Why are you still watching porn, user? dailymail.co.uk
Why are you still watching porn, user?
I'm trying to quit
Good. I quit about a year ago and it was tough. The best way to quit is to keep your mind and body occupied with productive activities
>Its another correlation= causation article
In order to think porn is stopping people from having sex, you'd have to believe porn is a better option than the real thing.
Virgins watch porn because they're virgins, they're not virgins because they watch porn.
Waiting til I'm in my 30s then I'm gonna start fucking 19 year olds.
In the mean time, porn.
i'm clean for a week or something after realizing i cannot fap to girls without dicks involved anymore. really makes you think
did you quit fapping all together? or just porn?
>watching Jewish 3D porn
Read the article.
>guys goes to the doctor for ED
>doctor tells him to go 100 days without porn
>ED cured.
No. Fapping every once in awhile is actually somewhat good for you. I kept to no more than once a week.
>watch porn regulary
>not that western jew shit
>fap often, depending on circumstances 3-7 times a week
>probably would die to exhaustion with a real, loose vagina trying to cum
>take a break for 3 days
>barely have to touch dick and cum buckets
i don't know where the problem is
I am 25 years old. I don't personally know a single woman. I've been involved sexually with two women in my life. I haven't touched a female in six years. I don't give a flying fuck about being impotent or the lack of women in my life. Women are just a meme. I'd rather pursue my own interests and hobbies no matter how autistic they may be. It's much better to Simply jack off rather than waste time money and energy on a female
Be that way if that's what you really want. Nobody is stopping you from not procreating, but don't bitch about whites declining birthrates if you're not contributing.
now top your statement by becoming fit as fuck for your own health and confidence and become a pussy magnet
THEN you can proudly walk around and deny those golddiggers the D
until then you are just a fatso full of denial on Sup Forums
Time management is the lord of pleasure.
>I've been involved sexually with two women in my life.
I workout everyday. I am mega fit. I believe I am just ugly, user.
I jerk it to porn out of boredom. My life is devoid of all purpose, so when I get a spare hour in the day I figure I'll just fap it away, I have nothing else to do. I think this is the biggest reason for the massive prevalence of porn in modern society, people are fucking bored and have nothing to occupy their time.
This pretty much.
Once we start looking at women like muslims do, we'll have a chance.
Being fit is a meme, just be straightforward and tease them into a relationship and fuck their brains out. You don't have to be fit, you just have to be dominant.
u n c o m m o n
I'm not obsessed over having sex like you man.
Because of hot bitches like you posted duh
Hit the nail on the head for me.
White women don't have interest in White Men
Go away with that meme.
> meme
I'm not even some nigger just talking shit. I am a white male who grew up in American suburbs. It's over man we're done. White women are indoctrinated by our socialist liberal Society. White women are not attracted to white men.
Move to a small town in middle America and join a church. Assuming you're not a total neet shut in, you will meet a cute, loyal and Christian white women.
>t. Neet cuck
It's hard to believe women in the Midwest are any less coal-burning than women anywhere else in the country
The truth hurts I know you don't want to be that way but it's the reality of things. Fap the pain away.
>Women are boring and risky
>S-stop watching porn !
No, step up your game or I'm keeping the porn.
Why haven't you an heroed yet? Make sure you pull a breivik while you're at it.
I'm really trying to quit
I hate porn and fapping so much, but it's really hard to quit. kissless 30yo here, just terribly lonely and bored
Sometimes I think getting ED would be a relief, I might be able to wean myself off the poison
I like my life. Having sexual contact with women is not important
Nigger, nigger, somewhat decent, nigger.