicer than here
>The show is about change.
It used to be about time travel and history, and fun sci-fi plots. Faggots like you ruined that.
I like the idea of the doctor revealing a wardrobe of womens clothes in the Tardis he's been keeping just in case he ever turned into a woman
How does a woman Doctor stop the show being about travel and history and sci-fi
Here's a list of Doctors that still need stories:
First Doctor
Second Doctor
Third Doctor
Fourth Doctor
Sixth Doctor
Tenth Doctor
Eleventh Doctor
Kris Marshall Doctor with Anri Okata companion
Morbius Doctor fics
More Thirteenth Doctor stories would be nice as well.
>every molecule in the Doctor's body is changed
>therefore a completely new body and new mind
How is changing genders there transexual? The biology resets each time.
holy shit you can't be real
The only thing that makes me slightly optimistic about Chibnall Who is that he BTFOd the naysayers and cast a female Thirteen.
Let's BH here his DW and TW offerings so far haven't been stellar.
Broad church was pretty good tho. Addictive, if on a binge watch it was hard to not click next episode.
The Doctor has always been a male. They're making him a tranny just to pander to faggots like you who get excited at everything being politically correct.
When did this thread turn into such a fucking hugbox?
He's not chosing his body, he can't control it. I'd be like someone knocking you out and giving you a sex change. Are you mentally ill because of it? But since it's litteraly a new life for him he'll learn to embrace it, considering the alternative is to regenerate basically cutting his life span short and risk another weird change then why should he give a shit what he becomes?
I mean, it's been able to do all that for 54 years because of change. But alright, I guess I'm the problem.
>murray gold's "silly" tracks
Because you just said the show is now about CHANGE. Why must everything be politically correct? Why must you faggots ruin everything just to check a box of a list?
I support the military coat Jodie
I'm not who you were talking to
Why the phuck is Tardis wiki past tense as if the universe has ended?
Me too, there's been a distinct lack of spooky episodes like that. Knock Knock appeared to be one but turned out to be kinda shit.
Because you touch yourself at night.
On a side note, I like how Kukulkan is in my captcha. One of my favourite Maya gods.
>They're making him a tranny
The Doctor remembers his past lives. Now he's a tranny thanks to people like you.
Moffat's problem was listening to fan service too much but not accepting genuine criticism of his era.
RTD was just a shit writer.
I'll take someone like Chibnall who is a capable showrunner as long as he doesn't try to micromanage and write half the show.
Good god Sup Forums please leave, not everything is a political battle, just fucking leave
If I had to guess, they don't want to put things in present tense because of how often things change on the show, so they just do everything in past tense for the sake of style consistency.
She was there for the regeneration
twinkanon, if you're reading this, is the d&d campaign still being planned?
Did you even read the fucking post?
reminder to BASH THE FASH
Just like trannies can't control what body they're born into, yeah? Same fucking shit.
seeyou fucking sperg
I don't think one will explain it to her, he'll just tell her it's nothing and go about his business.
Because have you ever looked at Jenner's wikipedia article? They changed everything to be feminine. So "she" won the Olympics, despite being a man at the time.
>The Doctor remembers his past lives.
I find it immensely curious that you're hung up on this point. Is your problem really, quite literally, that the Doctor will be a woman while also having memories of previously being a man?
That's what's upsetting you so much?
It really was.
>tfw it's a Matheison episode
It's change I'm excited about, not this "political correctness" you're talking about. It's like you fear this change out of some tinfoil hat conspiracy that 13 was cast to please a certain audience. 13 was cast because Jodie won the audition and because DW is in desperate need of change.
He was a man then. Now he's a mentally ill tranny.
Alright, so you made it pretty obvious you're just a troll since you can't seem to read or reason. I'll just stop replying and get back to comfy /who/.
>the hat
This desu. I'm going to say The Doctor should wear a fiddler cap every year until it happens.
damn, you really hate transgender people don't you?
hell yeah
Can we finally have this with David Bradley?
Yes because now he's a transexual. Should I start referring to previous Doctors as "she" now? I don't give a fuck if he's an alien, changing genders is fucking retarded.
>not gpjcarrotorrac.jpg
missed opportunity
Yeah sure why not.
can't we meme this into reality already? does anyone know chibbers or his agents email? what about doctor who fanmail? or perhaps a petition?
>having this much fragile masculinity
Why should I like them?
Changing genders literally happens in creatures on our own planet, so its not even an alien concept