Is this the dankest Sup Forums meme this season?
it's certainly my favorite
It's pretty gud
That's the same for ancaps.
Nice trips m8
bumping this shit for more ancap
this one made me laugh
That is a great idea. You could then buy up all of the land from few famished cannibal survivors for nice fat price of 1 ticket to outside.
You should make one about welcoming reditors.
for ancap you are the state of your land
a king without peasant
>recreational nukes
Someone make one about Posadists
I don't think I can go on any longer than this, I'm laughing so much right now my sides hurt
This is a good one.
It's pretty comprehensive, ironic, and replicable. an ideal meme.
I have grown a little tired of it since I get over memes pretty quickly, but I'll keep the folder for ez spamming when a legit redditor makes his way here and argues for ancap shiiiiet.
Can anyone name an argument against anarcho-capitalism, for nationalism that can't be restated as an argument against nationalism, for global government?
Easement, brah.
holy shit this is great
Ancap is the funniest thing to meme about, just the subject matter you work with. Everyone already knows the usual fascist shit like Communism are retarded but Ancap is retarded in a fucking horrifyingly hilarious way.
can you explain?
read the thread?
>taking memes seriously
the peoples that do the same as these meme have low survival instinct
Anyone have some anarcho-primativism memes?
I'm lovin' it
This is my favorite of all time, because it genuinely sounds better than the present.
Criticizing my survival instinct violates the NAP
>lobs a thumb nuke
implying i would not own the road myself :^)
The people who let Muslims with suspicious lumpy gloves hang around in their airports and train stations have low survival instinct
you sound like north korea
just consider yourself as the king of your private property and see how retarded a king would be to throw nuke like that
even saoudi arabia doesnt do that and they are sand-niggers
i know
Just a thumb nuke breh I'll put a fence around the spot you were standing in and occupy your house. I'm expanding my orphan high mercury content uranium tipped dildo manufacturing facility/
liberal have low survival instinct, that why ancapism, is the best to weed out the left(darwinism)
sound like saoudi arabia
This thread.
I repeat, all of these arguments can be phrased as arguments against nationalism, for global government.
Because anarcho-capitalism is just nationalism one a really small scale, that's why!
>the "dude, separate entities will always fight unless they are ruled over by a larger entity with the capacity for peacekeeping. Non aggression pacts don't work long term, they will just violate the rules whenever it benefits them, resulting in worldwide chaos."
This logically calls for a government with universal jurisdiction, because nations are separate entities and therefore doomed to fight forever, plunging the world into chaos.
>"we need a central government because military strength is a natural monopoly. It is most efficient to not have lots of parallel competition for the best army, and rather just have one central entity that doesn't need to waste funds making new weaponry and generally spending funds to be competitive"
Then we should have one global army, instead of various competing nation states, and feed starving children with the funds we save from not having parallel research into the same weapons.
>"Some actions and interactions have external effects and the market, being composed of different rational actors, will not produce goods with positive or negative externalities at the optimal rate. Therefore we need a government to oversee other entities."
This logically calls for a government with universal jurisdiction because you need a government that can take responsibility for external effects regardless of where they are produced or manifest. Nation states are rational actors that will not be able to cooperate to the point of producing goods at the most efficient rate. Solving this requires a world government.
Web brigades sponsored by the US government tend to think that they are.
A classic
sound like stepping on the private property of kim jong un
Ancap here
You lot are just jealous of iur freedom :(
I agree with a ton of criticisms of autismo-anarchy, but this one doesn't make sense. It isn't like government testing agencies are inherently trustworthy, it is just that they don't have any meta-agencies to be investigated by.
At least (usually) a government has to release large parts of it's findings to the public through the freedom of Information Act. Where as a private company could exclusively hide any of it's wrong doings in an Ancap land.
I wish I lived in a Ancap or Ancom world, That way I could shoot my neighbor's helicopter down, Damn motherfucker.
>has to release large parts of it's findings to the public through the freedom of Information Act.
That's good, I suppose.
>Where as a private company could exclusively hide any of it's wrong doings in an Ancap land.
Not if it wants to be believable, which is the entire goal of an inspection agency.
sound like turkey
I agree. I think we should make a city in Africa into an (((Anarcho-Capitalist liberal paradise))) and use it as our jail (deport criminals to Africa)
Literally will solve every problem.
I truly believe this.
I suppose this means any old shmuck with a Metal Gear can just start a fucking country in the middle of the ocean
No you're wrong. The fundamental flaw of ancap is you cannot investigate the NAP without potentially infringing it. So there is no capitalism; only anarchy.
>mfw all these memes violate the NAP
they would most likly be able to colonise it back if you put non-black criminals
KEK, ancap Brazilian youre truly a child, our government inhibits our freedom in everything still we are a bunch of apes killing each other imagine that without the fucking state
this is how it works in Brazil Sup Forums:
>there is a problem we need to fix
>we have money and resources to fix it
> fixing it will aid millions of people and improve the country
> hue hue br asks himself what do i get from it?
>answer is nothing you just helped your own people to evolve with their money
>hue hue br decides the problem isn't real takes the cash for himself
and that is what people see here everyday and then they just say OH THE STATE IS CORRUPT OUR PEOPLE IS HONEST AND BEAUTIFUL ITS THE STATE KEEPING US DOWN
kill yourselves any hue that thinks ancap is any solution
I know! That's the brilliance!
turn Africa into the (((melting pot)))
most of them do, some are pretty witty and don't (if you think about it)
you cannot investigate china too
you sound like UN being butthurt
the first three hundred threads were funny occassionally. now a shit.
>investigate the NAP